How to use the face serum correctly?

Among all kinds of cosmetic products for skin care, various serums are very popular. There are options for young skin, problem skin and mature skin. How to choose the right product and use it correctly? All the answers are already waiting for you in our special material.
The serum is distinguished by its rich composition and the fact that it is a concentrate of all kinds of useful substances and vitamins. As a rule, such a preparation contains tens of times more nutrients than a regular cream. Usually, in the composition of such a product, you can find only seven to ten components, each of which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.
The main components in such a cosmetic preparation are various acids, which, together with vitamins and minerals, work miracles. The acids in such whey can be very different: from lactic to glycolic. Also, the composition often contains extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils.

Benefit and harm
The benefits of a popular product like serum are clear. This cosmetic product allows you to solve such problems as premature aging of the skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, acne, dryness, oily content, etc. A properly selected drug will definitely bring benefits, and a noticeable result will be visible after two to three weeks of use.The main thing is to choose a serum for your age and skin type.
This drug is used as an adjunct to creams. It is perfectly absorbed, improves the general condition of skin cells, stimulates the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation, restores elasticity and fights skin imperfections.
Such a serum can be harmful if the drug is not selected correctly and is not suitable for your skin type. In addition, if you exceed the recommended dosage, then you can also seriously harm yourself.

The choice of funds and its features
You can, in principle, use a face serum at any age. Today it is easy to find a remedy for your skin type. Such drugs are used not only by women of mature age, but also by young girls.
For young girls
The skin of a young girl does not need special care, unlike a woman who is already over forty. Until the age of twenty-five, the skin looks perfect. A young girl can start using such a cosmetic product only if she has problem skin. In this case, a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect will help.
These drugs help fight redness and breakouts. After the course, the face becomes not only clean, but also gains a healthy glow.
When choosing a product specifically for young skin of the face, remember that the composition should contain extracts of various medicinal herbs, zinc, hyaluronic acid. If the inflammation on the face is very strong, then look for a serum that contains azelaic acid. This component helps fight inflammation and prevents the appearance of new rashes.
If there are no obvious problems with the skin of the face, then such cosmetics are not recommended for women under thirty years old.

For facial skin after 30 years
Cosmetologists say that after thirty years, the skin needs intense hydration. Using special serums, a woman can significantly improve the protective functions of her skin. In particular, dry and sensitive skin types need moisturizing. Regular use of the drug will allow women after thirty years to maintain the natural beauty and velvety face.
If you are not yet thirty-five years old, then choose products with a light moisturizing formula. And after this age, you should look for serums, which contain various amino acids, glycerin, lactic acid, etc. In addition, pay attention to the presence of a natural moisturizing factor, which is designated as NMF in the composition. In the event that a woman after thirty years uses a product with similar components, this will help restore many of the functions of the skin that are lost over time.

For facial skin after 50 years
Anti-aging serums are recommended for use only after fifty years. A properly selected serum helps the skin to produce collagen on its own, so it smoothes and becomes more elastic. In addition, the components of the selected product help to saturate the skin with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
As a rule, such products contain various oils. For example, rosehip, macadamia, shea, or black currant oil. Also, there must be a component such as linoleic acid. An important element of the composition is the NMF, which we talked about above.
When choosing a remedy after fifty years, take a closer look at two-phase serums. Such a drug rejuvenates, cares for and nourishes. Significantly reduces deep wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face.

Anti-couperose drugs
The skin of some women has such a feature that over time, a so-called vascular mesh appears in some areas. It usually occurs on the cheeks, nose and décolleté.This feature can manifest itself at any age. It is for such skin that there are cosmetics that help to treat and prevent rosacea.
Serum must contain vitamins K and C. They improve the general condition of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the composition should contain extracts of medicinal plants such as sweet clover, licorice and horse chestnut. Also, such serums may contain retinol and hyaluronic acid.

For problem skin
For problem skin at any age, you should give preference only to special products. Choose serums that are oil-free. Otherwise, they will only aggravate the condition of the skin, making it even more oily.
A remedy for problem skin must necessarily contain various acids that help fight inflammation and rashes. Most anti-inflammatory drugs contain azelaic acid. This substance helps to effectively fight inflammation, preventing the growth of bacteria and helping to fight the appearance of new rashes.
You should also pay attention to matting agents that are great for owners of problem skin. As a rule, they contain salicylic acid, zinc and other components that help fight breakouts and unclog pores.

For moisturizing
A moisturizer for normal skin types. Such a serum will saturate the skin with moisture, oxygen and various useful substances. Typically, these preparations significantly improve the complexion, making the skin refreshed and more radiant.
These serums contain various oils, plant extracts, vitamins and hyaluronic acid. The last component helps the skin of the face to significantly improve its appearance. In the event that a girl is the owner of a dry skin type, then it is quite possible to use this remedy up to thirty years.
But it is worth remembering about dosages and rules of use.
For whitening
It is possible to use a preparation with a whitening effect only if there are age spots, freckles or any other problems on the face. If you have dark skin or just want to get rid of summer tan, this serum will not work. This product must necessarily contain various oils, citrus extracts, panthenol and vitamins.
The desired result can be achieved after two weeks of regular use.

Application rules
Apply the product only to cleansed skin.
You can clean it with any usual makeup remover or wash.
- Any similar product has a dispensing cap or a special pipette included. This allows the preparation to be applied correctly in small doses. It is impossible to apply a large amount of serum to the skin, as the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Only three to four drops are enough for one procedure.
- The product is applied with smooth and gentle movements to problem areas. In particular, you should be careful with serums that are intended for problem skin. Never let it get on your eyelids. The product is applied strictly along the massage lines. It is categorically impossible to rub the composition in force.
- It is best to use such a cosmetic product an hour before bedtime. After application, you need to allow it to fully absorb and only then use the night cream. If the serum has not yet been absorbed, and you have already applied the cream, then the pores will be clogged, leading to certain skin problems. You should not apply the serum after the cream.
- Before using the serum, you should carefully study the instructions and adhere to the recommendations indicated in it.

Procedure frequency
Many women are interested in the question of how often the use of such drugs is allowed. Until thirty or forty years old, it is not recommended to use this tool regularly.
Use it in courses. As a rule, one course lasts one or two weeks, after which you should take a break for two to three months. In some cases, the course can last for a month. Be sure to consider the recommendations of the beautician.
At a more mature age, long-term use of such drugs is allowed. A noticeable result will start to please after two to three months of daily use. After fifty years, you can use the serum continuously for three to four months, and then take a month off.
The achieved result will last for several months, so you shouldn't be afraid of such a long break. Such rest is very necessary for the skin, otherwise you can oversaturate it with active substances and the result will be strictly opposite.

Home cooking recipes
For oily and problem skin, you can prepare an effective remedy right at home. To do this, you need a dark glass container. We take ten milligrams of ascorbic acid, glycerin and boiled water. The water should be cold. Pour all the ingredients into a container, shake until completely mixed.
For rejuvenation, you can make an oil-based serum. Take thirty milligrams of apricot kernel oil and fifteen milligrams of rosehip and carrot oil each. Add ten drops of rose oil and orange blossom to the mixture. We mix everything in a dark glass container with a tight lid.

Beautician Tips
Every professional cosmetologist can give useful advice on how to how to use such a cosmetic product correctly.
- Experts do not recommend using the serum more than once a day. It is best applied in the evening.
- After forty years, it is allowed to use such drugs twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Do not use more than four drops of serum at a time.
- In order for the serum to penetrate well into the skin, cosmetologists recommend washing with a light, gentle scrub before the procedure. As a result, microdamages will appear on the skin, which are completely harmless, but allow the drug to better penetrate into the dermis.
How to use the serum correctly and not harm the skin, see below.
Thanks for the advice from the cosmetologists. I will definitely use them. I have already started the fight against wrinkles. Serum helps me with this well. The texture is light, perfectly absorbed and leaves no sticky layer. Tones up the skin. Smoothes expression lines. I bought it at the pharmacy.