Hand care

Preparing baths to strengthen nails

Preparing baths to strengthen nails
  1. Benefits and contraindications
  2. Strengthening bath recipes
  3. Tips & Tricks

Keeping your nails looking good and looking healthy is easier than it sounds. To do this, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon - it is quite possible to do strengthening procedures at home, including all kinds of nail baths. What is it for, what baths for strengthening nails definitely help - we will tell you about everything in more detail right now.

    Benefits and contraindications

    Every day we are faced with external factors that can have a detrimental effect on the condition of our nails. It can even be difficult weather conditions: strong cold, wind or dry wind, sweltering heat. Also, contacts with household chemicals negatively affect the health of nails, because not everyone uses gloves when cleaning or washing dishes.

    In addition, the appearance and condition of nails can be negatively affected by frequent nail extension procedures., low-quality varnishes and other hand and nail care products. All these factors, plus improper hand care, can lead to the deterioration of the condition of the nails, they can become more brittle, dull, acquire a yellowish tint, their growth slows down, and so on. As a result, there is even a risk of developing a fungal infection.

    Of course, you can buy products in specialized stores for better nail growth, their quick restoration and improvement of their appearance.

    But you can also make your own baths with salt or herbs at home, which will have a positive effect on the health of marigolds.

    It is worth noting that such procedures should be carried out not only when the nail plates need help. This should be done regularly to maintain the beauty and health of your nails.Such procedures help to ensure proper nutrition of nails, enriching them with vitamins and minerals. It helps to accelerate the natural growth of nails, promotes their thickening, normalizes the structure of the plate itself, prevents the appearance and development of fungus and helps to shine with a healthy shine.

    As for contraindications, in principle there are none. In any case, you can choose a recipe for yourself that does not contain ingredients that are not suitable for you personally. It is imperative to take into account your individual characteristics, the presence of allergies or individual intolerance to one or another component. For example, many people are allergic to lemon, so baths using this fruit may be contraindicated for them. Someone is allergic to honey, some herbs, and so on. In this case, it is better to abandon the procedure or find the recipe that will be completely safe and will have a positive effect on the condition of the nails.

    Strengthening bath recipes

    We have selected the best recipes to help restore and maintain the beauty of your nails. Let's start with the classic version with sea salt, because salt baths are suitable for everyone and have no contraindications. However, you should not carry out such a procedure if there are sores or scratches on the skin in the area of ​​potential treatment. If present, it is best to postpone the procedure until the hands are completely healed.

    To prepare such a bath, you will need sea salt. It is this ingredient that is able to enrich nails with iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium and more. The sea salt bath helps to strengthen the plates, speed up their growth and give them a healthy shine. For half a liter of water, thirty to forty grams of such salt will be enough. Wait until it is completely dissolved, make sure that the water temperature is comfortable, and feel free to immerse your fingertips for fifteen minutes. Too often, such a procedure should not be carried out, since there is a possibility that the skin will dry out. Do this bath once a week.

    It is quite possible to use regular coarse salt, which is found in every kitchen. This recipe will require a glass of hot water and thirty grams of salt. Here you can add a few more drops of pink or some other cosmetic oil, or you can add exactly ten drops of iodine. After the procedure, hands should be thoroughly rinsed and moistened.

    There is another interesting and effective recipe using iodine. A glass of hot water will need the juice of one orange or lemon, a teaspoon of iodine and the same amount of ordinary salt. This bath perfectly strengthens the nails.

    In the event that you initially have very dry skin and brittle nails, you should try to do the procedure using the following recipe. Take one hundred milligrams of cosmetic olive oil, add a few drops of bergamot extract to it and slightly heat the mixture in a water bath. After the end of the procedure, you do not need to wash your hands - rub the remaining oil into the skin of your hands next to the nail plate.

    It is quite possible to use other oil as the main component, for example, sesame oil. Before starting the procedure, the oil must be warmed up. Take fifty milligrams each of oil and apple cider vinegar, mix everything together and start the procedure. After finishing, do not wash off anything, but rub the product into the skin.

    The oil works wonders when combined with fresh lemon juice in helping to fight problems such as breakage and delamination. One hundred milligrams of oil (you can use olive or grape) will need fifteen milligrams of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The oil must first be warmed up a little, and after that add the juice. After the procedure, hands should not be washed - you need to rub in the remains of the product until they are completely absorbed. The procedure is best done at night.

    If in the near future you plan to carry out such a procedure as nail extension using a gel, you should take care of strengthening the plate in advance. The most common lemon will help with this. Squeeze out a little juice from the sunny fruit - about one tablespoon. It is best to do this over a small cup, so that later it will be convenient to mix the juice with other ingredients and use the magic composition. Next, add literally a pinch of salt, you can use sea or ordinary. The resulting mixture should be applied with a brush to the nails, and after twenty minutes, rinse off with warm water.

    In the event that you need not only to strengthen the nail plate, but also to improve the growth of nails, you should use the following recipe. To prepare the bath, you will need a teaspoon of regular gelatin, which should be diluted with a glass of warm water. As soon as the main ingredient swells, you need to dip your fingers into the mixture and rinse off twenty minutes later with warm water.

    And here's another recipe that also needs gelatin. Fifteen grams of this product must be diluted in half a glass of warm water, then add the juice of one fresh lemon and a teaspoon of liquid honey.

    You can completely immerse your hands up to the wrists in such a bath for half an hour.

    Using the above proportions, it is quite possible to make another version of the bath. We dilute the required amount of gelatin in water (see the proportions above), add there a few drops of beauty vitamins - A and E. You can take vitamins in gelatin capsules and use one at a time for such a recipe.

    Very often, ordinary baking soda, which every housewife has in the kitchen, is used as ingredients for strengthening baths. For half a liter of water, you need a teaspoon of this powder and the same amount of lemon juice. You can enjoy such a bath for no more than ten minutes, after the hands should be washed with warm water and moistened with your favorite cream.

    And here is another recipe that perfectly helps to strengthen the plates. To implement it, you will need a liter of clean water, fifteen grams of sea salt and soda, and ten milligrams of lemon juice. If you do this procedure regularly, two to three times a week for two months, then the nail plate will significantly improve its appearance.

    Next, we suggest trying out the herbal bath, which also does an excellent job of maintaining the healthy beauty of the nails. We take thirty grams of chamomile and St. John's wort, pour half a liter of hot water and insist for two hours. Next, strain the broth by adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to it. The broth needs to be slightly warmed up, preferably in a water bath, and then used as directed.

    We suggest trying out another recipe, for the preparation of which you will need quite edible ingredients. We heat one hundred milligrams of regular milk and add two tablespoons of any honey there. Once the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved, add one tablespoon of salt and lemon juice each. After completing the procedure, you should not wash your hands, you just need to dry them with a soft napkin, and then apply the cream. They say that red wine perfectly strengthens the plates. We suggest preparing a bath using this ingredient. One hundred and fifty milligrams of wine will need a tablespoon of sea salt. The wine needs to be heated by dissolving salt in it. You can also use white wine, but then instead of salt, we recommend adding three large tablespoons of oil and vinegar to it.

    You can use both olive oil and ordinary sunflower oil, but the vinegar should be exclusively apple cider oil.

    Tips & Tricks

    Finally - some more useful tips for everyone, who looks after and cares for their nails:

    • it is recommended to carry out such strengthening procedures at least twice a week;
    • when choosing a particular recipe, pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for;
    • during the procedure, nails must be clean, without varnish;
    • the procedure should last no more than fifteen minutes, and if you have very delicate skin, the time can be reduced even more;
    • after the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a special cream to your hands and nails that is suitable for your skin type and has a nourishing, moisturizing effect;
    • remember that the water temperature should not be significantly higher or lower than thirty-seven degrees;
    • you can replace ordinary water in the recipe with a decoction of chamomile - such herbal decoctions will help nourish the skin and nails with vitamins;
    • onion decoctions are also quite suitable for such procedures;
    • herbs such as St. John's wort, burdock and plantain are excellent for strengthening the nail plate;
    • never leave the bath until the next time and do not reuse it by heating it in a water bath. Each procedure requires a freshly prepared, fresh solution.

    You will learn more about how to prepare a nail strengthening bath in the following video.

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