Sizes of kitchen cabinets: what are they and how to choose the right one?

The kitchen is a place where great and small culinary masterpieces are created, the whole family gathers at the table. An attentive and thoughtful attitude towards the choice of furniture will bring a positive result. The kitchen will become a place where it will be easy and pleasant to cook. The types of kitchen cabinets, their sizes and placement are important components in organizing an ergonomic workspace.

Standard dimensions
To create optimal conditions in the kitchen, choosing the right furniture is one of the main steps. Making the room cozy and stylish, one must remember that modern design trends prefer saving free space and a minimum of decor. The consumer is offered the following cabinet options:
- floor;
- wall-mounted;
- corner;
- built-in.

Difficulties in the selection of kitchen furniture begin when measuring the area of the room, the height of the walls, the depth of the niches, finding out the parameters of the area that the set will occupy. Often kitchens in an apartment are of a small format or non-standard layout. Finding cabinets that are suitable in size and placing them compactly is a crucial moment in a kitchen set. The standard of kitchen furniture offered on the market (dimensions are in centimeters) is as follows:
- 60x60x80 for a floor stand with two doors;
- 50x60x80 for a floor stand with one door;
- 60x30x80 for hanging cabinets with 2 doors;
- 60x30x40 for hanging cabinets with one door;
- the corner section is trapezoidal with sides 60, 30.5 and 38.

In terms of parameters, typical kitchen cabinets are suitable for built-in appliances.
- The base cabinet for the hob has an opening for 49x60 installation. Such a cabinet can be independently made from a standard one.
- For the built-in oven, the cabinet is equipped with a recess 59.5x59.5.
- Other household appliances (electric dryer, dishwasher and washing machine, refrigerator, freezer) are placed inside the cabinets and cabinets behind the facade in accordance with individual dimensions: a gap of 5 cm should remain from the case to the lid, for the refrigerator on both sides - from 1.5 to 3 cm, for other equipment, an exact entry into the cabinet is provided.
- For a microwave oven, the cabinet is located on a raised platform in a niche. The back part is open or with a backlash of 0.1 cm. The height of the cabinet is 2 cm lower than the microwave. This will prevent the cover from being embedded and can be easily opened.

It is recommended to purchase kitchen furniture after taking measurements (height and width) of each wall and corners. It is necessary to select the height of the headset and plan its placement, taking into account the growth of the owner of the kitchen. Standard kitchens are designed for the growth of the average person, approximately equal to 1.68 cm. For short owners, wall cabinets are recommended to be hung slightly below the standard level.

No matter how the wall boxes are hung, the very top can only be reached with a stepladder. Deep cabinets are convenient, dishes and products will fit here, and possibly also medium-sized or built-in household appliances. But if cabinets and cabinets clutter up the room, the choice of size will have to be approached more carefully. Kitchen furniture is:
- floor (pedestals, pencil cases);
- wall (hinged).

Bottom row
Floor cabinets become the main part of the working area. They store dishes, food, household appliances. They must be roomy and withstand the load of working surfaces.
Standard parameters:
- height - 85 cm;
- depth - 46-60 cm;
- the thickness of the countertop varies from 1.8 to 5 cm;
- the width of the facade can be from 30 to 90 cm;
- the distance between the inner shelves is from 20 cm, the most convenient is 40 cm;
- The pencil case is 150 to 230 cm high, and the depth and width also vary.

The lower pedestals are covered with a table top and equipped with legs. The height of the legs can be adjusted. There are closed with doors and open types of cabinets. Pencil cases are used for built-in appliances, there are standards for microwave and oven cases (60x59 cm), for a built-in refrigerator (60x59 cm), the height of the case can be any.
The depth and width of floor furniture varies: for large kitchens, deep and spacious cabinets are chosen from 90 to 120 cm, for small ones, they prefer small depth options, but not less than 46 cm, for a drawer - 45 cm.
It is not advised to make the work surface less than 45-50 cm; a rather wide worktop is required for the cooking process.

The 60 cm countertop is the most common. The depth of the cabinet with such a work surface is 46 cm. A smaller countertop format is inconvenient, since most of the built-in appliances fit this size. Exceptions are small kitchens, where large furniture will clutter up the area. And for such a room, small sinks and gas stoves are chosen.
For a spacious kitchen, a worktop up to 90 cm is suitable, the depth of the drawers in this case is possible up to 76 cm. Worktops 120 cm wide are suitable for an island or a dining table. An island in the middle of the kitchen provides access to several work surfaces and cabinets at once.
How the kitchen furniture will stand, where and what to arrange, it is recommended to find out in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises later.

Top modules
Hanging top drawers store not only dishes, but also food and spices. Small appliances (microwave oven, mixer, blender) can be placed in the upper cabinets. The purpose of using the wall cabinet affects the choice of its configuration and size:
- height from 70 to 90 cm (the distance from floor to ceiling in apartments is different);
- the depth is slightly more than 30 cm, but 2 times less than the depth of the lower pedestal;
- mounting height of wall cabinets from 180 to 250 cm (optimally about 210 cm).

Standard furniture is made taking into account the average ceiling height and average human height. Of course, in small apartments the ceilings are low, and in private houses or in apartments of the Stalinist Empire style, the ceiling height is more than 3 meters. Thus, it is better to choose and place furniture in accordance with the parameters of each kitchen.
The width of the wall cabinets must match the width of the fronts of the lower pedestals. In wall boxes, the distance from the lower shelves to the upper ones is 45 cm. Hanging cabinets can be placed higher if the owner is taller than average. Hanging very low is not recommended, this creates inconvenience when using the work area.

Corner structures
For a small kitchen, they prefer to install corner sets. Corner cabinets and cabinets appear in them. They are rectangular, one of the parts will then be inaccessible for use, or in the form of a rhombus (with two doors or one). With this arrangement of boxes and pedestals, the angle is used as much as possible.
When choosing, take into account the following dimensions:
- headset height - from 180 to 250 cm;
- the depth of the boxes - from 30 (top) to 50 (bottom) cm;
- width - from 30 to 40 cm;
- the width of the working surface of the countertop is at least 46 cm.
The corner sections themselves differ in format from the others, and the lower corner units are larger than the hanging boxes.

Floor stand:
- for washing or ordinary, on the sides with a length of 85-98 cm (maybe 110-130 cm);
- the width of the walls that adjoin adjacent pedestals - 50-60 cm;
- the corner of the curbstone is beveled (47 cm) and a corner (56x56 cm);
- corner cases 37-50 cm in size on the wall, open side 17-25 cm, door width 30-34 cm.

Smaller wall cabinets than pedestals:
- corner cabinet on the sides - 55-60 cm;
- walls adjacent to adjacent cabinets 30-35 cm long;
- cut width on the facade - 38 cm;
- inner cut (if any) - 10-16 cm;
- internal corner - 28x28 cm, but may be larger, depending on the depth of the cabinet.

How to calculate the parameters correctly?
Before you start assembling and arranging furniture, measure the height and width of the kitchen. They draw a drawing with a plan and enter the necessary dimensions there, taking into account important details, for example, the distance from the window to the wall and the height from the floor to the window sill. It is recommended to consider all possible installation options, especially if the kitchen is very small. You can enter all the parameters in a special 3D program and make the necessary markup in it.
They plan how to arrange the kitchen cabinets, calculate their dimensions for the ergonomic design of the kitchen area and the distribution of the working space.

The calculation takes into account:
- the area of the apron (the place between the tabletop and the wall cabinets);
- ceiling height;
- the size and layout of the kitchen;
- dimensions of household appliances;
- location of electrical networks, water supply, ventilation.
A standard kitchen set is created taking into account the layout of an ordinary city apartment. The dimensions of the finished furniture of different production have approximately the same dimensions.

Furniture sets are:
- modular;
- built-in.
Cabinets are often equipped with special devices: for storing dishes, for drying plates, for decorating a cooker hood or a gas water heater, as well as niches for household appliances. Modular furniture is ready-made sections of a certain size: there are cabinets with countertops, dressers, cupboards for sinks, hinged open and closed shelves with one or two doors, corner floor and wall models.
Blocks can be interchanged arbitrarily by combining in any order. The damaged section can be replaced or, if necessary, removed completely. It is not difficult to choose cabinets for a sink, dryer, household appliances. It is important here not to be mistaken in size. The gas stove and refrigerator do not fit into modular sections, but are installed separately.
Built-in furniture are atypical projects involving the installation of special household appliances in the section, which are covered with a headset with facades.Wardrobes and cabinets are built in according to individual sizes, taking into account the general layout of the kitchen and the wishes of the owner.

For kitchen cabinets and pedestals, the standard height is 85 cm. Most often, using the legs, you can adjust the level of the table top. For people of different heights, the height of work surfaces and wall cabinets is individually selected. The height of the hanging box is from 70 cm, and it is placed so that it is easy to reach the handle and the bottom shelf with your hand.

For pedestals standing on the floor, the depth is 60 cm, taking into account the size of the facade, and without it - 46 cm.Non-standard sizes are less common - 120 and 90 cm.These parameters also take into account the protruding part of the countertop by 3-5 outside and 5-10 cm apart adjacent to the wall.
When calculating the depth of the drawers, the size of the built-in appliances should be taken into account: for the dishwasher - 575 mm, for the dryer in the upper cabinet - 300 mm, therefore, the dimensions with the fronts will be 565 mm for the lower cabinets and 320 mm for the upper cabinets.
For wall cabinets, the depth will be 30 cm. It is better not to install deeper options above the working area, bulky wall boxes will hang over the table top and create discomfort. For microwave ovens and dryers, the depth can be 40 cm.

In width, floor boxes must comply with the following parameters (dimensions are indicated in centimeters):
- 30-50 for a single door cabinet;
- 60-90 for standard with two doors;
- corner cabinets on the facade are from 45 cm.

Working triangle rule
According to this rule, you can ergonomically place the refrigerator, sink, stove. In addition, household appliances that are necessary in everyday use are often installed. The stores offer furniture that is standard in terms of parameters, with the right choice and arrangement, you can create comfortable conditions in the kitchen. When creating a plan for placing furniture in the kitchen, you should consider:
- general style of the room;
- host preferences;
- functionality;
- placement of sinks, stoves and household appliances.

It is traditionally believed that the area for storing food, the place for washing dishes and preparing food should form the vertices of a triangle, thereby facilitating the process of processing and preparing food. The refrigerator, sink and hob (or oven) are installed in such a way that they are always in easy access, and the distance between them is not less than 1.2 and not more than 2.7 meters. It doesn't have to represent a perfect equilateral triangle.
- In a single-row kitchen, a sink is placed between the stove and the refrigerator. If possible, the refrigerator is taken out of the common row and placed on the opposite side.
- In a kitchen where furniture is arranged in 2 rows, it is recommended to place the vertices of the triangle on both sides. On the one hand there is a sink and a stove, and opposite a refrigerator or refrigerator with a sink in one part, and a stove on the other.
- The L-shaped layout makes it possible to optimally place the work surfaces. It is advised to put a stove and a refrigerator on the sides, and a sink in the center. As practice shows, you can place a stove, sink and refrigerator in a kitchen of this type in a variety of ways.
- The U-shaped kitchen has 3 rows of cabinets; with this configuration, it is more convenient to place the sink in the middle row, and the rest of the zones on opposite sides.
- In an island kitchen, it is better to place the hob on the island, and put a sink and refrigerator on the opposite side. You can swap the sink and stove.
In an ideal layout, the working triangle has equal sides. The presence of two people in the kitchen with the wrong arrangement of important areas will lead to clutter and can be unsafe.

A closer look at the different drawings shows that between the tops of the working triangle, the length should be no more than equal to two outstretched arms. In the cooking process, in addition to the sink, stove, refrigerator, they also use cabinets and work surfaces.During the planning and placement of furniture, placement of equipment it is very important to make the correct calculations and place every element in the kitchen within reach.
Floor stands should not obstruct the room and access to all functional areas. Hanging cabinets will hold dishes and food, be located at a comfortable height and, when opened, will not interfere with the cooking and moving process.
The parameters of the kitchen set are chosen taking into account the size and area of the room, the location of windows, doors, ventilation, power supply and water supply.

When creating a layout for the headset in the kitchen, they decide in advance how the furniture, household appliances, sink, stove will be arranged, take into account the format of all the listed items. It is very important to take the exact measurements and mark all important details on the diagram. When creating your own drawing, it is useful to focus on existing layouts with dimensions.
For a corner kitchen, it is advised to start the drawing with a corner cabinet, then draw the rest of the floor cabinets with household appliances, and then hinged and non-standard ones. Kitchens of different layouts have their own individual differences: niches, beveled corners, protrusions or recesses, narrowed places. For such rooms, a cabinet bought in a store is adjusted independently.
Or they are made to order with detailing of the required configuration, suitable for the format of the kitchen. The recess in the wall prevents the placement of a standard cabinet, but the depth can be reduced by measuring and cutting the box. Furniture for placement in a niche is increased to the depth of the niche itself.

If the cabinets will be located near an electrical outlet or sewer pipes, these objects should be left freely accessible. A layout diagram is applied to the drawing and, creating a project for the future kitchen, its location is drawn with a dotted line. When installing the headset, part of the walls of individual cabinets can be removed and so freely use the outlet, having easy access to the water pipes.
See below for more details.