Corner tables in the kitchen: sizes and selection

The closest people always gather at the kitchen table. In order to communicate and eat deliciously, you need conditions. It is important that this kitchen attribute is comfortable and beautiful. Some people like things that have unusual shapes. And if they are also convenient, then this quality will suit absolutely everyone. And especially those who have a small kitchen.

Application features
In city apartments, namely in old multi-storey buildings, there is a problem - this is the limited space in the kitchen. And in order to place everything you need here, you need to use the corners of the room correctly. Then you can easily prepare food and enjoy lunch with the whole family.
Here you need to rely on the condition: one of the main components of your kitchen interior is the dining table. When you have a spacious kitchen in your house, then the question of the shape and size of this table is not worth it in principle. You can afford to post any copy you like.

It's another matter when there is limited space in the kitchen, and you so want to fit the necessary items into it. Then you need to choose one of the options for corner tables, which are presented below.
- Fits well enough into a small kitchen interior tables-transformers or pull-out. A family of three will easily fit at a folded table. And if guests have come to the house or your family differs in the number of its members, then the table can be spread out.
This option is very practical - the table is easy to unfold and fold.

- Everyone has ever ridden a train. There is very little space in the cars, and therefore they use folding tables. If this item is not needed, then it is removed for ease of movement from one place to another. And again, they take it out and lay it out during lunch.

- Soft corners with tables. They are multifunctional: they can serve as a work area, a relaxation area, and a dining area. The variety of design ideas makes this option very attractive to consumers.

Materials (edit)
It should be noted that the material from which one of the main items of the kitchen can be made can be different. And the decision must be made based on your desires, needs and design direction. So, let's consider what you can make a table from.
- Modern interiors involve the use of glass and plastic. This option is quite original and modern. If you are ready for the fact that such graceful items require special personal care, then you can safely choose this particular direction.
The wrought iron table legs and see-through countertop can easily get dirty, but with good cleaning, you will enjoy the sophistication of your kitchen.

- For those looking to save money, there are more affordable options. Model selection from MDF and chipboard will allow you not to overpay and take advantage of a variety of forms. Surfaces laminated with a special film serve for a long time and create an impression of presentability.

- And here wooden base your table will cost you a little more, but natural materials are always appreciated for their environmental friendliness and prestige.

- Plastic tables and chairs in the kitchen they look very futuristic. This material is optimal in cost and allows you to create a shape that suits only you. The color scheme will allow you to choose the right option for your design.

- Solid and quite realistic table material - it's a stone (natural or artificial). Today experts create these specimens of any shape and color.
Differs in resistance to negative factors and does not contribute to the reproduction of an aggressive environment.

- The upper part of the dining table, consisting of ceramic tiles, Is a very good solution. It will completely replace stone and marble. The original pattern will create an indescribable atmosphere that will be present in the dining area.

A corner table is a practical solution that will make your choice very profitable in terms of convenience and space saving in the kitchen. Moreover, now the master-specialists fulfill any wishes of the customers, and assembling the models does not take much time. And remember that products are massive and compact. For a small space, it is better to choose the latter option.

Designers also try and come up with various options that save space in the kitchen. Therefore, the presence of angular momenta in the room can be a place where a comfortable table will be located.
By the way, as an option, you can also place a dining area in the same place, which is made in the form of a bar counter. One part of it will fit perfectly into one of the corners, while the other side can be given a fancy shape. This solution will be the version that everyone will like.

Consider several types of dining tables.
- Where you decide to apply the classic style, it will fit well round table or oval. This option is simply necessary for those who have small children, for their own safety, as it is less traumatic.

- The most common type is rectangular table. This option is suitable for any interior. It is customary to place it near a wall or in a corner. And even in a small kitchen, he will be able to expand the functionality of this room. To save space, such a structure can be attached with one side to the wall, and with the other it will rest on the legs. In the smallest kitchen, setting up a fairly narrow rectangular table with drawers will save significant space.And you can also make a folding mechanism. You will get a comfortable place for gatherings, and the same option can be used as a worker for cooking.

- Another version is a model in the form of a transformer, which has square shape. The small size will allow you to place this instance in a small kitchen. This will save you space to move around.

- It will look quite original triangular table. It not only fits perfectly into one of the free corners of your small kitchen space, but also gives you the ability to move freely around it. In addition, it looks very unusual.

Dimensions (edit)
To choose the shape of the kitchen table, you need to know its future dimensions. To do this, decide on the number of people who will be constantly present during lunch.
Each person should have 70 centimeters of free space at a rectangular table. Otherwise, you will have to restrict your movements all the time. But at a round table, you need almost a meter to feel complete comfort. Therefore, one should proceed from these considerations.

Colors and decor
Don't forget that you need to decide on the decor and color scheme for your kitchen table. Shades directly depend on your wishes and the material from which the product will be made. The table should be in harmony with the kitchen set in colors.
For those who do not want to bother too much with the selection of color, you need to know that a white dining table will fit into any space and interior. Think over for this option and form. You can order an oval or round surface on a massive wooden leg. The rectangular version can be decorated with mosaics. Provence style provides for the installation of a table made of natural dark wood. But the high-tech style presupposes models made of plastic or glass.

It will be good if you also provide for the design of the wall to which the kitchen table will adjoin. This will complete your interior design. For this, such elements as framed panels, open shelves (put decorative plates or other utensils on them), an additional lamp are suitable. But the mirror would be inappropriate here.
Remember that taste can say a lot about the hosts themselves. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of the interior of the kitchen. So you can convey your moods and wishes, which your loved ones will surely appreciate.

For an overview of the kitchen corner with a table, see the next video.