White kitchen with patina: design features and beautiful examples

New furniture does not have to shine, sparkle and demonstrate its freshness in every possible way. There are interior styles where the spirit of antiquity, traces of time become a dignity, therefore, even in a new headset, they should be present. An example of such furniture is household items with a patina, which gives them a special charm.

Types of patina
Patina is a film of salts or oxide that forms on metal surfaces. But this initial concept has acquired new meanings. Now patina is also called a specific abrasion that appears when the color of the wood changes or the long-term use of wood products. Almost all methods of aging furniture are called patina. It cannot be said that such a semantic transformation is correct, but furniture with scuffs in the interior is really often spoken of as furniture with a patina.

With regard to the kitchen set, the following can be said about the patina.
- Models with natural patina imitation. A noble patina can appear only in valuable species of trees, so models from MDF and chipboard, of course, cannot boast of such natural changes. But certain technological and design techniques can give the desired effect even to those kitchens that are not made of solid wood, but of its cheaper substitutes. Usually these are kitchens with veneered MDF panels.

- Models with imitation of aging. Classic dining tables, straight facades of headsets are suitable for this design.Mechanical and chemical methods lead to the fact that a state of wear and tear of wood is formed on the surface.

- Models with old paint effect. In practice, this has nothing to do with patina, but out of habit, such furniture is classified as patinated. Popular models for kitchens in the style of Provence, country, chalet. Furniture is treated with craquelure varnish (or facet), which creates cracks when it dries.

In all cases, a combination of light and dark occurs: light walnut is combined with gold, ivory with a silver patina, and dark oak with beige scuffs.

Classic version
The classic offers a rejection of excess shine. Therefore, a white kitchen with gold or silver notes is anything but a classic option. A beige or gray patina is suitable for a light headset, soft and natural from the side of the choice of shade. If the kitchen is dark, then the patina should be a couple of tones lighter. It will be both expressive and restrained and elegant.
Many people confuse the classics with the palace styles. But the palace style welcomes the glitter of gold and silver. Therefore, the kitchen in the Renaissance, Empire and Baroque aesthetics is absolutely organic in the presence of a silvery or golden patina. It is customary to accentuate carvings, bulges and moldings with it. In this case, patina is appropriate for both dark and light furniture.

White rustic cuisine
This refers to rustic styles, where patina means natural wear, simplicity. But the same Provence is also a rustic style, and therefore the solution may not be devoid of elegance. For example, a white kitchen with blue, greenish or purple scuffs looks very nice.
The emphasis is on the facade, but if you are afraid to make the headset stand out too much, maybe the wear will decorate the table. - both small and large dining tables look harmonious with moderate abrasions. In this case, its color will be without shine.

In this vein, I would like to mention the famous shabby chic style, the main postulate of which is wear. She is even hypertrophied there, and it seems that the more there is, the more expressive the interior. But this option also does without glossy shine.

How to patinate furniture yourself
The best experiment will be with a kitchen made of solid wood. The material perceives patination most nobly. You can use mechanical methods that do not involve the most difficult (at home) actions. Take, for example, brushing: this treatment exposes the woody structure, which makes it more obvious, clear, expressive. You can brush with a metal brush, and sometimes it is done with ordinary sandpaper.
In the future, the furniture will have to be painted or varnished, which is why the first composition gets into deeper pores, reveals the texture of the wood, and makes the contrast more powerful.

If you subject veneered MDF panels to self-processing, then the mechanical way of transforming the furniture is excluded. Patination will be excluded by applying a special dye composition (acrylic patina). The composition is applied to protruding places or areas where the surface is usually erased.
If you have a kitchen made of chipboard with PVC film, then it can also be painted with acrylic patina. It is important to distribute the paint so that an imitation of natural aging occurs. Mechanical methods are excluded.
Does a white kitchen with a patina look beautiful - this is confirmed by vivid examples. A room with such a set looks clean, refined, noble. The white color of the kitchen is a priori friendly with the sun, therefore light and spaciousness make the room cozy, comfortable, organized

Beautiful examples
Indispensable in this case is the principle of visibility - your attention is presented with 7 options for white kitchens, which patina has made more elegant, noble and cozy.
White kitchens with patina. A very catchy and expressive option.If you are looking for something softer, make sure you are in tune with the patina. However, it should be said that such an expressive patina adds dynamics to the room. If the kitchen is small, this can be an option from the "too match" series.

Palace style kitchen with gold patina. The finishing of the apron and the chandelier plays along with the golden hue; gold will be seen both in the decor and in the general mood of the space. The option is more suitable for large kitchens-dining rooms in country houses.

And this is what white looks like set with silver patina. The interior turned out to be Nordic, but it looks very dignified. The mosaic finish of the apron is consonant with the silvery patina.

Ivory set appropriate for both urban and country cuisine. There is a frosty freshness in it with a silvery trace and a pleasant vintage, which is noticeable in the shape and decorative details of the furniture.

Neat and relatively small kitchen, which will look so elegant and festive for a long time. True, even the little things will have to be matched to such a headset - a kettle, pots and other utensils should be organic to the given design vector.

A white kitchen is not only a set, it can be a sideboard, a wardrobe, and dressers. And in a variation of shabby chic, they can look like this.

The scuffs are barely noticeable in this headset. But by itself, it is suitable for "hand aging". It already looks solid and noble, so patinating it will only embellish it, as its delicate floral pattern on the tile adorns now.

Patinated furniture requires partners: it will not be combined with interior elements that look very strict, graphic or modern. She rarely fits well with styles that need conciseness and minimalism. Patination is not often used in the Scandinavian style, very conventionally in a loft. If you decide on a white kitchen, remember about the stylistic accuracy of furniture that has been artificially aged.
For an overview of a white kitchen with a golden patina, see the video below.