Ideas for interior design of a kitchen-living room in a modern style

How nice it is when the whole family gathers. This usually happens in the kitchen. Here they receive the most dear guests and have leisurely conversations.
For comfort, they often combine the kitchen with the living room, when the hostess has everything at hand: the stove, the sink, and the dining table. And the guests feel constant care.

Style features
It is advisable to design the kitchen so that it meets the needs of all family members. You can organize a kitchen-living room using any modern style. Consider the options, and you can compare them and choose the best one for yourself.

It is considered a classic style, but today it is experiencing a rebirth. The inalienable features of modern Art Nouveau are beauty combined with practicality... In the interior you will not find a single broken line, bright colors. All curves are dictated by nature, as are the colors - mostly natural shades of beige, mustard and olive, silvery, pale green, brown and blue tones.
All decorative elements, including door and window openings, are curved and elegant. Finishing only from natural materials, such as ceramics, marble, glass, natural wood, stone, and expensive fabrics are preferred for drapery. This modern classic is perfect for a modern living room kitchen.

In another way, this style is called eclecticism and refers to the modern direction. It contains many others (eco, loft, chalet, modern, nautical and even 80s style) that allow you to make this world more modern. This option can combine different textured materials and even cultures.

Ethnic styles
They have many directions, as they are united by a craving for cultural traditions. Take the English style, for example. It appeared during the time of Queen Victoria in the 19th century and combined the Rococo and Baroque styles with their inherent gilding, stucco molding and even the colonial style of the then settlers.
This direction combines:
- oriental motives in decoration;
- restraint in colors;
- only natural wood furniture;
- antiques;
- very expensive textiles.

In this case, the walls are finished with patterned wallpaper (expensive) or fabric. The ceiling should be highlighted with moldings and cornices around the perimeter. The chandelier is large and white. The floor is paved with parquet or marble slabs and bordered with wide skirting boards.

The color scheme is designed in beige or sandy tones. You can add decor in the form of paintings in thick frames, porcelain figurines. From the furniture there is a milky-white set with gilding. Sink and countertop in stone.

Historical design, as well as ethnic design, has undergone major changes. The main thing is to adhere to naturalness in everything. This is exactly what the rustic colonial or country styles require. And don't forget to showcase luxury in the interior.

Using the country style example, you can see how your kitchen space will be transformed. It can be performed in American, French and even Russian styles. But the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:
- the furniture is made as if clumsily, aging is desirable in everything;
- the presence of natural ornaments;
- a lot of textiles;
- natural materials.

At the same time, furniture should give the impression of lightness. Replace top cabinets with shelves and decorate with crockery. The facades should be white, and be sure to arrange a ceramic tile apron in the work area.
Subtleties of planning
Kitchen-living room, and is it always appropriate - we will discuss the intricacies of the layout. First, you need to decide on one problem and understand whether you need to remove the intermediate wall between the kitchen and the adjoining room. In most cases, this is done in fairly small apartments to expand the space.
If you have guests constantly, or you have a large family, or you have a very small studio, then the decision is quite reasonable.

The logic here is simple - rather than sitting with guests in a small separate room, it is better to organize a combined space. It will have everything: close communication and the convenience of serving dishes. In addition, this solution will create a sea of comfort. If you put a comfortable sofa and armchair beds, then you will have additional sleeping places in your house for suddenly arriving guests.
Let's first list the pros of combining.
- Your space will have a very presentable and original look.
- By combining a very small kitchen and a spacious hall, you get combined zoning. You will save time by having everything at your fingertips.
- The next step will be additional lighting and obtaining additional window openings. You can also arrange them as you like.

There are still some downsides.
- Combining a kitchen and living room will cost you a pretty penny. Any layout cannot be performed without the approval of specialized institutions. Having received consent, you will have to redo the documents in the BTI. And only then spend a considerable amount on the arrangement of your ideas.
- Cooking involves a variety of odors and vapors. This negative environment will quickly stain your comfortable sofas and pretty curtains. Here you need to think about options that allow you to do general cleaning without much cost and effort: removable furniture covers, tabletops made of resistant material, curtains that are easy to remove and wash.

Space zoning
Zoning methods help distribute space so as to accommodate all the essentials in the kitchen. So let's take a look at them in order.
- You can raise the work area with a podium. You will "kill two birds with one stone." Divide the space and hide unnecessary wires and pipes out of sight. However, there is one but. If there are elderly people and small children in the house, then this option can become traumatic.

- The working area can be finished with ceramic tiles, which are very easy to clean, highlight the dining area (comfort zone) with laminate, it is also easy to clean, but warmer in composition.

- You can zone using colors. The space where food is prepared can be in darker tones, and a light tone can be used to decorate the rest area.

- A bar counter is also a perfectly acceptable option. Its installation will make it possible to divide the space.

- With the help of furniture, you can solve the issue of the distribution of zones. Place the sofa so that it divides the room into specific parts.

- Various screens, partitions, arches help to solve the problem of space dissection.

Color spectrum
Light tones will work best if you have limited natural light space or very little space. White, beige and similar colors always expand the room and visually increase it in volume.

However, it must be remembered that light colors quickly get dirty where food is prepared. This problem can be solved using the same color scheme. Darker shades should be used over hobs, sinks, and cooking tables.

In new modern apartments, the windows are quite large. A lot of light gets into them. If there is a rather large window in the kitchen-living room, or even two of them, then using pastel colors is not entirely appropriate here. The rays hitting light walls will reflect and dazzle, and you may feel tired. This quality will be especially noticeable in the summer.
To solve this problem, you can "dilute" light shades with darker ones or hang thick curtains and blinds on the windows. And yet not everyone likes light colors. There are those who are ready to decorate their living room in shades of gray or even black. In the case of large windows, this solution will be very appropriate.

Finishing options
The kitchen space places high demands on the quality of finishing materials. Ceilings, floors, walls must withstand temperature extremes, high humidity and the risk of heavy contamination.
- Painting and wallpapering - these are the most affordable materials with which you can update your interior. The coatings must be of high quality, moisture resistant and washable.
- A more reliable option is ceramic tile. It is better if it is decorative.
- In the kitchen-living room it will be appropriate and decorative plaster... She has long been popular with creative people.
- Plastic panels may be present, but not recommended where people want sustainable materials in their homes.
- Partial stone finishing can fit well into the interior of the space where the whole family rests.
- MDF panels and lining become more and more popular every year. These materials are sustainable and practical.

Furniture selection
It must be taken into account. that the furniture in the kitchen-living room should be very comfortable and practical. And here everything will depend on the style you choose.
- English style provides for very massive and upholstered furniture with thick legs and gilding.

- Country style allows for comfortable chairs with cushions, but furniture should still give off simplicity.

- Modern style provides various options for kitchen furniture. There may be built-in wardrobes, and even a bar counter. By the way, at the bar, making drinks in front of guests can turn into a whole performance.

- Loft style does not quite fit into a kitchen space combined with a living room. However, for lovers of simplicity, anything is possible.Place antique wardrobes and a modern comfortable sofa next to it. And then your interior will sparkle with new colors.

Organization of lighting
It all depends on your fantasies. With the help of light, you can divide the room into zones. Fluorescent lamps can be placed in the working area, and a cozy lampshade can be hung over the dining area. Here, spotlights and backlights are also appropriate.

There should be a lot of light in a cozy kitchen-living room. If you have huge windows, this is a big plus. In the evening, to protect your home from prying eyes and street lights, place blinds or blackout curtains on the windows.

The loft style provides for the installation of Edison or Dixon lamps. And if you don't like too bright light, take a white or black garland with bright bulbs as an additional source.

You can make several light sources and connect them to different switches. Then it will be appropriate to arrange a "play of light" according to your mood.

Successful examples
Beautiful living room kitchens are obtained when they put their soul into them. Let's look at some examples:
- modern stylewhen all colors and directions are mixed, it can be very attractive;

- English style will very successfully combine the coziness and comfort of your space;

- historical direction will give the opportunity to embody all your wishes and create an extraordinary environment;

- all elements, including furniture, are able to create a home atmosphere when you take as a basis country style.

For the interior design of the kitchen-living room in a modern style, see the following video.