All About Dumbo Rats

The greatest need for a living friend is experienced by the smallest family members, who, when communicating with an animal, learn to care, compassion and love. Cats, dogs, fish and parrots are classic apartment dwellers that need special attention from their owners. An alternative to these animals can be funny and playful dumbo rats. Cute and affectionate animals do not require a lot of attention, and the boundless joy of communicating with a comical animal will fill the hearts of not only children, but also their parents.

The dumbo rat is a small decorative animal that has disproportionately large, low-set ears.
The most valuable specimens have the largest auricles.
Representatives of this breed differ from the usual rat in the shape of the ears, which are of two types:
- in the form of a plate;
- in the form of a bud.
European buyers prefer animals with bud ears. The maximum size of a well-fed pet body is 20 cm, and the weight of an adult can reach 400 g. Boys are much larger than girls. Animals have a round head with an elongated, pointed muzzle. The eyeballs are round. Some representatives of this breed have a thick fleshy tail, and some have this part of the body completely absent.
Animals have a short life span, which does not exceed 5 years. The average life expectancy is 3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any pet, a decorative pet has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Of the positive aspects, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- susceptibility to training;
- high intellectual level;
- unpretentiousness in food;
- response to a nickname;
- the presence of a good-natured and affectionate character;
- sociability;
- credulity;
- no need for spacious living quarters;
- cleanliness;
- creating a minimum amount of noise;
- a small amount of maintenance costs;
- ease of maintenance.

An animal has a unique ability to adapt to the mood of its owner, giving a person exactly those emotions that he needs. The main disadvantages of a funny animal are:
- non-observance of commands without a treat;
- falling into depression with prolonged solitude;
- incompatibility with predatory pets;
- territory label;
- damage to all available interior items;
- high cost of medicines for treatment;
- the presence of a specific smell;
- the need for a daily walk;
- high price;
- short period of life;
- preservation of wildness in the absence of contact with people.

The result of long-term breeding work was the emergence of several subspecies of dumbo rats, which differ in color and the presence of wool. Eared animals can be both shaggy and bald, and also be black, white, gray and red. Depending on taste preferences, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate breed.
The Rex breed has a curly, dense coat that evenly covers the entire body, and the pet becomes soft and plush. Newborn babies with protruding hair look comical and funny. Some individuals even have curly mustaches.

The Dumbo Sphynx breed is distinguished by the complete absence of hair. Small folds of skin can be seen on the soft, velvety body, which can be pink, white, blue or black. The length of the mustache can be either large or small, and in some pets they are completely absent.
The peculiarity of the skin provokes the frequent development of skin diseases and its mechanical damage.
To preserve the genetic trait, specialists do not recommend crossing the breed with other representatives of dumbo... To prevent aggression from rats with fur, it is necessary to place naked pets in a separate cage. This breed is chosen by people who are allergic to wool.

Unique representatives of this subspecies have a soft creamy coat color, against which the brown muzzle and paws look spectacular.
These animals have a high cost due to the presence of a recessive gene that may not be passed from parent to offspring.

Husky rats at birth have a standard color scheme, against which white hairs may appear only after a few months.

Manx rats are tailless representatives of the species. This feature was triggered by a gene mutation and caused negative reviews from experts.
A tailless animal does not maintain balance well and does not have the ability to lower its body temperature.
The absence of a tail has a negative effect on the skeleton and the life span of the animal, which does not exceed 12 months.

Blue mink
Blue mink is a unique subspecies that has a gray coat with a blue tint. The amazing color scheme significantly increases the value of the rat pups on the market.

How can you tame?
Funny animals easily make contact with people and are quick to train. Before learning difficult tricks the animal must be carefully taught to hand. The pet should be held in the palm of your hand and stroked for at least 2 hours a day.
When in contact with an animal, one must constantly pronounce its full name, trying not to use a large number of synonyms.
Trainers recommend calling the animal by name for your favorite treats.
An important point of training is the study of the rat to return to its place in the cage and independently leave it when the owner calls. After a short tactile and emotional contact, the animals begin to trust their owner.
During the game, animals can bring small objects, find tasty food, overcome low obstacles, giving the owners a lot of positive emotions.
Some individuals may even select a given item, stand on their hind legs, and pull shiny objects out of boxes.

Care and maintenance
To maintain health and activity, the acquired pet needs to create the most comfortable conditions for life and reproduction, as well as organize a balanced nutritious diet at home. Animals must be properly and timely fed and regularly looked after.
The most comfortable temperature regime for a rat is at + 20 ° with an air humidity of no more than 50%.
Experts recommend protecting the animal from strong currents of cold air, which can provoke colds.
The cage must be at least 1.5 m above the floor and protected from bright light and heating appliances. Failure to comply with the rules of maintenance and care can cause the development of various diseases. Signs of a healthy pet:
- shiny coat;
- clean eyeballs;
- lack of pus in the eyes;
- high level of mobility and activity.

Veterinarians single out several of the most dangerous diseases.
- Mycoplasmosis - a dangerous disease that is transmitted through the air and can lead to death.
- Abscess - inflammatory process after mechanical damage. For its treatment, it is necessary to clean and rinse the affected area.
- Helminthiasis - damage to the body by various parasites.
- Malignant and benign tumors.
At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor and not use alternative methods of treatment.

To keep the dumbo rat, experts recommend purchasing large multi-tiered cages, all of which are made of metal. Elements made of wood and plastic will soon be completely destroyed by a rodent. The minimum height of a permanent dwelling should be 50 cm and a length of about 60 cm.
The cage for temporary overexposure can be much smaller.
When choosing a cage, special attention should be paid to the distance between the rods, which should not exceed 20 mm, as well as an even floor, a high pallet, wide doors and shelves. A house and a hammock are indispensable elements of a home.
The place to sleep should correspond to the size of the animal, be cozy and comfortable. Manufacturing material - durable plasticthat does not absorb foreign odors and is easy to clean. A hanging hammock can be a favorite spot for your pet to warm up and hide in. Due to the rapid contamination of this accessory, the product needs regular cleaning and washing.
The dining area should be equipped with bowls for food, as well as a drinker. It is better to put food for the animals in a ceramic dish, which is silent.
Cereal mixes should be kept in separate bowls and should not be mixed with natural products.
Keeping several animals together involves purchasing a large food container. For drinking it is necessary to use special drinkers, which are fixed on the rods of the cage.

Entertaining elements are obligatory details of every cage for animals. During the period when the owner cannot devote time to the pet, the rat must move independently and entertain itself. Rope ropes, ladders and special rodent tunnels are available in specialized stores. If you have the material, you can make toys yourself at home.
A must-have accessory in the cage is a special mineral stone, which helps the rat to correct the length of its teeth and claws.
Some owners put rodents in transparent aquariums. Glass housing is not suitable for rodents and has several disadvantages:
- low ventilation;
- accumulation of unpleasant odor and fecal gases;
- the need for regular disinfection;
- the complexity of cleaning;
- the likelihood of the animals leaving the house on their own while airing the aquarium;

Your pet's basic diet should consist of ready-made cereal and nut mixtures, which can be purchased at specialty stores.
Together with traditional food, experts recommend feeding the animal with boiled egg, fish, liver, heart, butter, pumpkin and flax seeds.
The animals love to feast on fresh peaches, apples, bananas, cherries and cherries. Very rarely, pets can be pampered with kefir, milk and a small slice of orange. Sprouted wheat, oats and soybeans, as well as green leaves of parsley, dill and dandelions can serve as a useful top dressing.

It is strictly forbidden to feed rodents with dried fruits, which contain a large amount of sugar, as well as fatty, salty, spicy and fried foods from the human table. These products can provoke an upset of the digestive system, as well as the death of a pet. List of prohibited products:
- meat and fish products;
- alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- sweet pastries and sweets;
- hard cheese;
- White cabbage;
- radish, horseradish, turnip;
- boiled and raw potatoes;
- beans and peas;
- artichoke;
- all kinds of mushrooms.
Young animals need two meals a day, and the frequency of feeding adults should be up to 4 times a day.
The animal should have solid foods in its diet that will help the pet to grind its teeth: the constant use of soft foods can lead to excessive regrowth.
A prerequisite for the full growth and development of animals is the availability of fresh clean water. During an independent walk around the apartment, the animal can be poisoned with the juice of Kalanchoe, geranium, ivy, hydrangea and cyclamen.

Dumbo rats are treated with clean animals that carefully monitor their fur. The animal needs a weekly change of the bedding layer in the cage. To simplify the cleaning process, you can install a special tray in the corner of the cage, where the animal will be happy to go to the toilet.
Complete cleaning and disinfection of the cage must be carried out 2 times a month.
All food containers should be rinsed daily and filled with clean water and fresh feed.
As a bedding material, you can use granular mixtures or coarse sawdust that will not get into the nose and eyes of the animal. It is strictly forbidden to use newspaper sheets that, when moistened, emit harmful and toxic substances. Experts recommend bathing rodents in warm water with a special shampoo 2 times a year. This manipulation will remove the foreign smell from the pet.
To reduce the stressful state, bathing should be carried out in the form of a game, and then the animal will be happy to wash.
If the animal categorically refuses to wash, you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth. Forced bathing will provoke aggression and distrust towards a person.
After bathing, you must carefully cut the long nail plates with special nippers.

For reproduction, breeders recommend using only the brightest representatives of this breed, who can transmit hereditary traits to their offspring. Sexual maturity in rats occurs at the age of 7 months. The gestation period does not exceed 1 month. The number of pups in one litter reaches 15 pieces. The female does not need outside help during childbirth.
Newborn animals are absolutely naked, blind and helpless.
For the first two weeks, the owners are strictly forbidden to touch the rat pups with their hands and manage the nest.
The main task of the owners is to maintain a clean cage and a balanced feeding of the female. Babies quickly gain weight and become covered with hair, and after 10 days the pups can already see and hear well. After 21 days, the offspring can be transferred to dry food, and at the age of 45 days the babies are sent to other families.

Owner reviews
The funny and affectionate animal has gained wide popularity among lovers of domestic rats. The owners of these animals note their kind, playful and affectionate character, and their intellectual abilities amaze all family members. Many parents have eared pets at the request of their children, who can play with their pets for hours and train them at the same time.
Before buying this animal, one must take into account the short lifespan of the animals, the death of which can cause irreparable psychological trauma to the child.
Among the negative aspects of the dumbo rat, the owners note the constant desire of the animals to mark their territory, to taste all the surrounding objects and fall into depression during a long stay alone.

For details on keeping dumbo rats in the house, see below.