How to choose the best kitchen countertop?

Everything in the kitchen should be practical, organic and functional. When equipping this room, it is important to pay due attention to absolutely all components. The countertop plays an important role in the design of the kitchen set. Its selection should be approached thoughtfully and responsibly, since it is this surface that takes on the main load. Today we'll take a closer look at how to choose the very best countertops.

Basic selection rules
In the arrangement of the kitchen, nothing should fade into the background. It is necessary to pay attention to even the smallest details in the setting. Many people underestimate the importance of finding the perfect countertop for their kitchen set. In fact, this element takes on impressive loads and is always involved in all processes taking place in the kitchen, so you need to choose it very carefully.
The ideal kitchen countertop should meet a number of basic requirements. In order not to be mistaken in the selection of these components, it is necessary to take into account all their characteristics.

Consider what should be the best countertop for a kitchen set.
- It is necessary to choose such options that will be as comfortable to use and durable as possible.
- Due attention should be paid to the material from which the countertops are made. It must be waterproof and moisture resistant, because the kitchen always has a high level of humidity. It will not be possible to avoid contact of countertops with water, even if you try very hard.
- The table top must be resistant to mechanical damage.Otherwise, it will quickly lose its presentation if you accidentally touch it with sharp kitchen utensils.
- It is important to select options for countertops that are not afraid of temperature drops and their high values, since such phenomena are normal in the kitchen.
- The design of the countertops is equally important. They should be in harmony with the kitchen set, and with the entire furnishings in the room as a whole. Otherwise, the interior will seem incomplete, disharmonious.
- It is advisable to choose such options for countertops that will be simple and unpretentious to maintain.
- Countertops must be resistant to acids and dyes.
- It is worth giving preference to such products that can be subsequently repaired, if necessary.
- They should not contain hazardous and harmful chemicals that can harm the health of households.
When choosing work surfaces for the kitchen, it is advisable to build on all of the listed criteria. If the products you have chosen meet the specified requirements, you can safely take them.

Pros and cons of different materials
Countertops for kitchen units are made from various materials. Let's get to know the most popular specimens and find out what their pros and cons are.

Budget options that are very common. Usually their design is formulaic, unremarkable. This material has the following positive qualities.
- Affordable - products made from it are widespread and cheap.
- Pliable in production.
- Available in a huge range of colors. In addition, many well-known (and not so) brands produce chipboard countertops.
- Chipboard parts are usually installed quickly and easily. Even a person who has never dealt with such procedures can easily cope with this.

Have laminated chipboard there are not only advantages but also disadvantages. Let's get acquainted with them.
- This material is "afraid" of dyes and aggressive liquid formulations. It is not advisable to spill juices, wine, soft drinks, coffee on such a countertop. Even tap water should not get on these surfaces. As a result, characteristic spots may appear.
- If water gets on a poorly protected area of the substrate, then the material may eventually begin to swell.
- If you use chipboard countertops constantly, over time they can lose color saturation in places where stains were constantly wiped off or all sorts of abrasive compounds were used.
- Chipboard cannot boast of good heat resistance.
- In the manufacture of this material, formaldehyde resins are used, which negatively affect human health. They stand out if the chipboard is in high temperatures. You can find materials of classes E-1 or E-0 (they have less formaldehyde), but it will be difficult to do this, as well as to make sure that the seller really offers you products from these raw materials.
- Shelf life for laminated chipboard countertops is not the longest - on average, about 5 years.

More dense than laminated chipboard. This material contains no hazardous formaldehydes.
Let's analyze the main advantages of this material.
- MDF is inexpensive.
- It is produced without the use of formaldehyde resins. Lingin and paraffin are used instead.
- Presented in a huge assortment. The colors are very different. MDF imitates more expensive luxury materials well.
- Resistant to fungi and harmful microorganisms.

Now let's look at what weaknesses MDF have.
- Poor resistance to acids and dyes. Over time, MDF can change color in areas where stains have been actively rubbed.
- Does not have sufficient heat resistance.
- MDF is unstable to strong impacts. If a heavy object falls on such a tabletop, a dent will remain on the surface.
- If MDF is in contact with water for a long time, the material may begin to swell at the joints.

Fake diamond
Many consumers looking for durable, practical and beautiful work surfaces opt for artificial stone products. This material is presented in two varieties:
- acrylic;
- agglomerate.
Acrylic designs can be of absolutely any shape. Their production consists in binding fine mineral chips and various color pigments with acrylic resin.

Let's consider the main advantages of acrylic.
- This is the perfect solution for intricate design ideas. Acrylic countertops look great in modern progressive interiors.
- Products made from this material look stylish and aesthetically pleasing.
- The worktops are monolithic and have no joints.
- The color scheme of acrylic countertops can amaze with its variety.
- It is an environmentally friendly and safe material.
- Over time, acrylic does not fade, does not lose the brightness of the color.
- Has a "warm" effect in the case of tactile contact.
- Acrylic is repairable.

The disadvantages of acrylic are as follows:
- it's expensive;
- subject to external mechanical damage;
- susceptible to acidic effects, "afraid" of dyes;
- difficult to install;
- has a low temperature resistance;
- acrylic countertops take a long time to make.

Consider what is good for agglomerate (quartz):
- looks presentable;
- resistant to acids and dyes;
- its color does not wear off, does not fade over time;
- hygienic and environmentally friendly;
- durable - serves for at least 10 years.

Agglomerate is a very practical material, but not without its drawbacks:
- has a high cost;
- small range of colors;
- the joints on this material are clearly visible;
- practically unsuitable for repair;
- has an impressive weight.

These countertops are based on natural granite. These are some of the most wear-resistant and durable options. Let's take a look at their advantages.
- Granite countertops look natural and rich.
- They are not afraid of moisture, dampness and acids. Thermal loads of all levels for granite countertops are not hazardous.
- Loss of color is not terrible for such products. They do not fade, are not subject to abrasion.
- It is a durable material that can last for tens of years.

As for the disadvantages, the following points can be attributed to them.
- Granite countertops are very expensive.
- The color scheme is poor, the joints are clearly visible.
- Powerful colorants granite countertops can absorb into their structure. They often leave stubborn stains.
- These products weigh a lot.
- It will not be possible to repair granite countertops after severe damage.
- In rare cases, granite has a high background radiation.

Natural wood
Many manufacturers make high quality and environmentally friendly solid wood countertops. Most often, these products are made from breeds such as oak, walnut, ash, bamboo or iroko.
These are the main advantages of such specimens.
- Solid wood countertops have a beautiful and natural look. They bring coziness and warmth to the interior of the kitchen. They are distinguished by unique tactile sensations.
- If the wood is properly varnished and properly cared for, it will not be afraid of contact with moisture.
- The cost of such products is average.
- The appearance of wooden models can be updated by sanding.

Let's figure out what are the disadvantages of solid wood countertops.
- The wood is not fireproof, it has a very weak thermal resistance.
- Due to fluctuations in moisture readings, the wood runs the risk of shrinking or sagging.
- If moisture gets on poorly secured joints, the tree can begin to swell.
- Natural wood is afraid of acids and coloring components. These countertops will need regular and thorough maintenance.
- If wooden countertops are often exposed to dampness and moisture, they will soon become the object of "attacks" by fungi and various microorganisms.

A chic natural material, ideal for the production of kitchen worktops. Has such advantages.
- Has a stunning appearance. Its texture is deep and unique. With these countertops, the kitchen will become truly luxurious.
- Keeps you cool, which is especially useful in hot seasons.
- These products are reliable and durable.
But there are also disadvantages:
- marble is susceptible to coloring compounds;
- does not tolerate temperature jumps;
- it is not recommended to put hot objects on marble countertops;
- chips often form at the edges;
- marble countertops are breaking the bank;
- their palette is more than limited;
- you need to regularly look after the marble.

We take into account the design and style of the room
The table top must have color suitable for the whole interior kitchens in general. The chosen shade should not create disharmony in the setting. If the kitchen cabinets are dark, then it is better to choose a light or even white countertop. If, on the contrary, the headset is light, then the countertops can contrast with it and be dark (black versions are allowed). With bright, colored kitchens, simple white or shaded work surfaces look interesting.
It is important to consider the color and material of the apron. For example, solutions in which both the countertop and the kitchen apron are made of the same materials look interesting and harmonious.

Countertops should harmoniously fit into the formed image of the kitchen. In restrained and discreet stylistic directions, it is allowed to use models from budget materials such as chipboard or plastic. If we are talking about modern trends - high-tech or minimalism, then glass, artificial stone or metal countertops will be appropriate. It is desirable that the work surfaces in progressive interiors are laconic and monochromatic. The upper part of the products can be either glossy or matte.
In classic ensembles, countertops made of natural wood will be successful. In a rustic country style, both wood and stone surfaces look good. If the kitchen interior is designed in expensive, pretentious directions (Rococo, Baroque), then expensive stone, marble or granite countertops of high quality will be the best solutions.

Manufacturers rating
The best quality are branded countertops. Let's consider a small rating of the most popular manufacturers that produce quality products.
- Duropal. The birthplace of this brand is Germany. Duroral worktops are renowned for their impeccable quality and the presence of a special drip tray. German products are made from safe materials that are not subject to mechanical damage.

- DuPont Montelli. The next well-known company in our review is from Italy. Products of this production, made of artificial stone, have one feature - they are flexible, which has a positive effect on their mechanical characteristics.
Italian products have an expensive and presentable design.

- Dekton. Spanish brand of high quality countertops. The manufacturer makes models in different colors from durable and wear-resistant materials.

- "Scythian". A well-known factory in Russia that produces high quality kitchen worktops that are not subject to abrasion, mechanical damage, moisture or sunlight. The design of Skif products is also attractive.

Expert advice
When choosing worktops for the kitchen, it is worth adhering to the recommendations of experts.
- If you are choosing countertops made of natural or artificial stone, it must be borne in mind that their surfaces are characterized by increased hardness. Keep this in mind when placing dishes on the countertops.
- Matte countertops are more practical than glossy countertops.
- Before buying, it is worth taking a closer look at the display option in order to find out what it is in terms of tactile sensations.
- If the products are made of MDF or chipboard, then it is better to select them light, since these materials fade over time and this will be much more noticeable against a dark background.
- If you want to pick up chic stone countertops, you should consider the squaring of the kitchen. Such products will not look in a small room. They should be used in spacious kitchens.
- When choosing models made from natural wood, it is necessary to choose exactly a piece of wood.
Otherwise, unnecessary knots and stains may appear on the product.

For information on how to choose the right countertop for the kitchen, see the next video.