Spirulina in cosmetology: what properties does it have and how to use it?

There are a sufficient number of reasons explaining the growing popularity of spirulina in cosmetology, both domestic and foreign. First of all, these include the useful properties that this product possesses, and the versatility that allows it to be used to solve a variety of tasks, no matter how complex they may be. Spirulina not only maintains the health of the skin and hair, but also returns the lost beauty to them, which regularly finds its practical confirmation.
First, it should be noted that spirulina is a commercial term, not a plant name. It combines two types of blue-green algae: Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima, which are very beneficial to humans, but rarely found in their natural habitat.
Given this circumstance, spirulina is grown in special pools, creating suitable conditions for it: an alkaline reaction of water, sufficient heat and good lighting.

As for the composition of the described product, it assumes the presence of 2 thousand simple and complex ingredients, many of which are needed to maintain beauty and health. In particular, the following components of spirulina have beneficial properties.
- Proteins. Accelerate the formation of collagen fibers - the basis of connective tissues. Noteworthy is the amount of proteins contained in spirulina, up to 70% of the dry weight.
- Gamma Linolenic Acid. Stimulates metabolic processes in cells, which has a positive effect on the rate of renewal of the outer layer of the skin. The natural result of this is getting rid of acne and age-related pathological changes.
- Retinol. Makes the skin smooth and elastic, reduces pigmentation, accelerates collagen production and stimulates the renewal of integumentary tissues.
- B vitamins. They normalize cellular respiration, effectively counteract acne and significantly prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
- Vitamin C. As a first-class antioxidant, it reduces the harmful effects of free radicals. It also restores the natural tone of the skin.
- Vitamin E. Effectively fights aging, relieves skin from flaking and restores their water-lipid balance.
- Macro and microelements. Spirulina is rich in potassium, phosphorus, silicon, boron, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and sodium. Also worth mentioning are iodine, selenium, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum and germanium.
- Pigments. The described product contains chlorophyll, phycocyanin and carotenoids, which contribute to the accelerated synthesis of enzymes.
Even individually, the ingredients listed above are extremely beneficial for the skin, and their combination allows you to achieve truly impressive results. For the same reason, spirulina is included in hair cosmetics, which provide them with adequate nutrition and strengthening. This product also occupies not the last place in body procedures involving the use of mixtures for wrapping.

Despite the fact that spirulina can be used by the vast majority of those who wish, in some cases, its use should be abandoned. Most often this is due to the increased sensitivity of the body to one or more components of this product, which is characterized by the following manifestations:
- severe itching;
- redness of the skin;
- the appearance of rashes.
In order to exclude the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction, it is necessary to first test the prepared mixture on the sensitive skin of the wrist. If, after a quarter of an hour from the moment of application, negative symptoms do not appear, spirulina can be used safely.
Another circumstance that makes the use of the product in question impossible is the presence of damage and pronounced irritations on the skin. As for pregnancy and lactation, during such periods, the use of spirulina should be treated with caution. This is due to the concentration of the ingredients of this product - harmless to the mother, and quite high for the fetus or baby.

Application features
One of the main conditions, the observance of which makes it possible to count on the successful use of spirulina, is the regularity of the procedures performed. You should also take into account the following recommendations.
- It is advisable to purchase spirulina at a pharmacy in order to minimize the likelihood of buying a low-quality product.
- Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face for better absorption of its components.
- Spirulina-based mixes involve the use of clean, non-metallic utensils.
- The duration of the treatment procedure should not exceed a quarter of an hour. This value can be increased in situations with masks for aging skin, but not much - to avoid minor burns.
- Spirulina formulations should not be applied to the under eye or lip areas.
- After the allotted time for the procedure, it remains to wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
As for the frequency with which you need to make spirulina face masks, it should be weekly. Exceeding this value can lead to the formation of spots on the skin and other problems provoked by an excess of nutrients. Wraps can be performed every 3 days - just like scalp and hair treatments.

Popular recipes
Practice shows that spirulina goes well with many other products that have a positive effect on the skin and hair. This means that each of the fair sex can use exactly the recipe that suits her perfectly.
A list of the most popular skin masks is presented below.
- Moisturizing: 1 tsp mix spirulina with 15 ml of water, then add 2 tbsp. l. cucumber puree, in which there should be no peel and seeds, and grind everything well.
- For oily skin: 2 tsp spirulina mixed with 30 ml of water. Such a combination is considered classic, and therefore it does not provide for the presence of other components.
- For acne and pimples: 1 tbsp. l. dilute spirulina in 20-25 ml of chamomile broth and add about 2 g of baking soda to the mixture.
- Rejuvenating: 1 tsp Mix spirulina with the same amount of liquid honey, quality olive oil, water and high fat cottage cheese.
- Nutritious: 2 tsp dilute spirulina in 30 ml of water, then add 2 tbsp each to the mixture. l. vegetable puree and not too fatty sour cream.
- Toning: 2 tsp mix spirulina with 30 ml of water and the same amount of pre-melted honey.
- For nasolabial folds. Prepare 2 tsp. gelatin, filling it with water and leaving it to swell for half an hour. Next, it must be heated until it is completely dissolved, cooled and mixed with a combination that includes 2 tsp. spirulina, 30 ml of water, a couple of drops of vitamin A and 5 ml of fresh lemon juice.

To noticeably improve the appearance of your hair and make it truly healthy, it is enough to use the following recipes.
- Firming mask: 1 tsp Mix spirulina with 30 ml of carrot juice, then add a couple of eggs, beaten with 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Next, you need to mix everything thoroughly, apply the composition to the hair, cover it with a film, wrap it with a towel and leave for half an hour.
- Shampoo: 1 tsp mix spirulina with 15 ml of milk and 1 egg (if the hair is dry, it is rational to use only the yolk). You can also add a few drops of any essential oil to the combination. Shampoo should be applied to well-moisturized hair and should be rinsed off slowly for optimal results.
Worthy of mention is the body blend, the wrap of which allows you to achieve victory over cellulite. To prepare such a remedy, you must:
- take 100 g of blue or white clay, ground into powder;
- mix it with water until a creamy consistency is obtained;
- 1 tbsp. l. dilute spirulina in 15 ml of water;
- mix all ingredients thoroughly.
The prepared mass should be applied to the areas affected by cellulite, tightly wrapping them with cling film and covering them with warm clothes or a blanket for 35-40 minutes.

After reading the reviews about spirulina presented on the Internet, it can be argued that they are overwhelmingly positive. First of all, users note the following advantages of the described product:
- return of softness, freshness, natural glow and healthy glow of the skin;
- getting rid of wrinkles located in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, neck and other areas;
- elimination of skin flaking;
- no problems during the application of masks (if properly prepared, they do not spread);
- minimal likelihood of irritation;
- high efficiency of wraps with a relatively low consumption of funds;
- minimizing hair breakage and premature hair loss.
As for negative reviews, they most often mention the smell of spirulina: it is quite specific, and many cannot get used to it.

Thus, the described product is not only a simple, but also a very effective weapon to win the war for health and attractiveness. The advantages of spirulina are confirmed by both ordinary buyers and experienced cosmetologists, which fully justifies its use.
For information on how to make a spirulina mask for rejuvenation and care at home, see the next video.