Parsley: properties and rules of application for the face

Natural cosmetics have become very popular lately. For example, many women pay special attention to parsley, using it to cleanse the skin and keep it youthful. What are the properties and rules for using this plant for the face will be discussed further.

Parsley has a rich list of useful properties. This annual plant, inherent in most gardeners' gardens, is characterized by a complex of vitamins that make up its chemical composition. In addition to the fact that parsley is an effective remedy for various diseases of the body, it has a tonic, nourishing and refreshing effect. Applying the plant to the face will not only saturate the cells with useful substances, but also rid it of excess moisture and whiten it, improving the complexion.
In addition to the leaves, the roots of the culture are also useful. It contains essential oils, as well as flavonoids, glycosides, carotene and ascorbic acid. The beneficial properties are manifested not only when the herb is used externally. If consumed regularly, it will speed up the metabolic processes of the female body, strengthen the heart system, and put the digestive organs in order.
It should also be noted that the plant has a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland, on which the health of a woman as a whole depends. Other beneficial qualities include the ability of parsley to relieve pain in the body, as well as eliminate inflammation, which is especially important for irritated and sore skin. It is used as a disinfectant and also as a medicine for puffiness.In addition, it perfectly removes salt from the body and fights acne breakouts.

If you use the plant inside and periodically make cosmetic masks from it, together this will affect the general condition of the skin, improve their condition. The correct approach to caring for your skin with this herb allows you to cope with the first signs of skin aging or early aging. Due to its natural origin, the approach to eliminating skin imperfections is complex.
The use of parsley allows you to make the skin of the face tightened, firm and elastic. Due to vitamins A and B included in its composition, masks with this herb enrich the epidermal cells with the necessary substances, making up for their deficiency. The dermis gets rid of dryness, it stops flaking. Thanks to vitamin K, which regulates blood clotting, it is possible to dissolve bruises, eliminate dark circles under the eyes, which has a beneficial effect on a woman's appearance.
Due to carotene, parsley protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. With pectin and thiamine in its composition, the action of the plant is directed to the healing of microcracks, wounds and inflammations.
In general, it can be called a truly valuable cosmetic product for the face and women's health. However, so that the medicinal herb does not harm the health of the skin, it must be used correctly.

Indications for use
Parsley can be used for cosmetic purposes in different ways. It can be a medical complex of course procedures or prevention of mimic wrinkles.
The plant is in demand for:
- getting rid of the epidermis from freckles;
- even out skin tone by eliminating age-related pigmentation;
- increasing the tone of facial tissues;
- reducing the severity of deep wrinkles;
- getting rid of the epidermis from "crow's feet";
- getting rid of "bags" under the eyes;
- normalization of sebum production;
- ridding the face of puffiness and swelling;
- whitening of the skin.

Parsley-based masks are suitable for women of different age groups. However, in order for their action to be directed, it is necessary to adhere to the correct ratio of ingredients, as well as exactly those additives that are needed to eliminate the imperfections of a particular skin type.
What gives?
The use of parsley masks allows you to eliminate itching and gray tone of the epidermis. By eliminating toxins, the skin gains a healthy color. Cosmetics made from parsley help to reduce the severity of scars, they make the spots after acne less noticeable. Thanks to nicotinic acid, it is possible to normalize blood flow. In addition, parsley masks stimulate the production of natural collagen.

With a lot of advantages, the express test cannot be ignored. If it shows the presence of an allergic skin reaction to parsley, it is contraindicated to use it in cosmetology. In addition, you need to take into account and individual intolerance. If it is available, it is unacceptable to use such cosmetics.

Plant preparation rules
Regardless of the type of cosmetic product being prepared, the plant should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Most often, parsley leaves are used for masks, which are poured over with boiling water and cut in order to obtain natural juice. The resulting mass is the basis for various mixtures. At the same time, it has the maximum benefit if a fresh plant is used for masks.
When there is no fresh greenery in the house, a dry plant can be used. In this case, decoctions and tonics are prepared from it, using as rubbing and washing.
If a woman prefers to make lotions, compresses in addition to masks, it is worth using the roots of the plant. Like the leaves themselves, they are crushed after rinsing and drying. Both fresh and dried roots can be used.

The best recipes
In order for the effect of a parsley-based cosmetic product to be as pronounced as possible, its focus should be taken into account. The type of home cosmetics (mask, lotion, tonic, cream, lotion, infusion) will depend on this. For example, masks are needed to eliminate pigmentation, while lotions can be used to remove bags under the eyes. For their manufacture, gauze is used.
Small bags are made of it (no larger than an eye socket), where finely chopped greens of the plant are placed. Then they are dipped in boiling water for about 1 minute, after which they are removed and cooled to a temperature comfortable for the eyes. While they are still warm, they are applied to the eyes, which allows you to relieve fatigue and get rid of redness of the skin.

If we consider decoctions, each woman chooses for herself which part of the plant to make them from. When she chooses the leaf option, the optimal formulation ratio is 50 g per 0.4 L of water. The method for preparing a cosmetic product is to pour chopped greens into a prepared container, pour water over it, put it on the stove and cook after boiling for about 15 minutes. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, strain the product.
The convenience of such a decoction is the fact that it can be used in different ways. For example, it can be a self-contained cleanser that does not require additional ingredients to increase its effectiveness. In addition, on the basis of a decoction of parsley, you can prepare tonics, masks, compresses and lotions. In this case, the concentration will be different, but due to other active components it will be possible to influence the specific problem of the skin.
When plant roots are used for decoction, their amount per glass of water should not exceed more than one tablespoon of the crushed product. Such a drug for the skin of the face can be prepared differently: for example, pour boiling water immediately, then bring to a boil and remove from the stove. The uniqueness of the recipe lies in the fact that the liquid must cool when the container is closed, wrapped up. It is best to use a towel for this purpose.

This homemade cosmetics, when applied as a course, will cleanse the skin and reduce the severity of wrinkles. Moreover, if you enrich it with other components with a whitening effect, it will brighten the face and give it a fresh, rested look. Even baby cream can be enriched with parsley, using two parts of cream for one part of the crushed green mass.
Consider a few other effective recipes through which you can noticeably improve the condition of the facial skin.
It is not difficult to prepare a whitening cosmetic lotion from parsley that will not only even out the tone of the face, but also relieve the skin of age-related pigmentation. To do this, you will need chopped greens of the plant (1 tablespoon), as well as a glass of mineral water without gas and 50 g of dry white wine. Freshly picked greens are poured with water, placed in a water bath for about half an hour. After the right time, they are removed from the heat, insisted and filtered.
After that, wine is added to the still warm mass. To use such a tonic was convenient, it is poured into a container, the remaining field of the used lotion. The cosmetic product should be used in the morning and in the evening, while wiping it only with previously cleansed skin. Store this cosmetics away from sunlight and heat.

Cosmetic ice, which will not only improve the condition of the epidermis, but also give it a light tan tone, can be made from half a liter of pure water, two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, a tablespoon of black tea and a small bunch of fresh parsley. The plant is washed, cut, combined with all other components and put on low heat. Bring the mass to a boil, then simmer for another 15 minutes, and then insist for another 15 minutes, removing it from the stove.
After the broth has cooled down a little, it is filtered, squeezing out particles of grass, tea and chamomile. Next, the strained liquid is poured into molds for ice cubes and sent to freezing. When they get cold, they take them out and rub their face every day until they run out. In this case, the skin before the procedure must be clean, otherwise the effectiveness of the product will be significantly reduced.

This ice is rubbed onto the face in a circular motion. This allows you to rejuvenate the skin, saturate the cells with useful substances and vitamins, and also increase the tone. In addition, this procedure has a disinfecting effect. However, it is necessary to apply useful ice in a course so that the cells do not get used to it, since this reduces efficiency.
You can make cubes from parsley alone by grinding it into a liquid mass with a blender. In that case, you will have to fill in the forms with squeezed juice. However, such ice is not a universal remedy for facial skin rejuvenation.
And we must not forget that for someone too much concentration of a plant in cosmetics created at home may be contraindicated.

These funds differ not only in composition, but also in consistency. For example, a recipe for treating the skin around the eyes sometimes involves the use of not just finely chopped greens, but even gruel. To do this, parsley is chopped in a blender, which allows you to get a liquid mushy mass, abundant in its own juice. Cosmetologists note that in this form the mask has the maximum benefit, since the finer the fraction of the main ingredient of the mask, the more pronounced its effect.
However, to prevent the mask from dripping off the face, some of the juice has to be squeezed out. After that, the gruel is applied to the area around the eyes, then covered with cotton pads or gauze tampons and left on the skin for 20 minutes. This tool allows you to effectively fight the so-called "crow's feet". If you need to even out wrinkles not only in the eye area, but also in other areas of the face, add a spoonful of sour cream to the crushed gruel before applying.
This cosmetics allows you to smooth out fine wrinkles. Of course, it will not completely remove mimic wrinkles, but the effectiveness of this recipe is a proven fact, as well as the benefits of the plant. The face after several procedures of this type becomes taut and even. In addition, it will brighten, get rid of acne.

When you need to tighten the oval of the face and give the skin elasticity, add yogurt in equal proportions to chopped parsley, as well as chopped cucumber. From such a mask, after half an hour of application, the skin looks refreshed and fresh. Fatigue is erased completely, the woman's face seems younger and smoother. At the same time, the number of comedones also decreases.
If the skin suffers from rosacea or is replete with wrinkles, to eliminate this problem, you need to make an infusion of parsley mixed with milk in a 1: 2 ratio. The mixed liquid is heated to 40 degrees before use. The course is about 10 procedures, while the mass is applied to the skin daily.

For fading and pigmented skin, use a mask consisting of parsley and dill (1 tablespoon each) and still mineral water. This tool will whiten your complexion, get rid of dullness, and make it fresh. The greens are crushed and combined with water so that it barely covers the green mass. Then it is covered with a lid and removed to infuse for 12 hours.
When the time is up, the mass is lightly squeezed out and applied to the steamed face. After about 15-20 minutes, the mass is removed, the skin is washed with lukewarm water. The squeezed liquid can be used to wash the skin or use it as a toner.
To treat the sensitive dermis to parsley, in addition to water, you can add sage herb. If sage is not available, you can replace it with rose petals.At the same time, one tablespoon of parsley and a second herb usually goes to a glass of boiling water. The components are combined, insisted for about 2 hours, then cooled and used as a mask or lotion.
This tool allows you not only to relieve irritation of cells, but also to eliminate redness and flaking.

Application Tips
Despite the comprehensive approach to facial skin care, it is important to consider the preliminary preparation of the skin. It doesn't matter what kind of product you plan to use (toner, whitening mask, anti-pigmentation agent or lotion), the skin must be clean. The maximum intensity of the effect can be obtained if it is steamed. However, no matter how much you like the recipe, it is important to make a mask strictly taking into account the characteristics of a particular skin type.
Otherwise, home cosmetics can harm the condition of the skin or even worsen its appearance. You can add various additives to parsley, including sour cream, milk, kefir and even butter.
It is important to consider the fact that home-made cosmetics should be used immediately after their preparation. Liquids (juice, decoction or infusion) can be stored in a cold place for no more than two days, and over time their effectiveness decreases.

The mask can be used for a maximum of 24 hours from the moment of preparation. With regard to ice cubes, it is worth noting that they last longer than other types of herbal cosmetics. However, they cannot be stored for a long time: after a week in the freezer, they are not suitable for cosmetic procedures.
Other recommendations include a few more tips:
- the root of the plant is grated, a knife or blender is used for herbs;
- masks are washed off with running water at room temperature;
- after the procedures, a cream is applied, taking into account the specific type of skin;
- an ordinary plant variety (not curly) is more effective for masks and decoctions;
- in the absence of kefir, you can use yogurt;
- the root of the plant better saves from age spots.

The use of parsley in cosmetology is a measure that effectively combats various imperfections of the facial skin. Many women are sure of this, who regularly use this plant to rejuvenate their skin. In the reviews left on the World Wide Web, it is noted that parsley-based cosmetics are a measure for the prevention of acne and acne. It normalizes the production of sebum, due to which the face gets rid of the nasty oily sheen.
In addition, - the fair sex are sure, - due to parsley, home cosmetics replenish the moisture deficit of the skin of the face. That is why dryness and flaking is eliminated, which is noted in women's reviews. This plant effectively narrows blood vessels, which is important for rosacea and is noticed by middle-aged women. Masks, tonics, lotions are effective in whitening and removing grayness of the face, in addition, they eliminate puffiness.

For information on how to make a parsley mask, see the next video.