Pink kitchens: color combinations and design options

Pink kitchens look like they have stepped out of a pastry shop window: caramel crimson, juicy raspberry, delicate tea rose and juicy peach - these are just a few of the shades that designers suggest to decorate the interior with. But how to use them correctly so as not to turn one of the most important premises of a house or apartment into a parody of a doll's palace? A balanced choice of a kitchen set in gray and white-pink colors will allow you to achieve a more harmonious combination of colors and shades.

Palette of shades
A pink kitchen will never be monotonous or boring. There are more than 100 shades of this tone in nature. and deciding in which of them to create a typeface can be infinitely long. It is worth noting that there are warm and cold color options, you can find varieties of pink with gray, brown, orange, magenta or purple tint.

Among the exotic options officially adopted by the Pantone Institute, the main trendsetter in the field of color, we can note:
- the color of the angel's wing - it is almost completely whitened and pale;
- white and purple - in tones between light rose and lavender;
- the blush of a blushing bride;
- pink dogwood;
- crayfish soup;
- pink parfait;
- Spanish villa.

However, among the 168 variations of the color of the rose, you can definitely find your own. The main thing is to navigate the shades. In the interior of the kitchen, in the decoration, the headset looks good dusty rose with a pronounced brown undertone, almost flesh. Close to him in shade salmon and pink coral tone.
If you want a set in a dark pink tones, you can consider a raspberry glow or magenta haze, berry color, carmine, fuchsia.

Among the flowers of the powdery range, the shade of a cloud of roses with a slight tint to beige looks interesting. Popular with designers and the color of pink powder, Creole tone, pink primrose - they also have a pronounced effect of muted shade.
If you need a pale pink or light pink color scheme, you can choose a classic English tone. Smoky rose, heavenly pink or pearl shade look interesting.

In the design of a country-style kitchen, dirty pink, pink-brown, beige-pink scales are often used.
Of the light tones, the most interesting is the color of a cloud of roses or evening sand. Darker options are shrimp and beige-peach. An even richer beige tone is seen in the colors of a tanned rose, lobster soup, and lanthanum. Ash rose also belongs to this range.
Pale pink kitchen can be with a gray undertone - whipped peach or pale blush, strawberry cream or almond blossom. Modern materials make it possible to realize any of these options, observing all the requirements for style and interior design.

Types and placement of kitchen units
Kitchen sets made in pink color may differ in their configuration, type of construction and design features. Glossy and matte versions of facades are available, in their coating can be used plastic, MDF, laminated chipboard or painted solid wood. By the type of their design, products can be island and peninsular (with a bar), U-shaped or L-shaped (corner).

In a small room, a straight (linear) set is usually located along one wall. You can increase its useful area with the help of matching cabinets or a built-in mezzanine. In kitchens with gas stoves, the headset can only be placed on the side where the pipe is brought out. In other cases, various configurations are possible, for example, modular kitchen located on two opposite walls of the room.
Corner and U-shaped kitchens are considered the most convenient options for a city apartment. They can be supplemented with an "island", if space permits, or include a bar counter.

Successful color combinations
To harmoniously fit a pink set into the kitchen interior, you must definitely take care of additional color accents. It is quite difficult to combine other shades with this whimsical color scheme, but there are tones that can cope with this mission.
Usually, the top or bottom is made contrasting, but the edging of cabinets or a tabletop, a bright apron between the work surface and the hanging modules can act as a contrast.

Among the colors that go well with pink, seven can be noted.
- White... The most popular option for color combinations. The white-pink kitchen looks neutral, cozy and fresh, visually expands the space, fits well into different styles in the interior.

- Gray... A laconic color desperate for a vibrant companion. A gray-pink kitchen with a metallic effect or pearl-pearl shine looks good. The silvery gray variety goes well with smoky rose or magenta.

- Beige... All shades of pink with brown undertone go well with this color. Tea rose, salmon, peach, powdery tones can be combined with cappuccino or cocoa, darker coffee colors make the room more austere.

- Black... The combination is quite bold and trendy. The black and pink kitchen looks harmoniously in the Art Nouveau style, it requires a uniform distribution of each of the colors in the decoration. It is better to take pink color from bright colors: crimson, fuchsia.

- Blue or turquoise. A cool muted color that needs warm contrasts.Typically blue is used at the bottom of the headset, providing a more practical work area.

- Lilac and purple... They are related to shades of rose, they go well with them, but they require dilution with white details, otherwise there is a risk of getting too flashy, kitsch design of the space.

- Green... The color of the leaves and fresh grass sets off the delicate pink tones well. This combination is appropriate in the country style: from Provence to shabby chic.

Style selection
It's pretty easy to pick a style for a pink kitchen. This color is used by designers very actively both in the design of modern interiors, and when using the traditions of country or retro.
A modern pink kitchen is a high-tech space devoid of pretentiousness or luxury. It is characterized by the rejection of natural materials - they are replaced with plastic, chrome-plated metal, glass. Modern style allows for the most active colors (doll-pink, fuchsia, raspberry) and at the same time do not go into kitsch and tastelessness.
You can use bright accents both in the decoration of facades or countertops, and in the decor of walls, aprons.

The kitchen looks more relaxed in a modern style in gray-pink tones. This combination of colors harmoniously fits into the high-tech direction; you can use glass and mirror inserts, chrome racks with it. The headset itself may have an unusual shape or design, but at the same time it will remain laconic and glossy, with facades without carving and other decorations.

A mix of styles - eclectic - ideal for space zoning in sophisticated kitchen-living or dining-room combinations... Pop art elements are actively used here., large posters or skins can be placed, original furniture is used in the dining area. The combination of a caramel pink or candy pink corner set with a podium located opposite, repeating its color and shape, looks interesting.
It is better to mix avant-garde solutions with more laconic modernity or minimalism.
For example, bright and unusual furniture, a headset to fit into a serene Japanese style with finishing in shades of sakura, add graphics or highlight accents with unusual lamps.

The most interesting variant of the stylistic combination of a pink headset with the general design of the space. French Provence is characterized by the use of a bleached, pastel color scheme. Delicate shades of dusty or tea rose are most often used here.... In addition, you can use the classic pink, repeating the delicate shades of the flower petals.
In the Provence style, you can install a solid solid color set with painted facades, carvings, gilded twisted overlays. In their shape, the cabinets should resemble classic sideboards; the use of multi-level modules is relevant.
In the decoration, you can use patina, aging surfaces. On the walls and in the decor of home textiles, small floral ornaments, a checkerboard or a vertical stripe are welcome.

In the Arabian East, pink is not the color of kitsch and candy canes, but an element of luxury. To embody ethnic style in the interior, you will have to choose expensive materials. (wood, natural stone), use traditional twisted ornaments and patterns. Powdery shades of Moroccan ethnicity or gentle play of dawn in the decoration will look harmoniously framed by traditional spicy tones of cinnamon, vanilla, turmeric, hot pepper and delicate turquoise.

The modern appeal to retro style is, rather, a tribute to the pin-up era, the post-war years in America, where active colors were in trend at that time. Raspberry ovens and refrigerators, juicy and thick undertones of pink in the design of facades and its whitened versions in the decoration of the apron, walls, floor - these are the elements by which you can today recognize retro-styling in the decoration of the kitchen space.
Also, here you can skillfully beat the combination of "old" massive headset and modern household appliances, use a self-leveling floor with vinyl gloss and cabinets to match it with chairs and a table made of plastic. Retro can be very different - you just need to choose an era to your liking.

The romantic spacious kitchen-dining room in pink blends harmoniously with the Rococo style. The elegance, coziness, and comfort peculiar to it are quite easy to embody in the decoration and layout of the headset, and in the interior design as a whole. The color scheme in the Rococo style will be as delicate and pastel as possible, with a share of carnival glitter and chic in the details.
Gilding, lush window decorations, luxurious chandeliers, pink marble floors and countertops are appropriate here.
The facades are not flat, but more complex: with bevels, overlays, an interesting glazing layout.

Design features in monochrome
The design of the room in a monochrome range includes not only the design of the headset design - the overall decoration of the room is equally important, especially for a small-sized kitchen. When deciding in what colors to choose wallpaper on the walls, you should pay attention to pastel pale pink shades that go well with different styles of decoration. You can use plain materials or glue the cover with small prints. For example, a small Victorian kitchen goes well with a small flower pattern.

Wallpaper with drawings or textured materials well hide small irregularities, the paler their tone, the higher and lighter the room will look.
Against such a background, you can install headsets in black and pink tones, quite bright and contrasting. If the kitchen space is combined with the dining room or living room, it is better to use finishing in more active colors for the working area, use a different texture of materials. It will be interesting to look at the option with painting or plastering the walls in fuchsia color.
Another fun trick is to create a pink kitchen apron. Colors such as pink-purple, lollipop look good here. You can do it in pale colors if the headset itself is rich and bright.

The floor in such a kitchen is selected based on the general stylistic decision. For example, for country, classics and provence it is better to choose parquet or board in gray-pink tones, mocha color. V minimalistic style, loft, hi-tech smooth or textured large-format tiles look harmonious. For retro kitchens you can choose glossy tiles in pink and black colors.
Ceilings are also important in interior design. They can be neutral white with a matte / glossy texture or to match the headset, this solution will add volume.
Curly ceiling structures with different heights or two-color options look interesting.

Beautiful examples of the interior
A practical corner kitchen in a milky pink color. The lavender shade in the headset is supported in the design of the apron panels.

Stylish gray-pink kitchen decorated in a modern style. The delicate pastel shade of rose is harmoniously combined with a beautiful gray, the sophisticated geometry is accentuated by chrome roof rails.

A striking example of a harmonious combination of two shades of pink at once. The color of ripe berries at the bottom of the set is complemented by a delicate pastel tone in the hanging block.