Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs: what is it for and how is it done?

Most women sooner or later begin to feel significant discomfort in their legs, especially after a hard day. These unpleasant feelings speak not only of a deterioration in health due to age-related changes in the body, but also of the loss of the external attractiveness of the legs, the likelihood of an early formation of edema. To prevent this process, many ladies resort to such a procedure as lymphatic drainage massage. At the same time, it is important to familiarize yourself in advance with the features of its conduct and the indications for it, so as not to worsen the condition of the body. This material will provide detailed answers to these questions, as well as talk about how to correctly do the procedure yourself.

What it is?
Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs is a special massage type manipulation, the purpose of which is to improve the blood circulation processes. The central object of influence during such a procedure is the bodice - that component in the blood, which is responsible for removing various toxins from the cells of the body. In addition, it contributes to the saturation of cells with various nutrients.
It is because of the slowdown in the movement of lymph that the circulatory processes can undergo negative changes. and cause the appearance of fatigue and discomfort in the lower limbs. It is the lymphatic drainage massage that involves the effect not only on the lymph nodes, but also on small vessels, in general, returning the blood circulation to a normal rate.

During this procedure, manipulation of soft tissues occurs.The technique of conventional massage is taken as a basis, but the lymphatic drainage method is considered exclusively curative. It was even invented by a French physician. Depending on the nature of the ailments, the schedule of procedures and their number are determined.
It is very important to consider the direction of movement of the lymph itself. It moves through the lymphatic capillaries into the vessels, and also fills the lymph nodes and ducts. Then the liquid enters the veins. In the case of significant violations of this process, over time, a disease such as varicose veins can form. Therefore, the service of lymphatic drainage massage must be resorted to in a timely manner.
As a result, improving the work of blood circulation will contribute to an increase in skin tone, the appearance of firmness and elasticity. If you treat varicose veins in this way, then the procedure will help you get rid of the unhealthy blue skin color in the area of accumulated veins.
As a prophylaxis, lymphatic drainage massage is able to strengthen the vascular walls and protect the veins from pathological expansion.

What causes problems?
Problems associated with slowing down the processes of cleaning the body from toxic elements and impairing the work of blood circulation, can be explained by a variety of reasons.
- Wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothing. Heels or trousers that are too tight every day can gradually lead to impaired blood flow to the legs. Some even choose to buy smaller clothes and shoes without thinking about the consequences. Over time, asterisks may form on the legs, indicating the initial stage of the problem.
- Ecology has a huge impact. A lot of toxic substances are thrown into the air, especially in big cities. And these gases enter the body along with oxygen. However, many people like to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. These bad habits prevent the body from clearing itself of toxins in a timely manner, therefore, over time, swelling and other problems with the lower extremities appear.
- Nutrition is an important factor. Quick snacks and fast food instead of a healthy and complex lunch, an abundance of fatty and spicy foods negatively affect the work of blood vessels, as a result, on blood circulation.

Indications and contraindications
Remember that lymphatic drainage massage it is permissible to do in the following situations:
- if you lead a passive lifestyle; if you suffer from varicose veins;
- as an additional procedure during the period of weight correction;
- if you have problems with leg swelling;
- if the circulation of lymph in the limbs is weakened;
- with impaired metabolism;
- if you are overweight (which often appears due to a previous problem);
- in the presence of cellulite on the legs, as well as sagging skin;
- if your feet and hands are constantly cold (signs of circulatory disorders and lack of blood flow to the extremities);
- in some cases, even increased fatigue when walking can be the first signal of the need for lymphatic drainage massage.

However, remember that this procedure has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.
- It is important that there are no serious disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, heart or reproductive system.
- The skin must be free of damage. This applies to serious wounds as well as deep scratches and cuts.
- It is not recommended to do the procedure for patients with diabetes mellitus.
- In case of cancer, massage is also undesirable.
- During the period of colds, when the body temperature is above normal, it is not recommended to do lymphatic drainage manipulations. Similar advice must be followed for infectious diseases.
- With diseases of the veins, such as thrombosis, the body can be harmed more.
- Doctors also advise pregnant women not to undergo this procedure.

There are two main techniques for performing this procedure - manual and hardware.Each of them has its own characteristics. Only after familiarizing yourself with all the nuances in more detail, you should choose the most suitable method for yourself.
This technique involves manipulating the skin with your hands.
This type of massage is divided into two types.
- Surface. This option assumes influence on capillaries and small vessels. With the help of a similar procedure, the lymph is directed to the lymph nodes, from where it returns already in a purified form. Through this painless manipulation, which also has a relaxing effect, nutrients are delivered to the muscles, receptors and skin.
- Deep. This technique involves direct action on the lymph nodes. Choosing such a massage, you can promote vasodilation and achieve blood flow to the tissues. Due to the fact that the procedure is performed in the direction of movement of the lymph flow, fat cells are broken down and subsequently removed. This method assumes a wider impact on the blood circulation process.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs can be done not only manually, but also using various modern devices. One of the popular mechanisms for the procedure is pressotherapy. It involves the use of special pants, which are pumped with air for the massage. In this case, there is a point effect on the legs, and thereby the vessels are strengthened.
This procedure is also carried out with the help of a current. The legs are first lubricated with a special solution, then the electrodes are connected. Through a similar mechanism, weak current impulses pass, affecting the blood circulation. This technique is called microcurrent.
Vacuum massage is carried out using a vacuum pump. It involves an effect on blood circulation by removing excess moisture.
By means of the hardware type of massage procedures, you can achieve the desired result in a shorter time, but it is worth remembering that services of this type are done in special salons and are not cheap. However, a good specialist in the field of manual massage will cost from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles or more per session. Therefore, when choosing massage techniques, consider the number of procedures required.

How is it done?
Many people prefer to do lymphatic drainage massage at home on their own. Usually this method requires 15 procedures. In this case, it is advisable to carry them out every other day. For each leg, the maximum recommended session duration is 7 minutes.
The procedure is carried out in several stages.
- Get into a comfortable chair or chair position. As the most suitable furniture, you can use an ottoman to sit on, as well as a footrest. It should be positioned so that your legs are above the level of your pelvis.
- Apply massage cream or balm to your feet using circular motions, which should be gentle. Thus, the massaged area will be warmed up, and the movement of lymph through the ducts will accelerate.
- The first area of massage is from the knee joint to the hip joint. With the edge of the palm, you need to carry out a sliding type movement along the thigh area, gradually increasing strength.
- Next, you need to perform patting movements along the thigh in the direction from bottom to top. This will stimulate blood circulation.

- Then you need to massage the lower leg - from the toes and towards the knee. Stroking should be intense.
- Next, the lower leg should be grasped with both hands and performed movements like extrusion in the direction from bottom to top.
- The feet are massaged by pressing towards the ankle and rubbing. The whole procedure is carried out with the pads of the fingers, which gradually move up the leg.
- After the massage, you cannot stand up abruptly in an upright position. You need to lie down for several minutes.It is desirable that the level of the legs is higher than the level of the head.

There is also a special recipe for such a massage using ingredients such as honey and oil.
You can correctly carry out this procedure using the instructions.
- A couple of tablespoons of natural bee honey is diluted with a few drops of aromatic oil.
- Next, you should cover the resulting mixture on the palms.
- After that, the palms are pressed against the surface of the legs, and then abruptly come off. Thus, it is possible to evenly distribute the honey mixture and help it to be absorbed into the skin.
- Over time, the hands will begin to stick more strongly to the lower limbs. The honey will also take on a darker shade and thicker texture and begin to peel away from the skin in the form of pellets.
- For the result to be more effective, after the end of the massage procedure, an anti-cellulite agent should be applied to the skin.
A feature of this procedure is the adaptation period. At first, painful sensations may occur. In addition, such a massage is difficult to carry out on your own.

Tips & Tricks
In order for the procedure of lymphatic drainage massage to be truly effective, it is necessary to listen to the advice of doctors, as well as long-time fans of this procedure.
Let's consider the most relevant recommendations.
- For the massage procedure to be more effective, it is important to prepare the skin of the legs. A relaxing essential oil bath is a great option.
- It is necessary to control fluid intake during the periods of the procedures. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. But after the massage for two hours, you should refrain from drinking.
- If the purpose of the massage is weight loss, combine it with exercise to achieve the desired result in a shorter time frame.
- If you break the correct direction of movement and massage from top to bottom, then this can contribute to the formation of edema.
- During pregnancy, it is sometimes recommended to undergo a course of such a massage. It is done to expectant mothers no more than twice a week. However, before taking the course, be sure to consult your doctor.

Reviews of lovers of this procedure show that massage not only improves the work of blood vessels, but is also able to eliminate stress after a hard day. In addition, the lymphatic drainage procedure helps to achieve a state of relaxation and can even relieve insomnia, like any intensive massage. It was also noted that such a massage is effective for lymphostasis. By combining massage with the right diet and exercise, many have managed to get rid of excess weight.
Thus, the lymphatic drainage technique of massage procedures is a very effective solution for improving the state of the body, preventing the occurrence of vascular diseases of the legs and varicose veins, a means of improving the appearance of the lower extremities and a way to relax and get rid of stress. Taking into account the characteristics of your body and all the nuances of this procedure, you can choose the best option for its implementation.
This video presents the technique of lymphatic drainage massage of the legs for quick removal of edema at home.