Features of Chantilly lace

Delicate Chantilly lace is made in France. Moreover, it is known all over the world. It is this type of lace that is considered one of the most common and often used to create elegant things.

Description and history of appearance
Chantilly lace is made in France. The material is named in honor of the city in which it has been produced for several centuries in a row. People have been producing unusual lace since the 15th century. Catherine de Medici brought fashion for exquisite material from Italy. She really liked it, but buying it abroad was not profitable. Therefore, the woman decided to establish the production of delicate lace on the spot. She managed to do it in a short time. The material was distinguished by an amazing elaboration of patterns that filled almost the entire surface. It looked really beautiful.

Initially, this exquisite material was made from fine threads only by hand. The first lace factories in a small town near the French capital appeared in the 17th century. Two centuries later, Chantilly lace spread throughout Europe. But only very wealthy people could afford to buy it. In the wake of the popularity of exquisite material, factories engaged in its production began to open in other countries. A lot of quality products were produced in Belgium at that time.
Nowadays, almost all French lace is made by machine, not on nets. It is very rarely done manually. But you can look at beautiful handmade lace in specialized museums.
As before, the material is popular with wealthy people or those who really appreciate the beauty of lace.

Exquisite French lace was originally used to decorate scarves, capes and original accessories. Fans and ornaments for hairstyles were decorated with this material. During the time of Napoleon III, it was often used to decorate dresses and umbrellas. Small trinkets made of delicate lace were especially popular at that time. They tried to make each of them unique and not like the others. In the middle of the last century, in dresses decorated with such original inserts, girls appeared in films playing fatal beauties.

Now Chantilly lace is actively used by many famous fashion designers. The following things are made of it.
- Dresses. Graceful translucent lace is commonly used for weekend wear. White wedding dresses decorated with such inserts look especially beautiful. It was in a dress with the most delicate Chantilly lace that Kate Middleton got married. Her image has inspired other brides as well.

- Blouses. Delicate blouses decorated with French lace are also popular with many. Usually they are combined with simple classic trousers or formal skirts.

- Linen. Many girls are happy to buy elegant lace lingerie. The sets decorated with French handmade material are expensive but also look luxurious.

- Capes. Graceful capes made of light lace go well with polka-dot dresses or solid-colored outfits.

- Accessories. Like several centuries ago, lace is now used to create delicate gloves and other lightweight jewelry. These accessories are expensive. Therefore, they are usually bought for some special events.
The most popular are veils and wedding gloves.

Less commonly, the material is used to decorate home textiles. Various handkerchiefs, napkins and bedding sets are decorated with delicate lace inserts.

Care rules
In order for delicate lace to retain its attractiveness for a long time, it must be properly looked after.
- Storage. Incorrect storage leads to the disintegration of the delicate material into separate fibers and damage to the original pattern. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to store things away from heating appliances. Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the surface of the material. The temperature in the room where things are stored should be medium. Usually, expensive outfits or accessories are placed in special fabric covers or bags.

- Washing. It is equally important and correct to wash things. Before carrying out this procedure, the product must be shaken off from dust. Next, in a container with warm water, you need to dilute the washing soda. Do this in a ratio of 1 to 10. The lace is immersed in the prepared water. They leave him there for an hour or two. If the item is dirty, the water in the container will need to be replaced 2-3 times. After soaking, the product must be squeezed very carefully, without twisting it. It can then be washed in warm soapy water. You also need to do this manually. Do not rub the material strongly. This could damage the product. After washing, rinse the item well in cool water. Do this 2-3 times. Lacy linen or embroidered products are put into special fabric bags before washing.
In this form, they can be washed without fear of damage.

- Whitening. To bleach lace that has been stored in the closet for a long time, it is boiled for 10-12 minutes. This is done only with cotton products. After bleaching, the item must be rinsed first in warm and then in cold water. There is no need to wash it in soapy water. She will look like new without it.

- Drying. The washed items should be dried on a table or any other horizontal surface. Wrap napkins and underwear with a soft towel for a few minutes before drying. In this case, the item will dry much faster. It is not worth hanging products on ropes or a dryer.

- Ironing. Like other types of lace, this delicate material must be ironed very carefully. To do this, the product must be turned inside out and covered with a layer of gauze. Only then can it be ironed. If there is a need to iron a separate part of the lace, it should be pinned to the blanket with a pin. Iron the item with gentle strokes through a damp cloth.

Knowing the features of exquisite French lace and the rules for caring for it, you can not be afraid to buy products decorated with such inserts.