Basic rules for facial care

All women dream of being attractive, dazzling and eye-catching men. To achieve this effect, you need to monitor your health, use a variety of care products and listen to your body.
The girl's face is an extremely unprotected part of the body, which is negatively influenced by various external influences. Also, the internal processes of the body can be reflected in the condition of the skin. Therefore, the fairer sex should remember that constant skin care is what helps to make it healthier, more radiant, firm and youthful. Improper home care leads to bad consequences, so in order not to harm yourself, you need to know some rules that allow girls to stay young and attractive for a long time.

Determine your skin type
To choose the right remedies, you need to find out what type of skin a woman has. Then leaving will solve the existing problems. You can turn to a professional who can help you find out about your skin type and advise on how to solve problems, but you can also find out on your own.
You need to carefully study the skin of the face and try to notice small features that will tell you about what type of owner you are.
- Dry skin is tight, has narrowed pores. It is this type that tends to age prematurely, in this regard, intensive hydration is important.
- Oily skin has such distinctive qualities as an oily sheen and wide pores. May often become inflamed, have many acne and comedones. It must be properly cleaned.

- Normal skin does not have any visible imperfections, but it also needs careful maintenance. If you choose the wrong cosmetics, a variety of skin diseases can develop.
- If, with minimal external or internal exposure, the skin turns red and flakes, then it is sensitive. Manufacturers of care products for this type made sure that they do not contain substances that aggressively affect the skin, as well as fragrances and other components that can lead to bad consequences.
- It is quite difficult to acquire the right products for the care of the combination type. The girl should distinguish between areas in need of care and select means to get rid of any specific problems.

What negatively affects?
There are many other factors that can make your skin look less elastic and beautiful. Those who smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, sweet flour products and other fast carbohydrates often have skin deterioration. Alcohol can dilate blood vessels, and if consumed too often, redness will appear on the face.
Smokers and lovers of sweets impair their blood supply, due to which the level of collagen and elastin decreases. Namely, they make the skin elastic.

A few more factors:
- When the skin is exposed to sunlight or a tanning bed, it is tanned, which looks quite attractive, but overuse of ultraviolet light can be detrimental. If you handle it carelessly, the skin will become thick, lose a lot of moisture and produce a lot of melanin pigment, which will contribute to the appearance of fine wrinkles.
- It is important to remember that any person needs to regularly drink a certain amount of water (about 2 liters). It helps to avoid dehydration of the skin and keep it healthy, supple and attractive.
- Every girl knows that you cannot use low-quality cosmetics, because it negatively affects the skin. There are foundations and powders that clog pores, and cosmetics that have many chemicals in them. If you use such products constantly, this will lead to the fact that the face will fade prematurely.

- Some people think that if nature has awarded them a worthy figure, it is possible not to lead an active lifestyle. It is believed that outdoor activities and sports exercises only tighten the muscles. The gymnast stimulates growth hormone, which promotes rapid skin cell renewal. Her condition is getting better.
- Hard water is extremely difficult to wash off soap and other detergents, so you should use melted or drinking water. The not too good ecology of the city brings many problems due to dirt, a large amount of toxins and dust. All this settles in the pores, subsequently clogs them and causes inflammation.
- Factors such as cold winds and low humidity can dry out your skin.

Care steps
There are basic rules that can help a girl to make her skin smooth, beautiful and youthful. There are several step-by-step recommendations to achieve the desired effect and prolong the youthfulness of the skin, preserve it, and protect it from various negative influences.
Their consistency is extremely important, because if you do not follow it, the skin will become unhealthy and acquire many problems.

The most important step is cleansing. It is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face daily, since during the day a large amount of dust, harmful substances in the air gets on it, and sebum is also formed. Most girls do not leave the house until they have applied a large amount of foundation, powder and other decorative products to their face that clog pores and contribute to inflammation. Because of them, blackheads, blackheads and other equally unpleasant things form.This should be understood and not neglected such a necessary step as correct and thorough cleansing of the skin.
You need to get rid of the problem with the help of professional cleansers: lotions, micellar water and milk. For those who love DIY home remedies, there is a recipe to help actors. The vegetable oil is heated and placed on the face in a small layer. After a few minutes, it is removed. It perfectly cleanses the skin and moisturizes it.

Purified water is the best remedy because the skin will absorb the substances in the liquid. Rainwater and melt water are good remedies, but if you can't get them, you can use filtered tap water. Many cosmetologists say that you should not use soap, it contains alkali, which adversely affects the water balance of the facial skin. Better to use milk.

It should be noted that the middle and deep peels are salon procedures. Here we are talking about superficial peels available at home. This procedure is recommended to be carried out 2 times a week using a suitable scrub. It is necessary to get rid of dead cells, smooth out the relief and cleanse the pores well. You need to apply the scrub to the skin, before moistening it with water, and rub with light movements without pressing.
If there is any inflammation or irritation on the face, this procedure should not be carried out.

The best options for scrubs are DIY home remedies.
For their manufacture, you can take salt (sea), ground coffee, sugar. Each ingredient is mixed with heavy cream or sour cream for the best effect. You can use honey. After application, you need to massage the skin, and after the product becomes thick and begins to roll, it is necessary to remove it with wet wipes, having previously moistened them in a decoction made from herbs in advance. The procedure will have a good effect on the skin, get rid of dead skin cells and make it softer.

Home care involves the use of cleansing masks 1-2 times every 7-8 days. Before the procedure, you should use a steam bath with the addition of essential oils. This will maximize your pores and rid them of harmful toxins. But there are skin problems in which it cannot be used, in particular allergic reactions.
A mask that contains cosmetic clay is the best option.
To choose the right clay, you need to know your skin type.
For a woman with a mixed type, white clay is suitable, with a bold one - blue and green, and a dry one - red. After exposure to such masks, the face must be soothed with a tonic, removing what is left of the funds, allowing the pores to close and giving the face a healthy color and freshness.

For moisturizing, you should use special creams. Means are selected taking into account the type of skin and age of the fairer sex. For a younger one, you need a light gel that has a moisturizing effect. Mature skin, on the other hand, needs comprehensive care that provides nutrition and elasticity. It is important not to forget that the moisturizer should only be applied in the morning.
The best effect can be achieved with moisturizing masks used several times every seven days. It is important to consider that masks that are offered in retail outlets and online stores may contain both useful ingredients and not very suitable substances. To avoid the negative influence of such compositions, it is better to make masks of your own preparation, which cannot harm the face, unless, of course, the recommendations of competent specialists are taken into account.

It is important to keep in mind that the use of moisturizers will not have a beneficial effect if used in too dry rooms or in very hot or frosty weather, as most of them work on the principle of absorbing moisture from the surrounding air.If the humidity level of the environment is lower than that of the skin, the opposite effect will occur. In this case, moisture will not occur, the skin may even dry out even more.
Experts recommend applying the cream immediately after washing (10 seconds rule), then moisture from the skin surface will be absorbed along with the product.

If a girl regularly takes care of her skin, she should pay attention to such useful and important remedies as tonic and lotion. For their correct use, you should read the instructions on the package. It is necessary to use products on a natural basis so that there is no alcohol in the composition. Many girls love baby creams and make the right choice, because baby care products contain only natural ingredients that cannot cause allergies or addiction. If someone is not satisfied with the funds from the stores, you can make them yourself using decoctions of herbs. These products can be stored in the refrigerator and must be warmed up a little before use.

Home cryotherapy will provide an additional effect. It will help to make the face look fresher and more elastic.
This procedure can be done using an ice cube made from a decoction of medicinal herbs. Suitable for use are chamomile, nettle and other herbs that have a beneficial effect on skin health. This procedure will tone it up, get rid of edema and traces of fatigue, and narrow pores. It is necessary to gently "massage" the face with ice cubes. This will improve microcirculation, strengthen blood vessels and prevent the appearance of a capillary mesh. The skin will become elastic and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Every type needs regular nutrition, which is obtained by the skin through nourishing masks and creams. Usually the cream is used before going to bed. Before applying it, you need to warm it up a little in your hand. After 15-20 minutes, the remnants of the product must be carefully removed. If this is not done, the pores will become clogged and comedones may form.
There are many nutritious masks available, but homemade masks sometimes nourish the skin better than store-bought ones. Girls can take advantage of the beneficial properties of a variety of foods that are in their refrigerator. The components must be selected taking into account the type of skin. The masks should be kept on the face for half an hour and then washed off with cold or warm water. After use, the skin should be wiped with ice.

Homemade recipes
If a girl leads an active lifestyle and she has no time to visit beauty parlors, you can use folk remedies. It is quite interesting to make a variety of masks and scrubs, and very pleasant to use.
Preparing masks at home means protecting yourself from chemicals and other not very pleasant substances that have an extremely negative effect on the skin. There are many different options for masks that can help nourish, moisturize, tone the skin, make it smooth and soft.
Folk cosmetics have always been considered the most affordable and effective enough.
- Strawberry scrub. Crush five strawberries with a spoon, then cover them with one tbsp. a spoonful of milk powder. Next, you need to supplement the blank with 2-3 drops of mandarin and chamomile essential oil. The finished scrub is placed on the face with smooth movements. It is better to massage the skin a little, then rinse off the product. It will help unclog pores and is suitable for owners of oily and combination types.

- Sage lotion. Two tbsp. tablespoons of sage leaves are placed in boiling water. The broth is infused for 2-3 hours, after which a small spoonful of honey is added to it. Let the mask cool down, moisten a cotton pad with it and wipe your face. The lotion is incredibly effective for sensitive skin types and is a wonderful nourishment option.
- Honey mask. A few aloe leaves are washed and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Then everything is cut, wrung out.It is necessary to grind the ingredient so that a mass that looks like a gruel comes out. Put one tablespoon of honey in the squeezed juice. A great option for girls with a dry type.
- Apple mask. The big apple is peeled, chopped and boiled. During the cooking process, add 4 tablespoons of milk. The substance is cooked to a state of porridge. The mass cools down and spreads over the face. After 20-30 minutes, the mask is removed. Suitable for any type of skin, it nourishes perfectly and allows the skin to be fresh.

Masks for girls with normal skin type:
- Cabbage, beets and eggplant are chopped on a grater or with a knife. Mix, you should get a liquid mass. The product should be on the face for 15-30 minutes. A lemon is squeezed into cool water, with which the mask is then washed off.
- Mix a small amount of vegetable oil and warmed milk with salt, add a spoonful of curd mass. Stir the mixture gently, place on the face, hold the mask for half an hour. Rinse off with tea. The result is nutrition with a gentle peeling effect.
- Beat the egg yolk, add a small spoonful of glycerin. Apply the resulting mask to the skin, let it stand for 20-30 minutes, rinse.
- Art. l. yeast + water + chopped horseradish. Everything gets mixed up. The mask is kept on the face for 10 minutes, then washed off.
- The yolk is pounded. You need to lubricate the skin with them, then wait until it dries and rinse.

Funds after 30 years
At this age, there are signs that the body's ability to recover has weakened. Quite often, girls see the negative effect of stressful situations, malnutrition, lack of sleep on the skin. At the age of 30, women are actively using creams and gels with a regenerating effect. It is important to carefully monitor the skin around the eyes, since at this age it is she who is most susceptible to various problems.
Anti-aging masks will be able to make the skin younger and more beautiful.
- 10 g flour + 10 g milk + yolk. Apply to face and keep for 15 minutes.
- Cut currant leaves, linden flowers, plantain, strawberry leaves and cover with boiled water. Everything gets mixed up. Apply the resulting gruel and keep it for twenty minutes.

Remedies after forty years
At this age, it is necessary to use a night cream and abandon the traumatic and stretching film masks.
Homemade masks can be helpful and can easily keep your skin healthy.
- Honey + glycerin + water + ground oatmeal. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. The mask is placed on the face and lasts for 20 minutes.

Funds after 50 years
Women of this age feel that the aging process has begun. It is necessary to use procedures that will rejuvenate and maintain the skin, as well as allow it to stay supple and radiant longer. The protective functions must be restored first.
To avoid various problems, you can use some budgetary funds:
- Grind a few apricots and one banana, making a porridge-like mass. 20 g of cream is poured into it, everything is stirred and placed on the face for half an hour.
- Mix 30 grams of curd mass with 10 grams of honey, pour 10 grams of olive oil into it, hold it on the skin for 20 minutes.
The skin around the eyes is a rather problematic area that needs careful and daily care.

There are several helpful home care recipes that can help women take care of this area of their face.
- Many girls like to drink tea. Tea bags can be used to relieve irritation and moisturize the skin around the eyes. The tannin in tea helps to remove blue and swelling. If it is not possible to use tea in a bag, you can use regular loose tea. This method is ideal for those who need to quickly remove signs of fatigue.
- The mask, which helps girls not to think about wrinkles under the eyes, is extremely easy to prepare.The egg yolk is mixed with a dessert spoon of honey and a small amount of milk powder. The mixture must be stirred so that it becomes a uniform mass. The gruel is superimposed on the eyes and is there for half an hour. Care should be taken not to get the mask in the eyes.

- Chop the banana and use only one tbsp. spoon of mass. It should add Art. a spoonful of melted butter. The mixture is applied to the eyelids and gently hammered into the skin like a cream. Is there for 20 minutes. An effective anti-wrinkle treatment.
- To smooth out wrinkles and make the skin around the eyes look fresh and healthy again, it is worth using a mask, one of the ingredients of which is oatmeal. Paul Art. tablespoons of chopped oatmeal is poured with warm milk. After the porridge swells, it is placed on the skin around the eyes. Keep for 20 minutes.

In order for cosmetics to work correctly and help fight problems, you need to know about the correct technique for applying them. It is necessary to apply them along the massage lines, as this contributes to less stretching of the skin. If you constantly stretch the skin and use the products incorrectly, additional wrinkles may appear on it.

Any cosmetic product should be applied to the face with only fingertips. The skin should not be stretched and it is also not worth pressing hard on it.
The hand should be relaxed as much as possible. If the cream is thick or the skin is thin, it should be applied with a patting motion. Many people use the ring finger, because it is the weakest (it puts the least pressure on the skin). First, the cream is squeezed onto the hand, and then taken with the fingers and applied to the face. This is how professional makeup artists work. Before applying the product, lightly rub it in your hands to warm it up a little. This increases its activity and promotes high efficiency. Apply the cream in small portions. You need to get rid of the excess by gently wiping your face with napkins. Do not take too little or too much cream. An optimal amount is needed so that the product can moisturize the skin without weighing it down.

It is important to remember that the day cream is applied at least 30 minutes before going outside, and in winter - an hour.
It must have time to be absorbed, otherwise the skin will only get worse. The night cream is applied 40-50 minutes before bedtime. For the product to be well absorbed, muscle mobility is necessary. If you apply it and immediately fall asleep, the muscles will be relaxed, microcirculation will be disturbed, the cream will not "work" and edema may appear in the morning.
Young girls may not purchase a night cream. To maintain cleanliness and health of the skin, they should only clean and wipe it with a toner. At this age, the skin is able to recover on its own. If you start to "help" her, she can age earlier.

Rules that every girl should follow:
- It is important to be aware of what type of skin she has in order to purchase the most suitable products for a particular type. What is a good option for dry skin can harm oily skin.
- It is necessary to be attentive to overly sensitive areas of the face that need more thorough care. The thinnest and most vulnerable of them are the skin around the eyes and lips. In order for them to be well nourished, you need to use serum.
- In the morning, wipe your skin with a foam wash to help cleanse it.
- It is strictly forbidden to go to bed without removing your makeup. If you leave cosmetics on your face, the skin will not breathe, acne and redness will appear on it.

- Peeling is something you shouldn't forget about. A lady should carry out a superficial procedure 2-3 times a week so that the skin can be cleansed.
- Cosmetics should not cause allergies. After using it, rashes and redness should not appear on the face.
- In the summer, a girl should actively use protective creams.So that the sun's rays do not have a detrimental effect on the skin, before going outside, cosmetic products with sunscreens should be applied to the skin.
- Alcoholic beverages, nicotine and stress - all this has an extremely negative effect on the skin, it is worth giving up bad habits and minimizing, if possible, irritating factors.
- To keep the skin always beautiful and radiant, it is worth periodically acquiring vitamins, especially in the spring.
- Every woman should remember that lips need care in the same way as other areas. It is important to use lip cream and special scrubs.

- Quite often, in reviews of various cosmetic products, you can see information about the feeling of heaviness when applied to the face. Therefore, it must be remembered that you cannot go to bed with makeup. This has an extremely negative effect on the skin and can cause diseases.
- Throughout the day, the skin contains many unpleasant and unhealthy substances, which subsequently prevent it from breathing and clog the pores, which causes redness, rashes and other not very pleasant processes. The best way to get rid of this problem is to wipe your skin with a damp cloth throughout the day.
- If your skin is peeling, you shouldn't apply makeup on it very often. It will be better to use light makeup that will not cause much discomfort. There are many cosmetic products that are not too dense that allow the skin to breathe. It's easy to pick them up.

Almost every product (except perhaps meat and fish) that a girl has in her refrigerator can be used as a skin care product at home. But it should be remembered that the selection of such "funds" depends on what type of skin the fairer sex has. Also, before using home masks, you need to find out the recommendations of specialists in order to avoid harm.
It is important to remember that a person creates his own beauty and attractiveness himself. If a girl takes care of her face, she will always shine and draw attention to herself.

Ten skin care secrets await you in the video below.