Kitchen corners

Kitchen corners with storage boxes: model features and selection criteria

Kitchen corners with storage boxes: model features and selection criteria
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Forms
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Excipients
  6. Upholstery
  7. Beautiful examples

Kitchen corners have long become a traditional part of the kitchen set. The variety of their shapes, materials for production and design solutions is simply stunning. The modern market is able to offer a solution for every taste. You will learn how to make the best choice and not regret it in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Kitchen corners gained popularity during the existence of the Soviet Union. They all looked the same back then and were usually equipped with special storage boxes. Currently, the market offers all sorts of options for their design.

All corners have a number of advantages:

  1. They make meals more comfortable by providing you with a comfortable and soft seating position;
  2. they allow you to save space, as they are easy to install in the corner of the room;
  3. options equipped with storage systems also optimize the use of kitchen space and allow you to hold more things;
  4. folding models will help you create an extra bed in a house or apartment;
  5. they are ideal for zoning kitchen space;
  6. a variety of accessories, colors, textures and shapes.

However, one cannot fail to notice some of the disadvantages of such furniture elements.

  1. They take up a lot of space and are not mobile enough. For a small kitchen, they can be too cumbersome and inconvenient.
  2. Sometimes it is difficult to find a model made in a certain style or color scheme. In such cases, it is better to make custom-made furniture, which will significantly increase its cost.

Corners are not always convenient for large companies.Those sitting in the center or in the corner will have to constantly ask everyone to get up in order to let them leave the table.


Corner sofas are the most demanded and popular model as they save a lot of kitchen space. Moreover, it will increase the number of places for guests. As a rule, they are made from chipboard or various types of wood, but they can also use metal or plastic inserts. The main finishing element is fabric as the most durable and cheapest material. But you can also find options using leather or its substitutes.

Straight seats are less popular than corners because they are designed for fewer seats. Moreover, their price does not differ from L-shaped models... On the other hand, they have the advantage of not looking for a free corner to install them.

They can be placed anywhere in the kitchen. Such options can be equipped with both a storage system and an additional berth.

Modular or composite designs are rarely seen in kitchens. As a rule, they consist of two main parts, namely a classic small straight sofa with a storage system and an attached part that looks like an armchair. The second part is rarely equipped with boxes for things. They are not functional enough compared to the first two models and are mainly purchased for kitchens in modern styles, for example, a loft. However, despite the obvious shortcomings of such models, they are sold at high prices.


There are three main types of kitchen corners, depending on their functionality. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • With storage boxes. Such models are often installed in small kitchens, since they allow you to save space and make optimal use of it. They can be angular, straight or modular.
  • With drawers and a berth. Such corners are also popular because they allow you to create a sleeping place for guests. Such models are slightly larger in size than options with only drawers. These models can be L-shaped or straight, but modular sofas with a berth are quite rare.
  • Models without additional functionality... These are benches in the form of benches, they are not equipped with drawers or a place to sleep. They are not very popular, but such options can also be found.

Materials (edit)

The material for making the kitchen corner body is one of the most important criteria when choosing them, since it affects the strength and service life of the furniture.

Natural wood - This is a traditional material that has a long service life and a fairly high price. However, the cost is quite justified, since wooden furniture will last more than one decade. Moreover, such furniture can complement any interior.

Chipboard, chipboard and MDF - these are more affordable materials with an attractive appearance. However, they require careful maintenance and are particularly susceptible to moisture. The service life of corners made of such materials is on average 5 years.

The metal is durable and strong. Metal products fit perfectly into loft, high-tech and other modern trends.


The most popular are soft corners, but the market also provides the opportunity to purchase a model with a hard seat. The choice of filling is also important, as dents may appear in some places on the seat over time.

  • Foam rubber. Is the most budget filler. Models with it will last 3-5 years.
  • Batting... The service life of such material is also 5 years on average. It is a natural material made of wool.
  • Polyurethane foam. This is the best option because it has a higher density.It quickly regains its original shape and does not deform when exposed to moisture.


When choosing upholstery, it is recommended to give preference to materials that can be easily and quickly washed. Let's consider the most popular options.

  • Textile. Products with such upholstery are the most common. Such models are convenient and practical, and they also have an attractive appearance. You can find the option of any color and with any print. Their advantage is that they are quite easy to clean.
  • Artificial leather. It is easy to remove any dirt from such a corner, but over time, cracks may appear on it. And if there are animals in the house, then it is better to purchase a textile model.
  • Leather. Such options have a noble appearance, but you will have to pay a decent amount for them. A surface made of genuine leather will have to be periodically treated with products to protect it from moisture and dirt. This will ensure a long service life of the product.

Beautiful examples

A wooden corner with white leather upholstery will be a bright element of the kitchen in soothing colors.

The white corner looks beautiful in the kitchen in a classic style.

An unusual oval-shaped corner is perfect for high-tech or modern style.

A textured sofa with storage boxes will be a convenient and economical addition to your kitchen interior.

The black and white option will be a great addition to a modern room.

The model with drawers in green-brown looks bright and original.

A white wood corner with printed upholstery will perfectly complement a Provence-style kitchen.

Two straight corners in Provence style look very gentle.

A brown corner with hidden drawers fits perfectly into a design in white tones.

A bright corner with red upholstery and built-in drawers will be a convenient and economical addition to the interior.

The classic version of pale blue with bright pillows will perfectly fit into the traditional kitchen interior.

A folding sofa in beige and blue design will perfectly fit into a modern interior.

An overview of the kitchen corner, see below.

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