Foot baths with sea salt: what is useful and how to do it?

Since ancient times, baths with sea salt have been considered a healing and tonic agent against leg fatigue. Sea salt contains many beneficial trace elements and minerals in abundance. Salt is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also helps to cure many diseases.

Most people spend their working day in one position - sitting or standing. Often, people do not have the opportunity to change their original position, which is why our body becomes numb and tired. There is a tremendous effect on the legs, so by the evening they swell and swelling appears. Foot baths with sea salt will be a real salvation for any person. They are easy to prepare and do not require large material costs.
But their benefits are enormous: salt relieves muscle tension, exfoliates rough skin on the heels, has a disinfecting and therapeutic effect on the entire human body.

The indications for the use of sea salt baths are quite extensive. This procedure can be done both in the salon and at home. In the field of cosmetology, salt is used to preserve beauty and generally strengthen the immune system. It is known to have a beneficial effect on nails and hair, and to strengthen them.
Among the useful properties of this product, it is especially possible to highlight:
- analgesic effect (salt has an anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly relieves minor symptoms of colds and pains);

- tonic and strengthening effect on immunity (in particular, salt is a prophylactic agent for respiratory diseases, and if the procedure is carried out after two to three days,then you can increase the body's resistance to various kinds of colds);
- making baths is useful for those who suffer from increased sweating, since baths help to reduce sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors (these days this is especially important, since most of the time a person spends in tight and often uncomfortable shoes, in which the legs are hot and sweaty, this is where unpleasant smell);

- beneficial and calming effect on the nervous system (salt baths relax the body, relieve fatigue and help with stress);
- it is known that salt baths have a positive effect on the heart and have a therapeutic effect in cardiovascular diseases, improve blood circulation;
- for fungal diseases, spurs on the legs, arthritis and arthrosis, baths with salt will be very useful, but the procedure should be carried out regularly, at least twice a week (minerals that salt contains will help get rid of corns, soften rough skin on the feet);

- such a procedure reduces tension and pain in the muscles, relieves swelling of the legs, while the severity disappears after a couple of minutes (baths will be especially indispensable for women who wear high-heeled shoes);
- thanks to the large amount of minerals contained in sea salt (potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium), nails stop flaking and break, become stronger and healthier.

How to make a bath correctly?
The rules for preparing foot baths are very simple. First, you need to prepare your feet for the procedure and wash them in warm water. You should choose the optimal temperature for yourself. During the procedure, the water in the bath can cool down, so boiling water can be added. Dissolve sea salt in the proportion of one and a half tablespoons per bowl of water. You don't have to wait for the salt to completely dissolve, but immediately let your feet go into a basin of water. Salt crystals that have not yet had time to dissolve will provide additional acupuncture massage.

A quarter of an hour is the optimal time for this procedure, it should not be exceeded.
After fifteen minutes, you can do an additional cleaning and polishing of your feet with a pumice stone. Since the skin after the bath has become steamed and pliable, it will not be difficult to remove hardened skin and dead cells. After the procedure, rinse your feet in clean warm water and dry them with a soft towel. You should not wipe your feet too aggressively so as not to damage the delicate skin. It's best to just wrap your feet in a towel and let the excess moisture soak into the fabric. Next, you should smear your feet with an emollient or moisturizer. The cream will fix the result, soften the skin and retain moisture in the skin. To achieve the desired result, the baths can be done several times a week.

Basic recipes
Various essential oils will help you to diversify your sea salt baths.
With the help of aromatic oils, the procedure can be made not only useful, but also pleasant.
- To relieve fatigue, baths with rose or lavender salt and oil are suitable. Lavender has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. A couple of drops of lavender oil should be mixed with two tablespoons of sea salt and covered with hot water.

- Eucalyptus oil will soothe tired feet during the day. Mix eucalyptus in equal proportions with lavender and lemon oil, add the mixture to salt and fill with water. Soak your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
- To raise the tone of the body and mood in general, experts recommend using orange or mint oil. Orange is famous for relieving insomnia and improving mood. Peppermint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieves anxiety.
- Jasmine or eucalyptus oil is great for relieving leg pain and swelling.
- Juniper oil is responsible for skin renewal and cell regeneration.

After the procedure, be sure to let the body rest and recover. It is best to lie down on the bed to eliminate stress on tired legs.
Despite a lot of useful properties, foot baths still have a number of contraindications:
- it is not recommended to do such procedures for people who suffer from varicose veins, since baths stimulate blood flow in the legs, and this generates an additional load on the veins;

- during pregnancy, foot baths are also not recommended, since hot water promotes the expansion of blood vessels in the legs, which can lead to unwanted contraction of the uterus;
- the presence of colds (flu, SARS, tonsillitis);
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

- diabetes;
- tuberculosis;
- hypertension;
- the presence of various wounds, cracks, burns on the skin (sea salt will begin to corrode any wounds, which will lead to unbearable pain);
- in the period of exacerbation of any chronic disease, procedures are categorically contraindicated.
For more information on the beneficial properties of the sea salt foot bath, see the video below.