Names for boy rats

Decorative rats are unusually intelligent and easily trained creatures that quickly become attached to their owner. These creatures are not only able to distinguish the voice of the owner from all others, but even recognize this person by smell.
One of the first steps in taming and raising a small pet is choosing a nickname, to which the animal must get used to in the future.

What options for names can be considered in relation to the male ornamental rat cub?
What can be called?
In choosing a suitable nickname for a rat-boy, owners are often guided by a variety of parameters, from the color of the baby to the features of his character. But if you connect imagination and fantasy to this process, you can be amazed at how many different, interesting and original variants of names can suit a small pet. One of the most common themes from which you can glean many versions of nicknames for a rat-boy is the world of flora and fauna. For example, very often the owners of male domestic rats call their pets such names as:
- Lily of the valley;
- Tulip (Tyusha);
- Laurus (Lavrusha, Lawrence);
- Ficus (Fixik);
- Phlox (Phloxic);
- Chamomile (derived from "Roman");
- Cornflower (derived from "Vasily").

Often, the names of some animals inspire the owners of decorative male rats to assign completely unexpected nicknames to their pets. For example, in the sphere of breeders of these funny animals, such names of rats are often used as: Bars (Barsyusha), Hedgehog, Gopher, Skunk, Hare, Fox (Fox, Fox).
Names are also very popular, which, oddly enough, are directly related to cooking. In this case, the following can be cited as popular examples of nicknames for baby rats:
- Bagel,
- Bagel,
- Baton,
- Bulkin (Bun, Bulka),
- Sushkin,
- Plyushkin,
- Gingerbread,
- Brioche,
- Donut,
- Cracker,
- Cupcake (Cupcake) and even Croissant.
Other variants of names with "edible" origin:
- Raisin (Raisin, Raisin),
- Pepper (Pepper),
- Sesame,
- Nut,
- Coconut,
- istashka (Pistashkin),
- Pate,
- Shawarma,
- Churchkhela.

Among the most common variants, which are most often found among the nicknames of male rats, the following should be noted:
- Borya (Boris, Borka);
- Kuzya (Kuzma, Kuzmich);
- Prosha (Proshka, Prokhor);
- Tema, Tim (Timoshka, Tishka, Timofey);
- Yasha (Yashka, Yashkin);
- Petrusha (Parsley);
- Mickey (Mickey Mouse);
- Stepan (Stepka, Stepashka).
The intricacy or simplicity of the name of the rat-boy directly depends on the imagination of his breeder. There are no restrictions in choosing a suitable nickname, so here you can use whatever your heart desires - from a dictionary of foreign words to a geographical atlas.

List of the best nicknames
Some breeders of rats believe that the most organic names for these animals are those in which there are hissing sounds. Among the most famous examples in this case are such names for rats as:
- Shush (Shusha, Shushyr, Shushar);
- Krosh (Tiny);
- Kid (Baby);
- Grosh (Groshik);
- Cash, Kesha (Keshik);
- Shurik;
- Chushik, Chushka;
- Chucha;
- Blanche;
- Chizhik;
- Shustik;
- Shket;
- Plush (Bun);
- Cheburashka (Cheburash);
- Sean (Shonik, Shonny);
- Chippolino (Chip, Chippy).
It is optimal if the name of the animal will consist of one or two syllables. Thanks to this, the pet will be able to quickly remember its nickname, get used to it and get used to it.

Affectionate nicknames
The choice of a nickname for a small cub of a decorative rat is always associated with the personal preferences of its owner. Many pet rat breeders prefer affectionate and funny nicknames. These include the following:
- Kopysh,
- Shurshik,
- Ershik,
- Proshik,
- Sweeties,
- Luntik,
- Spool (Spool).
The most common and affectionate names given to little baby rats are:
- Ratik,
- Boy,
- Funtik,
- Punia,
- Masik,
- Chubchik,
- Chopik, Zucchini.

Less popular:
- Rickshaw,
- Shiva,
- Thresher,
- Chocolate,
- Sharpie.
Fans of the original nicknames often call their favorites absolutely amazing names given in honor of celebrities. These include such names as:
- Chopin,
- Schubert,
- Schopenhauer,
- Nietzsche,
- Churchill,
- Che Guevara,
- Schwartz (Schwarzenegger),
- Chekhov,
- Chaplin.
How to choose?
As mentioned above, the easiest ways to find a name for a decorative boy-rat are to focus on its color or character. Taking a closer look at your pet, you can choose a truly unique name for it.

By color
Based on the color and features of the coloring of the animal, the baby rat can be called variants of names such as:
- Smoke, Dymych, Gray, Volchok (for rats of gray colors);
- Chernysh, Black, Chernush, Black, Black Jack (for black kids);
- Bezh, Bezhik, Coffee, Muscat, Peanuts (for brown-colored male rats);
- Belyak, Snezhok, Vayti, Kefir, Smetankin, Slivkin, Kokos (for male white rats).

Depending on the similarity of the color of the pet with the color of animals of other species, the baby can be called like this:
- Husky;
- Siam;
- Jaguar;
- Panda.

Given that the color of decorative rats is very diverse, there are never any problems with the choice of a suitable nickname.
In case of difficulty, you can focus on one characteristic (for example, the original speck) or features of the color of the coat.
The nature
Decorative rats are extremely curious creatures, but at the same time they are very cautious.Some are active almost immediately after birth, others only after a certain time. By observing the behavior of your pet, you can determine the main traits of his character. Usually, based on this criterion, babies of decorative rats receive such nicknames as:
- Tikhonya, Tikhon;
- Shunya (Noisy);
- Skoda;
- Stompotun;
- Sniffer;
- Macho;
- Shustrik;
- Jumper;
- Naughty man;
- Toy (Igrun);
- Buyan (Burun, Buzun);
- Bully (Zabiyash, Zabiyasha, Zabiyashka).

Experienced breeders of decorative rats claim that each of these animals has its own unique character, unique habits and inclinations.
To name your pet a truly successful and suitable name only for him, you should observe him a little more carefully and more carefully.
For a rat named "Drugan", see the video below.
Our rat's name is Matsuda.
I have 3 rats. One girl - Lariska and 2 boys - Phlox and Yashka (they are twins).
I have a Snus rat.
My rat's name is Snowflake.
My name is Ricky.
We haven't bought a rat yet, we are just thinking about what to call it. You can name Mickey Mouse, Lavender, Chip and Dale, Master and Margarita, Cookie, Donut, Toffee and Milka.
My name is Tosha.
My names are Yerzhan and Bunnichob.
My name is Cognac, and the second is Potter.
And mine are Potter, Kate, Johnny.
My friend and I have rats, their names are Kuan and Sponzhik, and I have Sanya and Stefan (I'm not sure with Stefan yet) or just Senya.
I have Tod.
Our name is Splinter.
Our rat's name is Key;)
We have a dumbo rat, gray, called Raphael.
My name is Lucifer (Buttercup).
We have Kujo.
My little rats are Yucca and Captain Levy.
I'm going to buy a rat. Can you call him Rule?
And I have Meni and Nano) And now I'm thinking, what should I call the third one?
We have Zhivchik.
I want to name the rat Jucy.
Our rats are called Dobie (she is bald), Shrek, Luna, Pound, Sonya and Tolik))))
We have Doris. Bought a boy, decided to be Sam.