Kitchen corners

Kitchen corners: types, sizes and nuances of choice

Kitchen corners: types, sizes and nuances of choice
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. What are the corners made of?
  4. Types and forms
  5. Seat lifting mechanisms
  6. Frame materials
  7. Upholstery materials
  8. Filler
  9. Dimensions (edit)
  10. Design options
  11. We take into account the size of the room
  12. Criterias of choice
  13. Advice

Cozy, comfortable housing is the dream of any person. I would like to come home with joy, enjoy the beauty and convenience in every room. A relaxing bathroom, a cozy bedroom, a comfortable and functional kitchen are the key to a pleasant stay at home and a comfortable stay.

The beautiful half of humanity spends a considerable part of their time in the kitchen, so it is very important that the arrangement of this room is functional, comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

Kitchen corner - the furniture is necessary and convenient in every kitchen. The sizes, shapes and designs of such a headset are different, therefore when choosing a suitable option, you need to find out what features it has, and what you should pay attention to when buying.


The kitchen corner is a small sofa located near the table. The placement of this furniture can be anything, but the most successful option is to install it in the corner of the room. Thanks to this arrangement, you can compactly arrange all the furniture, which will significantly save space. This is especially true in small kitchens.

This corner can be called irreplaceable furniture for the kitchen. It looks nice, you can store kitchen utensils in separate cells of the corner under the seats. At the same time, the sofa can accommodate a large number of people.

Chairs or stools are often placed near the sofa and table. The design, size, shape or style of the product is selected individually.There are various materials from which the kitchen corner is made, as well as upholstery materials.

It is pleasant to rest on the small sofa, as its elastic, soft covering ensures a comfortable stay on it. The appearance of the furniture is worthy to hold festive dinners behind it and receive guests.

Caring for such furniture is more difficult than for ordinary kitchen stools or chairs., since the soft coating requires careful cleaning and use. However, there are much more advantages to buying a kitchenette than disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before choosing furniture for the kitchen, it is worth finding out what advantages the corner has, and whether there are any disadvantages to such products.

Externally kitchen set creates a feeling of coziness, allowing not only to prepare meals in the kitchen, but also to while away the time pleasantly at evening gatherings with friends or relatives. In addition, in this cozy place you can not only eat, but also do the necessary things. Here it will be convenient to read or work with a laptop, while a comfortable sofa in the kitchen corner will allow you to sit on it for a long time without discomfort.

There are other pluses as well.

  • The advantage of such furniture is its large capacity.... Only one person can fit on a chair or stool, while as many people as its area can sit on a kitchen couch.
  • Multifunctionality. Under the seats, there is usually storage space for kitchen utensils. At first glance, this function may not seem so necessary, but over time, utensils and kitchen utensils accumulate. Storage space is never superfluous.
  • A huge plus is the presence in some models sleeping place, which is very convenient in case of arrival of guests who need to spend the night. The sleeping place is also used as an additional resting place for household members. To make the rest more comfortable, it is better to move the table to another room or, if there is space, put it on the other side of the kitchen.

Considering the variety of upholstery, design styles and shapes, you can make an exclusive model of a kitchen corner, while embodying all your fantasies in furniture that no one else will have.

However, there are several drawbacks.

  • When a large number of people are at the table, their movements will be constrained. This could have been avoided by moving the chair away if there were chairs at the table instead of a corner.
  • If someone wants to go out, everyone on the sofa will have to let the person get up in order to release him.

When there is a kitchenette in the kitchen, cleaning becomes more time consuming. Ordinary stools are easy to move, the kitchen sofa is heavy and difficult to move.

What are the corners made of?

Dining groups usually consist of a kitchen table and chairs or stools. The kitchen corner differs from them by the presence of a sofa. Of course, this is not the kind of sofa that is placed in the living room, but specially adapted for the kitchen.

It is recommended to combine the kitchenette with chairs. In this case, it will fit more people at the table. And also it will be comfortable for a couple of people to sit opposite each other, which cannot be done on a corner sofa.

It is better to choose chairs with a sofa in the style that is present in the design of the room. Moreover, they should harmoniously combine and complement the composition, and not clutter up the room. The same goes for table selection. In this case, it is better to give preference to products that are suitable in size, shape and general style of the kitchen corner.

Kitchen models are different in their structure. Manufacturers produce sofas with provided storage compartments. Small storage space under the seat can be used to store items that are rarely used.

    Many buyers prefer bar models. Although they will be more overall, they are more convenient than simple models.The bar and shelves are usually located near the back of the sofa, which is very convenient. At the same time, the model looks aesthetically pleasing, allowing you to additionally decorate the shelf and create more comfort.

    Types and forms

    This kitchen furniture is very diverse in shape, design and appearance. The choice of a particular kitchen corner depends on many factors:

    • room area;
    • pricing policy;
    • the selected style;
    • the number of people who regularly dine at the table.

    For small spaces it is recommended to choose compact kitchenette without additional shelves, shelves... A small round table will fit well into this set.

    In case of receiving guests, it is good to have a folding table that can be quickly and easily extended... This will allow you to place more dishes on it, which is very convenient for celebrations. Folding corners are no less convenient in everyday life.

    Especially popular modular sofa. Its advantage lies in the fact that all parts of this furniture can be interchanged, or even part of the furniture can be removed. This allows you to put a kitchen set in any part of the kitchen, if you want to move it from place to place, since the parts of the sofa are fixed to each other in such a way that they can be easily separated. Such a transforming sofa is very comfortable, you can not change it, even if the layout of the room changes.

    It is enough to simply combine the sofa pieces in the most appropriate way and place the furniture in the most appropriate place.

    Furniture design for large rooms and small kitchens does not differ much. When choosing products, the main thing is to correctly calculate the required size. So, for small kitchens, a compact equilateral corner sofa is more suitable. It can be positioned in the corner of the kitchen so that as much free space as possible is preserved. If desired, such furniture can be made to order - this will allow you to most accurately select the size of the product for the parameters of the room.

    For small rooms, a narrow or sliding sofa is suitable. Such a sofa is very convenient, because when it is folded, you can significantly save space, which is important in small rooms. When unfolded, additional seating is obtained.

    In addition, for small kitchen rooms, it is better to choose a sofa without a berth. The incredibly popular and comfortable sofa will not fit in a small kitchen - it simply will not stand in the room, or it will completely clutter it up and restrict movement in it.

    A small semicircular sofa can also be placed in the corner, it will look harmonious and not interfere with movement in the kitchen.

    The spacious rooms allow you to take advantage of a large selection of furniture. In such cases, you can embody without restrictions everything that has enough imagination and capabilities. In this case, you can seriously consider the option of a sofa. with a berth. This pull-out sofa is a real godsend for those hosts who often have overnight guests. The sleeper collection system is very simple, while all the parts are easily moved apart and secured. Just a few movements - and in a minute a comfortable sleeping place is formed in the room.

    Large rooms allow you to place U-shaped sofas... This option provides an opportunity to place a large number of people at the dining table. The sofa can have equal sides, or have different parameters on each side.

    In large kitchens, it is important to use kitchen corners with shelves, as well as additional shelves and a bar. The large area of ​​the room allows you to experiment with the design of this furniture and make the kitchen more functional and stylish.

    If for small kitchens it is better to give preference to small, round tables, then in large kitchens a table of any size will look good. The table can be straight, rounded or oval. The main thing is that there is enough free space between the table legs.... It is better to avoid options with a closed space, since it is uncomfortable to sit at such a table.

    Seat lifting mechanisms

    Corner sofas with a designated seating area are divided into several types, which are laid out in different ways. The most popular options for transformation mechanisms are dolphin and French cot.

    The seat lift mechanisms are fairly simple. Such a device consists of special metal parts that can be easily purchased at a special store. The advantage of these mechanisms is that high-quality models will not allow the seat to lower on its own after lifting them, which is very convenient to use and also safe.

    French clamshell is considered a more serious mechanism. It is used in those models with a designated sleeping place, where under the seat there is a mattress folded several times. It is not difficult to expand such a sofa:

    • first, you should remove the sofa seats;
    • pull out a metal frame on which a three-fold mattress is laid out;
    • expand it and adjust stability.

    This mattress stands firmly on small metal legs and provides a comfortable sleeping place.

    More often you can find a sofa with a mechanism called Dolphinconsisting of a main and a retractable seat. The retractable structure can be quickly extended and retracted.

    To decompose it, you need:

    • pull the lower part forward a little;
    • slightly lift and pull up.

    This folding system is very convenient and easy to unfold. Corner sofas of this type are often complemented by boxes for storing linen and other utensils. The advantage of this option is that it fits perfectly into a small room, while it can be easily repaired if the product breaks down.

    Frame materials

    The durability of the furniture depends on its quality.

    The material from which the frame of the kitchen corner is made depends on:

    • how long this product will last;
    • how susceptible it will be to breakdowns:
    • whether it will retain its original appearance over time.

    Very popular furniture on a metal frame, which is well deserved... This is a very durable material, it is durable and unpretentious to maintain.

    Metal can be:

    • chromium-plated:
    • covered with paint;
    • powder coated.

    Each of the coatings creates its own visual effect. The chrome-plated product will have a shiny, smooth surface that is protected from corrosion. Powder coating will create a matte, powdery effect. Using paint, you can make the desired color, the most suitable for the entire kitchen corner.

    A good choice would be selection of a frame made of wood. In this case, it is not necessary to have expensive breeds. Even the simplest, inexpensive materials are suitable for these purposes. The wooden frame is not as budgetary as from chipboard, but much better and more environmentally friendly.

    However, special care is needed for wooden furniture, because it does not tolerate moisture well and should not be placed next to heating devices... Sometimes wooden frames are impregnated with a special solution. Although the price of such a product will be higher, it will affect its quality and durability.

    The most budgetary material for making a frame is Chipboard. One of the few advantages of this material is its low cost. However, it is capable of releasing toxic substances, sometimes this can last throughout the entire period of operation. To minimize this factor, you should make sure of the quality of the product, namely: the presence of a certificate that guarantees the environmental friendliness of the product. To reduce the possible harm when using chipboard, the product can be varnished. In addition, the material is not very durable, and it is not often recommended.

    In the event that you need to purchase furniture for a while, you can stop the choice on a plastic frame. The plastic frame is lightweight, inexpensive, but short-lived. Products made from such material are unlikely to last more than a year, nevertheless, in case temporary furniture is needed, this is the best option.

    Upholstery materials

    Almost the entire aesthetic effect depends on what material the kitchen sofa will be upholstered with. Materials differ in density, quality and price.

    A common variant of furniture upholstery is synthetic material. This material has a lot of advantages, because it is inexpensive, durable, easy to clean, and also does not deteriorate after washing and retains its color for a long time. However, synthetics are highly flammable and release toxic substances during combustion. When choosing synthetic upholstery, furniture should be positioned as far as possible from sources of ignition to avoid ignition.

    Leatherette upholstery looks pretty impressive. In some cases, the material is visually indistinguishable from genuine leather. Compared to the cost of genuine leather, leatherette will cost much less. In addition, this material is easy to clean. To remove stains and dirt, simply wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth.

    The disadvantage of this upholstery is that in the hot season, sitting on such a sofa will be uncomfortable, because the material does not allow air to pass through. In the cold season, it will also be uncomfortable to be on this sofa until the material heats up from the body.

    A leather sofa for a kitchen corner has almost one advantage, its disadvantage is the high cost of the material.

    The leather upholstery is durable, very effective, beautiful and durable. When choosing upholstery made of genuine leather, you should pay attention to its dressing. It should not be rough, because in this case the material will crack at the fold. Externally, the skin should be uniform, without unnecessary spots or cracks. Usually, such products are made to order, while the leather for upholstery is chosen by the client, all the nuances are negotiated with the manufacturer.

    Velor or flock fabric upholstery looks very nice. The materials are pleasant to the touch, in addition, they have a relatively low price. Sitting on such a sofa is very comfortable - it is soft and comfortable. However, such material very susceptible to sunlight, begins to quickly lose color, whimsical to care for.

    A more durable option for fabric upholstery is jacquard upholstery. This material, as a rule, has a relief pattern, which is not only beautiful, but also convenient, as it masks imperfections or spots. This is a durable fabric, spectacular in appearance and with good quality characteristics, which leads to a high cost of the material.

    Mat or rattan padding are used infrequently. As a rule, it is used for the design of country kitchen corners. These materials have a characteristic rough surface, which is great for country-style summer cottages.

    Carriage coupler - furniture upholstering technique, in which buttons are used to obtain a relief surface. The upholstery got its name from the past, when carriages were upholstered with this technique. As a rule, in this case, only vertical surfaces are upholstered, because the embossed surface will be inconvenient for sitting.


    The quality of the filler will determine how long the kitchen sofa will last. The filler must quickly regain its shape. The more rigid and elastic it is, the better it will cope with this task. Manufacturers apply a special designation that allows you to figure out what kind of stiffness the material is.

    For this purpose, letter designations are provided:

    • E - this indicator means that the filler has a normal, low hardness;
    • EL - characterizes the filler with increased rigidity;
    • HL - this designation indicates the rigidity of the material;
    • ER - non-rigid;
    • NS - very soft;
    • HR - elastic, high rigidity, the most suitable option for corners that are used every day.

    In addition, the filler should be polyurethane foam, not foam rubber, since foam rubber very quickly loses its quality and over time not only stops returning the product to its shape, but also simply crumbles.

    Dimensions (edit)

    A good kitchenette doesn't have to be large. The main thing is that it harmoniously fits into the overall design of the room, leaves free space for moving, while not overloading the kitchen.

    The sizes of the furniture can be selected individually, or you can focus on the average size indicators.

    The average seating depth is about 55 cm, while the height of the corner is around 90 cm, the height of the seats is about 55 cm. It should be borne in mind that the knees should create an angle of 90 degrees in the sitting position. This provides the most comfortable position for the legs, conducive to rest and comfort.

    If you wish, you can select the size of the product individually. To do this, calculate the average height of all adults living in a given room. and based on the figure received, make calculations.

    And you should also pay attention to whether there is enough free space between the kitchen corner and the table. The ideal distance is 85 cm, while the space for the passage should not be less than 100 cm.

    The dimensions of the sleeping option should be such that it would be comfortable and comfortable for any person to lie on it. Moreover, its length should be about 170 cm, and its width - 70 cm.

    Design options

    The kitchen corner can be made in a wide variety of styles. The modern style assumes simple, streamlined shapes, more free space and a minimum of decor.

    The kitchen will look good loft style, which is based on a combination of different styles. The most advantageous option would be a combination of modern style and antiquity. This style does not accept a large amount of decor, appreciates simplicity and functionality. A loft-style kitchen corner can be made on a metal frame, while the legs of the product can flow smoothly into the headboard. Simple, muted colors, leather upholstery will complement this style.

    Fashionable Provence style famous for its airiness, lightness and grace. This style will look especially harmonious in the kitchen. To emphasize this style, you should choose pastel colors for furniture upholstery. At the same time, the headboard and handrails of the sofa can be decorated with molding; patterns, flower drawings, ruffles are appropriate here. In this case, it is better to choose textile upholstery made of jacquard or velvet.

    For a small kitchen, you can choose the original hi-tech style... Simplicity is appreciated in this style. Solid colors in upholstery, furniture and walls are welcome. Modern design assumes maximum emphasis on functionality, without unnecessary decor.

    Scandinavian classics - one of the best options for the kitchen. This style will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen. This style accepts natural materials, with wood being the best choice. Simple shapes are good here, a sofa installed in beech P or L. In this option, you can do without upholstery at all, but it is recommended to put pillows or a soft rug on the sitting surface. Colors are chosen light, pastel.

    There is a famous design move - combine several styles into one, creating a unique atmosphere... You can try to do it yourself, but in this case it will take a lot of imagination and a good sense of style, in addition, a lot of time. For advice, you can always turn to a professional who understands his business and can cope with any task at hand.

    We take into account the size of the room

    The choice of style should depend not only on taste preferences, but also on the size of the room.

    In a small kitchen, a design made in high-tech, loft or modern styles will look good. Such a laconic design without the predominance of decor will visually expand the space, make the room larger. In addition, it is better to choose light colors. Particular attention should be paid to the walls - ideally, if their surface is also in light, pastel colors.

    Large spaces allow for more massive decor styles such as French Provence or Baroque. Such a room can be saturated with decorative elements, while the kitchen corner can be decorated with modeling, painting, wrought iron patterns.

    Criterias of choice

    When choosing a kitchen corner, it is necessary to take into account how many people live in the apartment, whether there are pets, how often guests come to the house, whether they stay overnight.

    For example, a light, wooden corner will have to be protected from pets, so in this case it is recommended to choose products from a metal frame and darker colors.

    Ready-made kitchen corners simplify the selection process, you do not need to waste time on selecting material for the frame, upholstery, sealant, size, because everything has already been done and is ready to purchase. However, this option is suitable for large rooms. This will eliminate the risk of filling the entire space of the room with furniture.

    Items without upholstery are often sold with seating cushions. This option is very convenient and practical in terms of cleaning, but not suitable for all styles. If desired, additional pillows can be made for upholstered corners, in which case they should be combined with each other in color and texture.

    A corner with an armrest and shelves is the most convenient and functional option for the kitchen. The shelves perfectly fulfill their purpose, keeping the order and convenience in the kitchen. The armrests will create additional comfort, because you can put your hands on them and have a leisurely conversation, and not just engage in eating.

    A kitchen corner can be very cozy, especially if decorated in the appropriate style. To do this, you can put on the shelves not only kitchen utensils, but also various decorative items.

    The kitchen corner will become a real decoration of the room, combining convenience and beauty.


    The main advice before buying a kitchen corner is the correct size calculation. The result will depend on how accurately the calculations are made. When making calculations, you need to pay attention to where the corner will stand, whether it is adjacent to the windowsill. In the event that the furniture will stand directly next to the windowsill, the maximum correct height should be calculated, this will allow the room to remain harmonious.

    • Experienced experts say that you cannot save on materials. The money saved on the frame or filler will soon show up in the quality of the product. The frame, upholstery and filler must be made of high-quality, environmentally friendly material, in which case the furniture will serve for many years.
    • The style in which the kitchen corner will be made should match the style of the entire kitchen room.
    • If there are armrests on the kitchen couch, then they should be combined with the rest of the kitchen furniture.
    • In the case when the wallpaper and curtains have a pattern or a pronounced relief, it is recommended to make the kitchen corner plain.

        A small corner sofa with a designated berth is an excellent option for a small kitchen or studio. This furniture will make any room functional and comfortable.

        How to choose and install a kitchen corner, see the video.

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