Features of skin nutrition

All skin types need nourishment. In this article, we will introduce you to the features of nutritious cosmetics, tell you about its differences from moisturizers and give recommendations on choosing the right composition.

What is the difference between nutrition and hydration?
Skin nutrition and hydration are similar in their action. That is why many women still cannot say for sure what the difference is between moisturizers and nourishing agents and why the skin needs to be nourished if just hydration is enough.
The main difference is that moisturizers are 70% water and their main function is to prevent moisture loss from the dermis. The nourishing cream consists of 60% vegetable fats, therefore its tasks include nourishing the skin of the face and saturating the skin with minerals and vitamins.
A moisturizer is suitable for all skin types, while a nourishing cream is more often used for mature skin.
Features of the composition dictate their own conditions for using the cream. So, a nutritious one can be used at any time of the year, while a moisturizer is not recommended to be applied at subzero temperatures.

Indications for the use of both are dry skin. However, it can be caused by various reasons - insufficient function of the sebaceous glands, as well as dehydration. Any skin is subject to pathological processes. The following factors can lead to the most unfavorable consequences:
- improper nutrition;
- taking antibiotics;
- disruption of the digestive tract and endocrine system;
- the use of a large amount of decorative cosmetics;
- adverse weather conditions, prolonged exposure to dry air or the sun.

All these factors cause lipid imbalance in the dermis and require the use of nutritious care products. The fact is that all nutritional formulations contain a large amount of fat-soluble components, as well as fats. All other ingredients in the cream (antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals) are indirectly related to the nutrition of the dermis - they allow you to enhance or complement the action of the main component.
Thus, All nutritional compositions perform one task - they make up for the lack of natural skin fats, from which the protective mantle of the epidermis - lipids - is formed. Lipids such as cholesterol, fat-soluble acids and ceramides are natural structural particles in the skin, which are responsible for maintaining the functioning of cellular signals, helping to maintain the protective function of the skin and its natural regeneration.

Lack of lipids, which is often the result of adverse external influences, leads to very dire consequences.
- Delayed exfoliation of keratinocytes - this leads to dry skin and uneven texture. Dry skin often has a rough surface. Many women believe that the reason for this is a lack of water, and actively use moisturizers, but they do not lead to positive changes. In fact, in most cases, the flakiness is caused by a lack of lipids, which requires the use of nourishing creams.
- Violation of the integrity of the epidermal barrier. This layer is necessary for the regeneration and self-healing of the skin - as soon as the epidermis ceases to protect cells from adverse external influences, the course of the main life processes immediately changes in the tissue, in particular, the regenerative function and the ability to self-regenerate decrease.
- Decreased moisture... The lipid barrier allows you to retain water in the skin, therefore, in the absence of a high-quality fatty film, moisture simply evaporates from the cells, leading to a deterioration in the condition of the skin.
- Early aging. With age, lipid deficiency progresses, all this causes a decrease in turgor and elasticity, a decrease in tissue density, and the appearance of wrinkles.

Thus, if you compare moisturizers and nourishing creams, you will notice that moisturizers are designed to keep the moisture level in the cells. The action of the nourishing cream is primarily aimed at restoring the lipid barrier of the skin.
Having solved this problem, the cream thus relieves the dermis from a number of problems resulting from "lipid starvation".

Means options
All nutrients are very diverse. Depending on the composition of the care cosmetics, the effect it produces also differs. The modern industry offers a wide range of nutritious creams, but to this day, many women choose "grandmother's" beauty recipes.
In the old days, nourishing creams were thick in texture, and nowadays, the use of new production technologies allows you to include lipids and oils even in lighter formulas. All nutrients are divided into two large groups.
- Creams and balms... Designed for dry and irritated skin. They are recommended to be applied during the cold season - in autumn and winter they create effective protection against frost and piercing winds. These products are also often used for night care, helping to restore and rest the skin.
- Fluids and emulsions. These are agents of a broader spectrum of action, they are versatile, effectively nourish and protect the skin. They have a lighter texture, therefore they can be used even in summer as a night or day care product. This category includes serum around the eyes, toner and cosmetic milk.

The effect of a nourishing cream is different depending on whether day or night... So, night creams are designed to restore the protective barrier of the skin. They contain components that contribute to the regeneration and restoration of the skin - these are plant extracts, nourishing oils or vitamin A. Day creams effectively protect the skin from the adverse effects of external factors. They contain an SFP filter as well as a higher percentage of water in relation to the fatty ingredients.
To achieve the most positive effect, it is recommended to use both night and day creams, the replacement of one product with another will not give the desired result.

Only specialists can make up a face cream on their own, but every woman can make a useful mask at home. To do this, you can use foods, oils and herbs that are available in every home.
Sour cream and cottage cheese are highly effective. In order to make a nourishing mask, it is necessary to mix both components in different proportions and add sea salt - the resulting composition is applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off with cool water.

You can also nourish your skin with natural oils - they penetrate deeply into skin cells and rejuvenate the tissues of the deepest layers without leaving any harmful film on the surface. As a base, pumpkin, sesame, linseed, corn oil, as well as oil from apricot or grape seeds are usually used.

Honey is part of many nutritional masks. According to user reviews, a mixture of kefir, honey and egg yolk is most effective.
Pharmacy chamomile infusion helps to soften and nourish problem skin. To achieve a greater effect, the herb is poured with warm milk and a little bran and honey are added there.

Manufacturers and rating
Today the cosmetic market offers a large quantity of nourishing creams from a variety of manufacturers, from luxury to budget. Unfortunately, not all of them turn out to be effective, so we offer you an overview of the highest quality tools in the opinion of users.
Librederm "Aevit"
This cream is one of the most popular nutrients around. It has a positive effect on the skin:
- promotes the restoration and regeneration of cells;
- gives a fresh and radiant look.
This cream contains only natural ingredients.

Vichy essentialtielles
When nourishing the skin, it is very important that during sleep metabolic processes go as intensively as possible - this contributes to its regeneration and restoration. Night cream from Vichy has the maximum effect precisely at night, when the skin is extremely relaxed.
The cream contains unique sphingolipid molecules - it increases the synthesis of its own lipids, which cannot be replaced by any synthetic product.

Nivea offers a wide variety of nourishing products for the face and body. They are all designed for different skin types. Regular use of day and night products from this brand provides:
- long-lasting feeling of softness and hydration;
- effective nutrition;
- softening chapped and rough skin;
- getting rid of the feeling of tightness and dryness.
The active ingredients of the cream strengthen the skin and protect it from the adverse effects of the external environment.

This product is suitable for skin sensitive to external factors. It belongs to the category of medicinal cosmetics, therefore it is used to eliminate the most serious skin disorders.
Thanks to the nourishing complex Toleridine, the cream penetrates deep into the dermis, soothes, restores the lipid barrier and nourishes the skin, keeping it flawless and youthful.

Domestic customers have long been familiar with the products of this brand. Dove Nourishing Cream has a rather thick consistency with a slight unobtrusive aroma. After being applied to the skin, it is quickly absorbed and at the same time leaves a feeling of comfort - this feeling remains even after washing. With regular use of the nourishing series, the skin becomes elastic and well-groomed, its protective function is restored.
Korean nourishing creams and Loreal's "Luxury of Oils" are also very popular.

How to choose?
You need to choose a care product based on the needs of the skin, and not following advertisements and advice from friends. It directly depends on the main active ingredient in its composition:
- fatty acids Omega-3,6,9 are the main components of the lipid barrier of the skin;
- squalene is part of natural sebum, while cosmetics use a substance extracted from olive oil;
- shea butter its structure is close to the natural secretion of the skin, its use helps to replenish lipid deficiency and reduce skin irritation;
- wheat germ oil contains highly effective saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fortified with a rich vitamin and mineral complex.

When using a nutritious cream, you should adhere to the basic recommendations - their compliance is not difficult, but the effectiveness of the funds increases many times over. So, the cream will be much more useful if applied to previously cleansed and damp skin - in this case, the active components penetrate deeply into the cells and promote the restoration of tissues from the inside.
The cream must be evenly distributed along the massage lines from bottom to top, and in the area of the forehead, cheeks and nose, you can additionally perform light tapping with the pads of the fingers.
Do not use cold cream - this makes it difficult to penetrate, and in addition, it causes vascular spasm. If you store it in the refrigerator, then warm it up in the palm of your hand.

If the cream is used for oily and combination skin, then 30 minutes after application, all residues of the product must be removed with paper towels or slightly acidified water. It is not recommended to leave it on your face at night - in this case, skin breathing will be impaired, and in the morning you will notice pronounced swelling.
Do not apply the nourishing cream just before going out or before bed. - it is better to do it in 40-60 minutes. If you do not have the necessary time, speed up absorption with self-massage.
For facial skin care, see the following video.
Since I have dry skin, I take care of it with Radevit ointment. It nourishes and regenerates very well, contains vitamins, prevents the formation of wrinkles. Great for hands too.
The skin really needs hyaluronic acid, especially in summer, as ultraviolet light destroys it. So you need to choose cosmetics with it in the composition. I also take it in supplements, the dosage is high, the quality of the raw materials is Swiss, and the effect says a lot - the skin is more hydrated and nourished, and the effect lasts longer from creams.