Features of the use of apple cider vinegar for the face

The uniqueness of apple cider vinegar is undeniable. The application of this product is very wide: dietetics, traditional medicine, cooking. It is an indispensable ingredient in cosmetology, for example, as a tonic for acne and wrinkles, preparation of masks for age spots. Vinegar owes such popularity to its composition and properties.

Natural vinegar is a storehouse of useful vitamins, microelements, organic acids. Vitamin A helps with wound healing, makes the skin elastic, smooth, relieves dermatological diseases. Beta-carotene helps maintain healthy nails, hair and skin, and is involved in the functioning of the sweat glands. B vitamins promote wound healing, tissue regeneration, and participate in the synthesis of fatty acids.
Vitamin C protects cells from free radicals, participates in collagen biosynthesis, normalizes the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels, reduces inflammation. Vitamin E protects cells from free radicals, thereby protecting cells from dehydration. Vitamin P prevents vascular fragility.
Numerous microelements (Fe, K, Ca, Si, Mg, Cu, Na, S, P) are involved in the most important functions of the body, the work of the circulatory system, the immune, nervous system, and the work of the glands.
Acids: carbolic, citric, lactic, propionic, oxalic, acetic, malic acids inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, stimulate regeneration, participate in the protective functions of the body, and also play an important role in starting a number of important mechanisms of collagen production.

All components of apple cider vinegar have a beneficial effect on the body, including on the skin.Due to its properties, it is very popular in the manufacture of cosmetics.
When applied externally:
- normalizes the pH balance of the skin, thereby the reproduction of pathogenic microflora stops, therefore it is used as an antiseptic;
- participates in tissue regeneration, due to this it is used as a healing agent;
- improves the tone of the walls of blood vessels, therefore it is used as a prophylaxis for spider veins;
- stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the skin, is necessary to support skin turgor, its elasticity and firmness;
- reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, is used as a drying agent;
- has an antipruritic effect, which allows you to use the substance after bites of mosquitoes, horseflies, midges;
- reduces the permeability of blood vessels, their fragility, therefore it is added to lotions for bruises.
Rubbing with vinegar whitens the skin, helps with pigmentation, anti-wrinkles, acne marks, scars, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis.

Despite its useful qualities, there are contraindications that everyone needs to know about.
- Very dry, dehydrated, irritated skin.
- Allergy to the ingredients of the cosmetic product. With a tendency to such manifestations, a preliminary test is mandatory. The product is applied to the wrist. If after five minutes there is no redness, itching, swelling, then the use of this product is permitted.
- Herpes, the presence of wounds, suppuration, exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases.
- Neoplasms.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should seek the advice of your doctor.

Additional security measures:
- it is strictly forbidden to use concentrated undiluted vinegar, since there is a high risk of developing a burn;
- running cold water;
- do not take apple cider vinegar orally undiluted.

Subtleties of use
With knowledge of the properties of this product and its correct use, it is really possible to abandon most of the traditional cosmetics. By mixing vinegar with different substances, you can solve many cosmetic problems.
Toning lotion for daily use
Apple cider vinegar is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio (1 part vinegar, 3 parts water). It is not necessary to make a more concentrated solution to avoid irritation and burns. For a more even mixing of substances, shake the liquid before use. Clean the skin before application.
Use daily in the morning and / or evening.

Radiance tonic
There is a good and affordable recipe for giving a beautiful tone to the skin. Mix vinegar and green tea in a 1: 1 ratio. Wipe your face in the morning and / or evening. Do not forget that vinegar is an acid that dries, therefore, for owners of normal skin, the solution should be made less concentrated (1 tsp per 250 ml of water).

From age spots
The active ingredients of vinegar are capable of exfoliating cells that contain a lot of pigment. As a result, the skin surface is brightened and evened out, the complexion becomes fresh.
To prepare the whitening agent, you must take the following proportions of vinegar and water:
- for oily and combination skin - 1: 1;
- for normal - 1: 5;
- for dry –1: 10.
Apply daily, after cleansing the skin. After drying, apply a nourishing cream. For a lasting positive effect, it must be used regularly and for a long period.
There is another way to whiten freckles and darkening: you need to mix vinegar with lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply with a cotton swab only to problem areas. After a quarter of an hour, you need to rinse the skin. Next - care with traditional cosmetics. It should be noted that this recipe should not be used by women with sensitive skin.

Instead of lemon, you can add onion juice.It's also great for lightening pigmentation. Apply it only to areas of pigmentation. If the spots are large, then gauze or a cotton swab soaked in solution can be applied to them for a few minutes. The solution should be kept in a cool dark place in a container with a lid for up to a week.
Any fruit contains acids that can exfoliate old cells. At the same time, they act gently and carefully. Therefore, you can safely add pulp or juice of any fruit to home-made bleaching products. Lemon, lime, strawberry, kiwi, currant are especially popular. And with a combination of vinegar and fruit, the effect is simply amazing.
It is very simple to prepare such a remedy. You need to take 3-4 berries of ripe strawberries, mash, pour in an aqueous solution of vinegar (dilution 1: 1). Let it brew for an hour. Moisten gauze in lotion, put on face and décolleté, leave for 50-60 minutes.
If the fabric dries, wet it again.

For acne
Regular daily use of an aqueous solution based on apple cider vinegar will help relieve inflammation, reduce excess secretion of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, prevent the spread of acne. Those who have an increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, have a tendency to clog the pores, the formation of foci of inflammation, be sure to apply the solution at least 3-4 times a day, and if necessary more often. Only regular use will help dry the skin and remove rashes.
For more effective action, you can add oils, extracts of medicinal plants or herbal decoctions. They enhance the antiseptic properties of the main component. On a glass of an aqueous solution of vinegar (dilution - 1: 1) you need to add a couple of drops of oil or two tablespoons of a decoction of medicinal herbs. With this tool, wipe the face, pay special attention to problem areas: forehead, nose, chin.
It is important to remember that with common acne, some hygiene rules must be followed. Do not dry your face with a reusable cloth towel. Use only disposable paper towels. When an infection is introduced into the wounds, the process can spread to larger areas of the skin. Subsequently, it will be very difficult to cope with this problem at home.

From wrinkles
As a result of the action of this tool:
- improves skin turgor, its elasticity and firmness due to the production of collagen, which ceases to be synthesized with age;
- exfoliation of old cells, smoothing of the skin surface;
- brightening, making the skin glow.
For preparation, you will need 200 ml of a decoction of medicinal herbs and half a teaspoon of the main component. You can store in a closed place for up to a week in a container with a lid. Wipe cleansed skin in the morning and / or evening, then continue with your usual care. The product can be frozen and replaced with morning wash. Ice perfectly tones the skin and improves its color. You need to know that with spider veins, the use of ice is contraindicated.
Another popular recipe for fighting the first signs of aging:
- carrot juice - 125 ml;
- apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon
Wipe the skin of the face, décolleté in the morning and / or in the evening.
This lotion helps fight the signs of aging and also gives the skin a beautiful complexion.

Whitening masks
You need to take the following ingredients:
- oat flakes, finely ground in a coffee maker - 1 tablespoon;
- apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
- lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
- bee honey - 2 tablespoons;
- water (you can take mineral or a decoction of any medicinal herbs) - 2 tablespoons.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to the pigmented areas with a brush. After complete drying, rinse the skin. Then - your traditional leaving. It is important to remember that the mask contains a product that can cause a reaction in people prone to allergies.

To prepare another effective remedy, you will need:
- yogurt or sour cream - 60 ml;
- apple cider vinegar - 35 ml;
- lemon juice - 5 ml;
- aloe juice - 15 ml.
Stir the ingredients. Apply to problem areas of the skin, wash after 20-25 minutes after complete drying. Then - the usual care, depending on the type of skin. The optimal frequency of use is every 2-3 days.

To combat the first signs of aging
For aging skin, you can try a cosmetic product with a chicken egg and fresh cucumber.
To do this, you need to take:
- one small cucumber (finely grate or chop);
- one egg yolk;
- natural olive oil - 2.5-3 tablespoons;
- apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon
Mix everything until smooth. Apply to face and décolleté with a brush. You can wash off after 25-30 minutes. An additional ingredient here is olive oil. It nourishes, moisturizes well and also enhances the effect of smoothing wrinkles. Cucumber gives freshness, fills the skin with moisture. The frequency of application is 1 time in 3 days. In cold and windy seasons, this procedure is repeated more often.
You can use another recipe: beat one chicken egg well, put a teaspoon of liquid honey, add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply to clean skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
This cosmetic product not only smoothes out irregularities, but improves the tone of the face.

Reviews on the use of apple cider vinegar for the face are mostly good. Many people say that it helps cleanse and tone the skin, get a beautiful and radiant look. There are many reviews that with prolonged use, mimic wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes more elastic. Some women notice that the oval of the face becomes more toned, the "sagging" of the skin is less noticeable.
People suffering from morning edema on the face, when using this remedy, also noted a positive result: the puffiness and swelling under the eyes disappeared, the appearance in the morning became more fresh. And also vinegar is irreplaceable - and almost everyone is talking about it - when caring for problem skin. A noticeable decrease in inflammation, the number of acne, accelerates the healing of wounds after acne in comparison with the use of an industrial lotion.
According to young mothers, instead of chemical harmful substances for their children, they use lotions based on apple cider vinegar after insect bites. It relieves irritation, redness, swelling and itching.
The child forgets about anxiety and falls asleep.

A lasting positive result is noted by the fair sex when using vinegar to lighten age spots and freckles. The result was incredible. Indeed, for such procedures, women usually turn to professional cosmetologists in specialized institutions. But it turns out that you should not spend huge sums on expensive drugs, the necessary tool is on the kitchen shelf at everyone's home.
The only negative point is that in order to obtain a positive effect, cosmetics based on apple cider vinegar should be used for a long time: a month or two, and in some cases even longer.
For information on how to prolong the youthfulness of the skin with the help of skirt vinegar, see the video below.