Kitchen corners

Kitchen corners with a table for the kitchen: features and selection criteria

Kitchen corners with a table for the kitchen: features and selection criteria
  1. Varieties
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Styles
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Countertops shapes
  6. Dimensions (edit)
  7. Recommendations

The kitchen is not just a place where food is prepared and collected. Here you can sit after a hard day at work, chat with your family or just work on your laptop. Therefore, almost every detail in this room is of great importance.

The main part of the kitchen is the dining table, but it does not look cozy when combined with chairsso many owners buy a kitchenette. It adds comfort and grace to the room.


Let's consider the main types of kitchen corners.


Such furniture is usually equipped with a table, a corner sofa, a couple of stools and an ottoman. For different manufacturers, the dimensions of the product may differ in dimensions.

In the modern market, you can find a kitchen corner for almost any kitchen size.

A feature of such furniture is that it is installed only in a corner, therefore, increasing the free space in the kitchen.

Bay windows

Such models are created only to order based on the needs of the owners. Today, apartments with non-standard kitchen shapes are very common, so bay windows are gradually gaining popularity.

This piece of furniture fits into the grooves in the wall. The most common form is U-shaped. Oval-angular and semicircular models are also found.


These corners are prefabricated. There are two types of modular corners:

  • The components are fastened during the assembly of the furniture, the parts of the sofa become immovable relative to each other;
  • components are installed side by side, no fasteners.

The main advantage over competitors is the ability to disassemble and transform furniture.

There are options for corners with hinged lids, where there is a box under the seat in which you can hide everything you need. In more expensive items, a fold-out sofa is provided. The table can be either regular or sliding.

The upholstery of sofas can be different. Owners who prefer a cozy atmosphere opt for soft items. This is a great solution for both lunch and relaxation.

If the kitchen in your apartment is not very large, then it is recommended to buy corners with hard seats, since soft products look bulky. If the room is very small, designers advise against using ottomans and sofas. Benches or plastic chairs should be preferred.

Hard benches can be combined with soft back cushions to add coziness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, kitchen corners with a table are quite functional, but this solution has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Positive sides.

  • Good roominess. If you choose the right size, then 8 people can comfortably sit at such a table.
  • The furniture creates a cozy atmosphere. Many components, for example, sofas or ottomans, are usually sheathed with material. Thanks to this technique, the kitchen looks "warmer" and more comfortable. If you choose the right color, then the corner will fit into any room design.
  • Many sofas consist of 3 modules (except for economy class options), so you can transform and rearrange the corner if necessary. This feature is especially useful during a move or if you want to add a new element to your kitchen.
  • If you are waiting for guests, and there are not enough sleeping places in the apartment, then this problem will be solved by unfolding the sofa in the kitchen corner. Many furniture manufacturers provide this option.

Even the most budget-friendly options include a storage box under the seat cover.

    Negative sides.

    • Such furniture is only suitable for a large kitchen, in which there is a lot of free space. If your kitchen is small, then it is better to take a closer look at a set of table and plastic chairs.
    • Many table models have a central support between the legs. It gives some inconvenience if there are a lot of people sitting at the table.


    Many owners make a gross mistake, trying to keep up with fashion despite their comfort. When buying kitchen furniture, it is recommended to choose the style that suits you the most, regardless of fashion trends. Do not forget that the kitchen is a place where households spend a lot of time... Furniture here should be functional and its design should be close in spirit.

    If you like furniture with a lot of patterned details, then you should pay attention to the classic style. It looks quite natural due to the fact that all the elements are made of wood. Such a corner will fit perfectly into a large kitchen, as it looks quite cumbersome. In most cases, both white and beige shades and dark colors are used.

    Art Nouveau has been very widespread in the last few years. A kitchen in this style looks quite strict, there are no curly details here, straight lines prevail. Some structural elements are made of metal.

    Paradoxically, but in Provence style kitchen corners, both rudeness and romanticism are combined at the same time... Bright colors are never used here. The use of patterned elements is allowed. The table is usually made in the form of an antique canvas.

    A less common style is Art Deco. It looks a bit like Art Nouveau, but in this case, a combination of catchy and soft shades is allowed. Furniture in this style is usually chosen only by young families.

    Materials (edit)

    Before buying a kitchenette with a table, it is advisable to have at least minimal knowledge of the material from which it should be made.

    To give the kitchen a little charm, it is recommended to purchase wooden models. It is a natural material that does not cause allergies. This will make your kitchen look very rich. However, this coin also has a downside - value. Wooden tables are expensive.

    In addition to wooden countertops, glass products are very popular. They are reliable and environmentally friendly. Such furniture adds a touch of piquancy. For lovers of Art Nouveau style, kitchen corners with glass worktops are ideal.

    Such a table is cheaper than its wooden competitors, but requires special care.

    On the modern market, there is a huge number of chipboard tables of various designs. However, this solution has one significant drawback - toxicity. When heated, the material can release chemicals. Not recommended for purchase if there are allergy sufferers in the house.

    If we compare chipboard and wood, then the second is much stronger, but it also costs several times more.

    MDF is an excellent alternative to particle board, however it does not emit toxic substances. Of its negative aspects, it can be noted that the material is flammable. MDF is actively used to create furniture in the Art Nouveau style.

    Countertops shapes

    The most common kitchen corner tables are rectangular, round and square. Oval countertops are less popular and are only used in large kitchens.

    The round table provides a small corner. Therefore, many people cannot fit here. If you are the owner of a large kitchen, you can opt for such models. Due to the absence of corners, such a product is especially practical if there are small children in the house. Please note that it will be very uncomfortable to sit around the edges of the sofa.

    Rectangular countertops are quite common. Experienced interior designers find such tables to be the most convenient. If necessary, it can be placed near the wall, the table will look quite harmonious. However, this solution also has a drawback: if there are small children in the house, you will have to buy soft corners or pay attention to rectangular tables with rounded corners.

    Square tables are spacious and do not take up much space. This solution would be ideal for a small kitchen. However, even in this case, mention should be made of the danger of sharp corners.

    Dimensions (edit)

    Before buying such furniture, you should determine the required length of the sides for yourself. Standard kitchen corners range in size from 1.1x1.5 m to 1.4x2 m. If you have a small family, do not overpay for large items. A corner with dimensions 1.1x1.6 m is quite suitable for you. Its dimensions are enough to comfortably fit 3 people.

    Regardless of the length and width of the seats, the height of the corner usually does not exceed 80-90 cm. However, there are exceptions - corners with high backs, which is reflected in the overall height.

    The seat width can be from 45 to 70 cm. Many owners recommend corners with wide seats, since in this case, you can place pillows behind your back.

    Be sure to measure the height of the seats before purchasing. The comfort distance from the seat to the floor is 0.5 m.


    • Before buying a set, inspect the edges carefully. The edge must be glued around the entire perimeter, otherwise the product may swell due to frequent ingress of water.
    • Pay attention to the screws. Today, almost all models have decorative caps. If they are loose, the screws are too tight and the threads are deformed. This can negatively affect the strength and durability of the structure.
    • If the corners of the table top are semicircular, you should carefully examine the bending lines.There should be no chips around the edges, even minimal ones. The presence of microcracks indicates the unprofessionalism of the master.
    • If any piece of furniture is varnished, the presence of roughness on this surface is unacceptable.
    • In quality products, the upholstery is stretched evenly, there are no irregularities on the fold line of the material.
    • A table with one leg in the center is much more comfortable than a product with four legs in the corners.
    • When converting a kitchenette into a relaxation area, there should be no problem. The sofa should unfold without much effort.
    • If you plan to install the corner close to the wall, you should pay attention to products with high backs. The color of the furniture should match the color of the flooring.
    • Please note that the seat and table must be of the same design. For the sake of comfort, the kitchenette should not occupy more than 1/2 of the area of ​​the room.

    For an overview of the kitchen corner, see the next video.

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