
Small sofas for the kitchen: what are they and how to choose the best one?

Small sofas for the kitchen: what are they and how to choose the best one?
  1. Peculiarities
  3. Layout mechanisms
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Design
  6. Selection recommendations
  7. Interesting examples

Small housing requires a very careful selection of furniture. When it comes to furnishings for the kitchen space, the task becomes even more difficult, because in addition to cooking, people often dine here and receive guests. A variety of upholstered furniture allows you to equip a comfortable recreation area even in a very compact dining room... With its help, you can accommodate 2-3 people, and in some cases even delimit the space.

Short mini-sofas without a berth are convenient to be placed along the wall and go well with tables of different configurations. Small kitchen sliding models will help to accommodate a late guest at night. There are other compact options that deserve attention too.


Small sofas for the kitchen have become a conscious necessity for owners of small apartments. Such housing was called differently: "Khrushchevs", "dormitories", small families, small size, but the essence remained unchanged. These are small apartments with a kitchen, where the hostess and a couple of household members could hardly turn around. Despite these features of the layout, the owners of such housing are not going to sacrifice their own comfort.

Mini-pieces of furniture, careful planning of every centimeter of space, a certain range of colors - all this allows you to make the kitchen beautiful and cozy, regardless of its size.

The small size of the kitchen requires maximum space savings. Accordingly, furniture that combines 2 or 3 seats immediately makes it possible to save a few precious centimeters.If there is a niche in the wall (it is in some series of houses), the sofa can be deepened into it, saving a little more space. The design of upholstered furniture itself has differences, we will consider them in more detail.

  • Compact dimensions... The small kitchen sofa is much more modest in size than its living room or bedroom counterparts. Differences can relate to both the length and the width of the structure. The depth of the seat also changes, and even its configuration.
  • The presence or absence of a berth. If the model provides opportunities for transformation, it is worth considering the type of folding mechanism, the direction in which the additional module is moved.
  • The practicality of the cladding. It should be easy to clean or easy to clean, hygroscopic, resistant to shrinkage and discoloration.
  • Flammability of the base material. A compact sofa on a metal base is considered the best choice in a kitchen space. In this case, it is worth placing upholstered furniture at a distance of at least 1 m from sources of heat or open fire.
  • Design mobility. The small sofa is easy to move when rearranging, especially if it is equipped with casters. This is convenient if you regularly have to change the position of the sofa (for example, turn it around while sleeping).
  • Filler thickness. In some models of such mini-sofas, a less thick layer is used than in the classic versions for a good rest.
  • Saving space. A sofa for several seats takes up much less space than a pair of pedestals or chairs.

Considering all these features, it is safe to say that it is the special models of sofas for the kitchen that will be most appropriate for installation in a small-sized dwelling food block.


All existing types of small sofas for the kitchen can be divided into two large groups: sliding and without a berth. In the first case, the design provides for the transformation of the product. Whereas short stationary models can be narrow and wide, produced without armrests or have additional side supports. It is worth paying attention to the following options for their design.

  • Modular. Option with individual block configuration. Allows you to adapt the sofa to any size, kitchen area, features of its layout. Consists of a rectangular base unit and additional elements. The convenience of such a sofa is that it can be placed in a corner or U-shaped format, placed along the wall, and used as an additional storage system.
  • Direct... Classic solutions with versatility. They allow you to provide simplicity and convenience, they are most often installed along the wall, opposite the headset.
  • Semicircular. A popular and modern alternative to straight, fixed sofas for the kitchen. Storage boxes are traditionally included in the package of such products. Semicircular small sofas are most often combined with low round or oval tables for coffee or tea. In the dining area, such solutions are rarely used.
  • Corner L-shaped. Miniature models that significantly save free space in the kitchen space. The optimal solution in a small-sized apartment will be options that are attached to the wall with a flat back. An additional advantage will be the placement of a storage system inside the modules, where you can keep dishes, cereals, useful, but rarely used devices.

If it is impossible to do without an additional sofa, you should give preference to a universal ottoman or sofa that has constant dimensions or that folds out in the same plane as the main seat.

Layout mechanisms

There are many versions of kitchen sofas with a folding mechanism. Compact transformers make it possible to comfortably place guests or family members at a common table. At night, the sofa bed can be folded out, forming a full double bed for a night's rest.


The most common version of the transformation mechanism for kitchen sofas. In compact models, a sleeping place extending from under the main module avoids waste of space. The only negative - the resulting "bed" will be single... When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the presence of spring-closers in the kit.


The classic version is not very suitable for use in the kitchen. But sofas-beds with the type of transformation "eurobook" or "click-gag" will be more appropriate for use. They have sufficient capacity, are easy to unfold, almost with one touch. There is storage space inside the sofa.

When choosing a model, it is worth choosing the option with a transformation mechanism on the profiles, it lasts longer than the roller one.


The smallest options with a width of 120-130 cm are suitable for the kitchen. Among the advantages of this type of transformation are ease of folding, compact dimensions, a soft seat with a comfortable back. But there are also disadvantages. You need to position the sofa in such a way so that there is enough space in front of it for the folding part.


Compact sofa beds with original decorative headboards and folding mechanism "Sedaflex" are considered some of the best for kitchen installations... During the transformation, the upper part remains motionless, the mattress moves apart according to the folding bed principle, forming a full-fledged sleeping place. A big advantage of the Sedaflex-type models is their miniature folded form. The sofa takes up little space and can be folded out frequently if necessary.

French clamshell

This option is not very suitable for regular transformation. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is better to keep a French cot as a spare bed for rare guests. The dimensions of the seat in the folded sofa provide comfortable seating for several people at once.

Materials (edit)

The soft part of the sofa is usually formed through the use of a special filler: foam rubber or its analogs, spring blocks or deformable fillers will not work here. Other quality packing options include spunbond, holofiber, synthetic winterizer, polyurethane foam.

Base material it is better to choose the highest quality... In this case, you will not have to worry about the strength and service life of the entire product. For transforming models, it is better to choose a frame made of wood or metal. Solid wood is not so vulnerable to external influences, and the metal, although it adds weight, still allows you to build in almost any version of folding mechanisms.

The worst version of the frame is chipboard, which is not distinguished by resistance to external influences, capable of getting wet from moisture, and fire hazardous.

When choosing an upholstery option for a compact sofa in a small kitchen, the main focus should be on its practicality and durability. It will not be very successful to purchase a white or light beige module in the kitchen where food is being prepared. Maintaining the original color without yellowness and distortion will be quite difficult. Among the materials, preference, depending on the budget, can be given to the following options.

  • Leather... It is used to make premium models, but you can also find an inexpensive compact version on sale. The advantages of such upholstery include durability and practicality, stylish appearance, ease of care. For the kitchen, it is better to choose models with leather upholstery without transformation - sleeping on such a sofa is not very comfortable.
  • Leatherette. There are eco-leather models on sale that are almost indistinguishable from their natural counterparts. It is better not to choose a cheap leatherette for the kitchen - it will crack quickly under the influence of high temperature and fat.High-quality leatherette looks attractive, has an elastic surface and a pleasant texture. The advantage of this option is an extensive selection of colors, performance characteristics that are almost as good as natural leather.
  • Jacquard. A durable, soft-touch woven fabric with high density and durability. Jacquard upholstery in the kitchen is quite practical and easy to clean. The variety of options for its design allows you to choose the design for almost any interior design. The fabric can be cleaned with a steam generator, stains can be easily removed with household chemicals.
  • Flock. Such upholstery for a kitchen sofa does not look very practical, but it is still used because of its attractiveness and decorativeness. The surface of the product is velvety and pleasant to the touch. The fabric contains a mixture of cotton and synthetic fibers - furniture should not be placed close to sources of fire.
  • Chenille. It is considered an ideal solution for a kitchen sofa: durable material does not absorb odors, wear-resistant, has a stylish appearance. The few negative qualities of chenille include instability to moisture and mechanical damage.
  • Arpatek. Modern fabric made of cotton, polyurethane and viscose. Arpatek in the upholstery of a kitchen sofa is not afraid of moisture, is easy to clean, does not fade in the sun.

When making the final decision when choosing upholstered furniture, you should pay attention into practical, easy-to-clean options. This factor is especially important if the sofa in the kitchen is bought by a family with children or pets who are not too delicate with the upholstery.


First of all, it is worth focusing on the general style of decoration of the premises and the apartment as a whole. For example, bright and rich contrasting colors or neutral, light ones are suitable for a modern interior. Beige, cream leather sofas or their eco-leather counterparts, which are not afraid of dirt, look especially attractive. But it is better not to choose light-colored fabrics - cleaning will have to be done too often.

Black, brown upholstery options are combined only with a metal base; they fit into a high-tech kitchen interior, including a bar counter. Here you can create a semblance of a lounge area with a leather-covered sofa. But in combination with a regular set and a table, a dark sofa will look too gloomy.

You can choose domino models, where white and black harmoniously complement each other.

A classic in the design of kitchen sofas is considered light painted or varnished natural wood frame and pastel-colored upholstery. Lilac, turquoise, pistachio, gray colors are considered universal. Pale yellow, silvery, golden metallic shades also look attractive. In an Art Nouveau kitchen, a sofa with bright prints on the back will be appropriate.

When choosing a fabric texture it is better to choose matte models with a coarser fiber structure. They look respectable, while a strong gloss gives out a large amount of synthetics in the composition. Furniture upholstered in imitation and natural leather can be chosen in vinyl, glossy or matte versions.

Selection recommendations

When choosing a small sofa for the kitchen, you should be guided by the following points.

  • Ergonomics of the model. Not a single detail of the structure should interfere with the freedom of movement of a person. Legs, armrests, rollers for moving should not protrude beyond the product, blocking the passage. The choice of a model without additional bulky sidewalls will be optimal.
  • The dimensions of the object. The smaller the room, the more rationally you will need to select a model. In a compact kitchen, it makes no sense to put a fold-out sofa. If there are no other options, you should pay attention to the single-bed models of the "dolphin" type, which do not require a lot of space for unfolding.
  • Affordable budget. If you don't have too much money at your disposal, it is worth choosing a sofa with flock upholstery. If funds are not limited, it is better to purchase models covered with genuine leather or eco-leather.
  • Design... The external appearance of the sofa should not be discordant with the general interior design, set. It is possible to "make friends" a piece of furniture that stands out from the general range with the furnishings with the help of textiles, unusual accessories of the same color. When choosing a style, it is better to give preference to retro or Provence options. Will be appropriate in a small kitchen and classic sofas or country-style models.
  • Place for installation. Miniature folding models are best placed in the corner or along the wall. If you have a niche or protrusion, you can use these irregularities to save space. In a rectangular kitchen, a straight sofa is placed opposite the headset.

Considering these points, you do not have to worry that the selected version of upholstered furniture will be inconvenient to use or will be discordant with the interior design.

Interesting examples

A simple light sofa, located along the wall, looks very stylish, and it is complemented by similar shades in the interior.

A bright sofa that creates, in addition to the dining area, additional space for relaxation. The fuchsia hue is supported by a colorful floral panel on the wall and a matching kitchen apron.

    The red sofa covered with artificial leather is devoid of armrests, easily fits even into a small space, looks spectacular against the background of a white brick wall.

    About why a kitchen sofa or a bench in the kitchen, see the next video.

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