Hand care

Cold paraffin therapy for hands: what is it and how to do it?

Cold paraffin therapy for hands: what is it and how to do it?
  1. Cosmetic paraffin - what is it?
  2. Basic properties
  3. How to choose?
  4. How to cook it yourself?
  5. Stages of using paraffin cream
  6. Contraindications
  7. Application secrets
  8. Reviews

Self-care is one of the most enjoyable things to do. But usually when we carry out various caring procedures, we pay great attention to the face, hair, body, sometimes forgetting about the hands. But this is also an important point. The skin on this part of the body is even more vulnerable than on other areas. And the loose skin on the hands cannot be masked with makeup.

There are many ways to care for this part of the body. You can do masks, herbal baths, peeling. Various creams and emulsions should be actively used. After all, well-groomed hands are an important component of the entire appearance. Therefore, you should not neglect those procedures that will help preserve the beauty and youth of your hands.

You can take care of the pens both in the salon and at home on your own, without special skills. Now at the peak of popularity is the paraffin therapy procedure. It is divided into two types: cold and hot. But if the latter has a lot of contraindications and is complicated by the fact that to carry it out at home you will need to purchase a paraffin therapy bath (it will be in it that the melted wax will be located, you will have to dip your hands in it), then the cold procedure will help save both time and money.

Cosmetic paraffin - what is it?

As you can imagine, the procedure for skin care with the help of a regular paraffin candle cannot be carried out. It is made from petroleum products and, naturally, will not add any benefit to you. Before paraffin becomes “cosmetic”, it will undergo thorough cleaning from harmful impurities and dyes.Additionally, it can not only be saturated with a complex of minerals and vitamins, but even essential oils can be added.

There is such a composition on a fruit, honey, and oil base. Paraffin is the main component of creams, which are designed for cold paraffin treatment of hands.

In order not to be disappointed in the expected effect, you should not buy cheap analogs of one or another product. You should only trust trusted brands.

Basic properties

Cold paraffin therapy for hands does not differ in its level of benefit from its sister, the procedure of "hot" paraffin therapy. Improves blood circulation, reduces flaking, nourishes the skin with nutrients. And it is even able to reduce joint pain. At the same time, you can carry out SPA care using this method at home. After all, the paraffin composition is sold ready-made and does not require additional heating.

Improvement of skin turgor and elasticity occurs due to the stimulation of the paraffin mass of the epidermis of the skin. Forming a kind of "spacesuit", paraffin prevents moisture from evaporating, optimizing the water balance.

How to choose?

Such compositions are represented by a wide range, and sometimes it is difficult to choose a quality product. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to those that have positive reviews.

Here are a few of the more popular companies that make quality paraffin waxes.

  • Aravia Professional. This line is represented by a huge assortment of paraffinic formulations. Berry, flower and even citrus paraffin creams. Lemon oil and orange seeds will improve the turgor of the skin, while saturating it with vitamin C.
  • Start Epil paraffin cream. Contains shea butter, vanilla extract. This composition will relieve irritation and inflammation. Prevents the rapid aging of the skin and strengthens the nails.
  • Cold paraffin cream "Magnolia". Most often, the extract of this plant is used in anti-aging cosmetics, so it is able not only to get rid of small cracks and wrinkles, but it will also improve the elasticity of the dermis. Protects the skin from UV rays. It is better to use this composition in the spring and summer.

How to cook it yourself?

Of course, there is a way for self-preparation of such a composition.

All you need are the following ingredients:

  • liquid paraffin - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cosmetic paraffin - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • lanolin - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • jojoba oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vitamin A or E - 3 capsules;
  • any essential oil - 1-2 drops.

As a dish, you need a glass jar, into which we will pour the ready-made paraffin cream.

We melt the paraffin in a water bath. Gradually add the rest of the ingredients, except for the vitamins. They are introduced last. When the composition becomes transparent, remove from heat, add vitamins, pour into a pre-prepared jar and let cool. After that, the composition is completely ready for use.

Stages of using paraffin cream

Performing the cold method of paraffin therapy, you do not need to purchase additional special equipment, you just need to buy a spatula or a cosmetic brush for applying the composition to your hands and cellophane gloves.

Initially, it is required to prepare the skin of the hands for the further procedure. Wash your hands and exfoliate. For this, you can also use your own preparation. It is enough to grind 2 tsp. coffee beans in a coffee grinder. Add 1 tsp. of your favorite shower gel or liquid hand soap, apply to hands and massage gently for 1 minute. Wash off.

Next, treat your skin with tonic. You can use the usual one for the face, which is available. But some sets of paraffin composition come with special tonics for cold paraffin therapy procedures. Which option is more convenient for you is up to you.

No additional application of a nourishing cream or serum is needed, because the composition itself contains a lot of useful substances.Now we can safely proceed to applying the product. Using a cosmetic spatula, spread the paraffin wax on the hands in a dense layer. Not forgetting about the interdigital area.

We put on gloves and wrap something warm (you can even use mittens). We leave the composition on hand from 15 to 60 minutes.

The final stage - take off the gloves, wipe our hands with a napkin. It is not recommended to wash off the composition, it must be completely absorbed, so the maximum effect of the procedure will be achieved. Final accord - apply any cream.


Cold paraffin therapy has practically no contraindications. But a few possible ones should be noted. Paraffin cream cannot be used with existing skin lesions (abrasions, wounds). Do not use for acne and boils. Naturally, people who are allergic to paraffin should not use this procedure.

The "hot" procedure has much more of them:

  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis.

Application secrets

    If you have not previously resorted to such a procedure, then pay attention to the fact that the paraffin composition does not contain additional additives in the form of essential oils. Then it will be really hypoallergenic and will not cause irritation.

    The paraffin therapy procedure is best done at night, then the product is completely absorbed into the skin of the hands.

    It is recommended to do paraffin therapy of hands before painting the nails with varnish. Then the nails will have time to get enough of useful vitamins and minerals.

    If you use cold paraffin therapy for medicinal purposes, then for the best result it should be carried out in a course of 15-20 procedures with an interval of one day. For cosmetic purposes, the course will be 10 sessions with the same interval. Further, it can be performed only once a week to maintain the achieved result.

    Remember, cold paraffin is not intended for use on the face.


    In general, based on the opinion of consumers, this procedure is an excellent remedy not only for young skin. It is also able to support and revive the already faded skin of the hands. Without causing absolutely any discomfort, cold paraffin therapy helps to get rid of many problems. Many have noted the immediate result after the procedure. Already from the first time the skin becomes soft, smooth, velvety. Peeling disappears.

    Those people who have so-called working hands - already after the first procedure noticed its positive result. Moreover, if there is no time to visit the salon, then the fact of independent use at home is another bonus in the piggy bank of the advantages of this type of paraffin therapy. It is also convenient to use this composition on other hardened areas of the skin: elbows, knees, heels.

    It is very convenient to use the paraffin composition. Even when you get to know him, it is not difficult to carry out paraffin therapy. According to the respondents, I bought, opened, applied and got an excellent result!

    In most reviews, the fact of the low cost of cosmetic paraffin (about 100-150 rubles) is also noted. At the same time, you can add any favorite essential oil to it yourself, and get an excellent economical option for a SPA procedure.

    But there are also those who were unhappy with the procedure. Someone made a mistake with the choice of the composition, someone used it for other purposes (for paraffin therapy of the face). But such a result depends only on the consumers themselves.

    Hand care is as necessary as for other parts of the body. After all, your hands and nails are a kind of visiting card. And neglected hands are not only ugly, but also dangerous. Cold paraffin therapy procedures will help restore the skin of the hands to its former beauty and elasticity. Protect from the effects of the external environment: frost, wind, ultraviolet rays. At the same time, you do not have to waste your precious time visiting a beauty salon.

    For information on how to do cold paraffin therapy, see the next video.

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