
LED lamps for the kitchen: what are they and how to choose them?

LED lamps for the kitchen: what are they and how to choose them?
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Recommendations
  4. How to choose
  5. Where to locate

Currently, the owners of residential premises, when planning repairs, are thinking about how not only to decorate the rooms, but also, possibly, gain some benefit. Saving energy is also a popular trend. For this, LED lamps are installed in the apartment. What it is, what are the pros and cons and how to properly place these lighting fixtures in the kitchen, we will talk in our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with every device, LED lamps have their own advantages and disadvantages. For a start, it makes sense to dwell on the pros.

As already noted, such lighting devices have an energy-saving function... They are based on LEDs. When compared with the usual incandescent lamps, the savings can be significant, since electricity in this case is consumed much more economically. Consumers believe that by placing LED lights throughout the apartment, they can save 30-45 percent on electricity. Despite the higher cost, such lamps pay off rather quickly. In addition, they are much less likely to fail.

Further, it is necessary to note the compact dimensions of such devices. And although the LEDs are very small, they are able to perfectly illuminate the room. This allows you not to install volumetric lamps, which successfully saves space, and this moment is especially important for small kitchens.

The service life of LEDs is several times higher than that of the same conventional incandescent lamps. The main thing is to purchase a quality product from a trusted manufacturer, then the payback will not be long in coming.

Besides, the owners of the premises always have the opportunity to turn on their imagination and create a unique design of the premises... LEDs can have a different light emission spectrum. In addition to the usual yellow, it can be white. And also there is the possibility of dimming the LED lamp with a choice of the required degree of brightness, which can be adjusted both automatically and manually. This will help make your kitchen even more comfortable and cozy.

However, with all the positive aspects, one cannot but mention the disadvantages. Individual LEDs may not last long enough. This, with other schemes for the operation of the lighting network, leads to sad consequences - the operation of the entire circuit will be disrupted until the faulty lamp is replaced.


LED luminaires are becoming more widespread in the modern market. Let's talk about their main types.

The first group is furniture. Most often they are round and have a separate shade. The purpose of these lamps is to separate the kitchen areas. They can be made in the form of strips in a plastic sheath. They are fixed on the facades of the kitchen set in order to illuminate most of the countertop, which is especially important during the cooking process. Such lamps are inexpensive, as they consist of the simplest LEDs. And yet they are very reliable and do not require special maintenance.

The second group is cabinet lamps. They are characterized by the fact that they have a separate shade with light diodes. These luminaires can illuminate both the interior and the exterior of cabinets. They can be built-in or stand-alone elements.

Such plafonds have a service life of at least 5 years.

Battery-powered products, on the other hand, are the most affordable. They do not need to be connected to the mains. The lamps are installed in the kitchen so that, if necessary, you can quickly and easily replace the batteries. They are often found on sale and enjoy well-deserved popularity. Very useful when the central lighting is suddenly turned off.

And finally overhead lamps... They are no less popular than the previous type, they are easy to install and operate. Externally, they consist of a plastic case, which houses an LED lamp. The body is fixed to the surface with an adhesive layer. This is also a disadvantage, since the adhesive layer tends to dry out over time, so the structure may one day simply fall off the surface.


For those who decide to install LED lamps in the kitchen, experts give several recommendations. To follow them or not is the business of every consumer, but acquaintance will still not be superfluous.

To be able to change the angle of incidence of light, linear models with a swivel base should be used. They are most often used for location in the working area.

Modular options are indispensable for general lighting. In this case, they are located on the ceiling.

Touch models are perfect for the work area. They can be placed directly above the worktop.

Overheads are suitable for placement anywhere. They can be used for room zoning. They are especially relevant among the owners of small kitchens. Wireless models often have a built-in motion sensor.

When it comes to recessed luminaires, they are versatile. They can be cut into any surface. For small rooms, this option is also relevant, as it helps to significantly save space. With the help of several such devices, you can create full kitchen lighting or focus on a specific area.

The LED light can be anything you want. Someone is attracted by corner options, while someone loves flat models or seeks to find ultra-fashionable volumetric options.

The most important thing is to maintain the style of the room and calculate the layout of the lighting fixtures in advance.

How to choose

If the choice is made in favor of LEDs, it will be useful to learn how to purchase the lamp needed in each specific case, without making a mistake. First you need to calculate the power. In this case, to simplify the task, it should be taken into account that a conventional 60 W light bulb is replaced by a 6 W LED one.

For the kitchen, a 12 W lamp is optimal.

We must not forget that in such rooms the humidity is most often increased, and the use of these models is absolutely safe.

It is worth contacting only trusted stores, as well as using products exclusively from reliable manufacturers.

Designers recommend paying attention to the color scheme. When it comes to ceiling luminaires, you can use warmer lighting; when illuminating functional areas, it is permissible to use cold light.

Another challenge is choosing a suitable design for a luminaire with a switch.

There can be only one recommendation here. The main thing is to maintain the general style.

Where to locate

The main advantage for which LED lighting devices are so appreciated by consumers is that they can be located literally anywhere. This is what the owners of residential premises use, including their imagination and developing the most unexpected options.

If you plan to hang a chandelier, it is recommended to stop your attention on a model that does not have too many decorative elements. It will be much easier to wipe and wash such a device. If you wish, you can replace it with a number of spotlights installed on the ceiling. And it will be most convenient to place the swivel lamps on the ceiling rod.

As for the work area, the lighting in this area is never superfluous. Furniture lights work best. They are located directly above the table. You can pay attention to the models with touch control. And also LED strips are installed, which are stretched at different distances.

Illumination and cabinets with cabinets will not interfere. Lighting fixtures are placed in the upper part in the center. In the presence of glass elements, the headset will look especially original.

You can learn how to organize LED lighting in the kitchen in 5 minutes from the video below.

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