Ceiling lamps in the kitchen: varieties and tips for choosing

The choice of a kitchen lamp is based on the area of the room and depends on the tastes and preferences of the owners. Ease of use also plays an important role. How not to get lost in a huge assortment of kitchen lighting fixtures, what to be guided by when buying, will be discussed in this article.

Lighting in a kitchen is different from lighting in a living room or bedroom. Therefore, the choice of ceiling lamps for the kitchen should be approached with special responsibility. Before buying lamps for the kitchen, you should determine the area of the room and the height of the ceilings. And also it is necessary to choose the type of lighting for each zone. It is of three types:
- diffused lighting scatters the luminous flux over the entire area of the room;
- directional - implies a point light flux strictly downward or to a specific area of the kitchen;
- reflected is the reflection of light from the ceiling over the entire area of the room.

Lighting in the dining area of the kitchen should be diffused, warm or neutral in color. The shade of the lighting affects the visual perception of the environment and objects. For example, cold light from lamps distorts colors, making food and food look unnatural. Cold white light can only be used to decorate a workspace. A rich warm color is also not suitable for a kitchen. It reduces tone and creates an apathetic mood. On the contrary, neutral or moderate yellow light gives vitality, fills with energy and tranquility, which is very important in the processes of cooking and eating.

The light should not be dim or dazzling. It is worth noting a few nuances of lighting in the kitchen.
- The entire area should be evenly lit. In this case, you should pay attention to glass ceiling models. They have the highest light transmittance. The luminous flux is scattered over the entire area and illuminates all areas.
- There should be no shady areas, especially within the working and dining areas.
- The luminaires are placed in such a way that the light does not hit the eyes and does not create glare and shadows.

To ensure optimal bright light, the power of the lamps should be correctly selected, taking into account the number of lighting fixtures. The more lamps, the less the power consumption of one light bulb. Also, when choosing kitchen lighting, you should pay attention to the decoration of the room. Beige and white shades reflect up to 80% of light, all dark tones - 12%.
Species overview
The variety of assortment of lamps for the kitchen is very large. Of the hanging options, it is worth noting the kitchen chandeliers. This is a classic example of lighting. Chandeliers come in a variety of shapes and sizes: ceiling, hinged, multilevel, volumetric, with different direction of light and regulation of the direction of lamps. The number of bulbs depends on the model. As a rule, chandeliers with two or three bulbs are chosen for a medium-sized kitchen. Basic lighting can be supplemented with several built-in models.

Surface mounted luminaires with a glass body are the simplest type of lighting. As a rule, such lamps are produced for several lamps, for example, there are models for 4 or more lamps. A three-lamp luminaire works best for the kitchen. Since the entire structure is visible, special attention is paid to the design of the shade. Glass models look best. They can be of various shapes and colors. The surface of the glass is painted with various patterns. The choice of models is varied.

Surface-mounted luminaires can be square, round or oval. Glass can be transparent, frosted or partially frosted. The choice is based solely on individual preferences and lighting area.
Spots - small luminaires with a movable base. Most often the spots are round. With the help of a movable base structure, it is possible to adjust the directional light, which is a very convenient option when illuminating a work or dining space. When decorating the kitchen with spot lamps, the kitchen looks modern and original. Lighting fixtures with LED strip inside are also in great demand. There are several types of LED lamps:
- overhead models;
- point devices;
- railing models;
- pendant lights.

Surface mounted LED models are luminaires with an LED strip located inside. The body (plafond) is most often made of plastic. The power of such lighting is different and is selected based on the area of the room. Such lighting is suitable for kitchens with low ceilings, as the lamp is mounted directly under the ceiling. In addition, the service life of LEDs is quite long: the minimum service life is from 7 years. All types of LED lighting consume little electricity, which makes models of this class the most popular among consumers.

Point models are local lighting types. The choice of the size and power of the devices is based on the area and interior of the room. Several devices are enough to illuminate the entire kitchen space.
Railing models designed to illuminate the working area of the kitchen. They are mounted by fastening to a special frame or to the bottom surface of wall cabinets. Suspended LED models are a structure of one or more LED panels on cables, with which you can adjust the height.LED pendant models come in a variety of shapes and sizes: circles, lines, intricate shapes, flat panels and linear lamps. As a rule, pendant LED models are used to illuminate a large space.

Luminaires on the bus. Models of this kind are constructions with several lighting fixtures, which in appearance resemble a lantern or searchlight. Lamps are placed on a special rail that is built into the ceiling. Some models have advanced functionality and involve the movement of lights along the frame, which helps to adjust the degree of direction of the light.

And also there mortise models and lamps in the form of suspensions... The housing of the flush-mounted device is deepened and hidden in the ceiling, the housing in the form of a lighting panel remains outside. This design is considered an addition to the kitchen decor and looks very stylish. Suspended models are usually used in the design of the kitchen in such stylistic directions as loft, fusion or techno. The luminaires are suspended on a common base and mounted in the ceiling using a special mount.

Lighting panels are in great demand in modern kitchens. To provide good lighting, a couple of medium-sized models are placed on the ceiling in a specific pattern. A large 60x60 cm panel is mounted in the center. The device perfectly illuminates the space and does not look bulky.
Criterias of choice
As a rule, the choice of a lamp for the kitchen is based on the height of the room ceilings. At a low height, the following models should be chosen: ceiling chandeliers and flat lamps, spots, spot and overhead models. With a fairly high ceiling height, a volumetric type of lamps is chosen. So, for haute cuisine, voluminous chandeliers, suspensions, railing models of varying degrees of complexity are suitable.

A different type and shape of the structure can visually expand or, conversely, narrow the space. Therefore, the best option for lighting design is a combination of several models of different parameters. For a large room, a combination of suspensions and overhead structures is suitable. You should also consider the type of interior. Fashion is constantly changing, it becomes more and more difficult to choose the best lighting option.

You can choose a lamp for the kitchen based on the finishing material of the ceiling. The plasterboard ceiling is stylized with LED panels, dot patterns or spots. Pendant-type chandeliers or cut-in appliances are more suitable for wooden ceiling decoration. For stretch ceilings, a combination of suspensions and mortise models is suitable. When decorating a stretch ceiling, it should be borne in mind that the glossy surface reflects light. Therefore, the number of lighting points visually doubles.

Accommodation guidelines
When placing luminaires, the location of the workspace and dining area should be taken into account. If the dining table is located in the central part of the kitchen, then one lamp is enough on the ceiling. The original option will be a lampshade, matched to the interior of the room. When the dining table top is located near the wall, it is possible to place a combination of several light sources on the ceiling. For example, in the center of the ceiling, a lampshade or an overhead lamp will look stylish. You can also place point light models above the countertop and workspace. The luminous flux of point structures of the diffused type is able to illuminate the entire space.

With the main lighting turned off, spotlights can be used as a backlight.
There are a few design tips that can be used to properly position the lamp above the dining table and workspace.
- When choosing a hanging lampshade, it is worth considering the height of the room.
- When lighting the space above the table, use a closed-type lampshade.The light should not shine at one point. Lighting should be diffused.
- Kitchen lighting should be warm, yellow. Cold light flux should be avoided, as cold light distorts colors and dishes will not look so appetizing.
- The suspended luminaire must have a height adjustment. This allows the luminaire to be lowered or raised above the tabletop if necessary.
- A dimmable light will help you adjust the power of the light bulb. However, you should be aware that only special dimmed lamps, which are distinguished by their high cost, are suitable for dimmed devices.

With low ceilings, you should not give up lampshades or suspensions. The main thing is that the distance from the table to the point of the lower base of the lamp is no more than 65 cm. The distance of 160 cm is considered the maximum. Elongated lampshades and shades visually increase the height of the room and look great in rooms with low ceilings. The optimal solution would be a model with two or three bulbs and with adjustable light direction.

One lamp can be adjusted in the direction of the working area, the second can be directed to the dining table, with the third lamp you can illuminate the central area of the room.
Beautiful examples
Examples of design with a description will help you make the right choice. Option with a chandelier in the central part of the room. This design is perfect for a large space. In combination with a chandelier, it is possible to install additional lighting in the form of spot lamps or spot models.

Placing several hanging models above the table. Several suspensions can be placed right above the dining space at once. Luminaires must be chosen of medium size. It should also be borne in mind that the more suspensions, the smaller the size of the lamps.

Several point structures separate the work space from the dining area. The layout depends on the style and configuration of the kitchen. To illuminate the room well, you need to choose a sufficient number of lamps. To ensure good lighting, the number of fixtures is determined based on the area of the kitchen.

When choosing lighting, you should pay attention to the multi-level design of the ceiling. This type of lighting involves the placement of various types of lighting fixtures. However, there are a few rules to follow.
- Backlighting in a multi-level design is present more for an original solution than for lighting. It is placed on the sides of the surfaces of kitchen furniture and cabinets.
- Spot devices are placed on flat surfaces along the entire perimeter and in the niches of the ceiling.
- The dining area is decorated with hangers.
- Lighting panels are mounted flush with the ceiling.

For information on how to choose the right ceiling lamps for the kitchen, see the next video.