Skirting boards for kitchen countertops: types, selection and installation

The kitchen set includes many elements, thanks to which the interior not only looks holistic, but is also quite functional. One of the rather important, but at first glance, very insignificant elements is the skirting board for the countertop.
Let's take a closer look at all the features and functionality of this element.

What is it needed for?
Perhaps everyone knows the purpose of bathroom skirting boards or floor elements, because they are not only decor, but also perform certain obvious functions. Skirting boards for countertops are no exception, since they also carry a certain functionality.
First of all, it protects the space behind kitchen cabinets from moisture and food particles. As a rule, kitchen cabinets are either wall-mounted or too heavy to move and regularly clean behind them, so a skirting board that is well and sealed at the junction of a table and a wall or wall apron will help prevent crumbs and liquids from entering the influence on the wood of the kitchen unit.

In addition, many models of skirting boards for worktops have an additional functional feature - they are equipped with an internal space for wires.
This will come in handy if your kitchen is equipped with a large number of built-in electrical appliances.
Of course, it is impossible not to mention the decorative feature of this productas it is one of the most important additions to the kitchen set.Some elements, matched to the color of the countertop, look like its decorative continuation, while others, having a certain design, will become a harmonious addition.

Manufacturing materials
The variety of materials from which the skirting boards are made is quite large and allows you to choose the right option for your kitchen. Each material has a number of its advantages and disadvantages, therefore it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them in detail before purchasing and installing.
The aluminum skirting board is distinguished by its strength and reliability, since this material is not afraid of any cuts or chips. The only damage that can be noticeable on it is scratches on the surface, which do not in any way affect the functional characteristics of the kitchen curb.
As for the disadvantages of this product, they include complexity of installationbecause the aluminum part is not so easy to cut if the need arises.
During installation, it may be necessary to use special sealing means, since water or food particles can get into the cracks in the places of loose joining.

In addition to aluminum products, there are other metal skirting boards. The product is quite popular stainless steelthe surface of which is very resistant to moisture ingress in any quantity, but categorically does not tolerate contact with chlorine-containing detergents. In addition, steel skirting boards are often a concealed wiring box.

Ceramic products have a more varied stylistic design, which makes them an excellent option for absolutely any countertop design. You can even choose options that fully match the color of the kitchen set. This is an indisputable advantage of ceramic skirting boards, moreover, they are quite durable and, if handled carefully, will last for many years.
Among the minuses, the most often noted the occurrence of chips and cracks that can appear with strong impacts. Despite the sufficient strength, ceramic products are still quite unstable to damage of this kind. Also, the installation of products is somewhat complicated, because they are sold in separate elements 25-30 centimeters long, each of which must not only be glued, but also carefully sealed.

Plastic skirting boards are more affordable than other options, as well as easier to install, since they can be easily glued, dismantled or trimmed. Unfortunately, this is where the advantages of plastic products are limited, so you can safely notice that they are quite inferior to others.
One of their most obvious drawbacks is too low strength, because most plastic products can be damaged even with the most common kitchen knife. In addition, the ease of installation still does not provide perfect sealing, since plastic does not adhere well to all types of sealants.

Silicone skirting boards are a relatively new trend. This option is most often transparent, rather simple and monotonous in design, which makes it almost universal. In addition, silicone products have a very low cost, and are also easy to assemble and dismantle.
But problems with them can arise already in the first days of use, since their strength leaves much to be desired, and the sealing properties, despite all the features of their material, are completely absent.

In addition to all of the above options, there are also skirting boards made of wood and various types of stones, which are also used to make countertops. Usually, such products come with the entire kitchen set and all their characteristics are taken into account at the stage of its manufacture.

But if there is no doubt about the strength and reliability of stone elements, then wood products raise a lot of questions. First of all, the strength of such skirting boards is in doubt, since it is very easy to damage them with sharp objects. In addition, with regular contact with water and exposure to high temperatures, the tree can simply begin to collapse.
But do not be upset, all these nuances are quite solvable.
To protect the material from moisture and heat, there are many impregnating sprays, varnishes and even paints. And the problem with durability will help to solve the careful handling and a special rubber coating.

Shapes and sizes
In addition to other distinctive features, there is also a division of skirting boards according to types, shapes and sizes that are suitable for certain kitchen sets and countertop surfaces.
Skirting boards are divided into several types according to their shape.
- Curlye - may have some slight bends and protrusions, which serve only as decoration, but do not in any way affect the functionality of the product.
- Square and rectangular - are most often made of metals and are great for hiding wires in them.
- Rounded - are wall bumpers with a smoothed convex shape. These models are also great for hiding wiring in them.
- Flat - are used in cases where the distance between the wall and the countertop is minimal and you just need to close this opening. Especially relevant for kitchen sets in a minimalist style.
- Triangular - the classic and most common type of kitchen skirting board, also equipped with a wiring space. A part of this shape has a right inner corner that attaches to surfaces, as well as a smooth, angled outer surface.
- Fillet - shape with small indentations and grooves. This type refers to decorative elements rather than functional ones.

As for the size of these products, the following options are most common.
- As a rule, the width of such products can vary within 1-7 centimeters. The narrowest models are made of silicone, and the widest ones are made of plastic or metal, which makes them more functional.
- The height of such products depends on their width. The wider the outer surface of the skirting board, the higher its corner edges will be.
- Most skirting boards are not separate small elements, but are sold as long products - up to 4 meters. But it is worth highlighting the ceramic models, the maximum length of which can reach only 30 centimeters, which is why they have to be folded like ceramic tiles.

How to choose?
To choose the right skirting board that will not only serve you for a long time, but it will also be harmoniously combined with the countertop, complementing the interior of the entire kitchen, you must adhere to some recommendations.
- It is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of all materials used for the manufacture of skirting boards, since this can often become a decisive factor when choosing a particular product.
- In order for the kitchen to be harmonious, it is recommended to select a skirting board that matches the design of the countertop. And for the greatest functionality of these kitchen elements, you should pay attention to the fact that the plinth is made of the same material as the countertop, or at least be no less strong.
- It is necessary to take into account the shapes and sizes, therefore, before buying, it is important to make all the necessary measurements, choose the right parts for the corner joints, and also decide on the mounting options.
- It is worth taking care of the fastening methods in advance, because some products can be fastened to small nails, while others - to special glue or sealant. It must be borne in mind that both of these mounts have both advantages and disadvantages.
- When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the plinth, namely its width. The greater the distance between the edge of the countertop and the wall, the wider the skirting board should be.
- It is best if the skirting board has heat-resistant properties, especially if it will be located in the area of the hob. The thing is that products that are unstable to high temperatures will quickly deteriorate when exposed to them.
- It is also desirable that the skirting boards are resistant to moisture, so you need to pay attention to the appropriate materials, or at least take care of the presence of a moisture-resistant coating.

If you doubt that you can choose the right product yourself, you should contact the professionals.
Correct installation
Installation of a kitchen skirting board may not be as easy as it seems at first glance, because if the rules are not followed, the product may separate or be damaged already in the first days of use. Therefore, it is recommended to proceed step by step and consistently.
- First of all, you need to make sure that you have all the accessories you need to install this part. These include small nails, sealants, adhesive tapes, adhesives, and decorative edging.
- Then it is necessary to study the methods of fastening and prepare the appropriate conditions for them. It is also worth completely cleaning the surface of the countertop and the wall from dust and debris - there should be no dirt under the skirting board, especially if it has an adhesive base.
- After that, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the surfaces into which the kitchen curb is to be installed. If the worktop is too thin or the wall tiles in the kitchen area do not allow nailing, the skirting board should be fixed in a different way.
- If the surfaces fully allow for the option of fastening with nails, then for reliability you should use it, additionally gluing the joint between the wall and the countertop with adhesive tape or sealant.
- After you decide on the fasteners and prepare the surfaces, you need to make careful measurements and cut the required length of the plinth, also cutting out the corner joint if necessary. You can also use a ready-made corner.
- After you divide the part into the necessary parts, you can proceed to the direct installation. It is best for two people to do this, since the plinth will need to be held or properly secured to hold it evenly.
- If the installation is carried out using nails, then it is necessary to carefully drive them into the side boards of the baseboards and the tabletop, constantly checking the even position of the part. The nails should be spaced at a sufficient distance from each other, and the part itself should not bend and bulge.
- With glue fastening, everything is much easier - you just need to apply glue to the surface of the countertop and wall or fix the double-sided adhesive tape accordingly. After that, you need to firmly press the plinth and hold it for a while to fix its position.
- If, after installation, there is still space between the skirting board and the surfaces, it is recommended to treat it with special sealing compounds. It is best to use a transparent product, gently walk through all the cracks and remove excess. So the skirting board will not only be securely mounted and protected, but also will not stand out from the overall design of the kitchen.
- The final stage of installation is the gluing of the decorative edge, if any.

How to install a kitchen skirting board with your own hands, see the video below.
You can use a regular skirting board.