How to make a baking soda foot bath?

A beautiful appearance is not only about silky hair, healthy teeth, even skin and a graceful gait. These are also well-groomed legs. It often seems that they are not visible to anyone except ourselves, but this is not so. And even if you manage to skillfully hide them from prying eyes, cracked skin, as well as an eternal feeling of fatigue in the limbs, indicate ill health and do not add joy. You can give your feet a more well-groomed and healthy look with soda baths.

Soda solution properties
Baking soda can be found in a cupboard in any kitchen, and this substance, available to any housewife, can be a reliable assistant in solving many cosmetic problems. It has a lot of positive properties:
- has an antiseptic effect on the skin;
- disinfects it;
- has antifungal effect;
- cleans well;
- relieves inflammation;
- heals and softens the skin.

What are they for?
Unsightly feet are a common problem. Considering that the skin of the legs is subject to constant pressure and friction when walking, this is not surprising. Women pay special attention to the appearance of their legs - none of them are pleased with the loss of elasticity of the skin, its thickening and cracking.
The unsightly condition of the feet is often the result of wearing unsuitable shoes (boots, boots, and other footwear) or synthetic socks. The reason sometimes lies in improper diet, lack of vitamins A and E, iron, as well as various serious diseases. At the same time, the list of diseases and cosmetic problems that can be got rid of with foot baths with soda is extensive.
The benefits of such procedures are noticeable with severe fatigue of the limbs, which is especially important when the body is prone to the development of varicose veins.Thanks to the emollient properties of baking soda, using trays, you can get rid of skin seals on the protruding parts of the feet.

Baths eliminate excessive sweating and bad odor from the soles of the feet, as well as cracked heels, which cause discomfort and spoil the appearance of the feet.
This is an excellent remedy in the fight against fungal infections of the extremities. And even with such an ailment as gout, procedures using soda help fight. Such measures relieve pain, swelling, normalize metabolic processes in the body, thereby helping to overcome the disease.

With all the benefits of soda for the body, there are a number of restrictions on its use:
- hypertension;
- allergy to baking soda;
- malignant neoplasms;
- diabetes;
- diseases of an infectious and inflammatory origin in the stage of exacerbation;
- varicose veins;
- pregnancy.

How to do?
Recipes for soda baths differ in variety, but, starting procedures with them, it is necessary to keep in mind some conditions:
- it is impossible to take baths with baking soda for more than twenty minutes, since this can lead to an undesirable effect - instead of softening the skin, a person will get excessive dryness;
- feet should be ankle-deep in a container of water;
- warm water is used for the procedures, and as it cools, boiling water needs to be added to the basin, so there should be a hot kettle at the ready;
- after the exposure to soda stops, the feet must be properly cleaned to remove all remnants of dead skin and dirt;
- at the end of the procedures, the legs need to be held in cool water for a few seconds, wiped off with a towel or allowed to dry naturally;
- after a bath, rub the cream into the skin and put on cotton socks;
- to let the legs relax, it is more advisable to use the bath before going to bed.

Salt, laundry soap, herbal infusions, iodine, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar can act as useful additives to such baths.
Salt has the ability to draw out excess fluid from the body, relieving it from edema. It improves blood circulation. Thanks to it, the body is cleansed and the skin color improves. The substances found in salt help to improve the condition of the nails.
Laundry soap in the form of shavings is added to a bath with soda (or soda-salt solution) because it helps soften thickened skin and prevents the appearance and development of fungus.
Instead of water for a soda bath, you can take decoctions of various herbs, for example, chamomile or celandine, as well as many others. Various medicinal plants have their own beneficial qualities and have a healing effect on the legs.

Essential oils can be added to soda solutions for fungal problems. To do this, just drip a few drops of eucalyptus, tea tree, cypress or juniper oil into the water.
Iodine, which is included in soda water, also eliminates the fungus.
Hydrogen peroxide enhances the counteraction of the composition of the bath to injuries on the feet, as well as corns and calluses, fungus, bad odor and excessive sweating.
Vinegar, which is used as an additional component of the soda solution, also relieves of too much sweat separation.

The advantage of all these tools is that they are always available and can be easily adopted for organizing cosmetic procedures at home.
- To clean the feet with high quality, add a couple of tablespoons of soda and salt to the water (two liters). In this case, the water should not be too hot. For two weeks, you need to arrange procedures with baths once a day, and after that - only twice a week.
- Before a pedicure, it's a good idea to organize a soap and soda bath. Soda (two tablespoons) and a drop of creamy soap (or a teaspoon of ordinary, grated in the form of shavings) are added to the water (two liters). After completing the procedure, it remains to dry the feet with a towel, and rub the rough skin with a pumice stone.The bath will soften your nails and skin, making it easier to do a pedicure.
- To make the skin of the feet softer, it is enough to mix soda (one teaspoon), ammonia (the same amount) and cream soap. Stir all this in water and hold your feet in it for fifteen minutes. This will free your feet from calluses and rough skin with the help of available tools.
- To relieve the skin of the legs from damage, in a glass of boiling water, you need to brew calendula or chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) and hold for a few minutes in a water bath. Add the ready-made broth to warm soda water and hold your feet in this composition for about twenty minutes, waiting for the water to cool. This procedure will relieve scratches, cracks and other damage to the skin.

- A soda solution with vanilla aromatic oil can eliminate leg fatigue. For five liters of water, take two tablespoons of soda and five drops of oil. This composition helps at the first signs of varicose veins.
- To improve the condition of toenails, take the juice of one lemon and vinegar (a teaspoon). They are dissolved in a liter of water and the feet are kept in it for up to twenty minutes. This should make your nails whiter.
- You can strengthen your nails by holding your feet in water (one and a half liters) with soda and salt added to it (one tablespoon each), as well as lemon juice (half a teaspoon).
- To create a moisturizing effect, mix high fat milk (1 liter) and soda (1 teaspoon). Thanks to the effect of this composition, the skin becomes softer, the risk of fungus is reduced.
- To heal cracks in the heels, you need to add hydrogen peroxide (two tablespoons) to a warm soda solution. You need to hold your feet in a basin with such a liquid for ten to fifteen minutes, and then brush your feet with a stiff brush.

- If the skin is severely damaged or covered with fungus, two tablespoons of soda and iodine should be diluted in two liters of water, and then hold the feet in this composition.
- A bath with white clay will help to get rid of dry skin and brittle nails. The baking soda will soften the skin and the clay will exfoliate dead skin cells. Thanks to the use of such a composition, the appearance of fungus can be prevented. You will need to take four tablespoons of clay and two - soda for a couple of liters of water.
- Baths solve the problem of an ingrown nail. The feet must be steamed in a liquid with soda, cut off the ingrown nail and treated with iodine or ointment with appropriate healing properties.
- To make a bath against fungal infections, add three tablespoons of soda and four tablespoons of salt to hot water (three liters). After dissolving the powders, lower your feet into the water, periodically pouring boiling water into it. When the legs are steamed, you can remove the rough skin from them, cut off the damaged nail and treat with an anti-fungus cream.
To rid your feet of fungal infection, you should arrange baths for a week. After that, take a break of three days and repeat the course of treatment.

Mostly women use foot baths. A variety of recipes associated with a cosmetic or therapeutic effect have received mostly positive responses. Those who engage in such procedures on a regular basis note that the effect of them becomes most evident with their periodic repetition. If you arrange baths at least once a week, it will be obvious.
Many people note the effectiveness of such baths against fungus. Often, ordinary soda, water and some other available components are much more effective than expensive pharmaceutical preparations.
At the same time, as women experienced in cosmetic procedures note, in order to take measures to improve the condition of the skin on the feet, no special conditions are required. You can do this in the bathroom or even sit in an armchair, for example, in front of the TV, placing a basin with the necessary solution under your feet. At this time, it is enough to have a towel on hand so that you can dry your feet after completing the task.

The skin of the feet will be able to remain smooth and soft, especially if you complement the procedures with trays with a contrast shower, which tones the muscles and blood vessels, using a nourishing cream and various masks for steamed legs.
For information on how to make a foot bath with soda, see the next video.