How to hide a boiler in the kitchen?

Often, gas equipment looks unaesthetic against the background of the kitchen interior, but not everyone decides to decorate the heating device, fearing to violate safety measures. However, there are various ways to improve its appearance, leaving free access to the boiler.

Installation rules for heating boilers
There are certain standards for the installation of a gas device. It can be installed in rooms such as a boiler room, hallway, basement and kitchen.
In addition, wherever the equipment is located, the room must contain:
- nearby electrical outlets;
- microclimate system - supply and exhaust ventilation;
- doors and windows that must be opened;
- working automatics of the smoke removal system - emergency ventilation complex.
With high power parameters, it is necessary to have a separate boiler room, which is more important for country private houses. But in the apartment it is allowed to install boilers with a capacity of no more than 60 kW. In this case, the room must have an area of at least 4 square meters. m. and a standard ceiling height for modern houses - from 2.5 m. The boiler is usually attached to the wall, but there are also floor-standing models of the device.

If the wall-mounted option is chosen, it is important to ensure that the surface is made of a material with low flammability - the inability to ignite and maintain combustion in air.
It is also important not to mount the heating device close to any piece of furniture; there should be a distance between it and the parts of the headset, which is necessary for the circulation of air masses - about 3 cm.

In order to properly disguise the boiler in the kitchen, it should be understood that the unit must remain functional, therefore, in the first place is:
- providing free access to the device;
- the presence of a high-quality ventilation system;
- a special sensor that notifies of a gas leak.

Moreover, the materials with which it is supposed to decorate the boiler must be treated with fire retardant impregnations in accordance with fire safety requirements. For ceilings made of wood, the wall should be covered with a sheet of metal.
The placement conditions also provide for the presence of gaps between the boiler and the gas meter (0.8 m), between the refrigerator and the appliance (30 cm), the outlet should be at a distance of 1 m.The height at which the heating boiler is installed is 1.6 m.

Wall mounted gas appliance decor
The safest equipment option is a boiler with a closed burner. Since modern units are quite compact, they are easier to hide behind decorations, but it is also possible to give a more aesthetic look to more bulky models.
There are several options for how you can play with their design in the interior.
- You can hide the gas water heater behind the facade in the form of a lattice. This will provide free air access.
- Placing the boiler in a cabinet next to the window helps to mask both the equipment itself and its communications.
- Corner installation. A wall-mounted appliance can become as inconspicuous as possible if it is placed in a niche by the sink.
- An interesting idea is to paint the walls of the kitchen to match the column. This will ensure the harmony of the interior without the need to come up with something complicated.
- The problem will be solved by the manufacture of a hinged shelf to order, especially for the equipment. This will allow you to close the ugly-looking pipes, chimney and hoses that connect the individual heating boiler to the system. You can also purchase ready-made plastic boxes for pipes and other communications, made in a decorative style.
- A good option is embedding in a headset. In this case, it is worthwhile to think over its color in advance. Since gas water heaters are mainly available in chrome and white shades, they will look perfect in combination with any light furniture tones. On the other hand, you can cover the boiler body with PVC foil of the desired shade or paint it with decorative heat-resistant paint. However, sometimes the excellent color of the appliance can set the necessary accent for the entire kitchen complex or contrast favorably with the basic tone.
- Quite often, equipment is masked by a mezzanine body with an open bottom and a top above the sink. But at the same time it is not recommended to tightly adjoin the boiler to the walls of the shelf. In general, this is not the best solution, but if it complies with safety rules, then this option is also allowed.

The most budgetary way to decorate a hinged model is to make a plasterboard structure with your own hands.
To do this, at the first stage, a frame is assembled from metal profiles and fixed to the plane of the wall. Then the cabinet box is assembled and attached with dowels. Sheets of drywall are fixed on it, after which the column is mounted, and then the doors are hung. Since the air in the kitchen is always characterized by high humidity, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant drywall.

How do I hide the floor model?
With regard to floor standing speakers, the easiest way to hide the boiler in the kitchen is to place it in a specially installed pencil case, this will help to optimally plan other elements of the room. Moreover, this method allows you to solve the problem with masking communications.

If the area of the room is large, and in this case a classic interior is often used, an imitation of a fireplace with a forged grate can be an excellent solution for equipment decor.To do this, you will need to cover the body of the device with non-combustible paint and select the appropriate images in accordance with the general surroundings.
Meanwhile, the decor of gas boilers largely depends on the chosen style of the room. For example, if furniture and interior items are made in the style country, the most suitable designs for the column will be: the lattice door of the headset, painting the body using the decoupage technique, masking the unit with curtains made of natural materials (linen or cotton) matched to the tone of curtains and furniture.

If a style is created high tech, then the chrome-plated boiler surface does not need optimization, the same can be said about the style loft, when masking is not required, and the device is a specific design accent.

In a word, you can beat the presence of not very attractive heating equipment as you like, the main thing is to take into account the totality of the surrounding conditions and comply with safety standards.

How to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen, see below.