Nike Sneakers

Love for sneakers, if any, is unchanging. Such shoes are suitable not only for regular sports activities, but also for everyday wear in a casual style. Nike is one of the most famous and popular brands of athletic shoes in the world. The appearance of Nike sneakers at one time made a splash and redefined the style and quality of casual and athletic footwear.

The sneakers owe their appearance to Phil Knight, a runner who competed at various distances from the University of Origon. Phil and his trainer, Bill Bowerman, worked together to come up with a successful new sales strategy for comfortable, inexpensive, athletic shoes. It happened in 1964. At the same time, Phil flew to Japan to sign a contract with a well-known Japanese company to supply sneakers to America. Then they were joined by successful managers who expanded the geography of sneaker sales. Thus began the history of sales of sports shoes in America under the new Nike brand.
Although the corporate logo of the company, recognizable all over the world, appeared much later, in 1971. Now it's hard to find someone who has never heard of Nike sneakers. What are their features?

Since sneakers belong to a special type of sports shoes, their popularization among ordinary buyers was facilitated by innovations that have been actively used since the beginning.

1970s of the last century. So, for Nike, a special grooved sole was invented. The idea of such a sole came to Bill at the moment when he looked with interest at his wife's waffle iron. A simple yet effective approach to improving footwear allowed Nike to quickly increase sales of sneakers in America.

Then came another successful development in the form of embedded air cushions in the sole of the shoe. With this innovation, sneakers have a longer lifespan.The idea came from Frank Rudy, an aeronautical engineer who helped create the now famous Nike Air series of athletic shoes. The popularity of the brand these days can be explained not only by the loud name, but also by the principles of the company's development. Innovation continues to be applied here. For example, Nike recently signed a contract with Apple to create special shoes that mate with an audio player.

Nike is a globally popular brand with a rich history. Nike sneakers are appreciated both in a professional sports environment and among amateur athletes and people who are simply not indifferent to an active lifestyle. Every year the range is replenished with footwear for men, women and children. Various sneaker models have been given new names. And today they can be found on sale anywhere in the world. It can be both standard and ultra-modern Nike sneakers.

The classification of footwear largely depends on its purpose, the materials used and the stylish look. Nike has quite a flexible vision of the market, so sneakers of the same model can be presented in different categories. For example, the same sports pair is suitable for basketball and skateboarding.

Versatility and wearability are the main features of the sports brand. In general, modern sneakers are represented by the following models:
- summer,
- demi-season,
- autumn,
- for a child,
- female,
- basketball,
- tennis,
- football,
- volleyball,
- for running,
- for crossfit,
- dance.

Nike running shoes have become the most popular to date. As the name suggests, this shoe has a very specific purpose. Although these sneakers can be divided into subtypes. For example, Nike Free is designed for people who enjoy the feeling of running barefoot. Lunar has allowed to create the most secure running shoe with support for the foot and lower leg from stress. For regular jogging on asphalt surfaces, the Flyknit or Lunaracer models are suitable.

Lovers of jogging in a wooded park or off-road have long appreciated the quality and comfort of sports shoes. in the Nike Air Max series (90 or 95). There are other effective running shoe options with more versatile qualities. For example, for intense fitness workout or for gym work. In this case, Nike Free Trainer, Air, or Lunar shoes should be used.

Nike basketball shoes have their advantages. The following lineup is usually used here: Air, Zoom, Free, Jordan, Hyperchase. In skateboarding, footwear is given particular importance. Therefore, for this sporty style, Nike has prepared a line of sneakers for better board traction. For example, Zoom, Air Force, Dunk.

To play in tennis and ping-pong Lightweight, almost weightless running shoes with thoughtful foot protection are best suited: the Nike Vapor or Nike Advantage.

Nike has a long-standing warm relationship with football. Professional and sports enthusiasts alike love the Nike football boots, which are available in a variety of models. For example, Nike CR7. This is a famous model from the Nike winter collection that Ronaldo used. And the Mercurial is best known for its ability to accelerate on the pitch.

For lovers of more "relaxed" sports such as golf, sneakers from the Nike lineup are suitable, which are distinguished by special stability when running on wet grass. For example, it could be Nike Control 3.
The variety of sneakers does not end there. There are many more interesting models from the new collections of sports shoes.

Models and Collections
The range of Nike sneakers is so diverse that it can be difficult to immediately decide on the choice of athletic shoes. It is better to focus on the types of sneakers here. For example, classic, inflated, boots, light, slip-ons, etc.

Each shoe lineup has received a name that is now widely known in the sports world. For example, these can be models such as:
- Nike Air Max,
- Air Force,
- Genicco,
- Jordan,

- Roche,
- Cortez,
- self-lacing,
- with Velcro,

- high,
- on the platform,
- on a wedge,
- glowing,

- on springs,
- transparent,
- waterproof,
- knitted.

Various sneaker options are available on the athletic shoe market in numerous variations. Especially if these are female models.
For example, the Air Max sports shoes are already a timeless classic. The model was released in 1987. Since then, classic Nike sneakers have been associated with this style. It is convenient to run in such shoes, it has a lightweight structure on an air cushion, which helps to relieve some of the load from the foot area. These sneakers are comfortable in everyday wear. No wonder, they go on hikes, are engaged in a variety of amateur sports. It is worth mentioning the main qualities of this shoe: shock absorption, comfortable insole, anatomical repetition of the foot, reliable fixation, and current design.

The Cortez range of sneakers is lightweight and comfortable. This athletic shoe is suitable for regular tennis or ping-pong sessions. The sneaker is very reliable, durable and incredibly durable, despite the external fragility. In them, you can continue the game, even if it started raining. The sole of the sneaker is created on an anti-slip basis. In addition, the shoes are made of quick-drying material. These sneakers stand out for their design - they have a suede strip on the outside, and the rest of the shoe color can be very different. The main qualities of such sneakers are: air resistance, light structure, anti-slip coating on the sole, shock absorption, material that dries quickly, comfortable (anatomical) structure of the insole, general resistance to external influences and even impacts.

HTM Flyknit Sneakers - an experimental sneaker. This is a new take on the traditional look of athletic shoes. These are knitted sneakers, which today are presented in two variations - for training athletes, for practicing athletics lovers. In general, the new design and style of sneakers has a lot to do with the brand's popularity. And not the last role is assigned to the quality and characteristics of materials.

Most of the sneaker models are made from fabric materials that have undergone special processing. Modern sneakers by type of material are:
- leather,
- suede,
- in a mesh,
- rags,
- velvet.

The outsole for these shoes is of particular interest. After all, no matter what the top of the model is, the sole of the sneaker should be toe-able, durable, and withstand the maximum load.

Color and print
Modern sneakers are available in Nike stores in the richest variety of colors. Much depends on the type of model. Plus, sneakers can be a designer model. In general, today sneakers can be distinguished with the following colors:
- white,
- black,
- red,
- pink,
- light green,
- green,
- with flowers,
- camouflage.
Most Nike sneaker models feature a striking logo or distinctive print.

Dimensions (edit)
Before buying, you need to carefully choose your sneakers. And for this you need to understand the sizes so that the shoes are just right, and you can wear them for a long time. To do this, you need to measure your feet. By the way, the dimensional data of the feet should not be 100% the same. To measure the foot, you need to put it on a blank sheet of paper and circle the contour. In this case, the pencil should be held strictly vertically. It is easy to measure the length of the foot along the contour on the sheet (from the tip of the middle toe, as the longest, to the heel). To the parameters of the foot, add 0.5 cm.To buy winter sneakers, add 1 cm.
In general, the data can be rounded up to a whole number or even up to 0.5 cm. The received data is the size of the foot.

Sizes of sneakers are indicated by Japanese (Jp) or Chinese (Ch) designations, or Mondopoint. When choosing shoes, American and European standards should be taken into account. To get the Russian size, you need to subtract 1-1.5 units.Although the standard way of measuring the foot, according to the sheet, will be the most correct. Further, when choosing sneakers, you should take into account the dimensional data in the table. So, the size of Nike men's sneakers can be - from 7.0 to 14 units. For women - from 6.5 to 10.5 units. These are US sizes. By European standards, the sizes of men's sneakers can range from 37.5 to 42.5 units.

But even if you clearly know your size, it is better to try on sneakers before buying.

How much are?
The cost of Nike branded sneakers ranges from 3,990 rubles to 9,490 rubles. The price depends on the model, on the materials used, on the purpose of the sports pair. Professional athletes' shoes will cost several times more. Sneakers from different collections can also vary greatly in price. This is good, since each customer is given the opportunity to choose a model from a well-known brand. In stores today, you can often find sneakers at discounted prices. But these are not branded shoes. It is worth considering this. In addition, you should learn to distinguish fake from branded shoes.

How to distinguish from a fake?
The popularity of Nike sneakers is driving demand. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that individual manufacturers will try to replicate Nike's success. In order to understand the brand's lineup, several important nuances should be taken into account. A real Nike differs from a fake in the first place in the price. Buying sneakers of a famous brand on the market can soon become very disappointed. The company places high demands on its products. AND any comparison with counterfeit is not appropriate here... In order to distinguish a quality product, you need to know about three types of Nike sneaker fakes.

In the first case, the shoes are made at a Nike factory, but for one reason or another, they can be rejected. Hence, these shoes cannot be seen in official Nike stores. But it can enter other markets and be sold at a slightly lower price.

In the second case, we are talking about counterfeit, which is a simple copy of a well-known brand. The real quality is out of the question here.

The third type of Nike fake is handicraft shoes, made for quick sale.

Sneakers from the first batch may be uncomfortable, but they will not lose their appearance. Shoes from the second and third batch should not be worn, since the materials will quickly deteriorate, the sole may fly off and other defects may appear even after the first wash.

How to wash?
Nike running shoes, despite the high quality materials used, will need to be cleaned periodically. Sports shoes can be washed, but preferably not in the "machine". Before washing, the product must be carefully inspected to see protruding foam rubber or threads. In case of obvious flaws in the shoes, machine washing will have to be abandoned, especially if there is a possibility that the sole will not withstand. What should you do in this case?

There are simple rules to wash your Nike sneakers.
- Sneakers must first be wiped off the dirt, cleaned the protector, and removed the stuck stones.
- When washing in a machine, you should use the most gentle cycle. You just need to make sure that the sneakers are washed "without company" with other shoes.
- Sneaker insoles must be washed separately. For this, you can use not only powder, but also any other cleaning agent. You should do the same with laces. 4. During washing, you need to monitor the temperature of the water - it should not be higher than 40 degrees.
- For washing sneakers in a machine in a gentle mode, you can use special bags. Shoes are washed directly in them. Usually bags come with sneakers (depending on the model).
- Towels can be used instead of laundry bags.
- You can dry your shoes simply by placing them in the hallway on a rubber mat. Do not leave it on a radiator or in the sun.It is important to do everything so that the sneakers do not lose their original appearance and quality. Such shoes can be worn for a long time, having specially selected a wardrobe for it in a sports-casual style.

What to wear with?
Men's and women's sneakers are worn under jeans. This is already a classic of the genre. Today, sneakers are used not only for fitness, but also for visiting. Therefore, depending on the color of the sneakers, they can be worn with sports-cut trousers, selected in the appropriate color scheme. Fashion has become so diverse that the most unusual combinations of clothes and shoes can be found on the streets today. For example, stylish sneakers under a tweed suit.

Lightweight sneakers can be worn under sports-style dresses. This is closer to youth fashion. Various combinations of clothing and footwear in a sporty style bring novelty, dynamism and ease to a fashionable image. Therefore, such combinations are so popular among young people.

Designers do not get tired of surprising at fashion shows with their choice of shoes. So, for example, wedge-heeled sports shoes for girls appeared, under which almost anything can be worn.

When choosing Nike sneakers, buyers are guided by the success of the brand, the quality of the shoes and the latest fashion trends. Though For most buyers, the main criteria for choosing Nike remain: convenience and safety, design and durability. You can be convinced of this, just read the live reviews about Nike on the network or on the websites of online stores. Chose a wide variety of Nike models based on fashion trends. It doesn't have to be shoes from the latest collection. The main thing is the optimal ratio of price and quality. And just the chosen model should be like it. After all, they buy it for more than one season.
Judging by the reviews, most buyers prefer original products, albeit expensive ones. This indicates that consumer literacy has increased markedly in recent years.