Hand care

Hand rejuvenation with mesotherapy

Hand rejuvenation with mesotherapy
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages
  3. Indications
  4. Contraindications
  5. Complications
  6. Stages of the
  7. Reviews

Gentle and well-groomed hands always arouse admiration from others. It should be remembered that you need to take care of your hands just as much as your face. The first signs of aging in the form of wrinkles and sagging skin can be easily eliminated thanks to mesotherapy procedures. Such sessions will help to achieve excellent results and make your hands young and attractive without resorting to plastic surgery.


Mesotherapy for hands is a procedure that involves the introduction of special injections into the skin, due to which the skin becomes elastic and taut. This method is able to saturate the skin with moisture as much as possible and get rid of significant defects. Mesotherapy is a popular rejuvenation technique among most women.

Different ingredients are used to restore beauty and firmness to your hands. They are inserted into the hand with a thin needle. The injection can contain a range of skin-friendly substances, including hyaluronic acid, collagen, enzymes, vitamins, various plant extracts and amino acids.

Under the influence of a mesotherapy session, dry skin of the hands is noticeably moisturized. Almost all existing wrinkles, both fine and deeper, are smoothed out, the skin acquires an even relief.

Mesotherapy is done in the presence of the first age-related changes, in this case it all depends on the type of skin and the degree of manifestation of skin imperfections. Many girls do not wait for the appearance of deeper wrinkles and begin to attend mesotherapy sessions after 25 years. However, this is all purely individual and one should resort to cosmetic procedures only if necessary.


According to numerous reviews of satisfied patients, mesotherapy has a lot of irreplaceable advantages, among which it should be noted:

  • rejuvenation and hydration of the skin;
  • tangible effect after two procedures;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • non-toxicity of the drugs used.

The cost of such procedures is higher, unlike other cosmetological sessions, but the result of rejuvenation will not keep you waiting long, since the first skin improvements come immediately after one or two applications.


Hand mesotherapy can be recommended for people who have problems of the following nature:

  • wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • scars;
  • age-related pigmentation.

These problems can be quickly resolved using the mesotherapy procedure. All that remains is to make an appointment with a qualified cosmetologist, and your hands will again acquire a young and well-groomed look.


Despite the significant advantages of using the mesotherapy procedure, it also has contraindications. The procedures are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

In addition, the following diseases are contraindications for conducting sessions:

  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • moles in places for the administration of drugs.

This therapy should not be used if there are skin lesions such as fresh wounds or abrasions. Experts also do not recommend anti-aging sessions in the first weeks after childbirth. The fact is that during this period of time, wrinkles may appear due to the hormonal surge in the body. Within 5-6 months after the birth of the baby, the skin is capable of self-recovery.


The body is able to react differently to any procedure. As for mesotherapy, it is absolutely normal if suddenly the skin reacts with slight redness or soreness after the injection. As a rule, such manifestations disappear two days after the mesotherapy session. However, there are manifestations of the body that require supervision by specialists and appropriate treatment. We are talking about conditions such as seals and bumps on the skin of the hands, severe allergic reactions, inflammation and swelling at the injection sites.

If the above complications appear, then this should be the reason for an immediate appeal to a beautician. Only a doctor is able to assess the severity of the complications that have arisen and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Stages of the

At each stage of the procedure, there are important features that cannot be ignored.

A mesotherapy session includes several sequential actions:

  • cleaning hands and disinfecting the skin with an antiseptic;
  • lubricating the skin with an anesthetic for half an hour;
  • the introduction of injections in small doses over the entire surface of the hand, where the distance between injections is about 1 centimeter;
  • at the end of the session, the next treatment of the skin with an antiseptic is carried out.

Each procedure without taking into account the time for the effect of painkillers is about 20 minutes. Usually this time is enough for complete disinfection of the skin and direct injection.

To achieve the maximum result from fractional injections for brush skin care, you need to take a course of 7-10 sessions. The time between treatments is at least a week. This time is given for the full restoration of the skin.

During this period, it is prohibited to do the following:

  • you can not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • it is forbidden to swim in the pool;
  • you should refuse to sunbathe and visit the solarium, and also when leaving the house you need to use sunscreen;
  • taking a hot shower or bath is contraindicated;
  • you can not take medications that affect blood clotting;
  • it is not recommended to expose your hands to strong physical exertion;
  • do not wash dishes and do housework without rubber gloves.

Compliance with all important rules during the rehabilitation period excludes the possibility of complications and contributes to the beneficial effect of the measures taken. According to experts, rehabilitation is of the same degree of importance as the mesotherapy session itself.


In general, reviews of fractional injections for hand skin care are positive. According to most women, mesotherapy is able to restore beauty and youth to the hands. Most often, therapy is resorted to when moisturizing hand creams alone are not enough. Mesotherapy becomes in demand when, over time, the skin becomes dull, veins protrude noticeably on the surface of the skin, and wrinkles become more pronounced and deep.

Especially relevant is the mesotherapy procedure for women who are faced with age spots, which significantly betray the woman's age. Pigmentation looks extremely unattractive and therefore requires a cosmetic procedure.

    Fractional injections are an effective treatment for delicate hand skin. The rejuvenating effect lasts for several months, after which the mesotherapy procedure can be repeated again. After the sessions, the skin on the hands becomes elastic and elastic and there is no longer any reason to worry about the appearance of new annoying wrinkles on the hands.

    In this video you will see the procedure of hand mesotherapy.

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