How to take care of your face after 30 years?

Every woman after the age of 30 begins to take better care of her skin. According to cosmetologists, care procedures should be carried out from the age of 20. For this, experts have come up with a huge range of cosmetics: creams, lotions, oils, foams, masks.
By the third ten, our skin becomes more capricious and less elastic. Regular grooming and daily beauty treatments will help prolong skin youthfulness and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Our skin is exposed to many external negative factors, from aggressive ultraviolet radiation to exhaust gases. All this inevitably leads to a weakening of the protective factors of the dermis.
The appearance of wrinkles and flabbiness of the skin is something that is sure to wait for any person. But there is no need to get upset in advance, since modern cosmetology does not stand still. Every year, cosmetologists present hundreds of different creams and masks, foams and serums.
By the age of 30, the skin of the face does not yet show clear signs of age-related changes.

At this age, only the first mimic wrinkles appear. But still, fluctuations in the hormonal background are reflected in the face. The same mimic wrinkles in 5-7 years will become deeper and more pronounced.
In the morning, looking in the mirror, women may notice a change in facial tone, dark circles under the eyes, and the appearance of puffiness. The moisture in the skin is retained less, the epidermis becomes thinner.
Sagging skin, lack of natural shine are associated with a slowdown in the body's metabolic processes. The regeneration of skin cells is reduced. Collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the face, is produced less than in twenty-year-old girls.

Let's take a closer look at the deep processes that take place in our skin:
- Instability of the sebaceous glands. As a result, some girls' skin becomes greasy, acne and blackheads may appear.
- Weakening of facial muscles. Due to a decrease in muscle tone, the notorious mimic wrinkles appear near the eyes, lips and wings of the nose.
- Lack of moisture. Dryness, peeling appears.
- A change in complexion occurs due to impaired blood flow.
- Decreased skin metabolism in general.

Skin aging is inevitable, but this stage can be slowed down as much as possible. The withering process depends not only on care, but also on many other factors. These are heredity, nutrition, sports, the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and the lifestyle itself.
There is a direct relationship with the food we eat and the quality of our skin.

Flour products, spicy, smoked, salty food (not to mention chips and other croutons) lead to the appearance of blackheads, acne, omentum.
The frequent use of alcohol, even in small amounts, affects the complexion. Its shade becomes unhealthy, gray.
We take into account the type
To properly care for your face, it is very important to know what type of skin your skin belongs to.
It is customary to distinguish the following types:
- Normal skin. The most unpretentious type. There are no pronounced defects, acne, blackheads. Doesn't require any special care.
- Combined type. It stands out in that in the T-zone, the skin tends to be oily, and the cheeks are dry.
- Dry type. As the name suggests, the skin is very dry and thin. Small vessels are visible. Peeling is possible due to excessive dryness. With this type, wrinkles appear earlier.
- Bold type. Overly active sebaceous glands. A layer of fat is clearly visible on the face. Rashes, acne are possible.

It is important to select cosmetics based on your skin type. Inappropriate cosmetics can cause redness and pimples and harm the skin.

Facial care is somewhat similar to morning exercises - it energizes, nourishes and invigorates, and also requires stability. Only instead of dumbbells your helpers will be tonic, lotion, cream and milk. You should not trust your face to soap, even if it is from a good and trusted manufacturer. After all, as you know, soap dries the skin very much, no matter what wonderful components it contains.
It is worth remembering that sleep affects the body. Lack of sleep will show up as dark circles under the eyes, and excess water as edema. All this will happen faster and more clearly than in twenty or twenty-five years.
You need to monitor your diet and drink your daily water intake.

Swap out a few mugs of coffee for green tea to help flush out toxins, toxins and radicals that can cause skin aging. And on a note - it is better to brew green tea yourself, and not to consume it in bags.
Creams should be purchased marked "anti-aging" or a cream with the name "30+", "35+". They already contain useful acids, collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins.
It's better to forget about daytime tanning. Sunbathe in the morning until midnight and in the evening when the sun is less active. It is worth remembering that during the summer period it is necessary to use creams with SPF (the level is determined based on where you are, how long you will be in the sun) and sunscreens (they have a higher SPF level). It is also useful to use such creams in the fall, because the sun is still active.

Facial serums are another complementary treatment. They contain a large amount of nutrients. Serums should be used carefully so as not to oversaturate the skin. Better to apply them in autumn and spring, preparing the skin for a "stronger" season.
Use nourishing and purifying masks.

See how the skin reacts to them, whether there are age spots or irritations.After 30-36 years, the skin becomes more sensitive to aggressive drugs.
It is worth visiting a beautician several times a year. Be sure to do deep cleansing of your face, get a massage course and advice on the selection of a new care complex. It is also necessary to monitor the neck and skin around the eyes.
In the evening you need to do "exercises". Cleanse the skin with a scrub, wipe with a toner and apply a serum or cream. Or you can apply a mask that does not require rinsing.
Such daily procedures will help preserve the youthfulness of the skin, cleanse, tone, moisturize and protect it. Do not forget about vitamins, special procedures, high-quality creams, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and good sleep.
Decorative cosmetics will not be able to save from wrinkles, skin aging and sagging.

When the age only reaches thirty years, it will be possible to cover up all defects and irregularities with a foundation. But after 36 it is much more difficult to do it.
Main steps
At any age, skin care remains unchanged - the main thing is to do it correctly. It is worth cleaning, washing, toning and nourishing the face every day. Compliance with these simple rules will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
Don't neglect nourishing creams. It is worth moisturizing the skin both from the inside (take vitamins) and from the outside.
Wash your face every day with special products. Foam is suitable in the morning, and a scrub or gel with large particles in the evening. Such procedures will not take you a lot of time.
Let's take a closer look at the step-by-step face care for each skin type:

Oily skin care
A distinctive feature of oily skin is that it has a permanent shine. Every woman with this type of skin tries to cover up this oily sheen with several coats of primer and foundation. This, in turn, only more contaminates the pores (especially if the makeup is not washed off correctly), leading to unwanted inflammation on the face.
In order to avoid the occurrence of problems such as acne or blackheads, you need to select the cosmetics that are ideal for your type.

Wash your face in the morning with a daily care foam and use a lotion that contains a small percentage of alcohol. It dries the skin well.
Do not use a cream that is too oily and dense. If the amount of the applied product seems excessive to you, dab your face with a napkin.
The morning ritual for facial care should be started with washing with moderately cool water, followed by a light massage with a special sponge or hands. This simple process will increase blood circulation and tighten the skin.
After cleansing, you can apply a cloth or clay mask. The last step is to apply a cream suitable for your face.
In the evening, after removing makeup and washing your face, you can apply milk or serum to completely remove the remains of the foundation. Application should be carried out with massaging movements, evenly distributing the product on the face.

Dry skin care
Consider the features of dry skin care. A dry type of face is characterized by the appearance of age-related and "deep" mimic wrinkles. The dermis cannot retain the required amount of moisture for a long time. Therefore, proper care must replenish the lost moisture. Used dry-type products should not contain any alcohol-based products, because this will cause peeling of the skin more often. It will be correct to apply more fatty creams.
Use a lighter cream in the morning, but nutritious in the evening.

During the day, the skin can be sprinkled with micellar water - it will help "remove" protruding peeling and give the makeup a more natural (not dry) look.
It is necessary to reduce the use of scrubs and peels, they should only be used once a week.
How to take care of your face with a dry type? In the morning, you should wipe your face with a tonic that does not contain alcohol.You can make masks based on something bold. It is quite possible to prepare such a mask yourself - for this, take kefir or sour cream with a high percentage of fat as a basis. It is also helpful to apply a moisturizer and massage techniques to help prevent wrinkles.

Combination skin care
Caring for the combined type of dermis is not difficult, it is only important to choose the right creams. Too fat will not work. The epidermis will become oversaturated, the pores will clog and unwanted acne will appear.
If you choose a cream that is too light and liquid, then peeling may appear on the cheekbones, cheeks and upper part of the forehead.
In the evenings, it is better to do exfoliation, which is suitable for daily use.

And two or three times a week, do a deep cleansing with stronger products to unclog the pores.
At home, you can make your own plant-based masks. A good solution would be to use fruits, citrus fruits, cucumbers, St. John's wort.
In the evening, especially after peeling, you should either apply the serum, spreading it out with massage movements, or use two creams - a denser one on dry areas, and a light one - on the T-zone.

Problem skin care
The problem dermis is also often called sensitive. Skin after 30 no longer "suffers" from teenage problems, frequent rashes and rashes. If this happens, then you should contact a beautician. After all, all problems in the form of acne, blackheads and acne are signals from our body that some kind of inflammatory processes are taking place in it. Especially in the digestive tract.
With this type of face, you need a regular trip to beauty salons and deep cleaning with professional methods.
You shouldn't buy cosmetics from cheap or dubious manufacturers. Such care products will not be able to help; they will rather harm the skin.

Homemade recipes
Every woman knows that after thirty it is necessary to visit cosmetologists more often. But this does not always work out due to various reasons - fatigue, a lot of work, children. But these hikes can be replaced by skin care at home. Preparing masks on your own guarantees you not only reliability, but also quality that you can trace.
All the necessary ingredients can be found in the kitchen or in the home medicine cabinet. It will not “eat up” the budget as much as a visit to a beautician.
In addition to the known method of wiping the skin with cucumber, there is another remedy for dry and sensitive skin. This is washing your face with milk. After such washing, the skin becomes softer and more tender. Over time, it will become elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed, age spots and freckles will become less noticeable on the face.
For sagging skin, masks with aloe juice are suitable.

The dermis will noticeably rejuvenate, tighten, and the face will look fresh.
Anti-aging masks are very easy to prepare. After all, they are made from improvised means available to every woman.
Consider several recipes for masks:
Banana mask for gentleness
One banana should be chopped until puree. In the resulting mass, put one teaspoon of cream (it is better to use fatty ones) and half a teaspoon of starch. Mix everything and apply to cleansed face. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Mask "Gifts of Nature"
This mask will require celery, lettuce and parsley. All this must be very finely chopped to a mushy mass, add one teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly. Let it brew, and then apply on clean skin for thirty minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature.

Milk mask (rejuvenating)
You will need 250 ml of warm milk, 50 grams of flour and 1 egg yolk. Move milk and flour until puree, avoid large lumps. Add the yolk while stirring the mixture. Apply to face and wait for a few minutes. The mask will gradually harden.Rinse off the mask gently with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Wonderful ice
To make your skin glow in the morning, and there is no trace of fatigue left, ice cubes will do. You can use plain water, or you can use herbal decoction.
To do this, use calendula, chamomile, linden, string, lemon balm. The broth must be frozen in ice cube trays. The shape of the cubes will come in handy - they are very convenient in size.
These cubes should be used after morning cleansing - in addition to the tonic effect, the cold will significantly narrow the pores.

Ice wipes are the most affordable skin care option, because besides water, you only need a few herbs.
Fruits for the face
Summer is famous for its abundance of vitamins, sunshine and various goodies in the form of fruits. Nourishing masks are made from these fresh fruits. You can choose apples, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, oranges, melons and many other fruits that you will find at home as a base.
In a blender, grind the selected ingredient to a mushy state, apply to your face and rinse off with warm water after thirty minutes.

Salon procedures
Everyone knows that up to 20 years our body grows and develops. All processes work well, and the metabolism is very fast. The necessary elements are produced to maintain youth and good health. But after thirty, these processes slow down, the body does not already produce the required amount of substances. Thus, the aging process begins.
And there are no restrictions or indulgences for the skin of the face. Therefore, a visit to specialists is simply necessary. After all, even home care or the purchase of special products will only act on the upper layer of the epidermis, without delving into the problem itself. Only in professional salons, with special cosmetics, it is possible to rejuvenate the skin, maintain it and slow down the aging process.
Today, cosmetologists offer a number of useful procedures:

Chemical peeling
This is a special treatment that fights dead skin and any impurities in the form of dust and dirt. Penetrates deep into the epidermis layer. Due to this, the application of the cream becomes many times more effective than before the peeling. After this procedure, many girls notice a significant change in complexion. Wrinkles become less visible and puffiness is reduced.

Lymphatic drainage massage
Usually it is necessary to carry out up to six sessions of such a procedure. The massage acts on the desired lines of the body in the direction of the lymph flow. It is aimed at improving the functioning of the body's lymphatic system, improves blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles (the result is especially noticeable in the area of the nasolabial fold), the skin acquires elasticity.

Botox injections
After such injections, the effect will be noticeable instantly. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is evened out, the oval becomes more defined. The main thing is not to overdo it with artificial "rejuvenation".

Beautician advice
Hydration and nutrition are two aspects that beauticians always talk about.
The simplest thing you can do yourself at home is to buy a cream marked "30+".

According to reviews, such funds can be used up to 39 years old, but after forty there will be no proper effect. And you need to replace the cream with another, marked "40+"
There are a number of ingredients that must be included in the selected cream.
- Essential oil. The essential oil is different for each type of face. For example, mimosa oil is suitable for dry skin, and lemon oil for oily skin.
- Nutrients (elastin, hyaluron, vitamins A, D, C, E, F, ceramides, lipids).
- UV filters.

In summer, it is better to choose those creams that are light in consistency, barely perceptible on the skin. In summer, the skin mostly moisturizes itself. But in winter, it is better to use denser creams that will nourish and protect the face from the cold air.
It is also worth remembering the rules for removing makeup. After all, if you do not completely remove your makeup or fall asleep with it, then the next morning your reflection will not be as attractive as the day before.
Only remove makeup with specially formulated products. Do not use force. This can damage the skin and leave stains. Also, never use soap - over time it will dry out the skin so much that you will have to become a frequent client in the cosmetology clinic.
Beauticians also advise not to wait for the first crow's feet around the eyes.

After all, they can appear abruptly and forever. Prevention is always easier than dealing with the consequences.
Do not forget about the body, namely the neck and décolleté. They, like the face, are very susceptible to rapid aging and require proper attention and care. After all, if the foundation and makeup can hide the age on the face, then the décolleté and neck area will not save.
Tips for skin care after 30 years are waiting for you in the next video.