Kitchen corners

Banner of the kitchen corner: preparation and phased implementation

Banner of the kitchen corner: preparation and phased implementation
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Upholstery materials
  3. Instruments
  4. How to do it yourself?

Furniture for each room is selected taking into account the dimensions of the future space and the main functions. The kitchen is the smallest of all the main rooms, so the selection of a set and related products becomes very important. It so happens that the old kitchen corner fits perfectly into the room and it is extremely difficult to find an alternative to it, then the situation can be changed by the hauling of the old furniture and the return to its original appearance, which will continue the service life for several more years.


Kitchen furniture must have certain qualities in order to serve for many years and remain comfortable and attractive in appearance. The frame is usually made of MDF or chipboard, less often of wood, since it is much more expensive, but each of the materials, if properly used, can serve for a rather long time, without losing attractiveness, which cannot be said about upholstery. Manufacturers choose different materials for the upper part of the kitchen corner, but sooner or later each of them begins to deteriorate, which leads to the need to completely change the furniture. If the furniture in the kitchen is of high quality and comfortable, and also completely suits the owners, there is no point in buying a new one, it is best to change the worn out parts and cover the corner with new material.

      The restoration of old furniture will be much cheaper than buying a new set, and there are much more opportunities for self-selection of materials and interior filling in this case.

      In order to update old furniture, it is necessary to study exactly how the cladding changes and the restoration of the kitchen corner takes place.The presence of certain skills and abilities in this area will be useful, but even without them, you can cope with the goal. The main task will be the correct selection of materials for upholstery and filling under it, so that the material is easy to clean., which is important for the kitchen, withstood the increased load and suited the design of the room. To ensure a positive result of the alteration, it is also necessary to have all the tools, thanks to which it will be possible to successfully cut the new upholstery, remove the old one and replace the old with the new one.

      Upholstery materials

      Replacing one upholstery with another should be done slowly, with a clear understanding of what material should be used for the furniture. Fabric stores can provide a huge selection of all kinds of options in different colors, so there will be no problems in choosing the most suitable upholstery.

      In the kitchen, it is best to use non-staining fabrics that have good wear resistance.

      To stretch the kitchen corner, you can use such textile materials as:


      A material with good density and wear resistance, which is why it is the most popular option for upholstering furniture; products in tapestry will remain beautiful for a long time, and the availability of a variety of colors and designs will allow you to choose upholstery for any kitchen.


      The material has good strength indicators, so it will also serve for a rather long time, the structure of the velor has a small and dense pile, thanks to which the furniture looks stylish and very beautiful, and it is very pleasant to the touch and when used; of the minuses, the erasure of hairs and a gradual deterioration in the appearance of the upholstery can be noted.


      High-quality and dense material that is well suited for upholstery of a kitchen corner due to its wear resistance and waterproof impregnation; it makes it easy to remove any debris and stains from the surface of the furniture.


      A material that looks beautiful and stylish, but is the least suitable for the kitchen, as it wears out quickly and does not clean well from stains.

      Furniture fabric looks beautiful, inexpensive and easy to usemoreover, it will be easy to work with it during the upholstery change. If there is a desire to do something more extravagant and expensive, then a leatherette covering would be a good option. Various materials can be used.

      PU leather

      Its performance is very reminiscent of natural leather due to its strength, resistance to abrasion, softness, elasticity and heat resistance, which ensures the beauty and durability of upholstery in the kitchen.

      MF leather

      It is considered a more expensive material, since it is even more similar to a natural analogue, such upholstery will be durable, resistant to mechanical stress and will be able to repel moisture; the use of such material for upholstery of kitchen furniture is quite justified, since you can easily remove any dirt and water, and the operation will be very comfortable due to the breathable microfibers that make up MF leather.

      Eco leather

      It is made on the basis of polyurethane, therefore it turns out to be elastic, hypoallergenic, safe and soft to the touch.

      PVC leather

      It is used most often, as it costs less than other options; in terms of characteristics, this material is also good, since it is elastic, durable, can be draped, it is easy to care for it, but during use it can emit harmful fumes, so it is best to choose any other option.

      Upholstering a kitchen corner with dermantine can help make furniture stylish and modern, as well as make it as easy as possible to care for it. If you want to choose the most durable and high-quality upholstery, then it is best to stay on natural leather. This material option is the most expensive.It is necessary to properly care for it in order to preserve its original appearance, but in the end you can get chic upholstered furniture in the kitchen that will serve for many years and will not change its appearance in any way.

      When choosing natural leather, you need to know that it should not be placed near a heat source: batteries, stove, oven, otherwise the appearance of the material will begin to deteriorate very quickly. When caring for new upholstery, it is important to use only specialized detergents that will not damage the integrity of the coating and will not harm it. When operating furniture upholstered with natural leather, you need to ensure that knives and forks do not fall on it, and also do not allow pets on the upholstered furniture, which can damage the integrity of the product with their claws.

      The upholstery for the kitchen corner in natural and artificial leather can be upholstered with a carriage tie to give the furniture a sophisticated and rich appearance.


      To do the work of pulling the upholstery of the kitchen corner quickly and efficiently, you cannot do without a set of necessary tools. It is not worth starting work without preliminary preparation, since not all available materials can be compared with specialized devices designed for repair. Work done in artisanal conditions, without the proper tools, will be much worse than what happened after careful preparation. To reconstruct the fabric part of the kitchen corner, you need to have the following tools with you:

      • a screwdriver or knife with which you can remove old paper clips; professional craftsmen use a staple remover for this task;
      • hammer;
      • a clerical or painting knife, which will cut off old foam rubber;
      • keys with which you can disassemble the frame of the corner for a complete reconstruction of the soft part;
      • a sewing machine for creating new upholstery;
      • the presence of furniture cardboard will help to sew new upholstery more efficiently and evenly;
      • a stapler for furniture clips, with which the new upholstery will be attached to the frame;
      • fittings, if any additional decoration or the inclusion of new elements in the appearance of furniture is expected;
      • glue for fixing foam rubber.

      Once all the materials and tools are ready, and there is also an idea of ​​how the process of restoring furniture and replacing one upholstery with another should go, you can start working.

      How to do it yourself?

      To restore a kitchen corner yourself at home, you need to understand the sequence of actions of this process. It is worth considering the main stages of alteration of old furniture and its complete transformation.

      1. Removing old kitchen nook upholstery with a staple remover or a tool available at home to remove furniture staples. It is better not to throw away the fabric, it will be useful for cutting new upholstery.
      2. Remove the old foam rubber layer so that there are no residues. If the foam was glued, then it will be possible to completely remove it only with a knife.
      3. Cut out new upholstery using old patterns. The new pattern must exactly match the one that was previously eliminated, otherwise it will be problematic to replace one with another. It is best to mark the edges of a new piece with chalk or a bar of soap so that you can easily erase the wrong part. When cutting out a pattern, it is important to leave 5 cm on each side in order to make launches that will tuck when attached to the furniture frame. It is recommended to buy material with a margin, so that during cutting it is completely enough. If something remains after creating the patterns, you can use the fabric as intended and update the chairs or stools, and, if desired, make soft pillows for the future kitchen corner.
      4. Ready-made templates are sewn with a sewing machine. It is worth making a few seams in order to strengthen the structure as much as possible and not allow it to disperse in the future.
      5. The repair of the kitchen corner also implies the replacement of the soft component, so it is necessary to put in new foam rubber and fix it. For fixing, you can use various glue: construction, from a gun or "Moment". If there is no desire or need to attach the soft component to the frame, you can connect it to the upholstery by securing it with furniture nails or staples.
      6. The final touch will be putting on new covers on the kitchen corner, checking their size. If you need to redo something, there is still a possibility for this. As soon as the whole village is in place, the most important stage begins, in which you should not rush - this is attaching the new upholstery to the old furniture. You can work with an industrial stapler, which quickly and reliably fixes the staples to the base of the furniture. The staples should be located quite often, at least 4 cm between each of them, otherwise the material may turn inside out, which will spoil the impression of the work performed.
      7. If you managed to sheathe all the details of the kitchen corner frame, then you can collect all the parts together, fold the furniture and try to use it.

      Working step by step, you can achieve the desired result and update the old furniture in the kitchen, completely transforming it, and, if desired, radically changing it.

      With the correct execution of work and following the advice, it will be possible to change the spoiled and worn upholstery in the kitchen within one day, enjoying the results for many years.

      For information on how to make a constriction of a kitchen corner, see the next video.

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