All about non-standard kitchens

When it comes to the design of the kitchen, then many questions always arise. Some do not know how to arrange all the items correctly due to the fact that their kitchen area has a non-standard shape. It contains 5 or even 6 corners at once. Others want to depict non-standard finishes in a standard kitchen. And in fact, and in another case, you need to think carefully about everything.

What it is?
The primary reason when the owners want to start finishing, where a non-standard shape of the kitchen space will be present, is the presence of an irregular room. There are many such cases. When you get a house or apartment, and in them the only place for arranging a kitchen is, for example, a triangular room, then you may be slightly confused. Yes, your home is ridiculously planned, but the way out must be found in any way. You can make a custom kitchen and surprise everyone.

An even more deplorable option is when the kitchen has a size of almost 20 square meters. m. Here you do not know how to arrange furniture because the room has two protruding corners or a trapezoid shape. A more common problem is a lack of awareness of the redevelopment of the entire space - from the kitchen to other rooms. Numerous window openings and protruding walls can be a cause for concern.
Therefore, those who are faced with these questions must first stop panicking, and then sit down and think well about the original design. It may turn out that your custom space is a plus, and you reap huge benefits as a result of uncovering hidden reserves. At least your friends or acquaintances will kindly envy you.

Unusual kitchen layout
When a person sees concrete examples with detailed descriptions in front of him, he begins to understand how to proceed further. Consider various layout options.
When you have a trapezoid kitchen in your house, you can't get away from it. So, just pick the most profitable and beautiful design.

The kitchen set, together with the working area and the sink, can be put in the form of the letter P where the angles are 90 degrees. Place a dining area along the sloped wall. For convenience, mount such a table, which is usually placed in carriages.
Let one part of it rest on two legs, and attach the other with a special folding mechanism to the wall.
If it interferes with cooking, it can be removed for a while.
Where the window opening is, make a green corner of indoor plants (again, if the area allows). In a trapezoidal kitchen, you can use a window opening to accommodate a dining area. It will turn out very original.

Triangular kitchen
Do not despair and think that having a triangular kitchen is a losing option... There are certainly some disadvantages here - the difficulty of choosing a kitchen unit (you will have to make it to order) and the placement of household appliances. But remember, all problems are solvable. In this situation, you'd better apply the law of a triangular shape, that is, in your case, the classic "working triangle" of the location of the sink, stove and refrigerator has already been set, and you have a starting point. Then proceed to your liking.
If your kitchen has the shape of a strongly elongated right-angled triangle, then place 2 elements (for example, a stove and a sink) on one side.

Polygonal room
Have you got a polygonal kitchen space with beveled walls? Then you should know that you cannot overload such a space with accessories and furniture.
Try glossy facades in a pentagonal or hexagonal room that change the perception of the surrounding walls. And natural light complements the effect.
Don't forget the furniture. It must be positioned correctly.

Separate the kitchen with a partition (it can be made of glass or a heavier material) and place the kitchen unit behind it. This will give you the correct space. There you can arrange a recreation area and a dining room.

Too large an irregularly shaped kitchen creates problems with the arrangement, which sometimes even specialists cannot solve. Such projects are rare. On closer inspection, some areas appear unreasonably wide, others too narrow. And yet you can turn these disadvantages into advantages if you install a kitchen island rack with rounded surfaces in the middle.

This will distract attention from unnecessary corners.
You can also order a zigzag headset with rounded shapes.

Complete all this splendor with a bar counter. Add soft curves to other interior items: clock, table, bar stools.

As you can see from the examples, you shouldn't overload yourself with unnecessary ideas. Everything that is complicated in practice is always quite simple and straightforward. Use a little imagination and your kitchen will be the best in the world for you.

Variety of design options
A creative approach to furnishing any kitchen interior will solve many problems. The size of the kitchen does not always please the hostesses, but they still want to create coziness in this place. To attach precious meters to a non-standard room, you can use the balcony (just make sure it is securely fastened), take out household appliances and some cabinets there.

Yes, it is costly, but the result will exceed expectations.
If you want to fit everything you need, then focus on the placement of furniture. Order options that include cabinets with drawers.

Consider various design options that will make your kitchen space look irresistible.
For fairly small kitchens, a single row option is suitable. Placing kitchen items on one side will look good even in a triangular kitchen. On the other side, you can put a dining table (preferably a folding one), and even a window opening will not interfere with this. It will only complement the dining space.

- An L-shaped kitchen can perfectly "fit" into a non-standard project. If you have a trapezoid kitchen, then place this structure on one side, and place the dining area opposite.

- U-shaped kitchen design It will also look original both in a standard room and in one that has the shape of a trapezoid and even the fifth corner.

- Peninsular design will help separate the dining room from the kitchen.

So, in order not to make mistakes in design and not regret the work done, you need to use only high-quality materials, a minimum amount of details and good lighting. Using the examples above, try decorating your kitchen in a way that everyone will enjoy. To do this, you must choose a specific style.
High tech. A minimum of objects are used here, more transparent structures and metal.

- Provence or rustic style will make any room in a European style cozy, comfortable and bright. A large number of different short curtains and shelves with plates will only enhance the effect.

- Scandinavian style will give the opportunity to place all the necessary utensils. And don't forget the matte paint furniture.

- For those who love everything artsy, you should apply baroque style... Remember that this style of small space is unacceptable.