Sneakers with flowers

Today, sneakers are viewed not only as sports shoes, but also as casual shoes that complement various ensembles of clothing. They can be worn with anything. Due to their comfort, these shoes have become incredibly popular. Indeed, in sneakers and sneakers you can comfortably walk all day.

Sneakers are an irreplaceable item in the wardrobe of almost every person, and of any age, gender, wealth, social status and occupation. Some people prefer classic models in white and black, while others choose bright and colorful sneakers. Still, many girls choose romantic sneakers and sneakers with flowers. Such models add femininity and lightness.

What to wear with?
As a rule, floral prints are not very bright and the background for them is mostly light. What to wear with floral sneakers? White floral sneakers are perfect for a romantic and delicate look. They can be combined with sundresses or overalls and light jackets, denim shorts, skinny jeans and various airy blouses and shirts. Such ensembles will be a great solution for a date.

Clothing and accessories should not be large and bright, as the main emphasis is on the noticeable pattern of the shoes.

Choosing black sneakers with a floral print creates more daring looks that are suitable for walking or traveling. Ripped jeans, T-shirt dresses and leather jackets are perfect for such shoes.
There are no specific rules for combining shoes with such colors. Mixes of various shapes and colors are in vogue now.

You can combine sneakers with a skirt, dress, or even a pantsuit. The main thing is that in the end the ensemble looks stylish, and not tasteless.

There are several tips for this:
- Avoid pairing floral shoes with more than one other floral print. You need to know a sense of proportion and not turn into a walking bouquet. It is better to choose plain clothes, polka dots, checks or stripes.
- You should not wear sports shoes to work. Yet the dress code is the dress code. The office has its own fashion.

Where can I buy?
The most popular and well-known brands of sneakers and sneakers have been producing collections with floral prints for a long time. These include the famous and beloved Nike Air Max with the limited edition Nike Air Max 90 Flower for those who love original summer designs.

Brands also include the New Balance 996 gray flower and Adidas Originals Superstar white sneakers with floral trim.