Kitchen bottle holders: varieties, choices and installation tips

In the arrangement of the kitchen, every little thing matters. Often, there is a place for each thing thanks to the use of special furnishing elements. It is to such products that bottle-holders belong, which are gaining popularity in the preparation of the interior of kitchens. This article will acquaint readers with what they are, why they are needed, what are good and what shortcomings they have.

Features and purpose
The bottle-holder is a rectangular design, a kind of narrow rack for storing various household items. In the language of furniture professionals, this product is called cargo. This piece of furniture is mounted in a kitchen set, which allows you to maximally save the room from an abundance of various items. In fact, this is a kind of organizer with storage compartments of different heights and sizes.
This product is very functional and, despite the name, is suitable for storing not only alcohol. It fits cans for cereals and bulk products. In addition, the cargo can be used to store sauces, spices, kitchen utensils, detergents and cleaning products, vegetable oil, kitchen utensils, and towels. Storage systems provide for the presence of compartments for items of similar size.

A cargo rack built into kitchen furniture is equipped with a facade that is selected according to the design of the headset. Compared to conventional racks, the bottle racks are very narrow. On average, its dimensions range from 15-20 cm. The product itself has a retractable mechanism and provides for building in a kitchen set in different places.
Cargo can successfully fit into niches, they rationally use the places of the false panels. With them, the headset looks more aesthetically pleasing, since they cover the empty spaces between modules and pull-out systems.
These organizers are a godsend for small kitchens. They contribute to the creation of visual order, giving the space an aesthetic appeal.

Advantages and disadvantages
Obvious the advantages of cargo are:
- rational use of the available compartments;
- optimization of space in a compact size;
- ease of use (everything you need is hidden from view, but is at hand);
- internal order and systematics of stored items;
- ergonomics and aesthetic appeal;
- the widest range of design solutions;
- rich selection of color shades and accessories;
- production of high quality materials using modern technologies;
- a wide range of product dimensions;
- freeing up space on the desktop;
- a wide range of design solutions suitable for any interior.

Along with the advantages, bottle-holders have several disadvantages:
- the need for space for extension, equal to the depth of the product;
- the need to completely fill the compartments for the stability of the structure;
- the complexity of the periodic maintenance of the modules;
- installation in a convenient place for use, since remote installation reduces the efficiency of the product.
Such organizers should not be bought in apartments or houses with small children. The curiosity of babies can turn into a problem, and therefore it is useless to store anything in such pencil cases. Neither spices, nor oil and spices, nor alcohol, nor vinegar can be hidden in them, as well as cereals, paper towels, sink and stove cleaning products.
In addition, the limitation of footage may become a disadvantage: in small-sized kitchens, the installation of such furniture elements may be impossible.

It is possible to classify bottle holders for the kitchen according to several criteria: the type of construction, the method and place of installation, the number of levels (rows with shelves) and the material of manufacture.
By design
Cargo, based on the type of construction, are built-in and autonomous. The options of the first group are made for installation in a typical headset cabinet, and therefore they are selected taking into account the measurements of a particular cabinet or table. The second modifications can be placed outside the headset, placing it near the dining group or next to wall cabinets. It should be noted that modifications can be not only closed, but also open.

By size and number of shelves
The number of rows for bottle holders is often two, although you can find options with three rows of shelves on sale. Products with two rows are considered more functional. However, for those who are going to use the bottle holder for storing small containers (for example, for jars of spices), the second option is more suitable. There are also multi-level models on sale, the size of which can be equal to the height of typical wardrobes. The dimensions of the cargo depend on the parameters of the existing headset. For example, with a width of 15, 20 and 25 cm, the height of the bottle holder will more often obey the height of the boxes in which they are mounted (80-85 cm). On sale you can also find narrow models, the width of which is 10 cm.
The number of sections may vary. On average, there can be 4-5 or more of them. Moreover, the models usually provide their own size for each type of object. Trays can be plastic, cargo can have pallets and other functional elements. Some modifications provide for vertical storage of things (for example, pans, towels).

By content type
The functionality of the cargo depends on what exactly is going to be stored in them. Products are not universal: manufacturers are developing varieties for storing various items: bottles, dishes, towels and household chemicals.This is what determines the size, height and number of compartments in the cargo. Some varieties provide for the presence of combined storage containers, they may also have special crossbars and hooks.

By fastening method
Traditionally, bottle holders have a roll-out or retractable opening and closing mechanism with a door closer. Depending on where they are planned to be installed, they can have side or bottom mounting, as well as roller bearings. The choice of a particular system is subject to the place of installation of a particular cargo. Cargo installation can be carried out both on the lower modules of the headset and on its upper boxes. In this case, the structure can be attached to the inner part of the opening door.
The side attachment system is considered to be relatively comfortable and reliable. This is a great organizer option for the top drawers of the kitchen unit. In this case, it is possible to fill the corner space, such a system is suitable for high modifications. The use of lower mounts is reasonable when a more practical option is needed.
Here, a pull-out mechanism is used, which is attached to the bottom of the pull-out basket.

By size
It is worth noting that basket boxes are often called bottle holders, which are similar in design to them. However, in reality, the width of the cargo is small (the standard is 10 cm), while for baskets it can be from 40 cm. Dishes in bottle-boxes are stored vertically, there is no room for large items, it is simply not designed for them. As for the height, products can reach up to 2 m, while the type of furniture to which they are selected will be the fundamental factor. The height of the shelves varies and can range from 25-30 cm to half a meter.

What is a column cabinet?
Cargoes, called pillars, represent an advantageous design solution that is particularly practical for individual kitchens. Their location is designed at the stage of drawing up the interior design scheme. These are inline layered models. Depending on project requirements and customer preferences, they can have different storage systems, but in most cases they have a front panel-facade. They are often located next to the refrigerator, while the height of the products can be 160-180 cm (more often there are options for sale with a height of 169 cm).

How to choose?
It is no secret that, having decided to purchase a cargo, the buyer may face a number of difficulties. In order not to get into a mess and choose a really good, functional option, it is worth taking note of a few useful recommendations.
- The dimensions of any bottle holder will affect the calculated weight of the stored items. Narrow models are not able to withstand a weight of more than 10-12 kg, this characteristic must be found out from the seller.
- The facade of the structure must be selected to match the general furniture or the place next to which it is planned to be installed.
- The fittings of the product must be made using an electroplated coating. The facade should be flat, smooth to the touch, without irregularities and notches.
- It is necessary to select a product in which additional separators can be used in the future. This will prevent items from possible damage.
- The user needs a model that is practical, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the type of containers. You do not need to take the option with the same shelves if you want to store things different in height and volume on them.
- To organize the space, you can buy two bottle holders of the same size, but different types of containers. This will allow not to overload the weight of each cargo, without reducing their overall functionality.
- The most convenient in everyday life are the options with full extension. Despite the fact that they are more expensive than other analogs, such models have a convenient viewing angle and easy access to content.
- From the point of view of convenience, the best options are models with mounting in the lower cabinets of the headset.The options built into the top drawers are only good for tall users.

The price of any product is made up of several factors: the name of the manufacturer, the type of fittings, the internal structure and the availability of additional accessories. The higher the quality of materials of manufacture and the wider the functionality of the product, the higher its price. Models with door closers on the market are quoted more expensive than their counterparts without them. Closers in such products contribute to the smooth opening and closing of products, they reduce the noise level during operation.
As practice shows, cargoes of European forms show themselves better in operation. Their quality characteristics are much higher, they are reliable and durable in comparison with other analogues.

If we compare the installation method, then the side pull-out mechanism is designed for models with a width of up to 25 cm. The lower one is designed for options up to 40 cm, the swivel one is suitable for those cases when it is necessary to install the cargo in a corner-type cabinet.
If you choose the best option, you should take a closer look at the structures made of wood and metal. Wooden cargoes are more aesthetic and durable, they will last longer than analogues made from pressed wood processing products. It is also important to ask in the store whether the mounts are included in the package of a particular model. In addition, it is necessary to select the fittings in such a way that their spraying matches the fittings of the facades of the headset.

Where to install?
The installation of the bottle holder largely depends on what exactly is planned to be stored in it. For example, you can place a cargo on one or two sides of a typical stove, next to the refrigerator. In this case, the installation may imply installation in a closed false box on the wall, where the bottle-holder itself will be opened due to the door of the floor or wall cabinet.
Installation can be carried out in the available small space between the top modules or from one of the edges of the headset, if there is room for this.

If the product is planned to be purchased as an organizer for storing cleaning chemicals, it is more expedient to install it near the sink. When used to store pans, the obvious solution is to place it on the side of the stove. It is best to store the glass cargo and bowl upstairs, where utensils are usually stored. It is better to mount products in which you want to put wine or oil away from the stove.
When buying, you need to pay attention to the fact that the package includes an assembly diagram. It will allow you to streamline the process, using time rationally. As a rule, such schemes can sequentially indicate step by step what to do and why. For example, they show the general view of the structure, options for its installation, adding the facade and guides, attaching the fasteners to the guides, inserting on the guides, adjusting the fasteners in the retracted state, fixing the facade and tightening the screw connections.

The assembly rules provide for taking into account the side into which the pencil case will go when opening. First, a part of the box is assembled, to which the structure will be attached. After that, the upper and lower parts of the edge, butt are attached to it. If necessary, measure and mark the distance for the holes for fixing the guides, then the holes are drilled.
Next, they check the correctness of the markup, after which they are engaged in the installation. For this, the guides are attached, and then the frame of the bottle-holder is installed. They cover the furniture box with the sheet that remains and check the reliability of all fasteners. At this stage, they are engaged in fixing the door, fixing the facade on the front of the cargo. This completes the assembly.
Depending on the type of fastening, the technology may vary slightly.

Interesting examples
Finally, we bring to the attention of our readers several successful techniques for using cargo in the interior of the kitchen. These ideas clearly demonstrate the possibilities of bottle holders as functional and stylish design elements:
- an example of using a bottle-holder in the interior of a classic kitchen using stucco and gilding elements;

- a wooden bottle holder for storing dishes in an upright position fits well into the concept of stylistics;

- an example of a symmetrical embedding of cargo for storing household chemicals;

- the bottle-holder in its original purpose is made in a modern style;

- an example of symmetrical embedding of cargo into the lower modules of a kitchen set.

- the version of the three-row type with shelves of different heights is equipped with sides that prevent accidental loss of things from the shelves;

- cargo of compact type, spice box built into the upper modules of the kitchen set;

- convenient location of the bottle holder with two shelves, made in a single design with a kitchen set;

- compact cargo option, suitable for the corner model of the kitchen set.

- model for the beveled section of a small kitchen, allowing more rational use of the available interior space.

For information on how to attach a bottle holder for the kitchen, see the next video.