
Laminate kitchen aprons: features, pros and cons, choice and care

Laminate kitchen aprons: features, pros and cons, choice and care
  1. Description
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. How to choose?
  5. Installation methods
  6. How to care?

For many hundreds of years, one of the most popular and demanded materials for interior and exterior decoration of premises is wood, which has high aesthetic properties and a beautiful texture, but at the same time - low resistance to temperature fluctuations and humidity. The high demand for wood finishing material and its negative characteristics forced manufacturers to work on creating an equally beautiful, but more versatile analogue.

Modern equipment and innovative technologies have allowed large enterprises to launch the production of laminate, which could become a worthy replacement for wood in the decoration of premises such as the kitchen.

Today, laminate kitchen aprons can be found in the design of modern rooms, instead of traditional wood.


A kitchen apron is one of the most important elements in a food preparation room. It should not only harmoniously combine with the overall interior and emphasize its style, but also reliably protect the walls from the negative effects of high temperature, steam and moisture. For many decades, designers have used various types of wood to decorate elite premises, but they had to be subjected to a complex processing process. The use of protective compounds significantly increased the price of an already expensive natural material.

The situation has radically changed since the appearance on the construction market of laminate flooring, the texture of which completely repeats the structure of various types of wood, and some models imitate stone, tiles and granite.

The high strength values ​​of laminated boards are due to the original purpose of the product - covering the floor surface. But thanks to the wide range of colors, the material began to be used for wall decoration.

Particular attention should be paid to the structure of the laminate, which consists of a fibreboard coated with acrylate or melamine resin. The fiberboard manufacturing process provides for the technology of pressing and fixing the paper layer, on which a graphic pattern is subsequently applied. The final stage in the manufacture of the laminate is the gluing of a protective film, which increases the level of resistance to mechanical damage, and also reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all building materials, laminate flooring has its pros and cons. Consider the advantages of using it for a kitchen apron:

  • high level of resistance to dirt, grease, steam and high temperatures, as well as to the action of compounds with high acidity;
  • resistance to the action of chemical cleaning compounds;
  • ease of installation;
  • no need to purchase special fixation tools;
  • availability;
  • wide range of colors and textures;
  • long period of operation;
  • the ability to use in various stylistic directions;
  • affordable price range;
  • obtaining a minimum amount of waste.


  • the location of heating sources at a remote distance;
  • mandatory sealing of all joints.

Designers recommend using laminate flooring for kitchen backsplash in the event that if the interior of the room corresponds to the following stylistic directions:

  • retro;
  • classic;
  • empire style;
  • baroque;
  • minimalism;
  • modern;
  • high tech.

To design a kitchen in Provence and country style, it is better to give preference to a laminate with an aged effect.


Laminate is a unique building material that has several varieties.

  • MDF panels - lacquered paper board, which has a low resistance to moisture. Advantages - low price, ease of installation and availability.
  • Chipboard - moisture-resistant material that can be fastened without using a crate. The disadvantage is the presence of non-laminated ends.
  • HDF laminate (laminated hardboard) is a pressed material that has an increased level of density and is installed only on the crate.
  • Floor laminate - a simple floor covering that can also be used for a kitchen backsplash.

How to choose?

In order for the product to serve for more than a dozen years, it is necessary for novice craftsmen to pay special attention to its selection. On the shelves of modern hardware stores, you can see a wide range of laminate flooring. However, not all models can be used as a kitchen apron. The selected item must have the maximum indicator of wear resistance and moisture resistance. Most consistent with these characteristics of the model class 31 and 32 with environmental safety level E1which contains a minimum amount of formaldehyde particles.

The thickness of the laminated board ranges from 0.6 to 1.2 cm. For walls it is better to choose average. And also it is necessary to take into account the width of the product - it varies from 9 to 40 cm.

Of no small importance is the color palette, which includes a large number of shades.


  • Birch;
  • Cherry;
  • oak;
  • wenge;
  • dark and light walnut.


  • ash;
  • light birch;
  • light alder;
  • light oak.


  • lactic;
  • cream;
  • light gray;
  • bleached oak.

To obtain a harmonious space, it is necessary to match the color of the panels to the tone of the door, window opening and frame. Matching the color of the floor with the color of the backsplash is not the best option.

Installation methods

In order to securely fix the material on the wall, experts recommend using the following fixation methods:

  • lathing;
  • fixation with glue under the influence of high temperatures and pressure.

For self-fixing of the product, you must have the following set of tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • drawing pencil;
  • ruler;
  • wooden beam;
  • electric drill;
  • screws, nails or special glue.

Preparatory steps before attaching the apron:

  • adaptation of laminate sheets within two days at room temperature;
  • cleaning the work area from furniture and decor items;
  • removal of old finishing materials;
  • leveling the wall covering.

Stages of installation using the lathing method:

  • fastening wooden guides with dowels;
  • fixing the support bar at the bottom of the apron;
  • installation of panels using the existing locking system, as well as using glue and small nails.

Professional builders recommend carefully checking the level of all wooden blocks before fixing the panels, and in case of even small deviations, eliminate all inaccuracies.

The main measures for fixing the laminate directly to the wall:

  • cleaning the working surface from old building materials and debris;
  • installation of the support panel;
  • applying silicone adhesive solution to the back of the panel;
  • fixing the material to the selected place by pressing it against the wall until the initial solidification of the silicone.

Experts recommend starting the installation of other products only after two hours after fixing the first panel. All seams and voids must be covered with sealed compounds, and do not use liquid nails to fix the panels. The final solidification of the glue will occur only a day after all work has been completed.

How to care?

In order for a laminated apron to look perfect throughout the entire period of operation, you must follow the basic rules for caring for it. Immediately after installation, you must clean the entire work surface from dust and debris with clean water and a soft sponge. It is necessary to remove grease and dirt with gel-like detergents that do not contain abrasive particles.

Particular attention should be paid to mechanical damage and scratches, which must be painted over with a special wax pencil immediately after they appear. To mask deep and large scratches, builders recommend purchasing laminate powder. The process of applying this composition consists of the following stages:

  • adding water according to the recommendations specified in the instructions;
  • cleaning the working surface;
  • distribution of funds in the area with damage;
  • removing excess putty;
  • surface polishing.

In order to make the interior of the kitchen cozy, beautiful and modern, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials and attract professional craftsmen. Before starting repairs designers recommend paying attention to various groups of building materials and giving preference to new design solutions, one of which is the laminate finish of the kitchen apron.

This material is not only outwardly attractive and inexpensive, but also very practical, and its wide color and texture range will satisfy the wishes of even the most capricious housewives. When purchasing laminated panels, one should not forget about checking permits and certificates that will confirm the environmental safety of the product.

How to make a laminated apron, see below.

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