Secrets of making and using anti-aging face masks

If you dream of beautiful, smooth and healthy skin without wrinkles, then you definitely cannot do without proper and regular care. There are many treatments available to keep your skin looking good for years. But even in the age of high technology and the development of pharmaceuticals, women do not want to give up the use of self-prepared face masks. And this is quite understandable, because you yourself control the composition of the product, do not spend a lot of money and remain completely confident in its naturalness.

On the shelves of modern stores, you can easily find thousands of different jars, with beautiful labels describing miraculous results that are noticeable immediately after the first use. The cost of such funds is very different. Some anti-aging masks cost mere pennies, while others have to pay more than one thousand. It is important to understand that the cost and quality of a product are not always directly proportional to each other.

But the main criterion when choosing a mask is not even the price, but its composition. Unfortunately, most modern products are full of parabens, preservatives, chemical additives, petroleum products and other elements that are not at all useful for our body.Moreover, some manufacturers simply keep silent about the content of a particular component in the composition, so you should be extremely careful when choosing a product. And it is better, in general, partially or completely to abandon store products, and make face masks on your own.

Regular use of natural masks will significantly improve the quality of the skin, slightly tighten the oval of the face, and make wrinkles less noticeable. Your skin will become hydrated and radiant, the main thing is to observe regularity and prepare only those products that are right for you.

Rejuvenation products with different compositions are recommended for women over 35, 45, 50-55 and 60 years old. The exact age at which such means are shown to a person cannot be named. This is due to the fact that the lifestyle, genetic characteristics of all people are different. And sometimes a woman in her 40s can look much better than another young lady in her 30s.
However, there are specific general signs that indicate the need to apply anti-aging products:
- fading, dehydrated skin;
- dull complexion
- noticeable, but not too strong creases,
- loss of clarity of the oval of the face and so on.

Any masks, not only anti-aging ones, cannot be done if the skin contains: acute dermatitis, serious purulent inflammation, and so on. In this case, the rules of treatment and care are prescribed by a specialist on an individual basis and only after a full examination of the body.

The second main contraindication to the use of homemade masks is individual intolerance to a certain component. But such a factor is easy to take into account, because if you prepare the product yourself, you completely control its composition.
If you do not know if you are allergic to a particular product, do not apply the mask all over your face at once., track the body's response to the component by applying it in a small amount to the elbow. If no negative reaction appears within 24 hours, you can safely use a mask with such a component.

We take into account the type of skin
In order to choose the right mask composition, which, indeed, turns out to be a good ally in the struggle for youthfulness and beauty of the skin, you must first correctly determine your skin type. Cosmetologists are used to dividing skin according to its properties into 3 types: oily, dry and combination.
Such skin is characterized by increased work of the sebaceous glands. It is in this connection that an oily sheen appears on the surface of the epidermis. Excessive sebum production indicates hormonal imbalance. However, if you do not have serious health problems, you may well be able to normalize the functioning of the glands with proper care. First of all, you need to understand that oily skin needs full and constant hydration.
Do not think that by making drying masks, you will be able to bring it to its normal state. On the contrary, the body will try to compensate for the lack of moisture, and the secretion of sebum only increases.

This type of skin is most common in older women. Dry skin is prone to flaking and wrinkles appear faster. To improve the appearance of tissues, it is necessary to regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks, try to avoid products that can further dry out the epidermis.

In this case, the skin on the face is characterized by a tendency to oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), while the tissues on the cheeks are dry and flaky. Combination skin also needs a separate treatment. The ideal option would be multimasking, which is especially popular recently. This procedure involves the use of different products on certain parts of the face.In particular, masks with a sebum-regulating composition are applied to the T-zone, and nourishing and moisturizing products are applied to the cheekbones.

Care rules
In order for the use of anti-aging masks to bring a noticeable and lasting result, it is necessary to follow certain rules of the complex of care for aging skin. Let's list the main points.
Skin preparation
You've probably noticed that different people get completely opposite results from using the same masks. This is not always associated with the characteristics of the skin of a person. After all, for a rejuvenating mask to really work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin for its application. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin from any cosmetics and other contaminants.

Then it is important to open the pores to maximize the effect of the mask.
To open up your pores, you can:
- wash with hot water;
- apply a towel dipped in hot water to the skin;
- go to the bathhouse (if possible);
- hold your face over a container of boiling water;
- use a special device for steaming the skin.

But to achieve the best effect, experts recommend using not just ordinary water, but a healing herbal decoction. It's not difficult to prepare it, but the body's benefits are more than enough. To prepare the broth, you will need dried chamomile leaves. And you can also use mint, nettle, string or tea rose.

Pour a small amount of dried flowers with a liter of fresh water and place the container on the steam bath. Bring the workpiece to a boil, then turn off the heat, and keep the container on the steam bath for about a quarter of an hour. After that, it is necessary to infuse the product for at least 30 minutes.
Then pass the broth through a fine sieve or gauze pad. Place it back in the container and add half a liter of boiled water. It is recommended to stay above the container with the herbal decoction for about 5 minutes, until the pores open and the skin turns red and steam. Then pat dry your face with a paper towel and immediately proceed to the next step in preparing your skin for the rejuvenating mask.

If you apply a mask or nourishing cream on the skin without first exfoliating, then a larger amount of nutrients will simply remain on top of the keratinized particles of the epidermis, and you will not get the desired result. Therefore, after steaming the skin, it must be treated with a natural scrub. To make it, you will need some chopped oatmeal, which can be purchased ready-made, or you can cook it yourself by simply chopping the oatmeal with a food processor. Add a little warm milk or water to the cereal and stir the food thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the resulting scrub to your face with gentle massaging movements along the massage lines. Do not rub your skin too hard, this will only damage it. Soak the oatmeal scrub on your face for about 5 minutes, then rinse it off thoroughly.
If you don't have oatmeal on hand, you can use ground coffee as a scrub. Apply it neat or mix with salt for best effect.

After this preparation, you can start applying anti-aging masks. Explore the recipes below and choose the one that works best for you.
Homemade recipes
For the preparation of anti-aging face and neck masks, almost all fruits and vegetables, honey, herbs, turmeric, yeast, gelatin, and so on are suitable. It is important that all the products you use are always fresh. A natural mask should be applied immediately after preparation. We have collected for you only the best and affordable recipes for rejuvenation masks.
The recipe for such a cosmetic product looks more like a milkshake.You need to take 1 peeled, ripe banana, as well as some medium-fat warmed milk. Use a fork or blender to puree the fruit and add the milk to it. The resulting composition must be applied to the prepared skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The cells will be enriched with vitamins, the elasticity of the skin will increase.

With aloe
Aloe is one of the best natural ingredients for the skin. Masks with it greatly moisturize the skin, enhance the ability of cells to regenerate. Therefore, in the house of every person there must be such a plant. Take 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe pulp, mix it with 1 yolk, add some liquid honey and any cosmetic cream you usually use on your face. Stir all products thoroughly and apply to skin.

With avocado
Since avocado contains a lot of fatty oils, this product is extremely beneficial for the skin. In a small container, mix 2 oils (1 teaspoon each): olive oil and wheat germ. Then add a large spoonful of avocado pulp there. Such a natural and effective remedy helps to saturate cells with vitamins, restore elasticity and a healthy glow to the skin.

Coffee shop
If you have some coffee left after making the scrub, you can also use it for a mask, which significantly reduces swelling on the face and helps remove excess moisture from the cells. Take 4 large spoons of coffee and cocoa each, mix them with coconut milk, add a little honey.
Instead of milk, you can use any cosmetic oil that suits your skin type.

Chamomile with clay
The excellent effect of these 2 components on the skin of the face has been known since ancient times. Chamomile soothes irritated skin, while clay helps get rid of blackheads, remove toxins from cells, and tighten the oval of the face, which is especially important for mature skin. However, women with very dry and sensitive skin should be careful with clay and not use it too often. To prepare the mask, you need a spoonful of green cosmetic clay, which must be diluted with chamomile decoction. Any other herbs can be used.

If your skin has inflammation and visible wrinkles, be sure to try a rejuvenating aspirin mask. The effect of its application is noticeable immediately. Just don't use it more than 2-3 times a month. The mask recipe is extremely simple. Take 2 aspirin tablets, mash them and mix with a little water. You can also add some honey and cosmetic oil to make the composition more nutritious.
If necessary, you can apply the composition to the entire face or limit yourself only to the treatment of problem areas of the skin.

Buy vitamin E in ampoules at any pharmacy, mix it with sea buckthorn and cocoa butter. With the help of such components, you will be able to slightly reduce external age-related changes in tissues, get rid of pigmentation, and also moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

For women over 50 years old, a mask made of salt, milk, cottage cheese and sour cream is perfect, which has a wonderful revitalizing effect. Mix the ingredients in approximately equal parts, add quite a bit of salt. Keep it on the skin for about a quarter of an hour, then rinse off using cold milk instead of water.

With the help of potato juice, you will be able to get rid of a dull complexion and any inflammation, as well as improve metabolic processes in cells. Make mashed potatoes, dilute with water. Whisk the resulting mixture and apply to problem areas of the skin. Keep it on for about 20 minutes.

This refreshing scented mask will help your skin become more hydrated and full of vitamins. You will need a couple of large fresh strawberries, some nourishing cream, and runny honey. Stir in all ingredients thoroughly and distribute over face and neck.

Ripe grape juice works well with age-related changes, and also perfectly tones the skin, and is best suited for use by women over the age of 35. Preparing a grape rejuvenating mask is extremely simple: mash the fruits with a fork, squeeze the juice, passing the berries through a fine sieve. In freshly squeezed juice, soak a cloth napkin and apply it to your face for at least 15 minutes.

The yeast mask is one of the oldest and recognized by many women as a particularly effective remedy in the fight against age-related skin changes. To prepare it, take 1 bag of dry yeast, add a large spoonful of any vegetable oil to it, mix the resulting mass with the egg white. This product is recommended to be applied to the face for at least half an hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse off the yeast mask.

Fruit and berry
Any berries are suitable for its preparation. Use only fresh, seasonal produce whenever possible. Take some raspberries, peach, and watermelon pulp, for example. Grind the ingredients in a blender and apply the prepared mixture to the skin. Fruits and berries saturate cells with vitamins, effectively moisturize dry and sensitive skin, and restore complexion.

One of the most readily available fruits in any region is the apple. Therefore, every woman can afford to prepare such a mask. Puree the fruit, combine it with 1 egg white and a small spoonful of any vegetable oil. The resulting product helps to improve skin tone, as well as slightly lighten age spots and smooth out fine wrinkles.

With algae
Kelp is a natural source of vitamins that help to tighten the skin, make it firmer and fresher. Combine a couple tablespoons of chopped seaweed with a spoonful of oil and 1 egg. Such a cosmetic product must be kept on the skin for about 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Since ancient times, honey has been one of the most important products for a woman's beauty. Even Cleopatra regularly did honey wraps, which allowed her to always maintain an impeccable appearance. Combine some warm water with baking soda and natural honey in a small bowl. Apply the resulting product to problem areas. With the help of it, you can significantly reduce the amount of inflammation on the skin, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, and smooth the tissues.
But you can also prepare another version of the honey mask for mature skin. For it, you also need sour cream. Mix both ingredients in approximately equal amounts and apply the resulting mixture to your skin.

With protein
To prepare a protein rejuvenating mask, mix 1 fresh egg white, 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, a little zest, and oatmeal flour. Mix all ingredients well until creamy. The finished product helps to effectively cleanse pores, improve complexion, and eliminate age spots.

And you can also prepare another egg-based rejuvenation mask. For her, you need to take a couple of whole quail or chicken eggs, a little lavender and vegetable oil. The resulting product has a wonderful aroma and fights fine wrinkles, smoothing and moisturizing the epidermis.

We have listed several effective homemade natural masks that you can use for your face, neck and décolleté. However, in age-related care, products for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes deserve special attention. There she is especially delicate and sensitive. It is near the eyes that mimic wrinkles form first of all, which can visually add several years to your age. Therefore, be sure to take note of the following recipes for useful masks.
Sour cream banana
In a ripe banana puree, add 1 small spoonful of cream or sour cream. Stir the ingredients until smooth and apply in small portions to the skin around the eyes. The cells will be filled with vitamins, the look will become fresher and more rested.

Greens and raw potatoes
Peel 1 small tuber of raw potatoes, finely chop or puree with a food processor. Do the same with the parsley and combine the ingredients. Then rub the puree through a fine sieve or pass through cheesecloth. Soak cotton pads or gauze swabs with the juice and apply them to your eyes. You will immediately notice that puffiness and dark circles are less visible and your look is fresher and younger.

With spinach
Fresh spinach leaves in combination with milk and vitamin A effectively tighten the skin of the eyelids, making it more elastic and firm. Chop the spinach, get a juice from it, to which add a little vitamin A in butter or cream. Saturate gauze or a cloth with this solution and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes. After this time, just wash with cool milk.

This unusual mask helps to eliminate dark circles and bags around the eyes. The asparagus must be finely chopped and mixed with 2 small tablespoons of almond oil (you can use any other). Soak cotton swabs in this composition, apply to eyes and hold for about 20-30 minutes. Reviews of this mask are pretty good.

And a few more tips from professional cosmetologists.
- To achieve a noticeable and lasting result, natural anti-aging masks should be done at least 2-3 times a week. The duration of the course of such procedures is 2 months. Then you need to take a short break, and you can start the procedures again.
- Do not expect that excessive saturation of the epidermis with anti-aging components will enhance and accelerate the effect. Rather, on the contrary, such tactics will not bring any positive results.
- Perform anti-aging procedures in a comprehensive manner. Do not expect that a few applications of masks will allow you to say goodbye to wrinkles.
- Watch your lifestyle. Poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise are extremely bad for our skin. Don't forget that beauty comes from within.
Now you know exactly how to make healthy and effective anti-aging masks at home. Observe all the listed rules, and the result will not be long in coming!
The recipe for another effective anti-aging mask in the next video.