Subtleties of care for oily and combination skin

Oily and combination skin has many subtleties in its care. Keeping her healthy is not easy. However, having the right care can save the owners of problem skin from many problems and open a whole list of advantages of owning this particular type of skin.

Features of types
The phrase "oily skin" does not sound very attractive. In the genes of the owners of this type of skin, there is an excessive production of sebum, which accumulates in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, preventing oxygen from reaching the surface, which is why the famous black dots appear. Actually, the skin cannot breathe - the skin is under stress, and it begins to panic - to shine. By the standards of modern fashion, it looks more than unattractive.
Moreover, it leads to the formation of such imperfections as acne, because sebum is especially loved by bacteria, which provoke the appearance of rashes.

The sebaceous glands of the combination (or mixed) skin work either not as actively as the glands of the oily skin, or they work beyond measure only in the T-zone. Caring for this type of skin can be complicated by a combination of several types - for example, along with shine, some areas of the skin on a regular basis will peel off heavily. What to do first - matte or moisturize? This question is especially worried about the owners of combination skin.
Many people think that oily skin cannot be dehydrated and sensitive. However, the presence of excess sebum does not mean that the skin is hydrated - it also does not in any way relate to the level of moisture content. Oily skin needs to be moisturized as well as any other.

How to care?
For the most part, comprehensive care for these types of skin comes down to reducing sebum secretion, eliminating blackheads, narrowing pores and hiding oily sheen. Taking care of oily and combination skin is rather difficult because it is difficult to find the means for it - therefore it is often equated to problematic, but this is not entirely true. The main thing is to develop the correct step-by-step care system. It is quite possible to make it at home.

In order to put oily and combination skin in order, you need to develop a certain care system, which you will have to adhere to rigorously. The first stage is the selection of funds in several stages. You can go to the mass market or pick up professional cosmetics. Also, folk remedies and drugs from the pharmacy perfectly interact with oily skin.
Use a mild foam, gel, or soap for your daily face wash. These can be Korean products - they have a lot of high-quality and inexpensive cosmetics, because the Korean skin care system is striking in its thoroughness and sophistication. Pay attention to Holika-Holika, Tony Moly, Misha and Mizon. Good products can be found from such domestic manufacturers as Compliment, Belita-Vitex, from European ones - Clarins, La Roche-Posay, Kiehls. Separate attention is paid to the Librederm seracin line for problematic and oily skin - it contains a gel for washing, a number of masks and a scrub.

Next, choose a toner - depending on the needs of your skin, it can be moisturizing or mattifying, hiding the pores. Very often for porous skin, "Salicylic alcohol-free lotion" from StopProblem is used as a tonic - this company has a separate lotion for oily and combination skin.
Lotion from "Propeller" is also popular.
Selection of a good matting cream that would close the pores and prevent excess grease surfaces are complex. Perhaps this is the most difficult stage of leaving. Few creams are capable of such a feat. Interestingly, representatives of the mass market are often more successful in this business than manufacturers from the luxury sector. So, Librederm's “Matting Face Cream” with seracin and zinc in its composition will give odds to many products. In second place, you can confidently put the "Matting cream-primer for face with enlarged pores" from "Propeller".

Since an excessive amount of fat and dust accumulates in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, this provokes the development of bacteria, which, in turn, cause acne. In order to rid yourself of them, periodically the skin needs to be subjected to a special, deep cleaning - scrubs, peels and masks. First of all, it is worth recalling that the hydrolipid balance of oily and combination skin cannot be disturbed - that is, scrubs with hard abrasive particles are not suitable. Take a closer look at the Clean Line scrub with apricot pits, Garnier's Clean Skin Active scrub and Librederm Seracin Face Cream-Scrub. They all have positive reviews, interact gently but effectively with the skin and cost very little. Also, do not forget about home remedies - for example, a sugar and fatty sour cream scrub can easily replace a purchased one.

It must be remembered that using a scrub during breakouts is not the best idea., as it can spread bacteria to uninfected areas of the face, only exacerbating the situation. In this case, clay masks will come in handy - you can also make them at home or buy them. In order to make such a mask yourself, you will need to buy clay - green, white or black, they are best suited for these skin types, as well as essential and base oils - they will enhance the action of the clay, and also make the mask smell aromatic. It can be any citrus, rosemary, tea tree, ylang-ylang oil. From the basic ones - grape seed, almond, jojoba, avocado.
You will need to take a non-metallic dish, put about two tablespoons of clay there, add water until the consistency of thick sour cream and a couple of drops of oils - a little more basic, about 5-7, than essential oils - there are 2-3 of them. This mask is stirred with your fingers (it is better that the clay does not come into contact with the metal) and applied with them or with a brush on the face. The mask is kept for about 15-20 minutes - contrary to popular belief, it should not dry completely, as this also harms the top layer of the skin.
Spray the mask periodically with water if desired.

From store-bought clay masks, disposable masks from Compliment, “Blue Cleansing Face Mask with Cornflower Water” from “Granny Agafia”, masks in barrels from “Phyto-Cosmetics” give a good effect. In addition to clay masks, film masks have a good effect on blackheads and oily sheen. They have a gel consistency and are worn until completely dry on the face. When you remove them, the masks form a film on which impurities from the pores, keratinized skin particles remain. It is believed that films soothe inflammation, cleanse pores and give the skin elasticity. Check out Green Mama's Calendula & Rosehip Film Mask, Compliment Irritation, Acne & Blackhead Film Mask and Stopproblem Salicylic Film Mask.

Also, peels, including rolling peelings, have a good effect on the purity of the skin. Due to the content of cellulose in them, these peels, when in contact with the skin, form pellets, balls that draw in dirt from the pores and keratinized skin particles. These peels are applied to dry skin. It is believed that after rolling, the skin breathes. They also all, without exception, are very careful about the upper layer of the skin, enhance regeneration and accelerate cell metabolism. The best option is to use them before applying the clay mask.
For aged skin of these types, the "Placental" peeling roll from "Secrets of Lan", And for the young -" Fruit "from the same company. Pay attention to the Korean manufacturers' rolls containing lemon (Secret Key - Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel), green tea (Deoproce - Green Tea Peeling Vegetal) or apple (Mizon - Apple Smoothie Peeling Gel) extract. By the way, it was the Koreans who originally invented the rolls. After deep cleansing, apply a moisturizer - cream or oil to the skin. Also, a bunch of "washing + peeling + mask + matting cream" can be used before going out in the summer, when you need to postpone the appearance of oily sheen.

Summer for owners of oily or combination skin is perhaps the most difficult period of the year. Skin that produces excess sebum, excess sun and stifling weather can play a trick on the skin. Some women do not shine more than usual from exposure to the sun, but there are very few of them. For the most part, they have to dodge in every possible way in order to avoid the aurora. An excellent tool can be matting wipes - they can be ordered online or found in large cosmetic chains. They will help remove the shine that has already appeared, however, they will not eliminate the root cause and can spoil the makeup.
This is a purely "decorative" tool.

In order to delay the appearance of shine for a long time, you can make a clay mask before leaving the house. It will help to prolong the freshness of the skin for several hours for sure, as it will cleanse the pores and remove excess sebum in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, freeing them. After the clay, use ice cubes or toner to close the pores. Next is a light mattifying cream. If you do not want to paint, then this will be enough for the summer. However, in case you want to dress up or there are imperfections on your skin that you want to hide, use a powder or a loose foundation, depending on the problem of your skin.
Of course, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics for the skin in summer. - but if we are talking about your comfort, then why not choose good matting cosmetics that will not be felt on the skin? Pay special attention to Catrice - HD Liquid Coverage Foundation and Bourjois - Healthy Balance Powder. By the way, everything is a little easier with powder than with foundation - you can choose almost any for the summer.

Do not forget about timely sunscreen care and about a separate line of tanning products. Yes, ultraviolet light dries pimples and relieves inflammation, but with regular "use" it leads to a thickening of the upper layer of the skin - it rebuilds, because the pores deepen, and begins to secrete even more sebum. This is another reason to choose a light mattifying foundation with SPF for the summer.
In the fall and spring, your skin can experience pimples, vitamin deficiencies and sun exposure. Sveta... Therefore, in order to avoid flaking and accelerate regeneration, it is recommended to take specialized vitamins or fish oil. As a care for this time, look for a good mask - you can use clay to unclog pores, and fabric to moisturize, and gel or cream for deeper nourishment.

Fall / winter is also a great time to try ANA products such as peels or creams. Fruit acids are an excellent remedy for oily and combination skin that can reduce sebum production, heal acne and post-acne. In sunny weather, the funds cannot be used, since they are phototoxic and, when interacting with the sun, can provoke the appearance of age spots.
Like any other skin type, oily or combination skin in winter needs special nutrition and hydration.

Harsh winds, cold and snow also affect her, making her more sensitive, prone to allergies and peeling. The presence of peeling, coupled with an oily sheen, makes care a little more problematic, so you should not allow them to appear. To do this, use a nourishing cream suitable for this skin type two to three times a week in the evening.
Oils are widely used as an alternative. Avocado, almond, jojoba, or grape seed oil is suitable, to which you can add a couple of drops of citrus essential oils, as well as rosemary or tea tree oil. Do not forget about masks - if clay is perfect in summer, since it has chic matting properties, then in winter, pay attention to various fabric, gel or cream masks. Masks with aloe vera or oxygen masks should work especially well.

Age approach
Fortunately for those with oily to combination skin, they will develop wrinkles later than those of other skin types. This skin ages more slowly, retains its elasticity longer. Skin at 35 and 40 with proper care will look more vibrant, sleek, healthy without undue effort. After the age of 20, it is recommended to slowly begin to use treatments with hyaluronic acid or snail mucin. Likewise, you will kill two birds with one stone.
Firstly, both components are good moisturizers, they also accelerate regeneration and metabolic processes in the skin, which helps to cleanse the skin and heal pimples. Secondly, they are able to delay the appearance of fine wrinkles. You can use them even after 25 years, when more serious means may appear in your care - with collagen or stem cells. Products from Vichy, Kiehl's and SkinCeuticals, as well as a range of Korean products, can help care for oily, aging skin.

When caring for oily and combination skin you need to know some of the subtleties and recommendations of specialists.
- In addition to careful facial skin care, owners of oily and combination skin should be especially careful about their diet.Foods such as chips, chocolate, fried, salty, spicy foods, as well as alcohol and soda, provoke the secretion of sebum in large quantities, they can also cause you to have allergic acne and rashes. Include in your diet more citrus fruits, nuts, fermented milk products - they speed up metabolism, help to remove toxins and allergens from the stomach.
Also drink plenty of water and green tea.
- Many girls mention that they do not use the tonic, because it dries out the skin and makes the pores more visible, because of it the foundation does not fit well. This does not mean that the tonic should be excluded from daily care. It needs to be replaced - it just doesn't suit your skin type. For a start, try to "tame" it - use after washing on dry skin, on damp skin, during the day or overnight.

- Coming back to the topic of dehydrated oily or combination skin. In no case should you wash it every day, as they say, "until it squeaks" - you will remove sebum, but the hormones that produce it will remain and will work with double strength, because you yourself will stress them. Moreover, damage to the top layer of the skin leads to a response - the formation of acne. That is why it is important to use a cream after washing. If it doesn’t work well, don’t stress yourself and your skin and choose a different one. It can be made independently - from mineral water with lemon or herbal infusion (nettle, chamomile or oak bark).
- Never leave makeup on your face overnight. For the whole day, dust, sebum has accumulated in the pores, if particles of foundation or powder are added to them, then troubles in the form of acne and black dots cannot be avoided. As tired as you are, find the strength to wash your face with your usual cleanser and apply a toner to close the pores. Your skin will thank you for this.

- Instead of scrubbing or using a peel, you can do a cleansing massage two to three times a week with gel, foam, or soap to wash your face. To do this, they need to be applied to wet skin (best of all in the shower) and massage with your fingers or a silicone sponge for one to two minutes, paying special attention to the T-zone and cheeks with enlarged pores.
- Avoid cosmetics containing alcohol. Once again - oily skin does not need to be dried, this will only lead to increased work of the sebaceous glands. It needs to be cared for and nourished and thoroughly moisturized, but ethyl alcohol does exactly the opposite. Alcohol lotions or tinctures can be used to cauterize individual rashes, but in no case should it be applied all over the face.
For this, there are tonics or chlorhexidine, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

- Mechanical cleaning of oily and combination skin is a controversial issue. On the one hand, squeezing out pimples and blackheads can lead to the spread of infection, increasing the sensitivity of the skin. It will also definitely show marks from your fingers or nails. On the other hand, if after the peeling and mask, not all black dots are gone, but white heads appear on the pimples, then you can remove them manually. To do this, steam the skin - in the shower, in the bath or under a towel, tilting your head to a pot of hot water. After the procedure, the skin needs to be given a rest from decorative products, you can apply a tonic, moisturizing mask or cream.
- Excellent helpers for oily skin are pharmaceutical products. Together with clay and proper washing, they are indispensable in eliminating acne and acne marks. Means that have no contraindications and are sold in the public domain will also help. These are chlorhexidine, synthomycin ointment, zinc ointment, calendula tincture for point use, various salicylic lotions.

Memo for every day
Oily skin requires special care, the main thing in which is the right products and regularity.
Get in the habit of doing the following every day in the morning.
- Wash with a special product.This can be gel, facial wash, or facial soap. The latter should be specialized - not for household purposes, not for children, not for the body. Take a closer look at sulfuric, boric and green tea or white clay soaps. Tar soap can be used several times a week. Due to the activity of the sebaceous glands, it is also recommended to have a separate face towel that only you can use. Alternatively, you can use disposable towels.
- Use a tonic. When the skin dries up after washing, it is recommended to use a toner - it will help close the pores and completely awaken the skin after sleep. Depending on the "subtype" of your skin and its problems, the toner should be moisturizing or mattifying. Also sometimes ice cubes are used instead of tonic - unless your skin is thin and not particularly sensitive.

- Use a cream or makeup base. It doesn't matter if you apply makeup, we recommend that you look at specialized bases to hide pores, reduce oily sheen or prolong the hold of your makeup. A good light cream with similar functions can be used in place of the base. These products work great without further application of tone or powder, as they give oily skin a well-groomed look.
- Pay attention to makeup fixers if you do wear makeup.

After a hard day at work, you just want to fall on the bed and fall asleep - but your skin will not forgive you.
So pull yourself together and take a look at the memo for evening care for oily or combination skin.
- The first stage is purification. Traditionally, it is divided into two stages: makeup removal and washing. Even if today you came home without makeup, you can still walk over your face with micellar water or milk to remove makeup - they will remove dust and dirt. If you painted, then it is simply necessary to do it. Next is the cleanser. It can be the same as in the morning, you can replace it. The main thing is to suit the characteristics and needs of the skin.
- Next is toning. The stage is completely identical to the morning one.
- Moisturizing or nourishing. As a rule, various creams or oils are used for this. In the case of problem skin, a moisturizer is applied on top of the medicinal one or, if the medicinal one does not provide for this, it is not applied at all.

Caring for oily and combination skin is difficult, requiring careful selection of products and regularity. But health and beauty are worth it.
For more information on how to care for oily skin, see the next video.