
Corner sofas for the kitchen: types, interesting models and tips for choosing

Corner sofas for the kitchen: types, interesting models and tips for choosing
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Dimensions (edit)
  6. Design options
  7. How to choose?

The kitchen is the very room where people spend a considerable amount of their own time every day. Therefore, it is very important that the arrangement of this room is comfortable and cozy.

Choosing the right furniture plays a key role in creating the ideal setting. Nowadays, corner sofas designed for placement in the kitchen have become very popular. And thanks to its versatility, the product can be used not only as a seat, but even for a night's rest.


Corner sofas, as part of the modern design of kitchen furniture, are ideal for rooms of any size. Individual models with versatility and the ability to transform can be used as an extra bed, which is very important for families who often have guests with a subsequent overnight stay.

The main factor in choosing a kitchen corner is the maximum comfort you feel while eating. It is pleasant to sit on a soft comfortable sofa with your family and taste the dishes prepared by the skilled housewife.

Another important characteristic of corner sofas is in equipping the structure with pull-out shelves or folding seats, thanks to which additional opportunities appear in the kitchen to hide rarely used dishes or various household utensils.

And the most important thing - variety of designs and appearance of corner products with a soft seat, which allows each customer to choose the ideal option that matches the design of the rest of the kitchen equipment.

In general, corner sofas are different multifunctionality. Large models have additional shelves on the back. It is very convenient, besides, the appearance of the interior does not deteriorate, since the shelves are located in an invisible zone.

If the kitchen space has non-standard dimensions, then you can contact the workshop and order a design with individual dimensions. It is also easy to choose the decorative finish, filler and color of the upholstery.

Advantages and disadvantages

For many families, until recently, the dining area was required to have a wide table and several chairs or stools to accommodate not only family members, but also guests.

However, the modern engine of progress has pushed chairs into the background and offers to sit at the table in comfortable and soft sofas that do not take up much space, but have a wide range of functions.

You should familiarize yourself with the important benefits of corner sofas.

  • Sliding structures allow you to turn the seat into a cozy and comfortable sleeping area.
  • On corner kitchen constructions it turns out to seat much more guests than on the usual stools and chairs.
  • Undoubtedly there is a high level of comfort, when, after eating, you can lean back on a soft back and finish your meal with a cup of delicious tea.
  • There is a wide and deep space at the bottom of the corner sofasthat allows you to store various things inside. There you can hide many household items that can be obtained at any time.
  • If the kitchen has a TV, everyone will be able to appreciate comfortable rest on a corner piece, where, comfortably sitting down with a cup of your favorite drink, you can immerse yourself in watching an interesting program or movie.
  • Corner sofas in most cases are purchased a separate piece of furniture. A correctly selected copy with a suitable color will give the interior of the kitchen extra comfort and emphasize the sophistication of the interior.

Despite the many positive qualities given above, corner sofas do not only consist of them, there are also disadvantages. We list them for completeness.

  • The process of cleaning the soft surface of the kitchen corner will be complicated.if its upholstery is fabric. We are talking about oily stains, drops of coffee or tea, as well as juices and other products.
  • Besides noticeable accumulations of dirt, the upholstery of the kitchenette absorbs the smells of the food being cooked, which is extremely difficult to weather.
  • Dirt collects in the spaces between the backrest and seat of corner sofas. To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly dry and wet the product, wipe the crevices, especially in hard-to-reach places.
  • Corner sofa designs require maintaining a certain microclimate in the kitchen, thanks to which you can avoid the occurrence of high humidity. Otherwise, mold may form on the wooden structure.
  • Corner sofa incorrectly selected for design and construction features can create a feeling of tightness and lack of space even in large kitchens.


Today, the furniture market is replete with a variety of budget and luxury corner sofas.

Manufacturers have developed many interesting modifications that allow transforming products, as well as using them as a kind of safes for storing household items.

These very variations differ in the degree of convenience, functionality and design features.

  • Modular-type constructions are considered the rarest. They are distinguished by their small dimensions, which makes them ideally fit into the kitchen space with a small area. In addition, modular furniture lends itself easily to transformation, as a result of which a small corner can turn into an upholstered armchair or couch.
  • One-piece construction can be of different sizes. Basically, their dimensions depend on the area of ​​the dining area. The one-piece construction of the corner sofas has a high level of durability. In addition, almost all one-piece models are transformed into a comfortable sleeping place. This design of corner sofas can be a real find in kitchen interiors.
  • Large dimensions of the bay window variety purchased for placement in large kitchens. They can be round, rectangular or even multifaceted, depending on the intended interior design.

Having familiarized yourself with the presented types of structures, it is proposed to understand in more detail the general types of soft corners.

Classic corner sofas

This piece of furniture is most suitable for small kitchens. Quite often they are put up for sale complete with a table and supplemented with several stools.

Classic sofa variations do not have armrests that block the free passage between the table and the sofa. Unlike the usual outdated chairs, the classic variation of the kitchen corner is much more comfortable. The designs of such sofas help save space (for this reason, they are made narrow). The standard seat width is 60 cm, but if necessary, you can choose a more compact model, where the seat width will be 40 cm. the versatility of the classic variety allows the corner product to fit into any kitchen interior.

Pull-out corner sofa bed

In houses and apartments, where very often guests stay overnight, the issue of sleeping space is one of the main problems. Salvation will be a corner structure installed in the kitchen, where during the day it plays the role of a sofa, and at night it transforms into a cozy bed.

The main thing is that there is free space in the kitchen, since one of the sides of the kitchen corner, when opened, can significantly increase in size.

Although modern designs can be opened using the most unusual technology. Special attention should be paid to the mechanism for transforming the corner sofa, where the folding system is considered the most durable and durable "Dolphin-kangaroo".

In simple terms, the berth is pushed out from under the seat and fits snugly against the seats. The mechanisms are quite interesting and widespread. book, conrad and verona, where the last two options allow you to make the berth wider.

But the largest and most comfortable corner to sleep is French folding design.

Corner model with drawers

The distance between the floor and the base of the seat is no more than 45 cm. At the same time, the thickness of the seat, taking into account the filler, ranges from 5–10 cm. This very free space under the seat is used for storing household items.

In any kitchen, there are sure to be a lot of appliances and items that should be at hand without cluttering the overall look of the kitchen. It is in these deep boxes that you will be able to clean everything.

The shelves with folding seats are very convenient, where, by lifting the base of the seat, you can access a wide and deep drawer.

In addition, there are kitchen sofa designs equipped with pull-out shelves. But rarely used items should be stored in them, since there is no free access to them.

Materials (edit)

When creating corner sofas, only high-quality materials are used that meet the conditions of long-term durability.

For the manufacture of the frame is in wide demand metal. Its main advantages are durability and maximum service life. The disadvantage of the metal structure is its weight, which makes it extremely difficult to move the product from one place to another.

Wood it is used much more often. With the correct layout of the material, a solid wood structure can serve faithfully for a long time. The surface of the wooden frame must be covered with a protective varnish, so that it can be easily cleaned from dirt.

In addition, the wooden structure fits very harmoniously into any kitchen interior. The cheapest materials for the manufacture of the frame of corner sofas are Chipboard and plastic. They are not very durable, so they cannot boast of a long service life.

Special attention should be paid to upholstery of the soft corner. The factor of exterior decoration must be taken into account in houses and apartments where small children or pets live. After all, it is babies and animals that most often stain the surface of furniture, and not only do it.

It will look most impressive leather surface a corner sofa, although, on the other hand, models made from genuine leather will be quite expensive. A more economical option is eco-leather. The main advantage of this material is that it can be easily cleaned. The only drawback is the lack of comfort during the hot season.

Lovers of fabric upholstery should be given preference lint-free materials (jacquard or chenille). The disadvantage of fabric surfaces is rapid contamination and absorption of the odors of cooked food. And the main and important advantage is the relatively low cost, which allows you to purchase a soft structure with fabric upholstery for your kitchen.

When the fabric material is worn out, the sofa can be handed over.

When creating corner sofas, a lot of attention is paid to seating fillers, among which several types of materials are in great demand. First of all, you can call foam rubber. The material is quite cheap, but in many ways it is inferior to its competitors.

The seat with foam filling will provide softness and comfort to its owners for some time. But after a short period of time, it will sag, which is why its shape and softness are lost.

Consider a filler like polyurethane foam... Quite expensive material compared to ordinary foam rubber, but its main advantage is strength and durability. The polyurethane foam material is fire resistant, which is very important for the kitchen area where open fires are often present (gas litter, for example).

It may seem to someone that polyurethane foam is the name of a hazardous chemical material, but in fact there is nothing harmful in it, it is completely safe for the health of both adults and children.

Another filler - holofiber. The most expensive filler, but its cost is justified by its durability and resistance to heavy loads. Even under the influence of heavy weight, holofiber does not lose its shape and softness.

Dimensions (edit)

Today, there are several size variations of kitchen corners on sale, according to which this type of furniture is manufactured.

  • The length of standard sofas ranges from 110-140 cm, where the smallest distance corresponds to mini structures. Kitchen nooks equipped with a berth should have a maximum length of 200 cm, and a large structure requires a lot of free space.
  • The height of the seats from the floor to the base is approximately 40-50 cm... At the same time, the depth is 50–70 cm, the width is 60–70 cm. Thanks to these dimensions, a person is conveniently and comfortably seated on the sofa. This size of the seat may visually seem narrow, but during operation, all doubts will disappear by themselves.
  • The height of the backrest in standard designs is 80–95 cm, but in some cases it reaches 100 cm. In this case, we are talking not only about small-sized structures, but also about large specimens.

When ordering an individual model of a corner sofa, the masters are provided with the dimensions according to the free kitchen space.

In small kitchens, it is preferable to install soft corners of compact sizes. It is also possible to supplement the ordered structure with additional functions, for example, small drawers.

Design options

Stylish and modern kitchen corners are indispensable elements of the headset, meeting the cosiness and comfort of the dining area.

In this case, the classic version of the soft corner is considered, made of a wooden frame and fabric upholstery.

In terms of dimensions, the structure is miniature in size, but at the same time it will be able to accommodate all family members. Thanks to the additional equipment in the form of several stools, it will be possible to place guests at the dining table. Separately, it should be noted the upholstery of the seat. The used fabric material does not get dirty during daily care and, as a whole, gives the kitchen space a rich decoration.

Further, it is proposed to get acquainted with the sliding design of the corner sofa, which can easily accommodate one person. The structure itself is made of a wooden structure with a metal transformation mechanism, which can reliably serve for a long time. The upholstery of the presented sofa is made of eco-leather with foam filling.

I am very glad that the smooth surface does not absorb foreign odors, and it can also be easily wiped off from various contaminants.

The designs of corner kitchen sofas with storage boxes look practical.

The folding seat provides maximum free access to the depths of the shelves. Beautiful design variations hide the presence of built-in drawers, which has a very positive effect on the overall kitchen interior.

The surface of the presented sofa is made of leather material, which can be easily washed and cleaned from various dirt.

How to choose?

    Choosing the perfect corner sofa for the kitchen is not an easy task, but if you approach it correctly, it will turn out to acquire a unique, unusual and appropriate soft corner for the interior.

    • A correctly chosen design of a corner sofa should not burden the interior of the kitchen. Although there are designs that, at minimum dimensions, can visually seem cumbersome. The main thing is that all family members can fit in the seat and at the same time feel cozy and comfortable.
    • Before purchasing a kitchen corner, you need to measure the free space and visually represent its location. It is very important that the design of the kitchen corner does not interfere with the passage and movement of the work area.
    • It is necessary to decide in advance on the functionality of the corner sofa. It is desirable that the structure has the ability to transform into a sleeping place or there are additional boxes for storing household items.
    • When examining the model you like, it is very important to sit on it, then it will be possible to assess the degree of coziness, comfort and convenience.
    • The design of the sofa must be stable, but otherwise only rely on the style of the kitchen space and the budget.

    You can learn more about the benefits of corner sofas for the kitchen in the following video.

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