Combining wallpaper in the kitchen: rules and best options

The design and style of each room in an apartment or house can be different, which is explained by the characteristics of the premises, as well as the taste of the owners. To make the kitchen not inferior to other rooms in creativity and originality, you can use various techniques. The simplest and most affordable option is gluing different wallpapers in the same space. In order to correctly select and arrange various patterns, colors and textures, it is important to know the basic rules and features of this case.

Combination features
The kitchen refers to such rooms where someone is constantly there, where the family gathers for meals, where guests are invited for tea, so the appearance of this room should not only be neat, but also have a certain zest. Often, the square is slightly inferior to the hall or bedroom, so it is important to choose the most successful solution, which will not only decorate the interior, but also visually expand the boundaries of the room. The most correct and inexpensive option would be a combination of various wallpapers in the kitchen.
The combination of colors, textures and patterns in this case may be different, but in order for the room to look complete and stylish, it is important to be able to select wallpaper for renovation.
Combined wallpaper in the kitchen will visually raise the ceiling line, if necessary, visually expand the boundaries of the room if it is too small, and also make the interior unusual, fresh and original.

If the apartment does not have a kitchen and a dining room or a hall as such, and these rooms are combined, then you can separate them from each other precisely by gluing different wallpapers. With the right choice of a pair of wallpapers, you can achieve the following goals:
- eliminate the consequences in case of unsuccessful repairs carried out earlier;
- zoning the kitchen into work and dining areas;
- minimize the visibility of errors in the planning of the kitchen or the construction of the house itself;
- combine two adjacent rooms into a single whole, without changing the layout and preserving the interior features of each of their rooms;
- create a fresh and creative interior in the kitchen;
- the ability to highlight some features of the room, columns, arches, and so on;
- to place accents in the interior the way the owners want.

In order for a duet of wallpaper in the kitchen to look organic and beautiful, it is important to be able to correctly combine different options, for which there are basic rules.
- In one room, you can only stick wallpaper of the same price category and of the same type, options that are different in structure and cost will not be in harmony with each other. The commonality of the segment will allow you to find a successful option that complements the selected rolls and helps to achieve the desired result. The texture and color do not have to be the same, they can be selected at the discretion of the owner of the room. Without experience in carrying out such repairs, it is best to purchase companion wallpapers that initially have a pair and look best together.
- When gluing different wallpapers, it is worth measuring stripes of the same length so that you can make a neat edging, and the joints look smooth.
- When choosing wallpaper, it is worth remembering which room they are bought for. A deliberately incorrect drawing is unlikely to decorate the room, it will only force you to make repeated repairs as soon as possible.
- The color of the wallpaper should be chosen so that it is in harmony with the furniture set or household appliances. You can purchase rolls to match or of such a shade that it organically fits into the general space.

Important! Before starting repairs, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper, the print and the number of rolls. For small kitchens, you should choose light shades, for large ones - any of the options that the owners desire.
Basic ways
Pasting wallpaper in the kitchen is not an easy task, since you need to bypass many obstacles that are in a small space: a window, a door, household appliances, meters, gas and water pipes, furniture if it will not be removed. The design of the room will depend not only on the headset or the color of the walls, but on the harmony of all components. If the standard repair looks simple and boring, then you should glue two types of wallpaper in the room. Companion wallpaper will give the same kitchen a completely new look, decorate it and breathe new life into it. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to correctly combine shades, textures and patterns with each other, otherwise the consequences may be iridescent.
In a small space, it is recommended to use 2 types of wallpaper, and a larger room can be supplemented with a large number of inserts.

Wallpaper partners should be selected according to a certain principle, be combined with each other, complement and smoothly transition into each other, or, conversely, contrast, while creating an original atmosphere in the kitchen. In order to choose the right pair, it is important to know the basic methods of creating combined surfaces, of which there are about twenty, but the most popular are the following:
- method of vertical zoning;
- horizontal combination;
- highlighting an accent wall;
- patchwork technique.
Each of the options has its own characteristics that you need to know before starting to work with a certain way of creating the interior of a kitchen room.

In a small kitchen, there is a need to visually enlarge and expand the space, which is achieved by choosing furniture, decorating the room, but the main load is borne by the wallpaper. The design of this room should be such that it would be pleasant to cook, eat and just relax in a quiet and cozy atmosphere. If you choose the right wallpaper, you can make the room more harmonious, correct flaws and highlight the necessary areas. With the help of the vertical method of gluing wallpaper, it is possible to correct a narrow and long kitchen, expanding the frames of small walls and visually shortening long sections.
This option is irreplaceable if the apartment has low ceilings and there is a desire to make them at least a little higher, the path even at the level of sensations.

Vertical gluing almost always requires wallpaper with stripes, which must be glued according to certain rules.
- Symmetrical gluing. Wallpaper with wide stripes is used, which is placed on both sides of the room, starting from its center. You can choose rolls with wide stripes of contrasting shades to draw attention to a specific part of the room, making the disproportionate area less visible.

- Asymmetric gluing. Wallpaper with wide contrasting stripes is located on one wall, and rolls with stripes of different widths, but in the same calm color scheme, are glued to all the others.
This design allows you to visually expand the room and highlight the desired area.

- Combining bright stripes with solid colors, which makes it possible to make the kitchen brighter and more original. You can glue rolls, alternating one through one or one through two. The colors should be moderately contrasting, otherwise the room will turn out to be too colorful, which will create a negative feeling from being in it.

- Using non-standard colors. For fans of bold solutions, a combination of wallpaper in red and blue, raspberry and green, or something similar would be a good option. If you want to create a clear accent, then it is better to stick to traditional color schemes: red with black, white with black, blue with gold.

Correctly using the vertical method of gluing companion wallpaper, you can achieve several goals at once, while using only wallpapers of different colors.
For kitchens with high ceilings, it makes no sense to visually enlarge them, so in this case it is worth using a horizontal method of gluing wallpaper. This technique allows you to make a uniform room out of a tall and small room, in which it is pleasant to be. It is horizontal zoning that designers most often use to transform a room, completely transforming it. The simplest option for horizontal gluing is a combination of wallpaper with different colors and textures, which overlap or complement each other in some way.
A feature of this method is the division of the wall into two zones, where the lower one should be two times smaller than the upper one.

For a successful combination of wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen, it is best to be guided by the following basic principles:
- the upper part of the wallpaper should have geometric shapes, patterns, stripes, large flowers and similar elements, the lower part is decorated with wallpaper of a single color or with small-sized patterns;

- the lower part should have massive and voluminous details or drawings, and the top of the walls should be decorated with plain wallpaper in a calm color scheme;

- the lower part of the wallpaper is decorated with stripes, and the upper one - with plain rolls or small-sized designs.

Wallpaper looks very stylish in the same color scheme, but with a different pattern, which, for beauty and visual effect, are delimited with a border. Wallpapers of different textures look beautiful in the kitchen, where one part has convex and embossed shapes, and the second is as even and smooth as possible. To correctly choose the line of demarcation of the upper and lower boundaries, you can take the window sill as a guide.
In the case of very high ceilings, the room should be divided so that the upper part occupies two-thirds of the entire room, otherwise a clear imbalance will be felt.

Highlight accent wall
Many designers try to make the interior of the kitchen unusual, for which the accent wall technique is best suited. With the help of wallpaper with an interesting or original pattern, some part of the room stands out, and the rest is pasted over with neutral, pastel wallpaper that organically fits into the interior. In order for the room to be balanced, furniture and the main part of the walls should be in neutral colors., and the accent wall is selected bright and original, which allows you to play on contrast, but at the same time maintain the overall concept.

Such a solution looks especially beautiful in rooms with unconventional architecture, which, when highlighted in color, looks completely different and serves as a decoration for the kitchen, its highlight. There can be many techniques, it is important to implement them correctly in order to achieve your goal.
The most original is the patchwork, which involves combining patches of different wallpapers into one ensemble. There is a lot of work in this case, with the right materials, a very interesting style of room design is obtained.

Unusual options
The style of any room depends on the taste and wishes of the owners, so there can be many repair techniques. Photo wallpapers have been very popular for many years, which make it possible to radically transform the kitchen, creating a cozy atmosphere in a certain area. Often this method is used to decorate the area with the dining table, making it stand out from the common room. In the kitchen, you can glue photomurals with nature, still lifes, imitation of a cafe or restaurant, a piece of a street, field, river or sea.
Such ideas allow transforming an ordinary room into something more, into a zone where you can relax and mentally visit your favorite place.

Another unusual option for finishing the kitchen is wallpapering on existing wallpaper. The whole point is that in certain areas the old finish remains, which is framed and highlighted, which resembles a painting. A room with such a decor looks original, fresh and colorful. The main advantage is the ease of repair, since there is no need to tear off old wallpaper, level the wall, prime it, all this has already been done before. The rolls do not have to be selected by width, color or texture, if they are of different types, it will be even more interesting and realistic.
Such inserts from old wallpaper can be square or rectangular if the room is decorated in the Baroque style, or try intricate and quirky shapes if the kitchen is decorated in neoclassicism.

Beautiful examples
If there is a need to change something in the kitchen or there is a desire to transform this room beyond recognition, then using different wallpapers in this case will be the best option.

The combination of wallpapers of different colors in the same room allows you to transform a room, correctly place accents in it, highlighting only what is needed. An important nuance is the ability to match the tone of one wallpaper in a pair to another. If the walls are covered with bright wallpaper, then the partner wallpaper should have similar or the same color spots.

Wallpapers with bright and voluminous patterns that are combined with plain and soft options look no less beautiful. The brighter the highlighted area, the quieter the rest of the room should be.
Such decoration is usually done in the dining area or in the storage area for dishes and decorative items.

The original technique will be a combination of different patterns, textures and shades. If there are three-dimensional flowers, geometric shapes, abstractions on one wall, then the companion wallpaper should have a clear and simple pattern, for example, brickwork or even stripes.The color scheme should not differ greatly, the closer the shades are, the more organic the design of the entire room will be.

Using the vertical method of gluing wallpaper, you can visually raise the level of the ceiling, visually enlarging the room. It is important to use rolls with vertical stripes only in a certain area, and in the rest of the kitchen, stick light wallpaper with some kind of pattern that will complement the rest of the room in terms of color.

The vertical method of gluing wallpaper with separation using an original border or edging looks very nice. The presence of inserts from different wallpapers on the rest of the walls allows you to create a unique atmosphere, which will be very pleasant to be in. Inserts can be made from old wallpaper or using photo wallpaper.
Companion wallpaper can help to embody any whim and fantasy.

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen, see the next video.