Hanging cabinets for the kitchen: varieties and recommendations for choosing

The competent design of the kitchen means not only the design of a pleasant external appearance of the room, but also the optimal placement of the entire environment. A similar mission will be accomplished by wall cabinets for the kitchen.

Advantages and disadvantages
Wall cabinets are a convenient option because they fit perfectly into the design of any room. The great demand for such furniture is justified by a number of advantages.
- This furniture is versatile and comfortable to use. It goes well with any interior decoration. Today there is a considerable variety of types, for the production of which various materials are used (MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, metal, plastic, glass) and structural parts (swing or sliding doors, shelves of various configurations, the presence of dryers, decorated lighting).
- Installation of wall cabinets in the kitchen will give the ability to rationally place utensils and household appliances. Typically, furniture is installed under the ceiling. As a result, the working space is unloaded, and the dining area increases, which is especially important for a small kitchen.
- Furniture is endowed with small dimensions and has traditional colors... These characteristics are suitable for rooms decorated in a minimalist style. The availability of samples with various parameters and configurations allows the installation of wall cabinets in any area of the room.

For a detailed and true description of wall storage systems, you must have an idea of the disadvantages of this furniture:
- it is necessary to take into account the reliability of the wall on which the cabinet from the solid wood will hang, since the mass of the structure with filling may become too heavy for partitions made of plastic, drywall;
- limiting the mass of the contents of the cabinet;
- difficult access for small family members.

Species overview
At the moment, a lot of options for wall structures are produced:
- modules for kitchen utensils;
- corner structures;
- wardrobes equipped with dryers;
- modules with open shelves.

Wall modules for kitchen utensils
In general, they are intended to contain a wide variety of items, from dishes to spices and food supplies. There are shelves in the cavity of the lockers. Stylish kitchen cabinets are equipped with glass doors.

Corner cabinets
They are also called end cabinets. They are perfect for small kitchens, where every centimeter is worth its weight in gold. Similar structures are mounted in the corner of the room, using specialized suspensions. The lockers have a triangular configuration.

Drying constructions
In the cavity of these cabinets, a drying unit is placed under the dishes. Hang the cabinet either next to the sink, or specifically above it. There are various fillings for these cabinets. A curious accessory in a number of samples is the shelf for sponges and brushes.

Cabinets with open shelves
Designed for storing spices, kitchen utensils, all kinds of decorative interior items. Doors of such modules are sliding, swinging, folding up. The most stylish and at the same time practical are sliding or swing-up doors. They guarantee adequate safety when moving and working in the kitchen.
You can pick up or equip the lockers with gas lift devices, and then the doors will close on their own.

Horizontal cabinets
Recently, it is quite common to see kitchens with horizontal cabinets. Such samples look spectacular, fit perfectly into newfangled interiors and give the room an unconventional look. Hinged doors save space. Another positive point is the convenience of storing dishes and items for various purposes.
In samples of the vertical type, the upper shelves are often empty, and in the horizontal ones, the entire space inside is exploited.
But horizontal placement has its own drawbacks. If the modules are too high, you need to stretch to reach the objects that are in the depths. This does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the horizontal type cabinets, but it is advisable to think over a method of using modifications of both forms - horizontal and vertical.

Materials (edit)
Modern kitchen cabinets are made from all sorts of materials. They differ both in cost and in their parameters. Let's talk about the most popular options.
- Chipboard cabinets - some of the most affordable. Various style solutions, wide range of colors, affordable cost. These cabinets weigh a little; therefore, they can be installed on walls that can withstand a small load.
Nevertheless, the quality is often not good enough - the material is rather short-lived and easily deforms.

- A more progressive pattern is laminated particle board (Laminated chipboard). Such lockers are characterized by higher reliability and water resistance, they are not subject to deformation due to temperature fluctuations and vapors. Moreover, they look more beautiful than their non-laminated prototypes. The cost is also quite affordable.
Only it is required to seriously approach the choice of the manufacturer - if the lamination is done poorly, such a cabinet will not last long.

- Plywood wall cabinets are more expensive, but they will also serve you for a long time.When looking for a plywood cabinet, look at what varnish and paint the surface is painted with. After all, their moisture resistance and service life depend specifically on them.

- Lockers from fine fraction (MDF) cannot be counted among the cheap, but in terms of quality they outshine all samples. MDF is often used as a base for acrylic, glass, plastic coating.

- Lockers solid wood are characterized by the highest quality, long service life and high price. They perfectly fit into the most sophisticated interiors and retain their impeccable appearance for many years.

- Sometimes in retail outlets you can see plastic or glass wall cabinets in the kitchen. We must be aware that they are not made entirely of these materials. The base, as a rule, is MDF, and plastic and glass go exclusively to the facades - otherwise the furniture would come out too flimsy.

Dimensions (edit)
Different modules can be used to assemble a suitable headset structure. Of course, any manufacturer produces furniture sets with their own standard sizes and configurations. But there are certain standards that almost all furniture manufacturers partly adhere to.
The width of the modules, like the depth, can be different, but the standard value is 80 cm and cannot be more than 90 centimeters. Otherwise, disturbances in the operation of the structure will begin. Shelves of this length will begin to sag, and the cabinet will begin to look unpresentable after a while.

Often, the dimensions are adjusted to the general module, so that the headset covers the wall one hundred percent. Howbeit, the majority of firms produce designs of several standard parameters.
- The height of the lockers varies in typical values: 36, 72 and 96 cm. Small lockers include modules with a height of 36 cm.
- Width: from 40 cm to 120 cm, commensurate with the width of the modules produced by the company.
- Typical depths of cabinets are equivalent to 30 and 60 cm, this is enough for keeping utensils and appliances, and such modules are built even in a compact kitchen. However, many companies produce cabinets of greater depth, but less is no longer advisable, they will most likely become a decoration rather than a work item.
Anyone who has the opportunity to shell out for a kitchen set, as for a small car, places an order for an individual style. The dimensions of all the details are calculated by the master, starting from the dimensions of the kitchen and the customer's requirements. There, any wall cabinet in the kitchen will become almost a work of art.

Dimensions of wall corner modules
Wall end cabinets mainly have the following options:
- the side walls of the wall end box, which are parallel to the kitchen wall, should be 60 cm;
- the side walls of the wall end box bordering the adjacent modules must be 31.5 cm;
- the front part can be covered with a door or a 38 cm wide facade;
- the back is approximately 16.5 cm.
Having information about the approximate standard parameters of the drawers of the kitchen set, you can easily and simply design a kitchen that is comfortable in all positions.

Design options
Hanging cabinets for the kitchen can vary in external design. Although it is still more correct if they are made according to the design of the rest of the furniture. Depending on the number and configuration of doors, wall cabinets can be systematized into several options.
- With swinging doors. Just examples of this performance can mainly be seen in modern kitchens. They attract attention to themselves by their simplicity of implementation and practicality. Even when such doors fail, they are very easy to repair.
It is quite easy to keep track of them - any dirt is removed without much effort by means of detergents and water.

- With sliding doors. Such samples of wall cabinets will be primarily appreciated by the owners of small kitchens.It doesn't take much physical effort to open the doors. Moreover, they are completely safe.

- With hinged doors. The main advantage of these modifications is ease of use. Anyone can open them with one hand.
This furniture will suit a place in the kitchen, where the hostess is often unable to use both hands when she needs to open the cabinet.

- With folding doors. Wall-mounted cabinets of this model are not available from all manufacturers. This is somewhat an exclusive version that can be used in such kitchens, where there is an abundance of rounded shapes, intricate ornaments and bright patterns.

- You can completely abandon the doors - in kitchens decorated in a modern style, the preference is given specifically to open cabinets. Plus open structures - your utensils can play the role of the main decorative element.

There is absolutely no need for the doors to be impenetrable. If you have a great service, why hide it behind a plastic (wooden) door? Install glass doors - they add space to the room. The inclusion of lighting will be another advantage when using glass doors. If the kitchen has only one window, then glass doors will add lighting.

Well-placed lighting will provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of comfort and peace. When choosing wall cabinets, you need to take into account the color of the kitchen set, which will affect not only your mood, but also your appetite. Warm colors (orange, yellow, red) raise the appetite, cool ones (ultramarine), on the contrary, pacify it.
It is important - for the design of a small kitchen, you need to choose furniture (cabinets) in light shades - lemon, cream, light pink. In this way, you can add lighting in the kitchen and slightly increase it visually.

How to choose?
When going to the furniture salon behind a wall cabinet, you should clarify some questions for yourself in advance.
- Cabinet size. It depends on the area where you are planning to hang it and the size of the room.
- Thoroughly inspect all surfaces for chips, cracks.
- Doors should be firmly attached, calm and easy to open.
- Don't forget about the depth of the cabinet. It can be different. You need to choose based on the size of the utensils that you will keep there.
- Consider ahead of time how tall the cabinets might be for you. Although you can hang and different. Low ones can be adapted for shelves.
- When choosing wall cabinets apart from the headset, match them with the design of the room.
- Check the doors for evenness of fixation, so that there are no backlashes, distortions, and they open freely.
If you buy a wall cabinet, you will orient yourself with its height so that you are comfortable using it.

For information on how to install wall cabinets for the kitchen, see the next video.