The subtleties of filling kitchen cabinets inside

In order for it to be always convenient to cook in the kitchen, as well as just to relax, it is very important to pay attention to the choice not only of the kitchen cabinets themselves, but also to the distribution of products and kitchen utensils in them. Moreover, today it is very easy to organize a workplace for yourself.

Features of the storage organization
It is necessary to organize a workplace inside the kitchen so that everything you need is at hand. After all, modern headsets have almost everything for this. Wall-mounted kitchen cabinets are perfect for storing a variety of utensils such as plates or cups. Most often they are placed near or directly above the sink. The second option is the most convenient, because after washing the dishes, you can put them directly on a nearby dryer.

In addition, it will be convenient to store both glass and plastic containers in such cabinets.
Separately, you can put coffee or tea, sugar or honey. To make it more convenient to use them, you can buy small baskets. In addition, you can put various seasonings and other kitchen stuff in them.

If necessary, you can equip an additional shelf. Various cans with cereals will look great on it. In addition, it will be more convenient to get food out of such cans.
For large items that are difficult to get out of wall cabinets, floor stands are suitable. The top shelves can be used for pots and pans, or large plastic or aluminum cooking bowls.
Drawers can be used to store food that is purchased for future use. It can be pasta and bags of cereals. You can use a large container for flour. In addition, they can also store various small cutlery, such as spoons or forks.

Furniture fittings must be selected so that it is more convenient to use all cabinets and drawers.
Ways to access headset content
Kitchen cabinets should not be inconvenient for their owners. Furniture should open and close effortlessly. Depending on the access method, all kitchen cabinets are divided into open, closed and pull-out models.
If we talk about retractable systems, then they are very popular. And this is not in vain, because they allow you to save space.

This option is convenient because all items are always at hand. In addition, you do not need to hold the door when you need to get the necessary item. The price of such headsets is slightly less than those with doors.
On open shelves, you can place beautiful dishes or jars for bulk products.

However, these cabinets also have some disadvantages. So, housewives all the time need to wipe the shelves from dust, and also keep everything on them perfectly clean... All purchases must be thought out in advance so that they can fit into the overall interior of the room. In addition, do not clutter the shelves too much, as it will not look too beautiful.

The dimensions of such a headset practically do not differ from the dimensions of an open one, but here by filling it will be much more spacious... In such cabinets, you can put objects in several tiers or put them quite tightly to each other. Plus, you don't have to worry too much about perfect order.
There are also drawbacks to closed or sliding lockers. Their price is slightly higher than that of open models. Since cleaning is done much less often, then it will be a little more difficult to find the desired item in such cabinets.

Internal filling elements
There are many such items. They all have their own purpose.
Dryers are distinguished depending on the materials from which they are made, the features of their attachment, as well as the number of tiers. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to what is the width of the gaps for the plates. In addition, it is necessary to purchase a pallet if this is not included in the kit.

If the dryer is built-in, then it is placed inside the cabinet, so it will not be covered with dust. If it is independent, then you need to choose a special place for it, as well as install a pallet. But it is best if the dryer is placed directly above the sink.
The simplest among such products are single-tier models, which are intended for the most part only for plates. If the dryer is two-tier, then either glasses or cups can be placed on the upper tier. They are made either of stainless steel or plastic.

Mesh baskets can hold not only dishes, but all kitchen items. Their designs differ from each other in the mechanism of action.
For example, roll-out systems are ordered specifically for the size of existing boxes so that there are no problems with installation. They are installed either in a floor stand, or in a pencil case, if there is one. They leave on rollers and only up to a certain place.
Pull-out mesh baskets have to be pulled out of the cabinet by yourself. They are attached either several pieces or one at a time. In this case, you can pull them out one by one, and leave all the remaining ones closed. Most often, such designs are performed in a chrome-plated version.

Swivel carousels
They are most often used in corner kitchens. When the cabinet door is opened, any detail is always at hand, which is very convenient.They are attached inside the lower or upper corner cabinet, as well as on top of the facade.
There are two types of such carousels. The first of them go completely into the niche, and the second ones move forward only when the door opens. Plastic or metal is used as a material for their manufacture. In the second case, the carousels are covered with a protective layer.

Corner sections
Such designs are also called magic corners, as they can accommodate a large number of kitchen items. Most often they are attached to drawers or drawers located in the corner.
Such designs are very similar to rotary carousels, but more spacious.

The simplest of them is a basket that appears immediately after the cabinet doors open. More complex models consist of two baskets at once. And here combined can combine both varieties. They are made most often from steel wire.
Bottle holder
Most often it is made in the form of a narrow basket made made of chrome-plated wire. Bottle holders are installed in both the upper and lower cabinets of kitchen sets. They are usually retractable... You can store in them not only bottles of wine or oil, but also jars of spices or sauces.

In such containers, various tableware is most often placed. How many there will be depends on the requests of the owners. The trays can hold spoons, forks, and other kitchen items.
Most often they are located under the countertop, but you can also make wall pockets for them located on the shelves. Beautiful silver sets can be placed in such organizer shelves, which will also serve as decoration.
Materials such as wood, plastic or even steel are more suitable for these trays. The first and third options can last a long time, but the plastic trays are presented in different colors.

Trash can
Most often it is equipped with a hinged lid and is built into the lowest cabinet. It is usually fully automated. One has only to press the door, and the container with a bucket will immediately open.

Roof rails
They are most often located at the very wall under the upper drawers and consist of several beams and metal pipes. They contain a large number of hanging shelves, as well as several dozen hooks that are designed for small kitchen utensils.

These attachments will not be able to withstand too heavy things, so it is best to keep pans or pots in a different place.
Lifting mechanisms
In order for the doors from the cabinet to be installed in the upper position, lifting mechanisms will be needed. It will be enough just to raise the swing doors with latches, then they will no longer slam. Most often they are mounted on doors to avoid chipping on the furniture itself.

How to save space?
To save a little space, you need to ergonomically use the headset, as well as the kitchen space. All pots must be placed one inside the other. Smaller items should be placed in a free space in the cabinet. Some of them can be stored on the walls. For example, A small rack with hooks stuffed into it is a great place to store your scoops or knives.
There are many ideas for placing items. For example, you can build a small shelf right next to the stove and display beautiful jars of spices and seasonings on it. Its sizes can be very different.

In such a place, you can put a coffee maker or kettle, as well as everything you need to make coffee and tea.
Those who have too many utensils, as well as products in the kitchen, need to opt for headsets with closed cabinets.
How to keep order?
Keeping the kitchen tidy isn't that difficult. The only thing that is required is to follow some specific rules.
- All things must be returned to their places immediately after cooking. Don't put off all your work over the weekend. It is best to wash the dishes immediately after emptying them.
- It is necessary to carry out more frequent revisions of all products, and all spoiled ones must be thrown away immediately. This should be done once every 3-4 weeks.
- Before the next trip to the store, be sure to see what to eat at home, so as not to buy anything superfluous and not to clutter the shelves of cabinets.
- All bulk products must be stored in special containers. You can buy beautiful jars for this, so that everything looks more aesthetically pleasing.
- If the food is spoiled, mold can even appear in the cupboards.
- After washing, all dishes must first be thoroughly dried. on the table and only after that put it in its place. If this is not done, then the locker will quickly become unusable.
- Any cleaning should be done with a slightly damp cloth, not wet.
- All parts of metal cabinets from time to time need to be lubricated with ordinary paraffin.... This will extend their lifespan.

The filling of kitchen cabinets can be very diverse. It does not matter whether there will be a kitchen set with closed or open cabinets, the main thing is that it is convenient for the owners themselves to get everything they need out of it. Functional filling of the kitchen will save space as much as possible.
What kind of filling of the kitchen set allows you to maintain order, see the video presented.