The window between the bathroom and the kitchen: why is it needed in the "Khrushchev" and how to arrange it?

Everyone wants to live in a cozy and beautiful home, but not everyone can properly plan the design features of the room, choose the right furniture and decorate the room well. If serious problems rarely arise with the arrangement of living rooms, then the kitchen and bathroom can confuse the owners. The presence of a window between the bathroom and the kitchen in “Khrushchevs” is not always appropriate and often spoils the appearance of the room, so it is important to be able to play with this feature by adding this detail to the overall environment.

What was the window for before?
The old houses had their own characteristics that someone liked, while others fought them in every possible way, changing everything inside on their own. In Soviet apartments, especially five-story buildings, a common bathroom was originally built, which took up a minimum of space, but at the same time allowed you to enjoy the comfort of your own communications. Each house was designed taking into account certain rules that were considered necessary at that time.
One of these was the window between the bathroom and the kitchen in the "Khrushchev" and other houses of the 50-60s of the twentieth century.

The size of this window was approximately the same - 50x70 or 60x40 cm, depending on the dimensions of the wall. The presence of the additional item was due to several factors.
- Protection of the premises in the event of a blast wave from a gas column. The designers assured that the presence of a window would help minimize impact on the wall, thus minimizing damage. In fact, this is not the case, and when a gas column explodes, the wall with and without a window will collapse in the same way.

- Ventilation in the toilet and bathroom. This function is not the main one, since most of the structures were deaf and could not help in ventilating the bathroom and in creating an additional draft in the apartment.

- Possibility to save electricity. In the daytime sunlight in the bathroom it was possible not to use a light bulb, since the room was quite well lit by the sun's rays. By the time the Khrushchev houses were built, light was often lost in houses, and the presence of at least a small light source in each room was a great advantage, but this reason was also not the main reason for installing a window between the bathroom and the kitchen.

- The main task of erecting an additional window structure in Soviet times was fighting the tuberculosis epidemic, which was spreading at a high rate, and it was necessary to solve the problem in any way possible. Thanks to the sunlight, it became possible to disinfect the bathroom, which was the most favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms, due to the warm and humid environment. Even with a minimum two-hour light exposure for the whole day, it was possible to significantly improve the situation with the disease due to the prevention of housing in each apartment.

In modern realities, there is no longer a need to place a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, since the tuberculosis epidemic is already in the past, and medications are successfully fighting it. Modern houses are already being built without additional structures in the wall, cleanliness and comfort of being in the bathroom helps to achieve a good hood, which draws out all excess moisture. Old apartments, which still have windows between the bathroom and the kitchen, can be remodeled depending on personal wishes and needs. Those who consider the presence of such a product to be expedient simply change the old window to a plastic one.
In place of the deaf, an opening product can be installed.

Can I remove it?
In modern houses, the window between the bathroom and the kitchen is not made, so residents do not need to remove it. In old houses, during the renovation, many ask to close or even remove the niche from under the window, but for such drastic measures it is necessary to obtain permission from the BTI. In houses with gas water heaters, it is not allowed to dismantle such structures, arguing that this is a violation of security. In cases where there is a boiler instead of a column, there should be no problems with repairs.

Consider the options you can use when converting the wall between bathroom and kitchen.
- Close the opening with plasterboard Is one of the cheapest and easiest ways anyone can do it. For work, you will need a piece of moisture-resistant drywall, equal to the window opening, as well as putty. Platbands on the window must be completely dismantled on both sides in order to level the wall, it is better to remove the glass. A sheet of drywall is cut into two pieces that will cover the window from the outside and inside, after which they are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, plastered and finished with wallpaper or tiles.

- You can fill a niche with a brick - This is the most basic option, which does not involve returning the hole if necessary. Masonry can be done by anyone who is familiar with the basics of this procedure, or it is worth hiring a professional for this. Brickwork allows you to isolate the room from moisture, drafts and noise, which may have come with any other finishing options. After the laying, it is necessary to wait a few days until the cement is taken up, and to plaster the wall, on top of which to glue the wallpaper or lay the tiles.

- The most budgetary and often temporary option is use of plywood... It is very easy to sew up a window opening with this material, but such repairs will not be enough for a long time due to the poor resistance of the material to moisture.

If there is a firm decision to completely remove the window between the bathroom and the kitchen.For this, there are a number of methods and materials for their implementation, but before starting work, it is worth weighing all the positive and negative consequences. There are much more creative solutions that involve altering the window opening for decorative elements or shelves.
They decorate the space and serve as a convenient place for storing small items.

How to register?
If you don't want to remove the window in the wall between the bathroom and the kitchen, you can make it beautiful and original. The easiest way to change the appearance of a given element is to replace the rectangular frame with a non-standard one, for example, round or in the shape of a semicircle. In addition, the design of the premises may require original color solutions. The most popular is imitation wood or lavender shade. If the frame of the old product is still strong and will last quite a long time, it does not always make sense to change it., but you can refine the glass itself by replacing it with stained glass. Original drawings that are combined with the concept of the bathroom or are a continuation of the kitchen decor will be a real highlight. Stained glass can be ordered by a specialist or you can try to make it yourself if you have proper experience in this matter.

If the window does not imply the ventilation function and does not open, then glass blocks can be installed instead of ordinary glassthat resemble volumetric glass ceramic tiles. This material allows sunlight to penetrate into the bath, but reliably hides those in the room from prying eyes. You can decorate such a window using colored glass blocks, which are lined up either in a clear sequence or chaotically, creating a color ensemble. The picture looks very nice, which is laid out from many elements. They turn into a seascape, a forest glade or something original, suitable for the design of the room.

If the window is not used for its intended purpose, but there is no desire to remove it, you can use a niche under the shelves for small items. There are always enough things in the bathroom that need to be placed somewhere, so having such a storage space will be very valuable. During the renovation, you can remove the glass and close the window from the kitchen side with fiberboard or plywood, and in the bathroom to organize one large or several shelves. If the transformation is planned thoroughly, then the niche is completely lined with tiles or other finishing material that does not allow water to pass through, which means it will serve for a long time. For creative people, an unnecessary window between the bathroom and the kitchen can serve as a master for creating creative works that, like paintings, can be changed from time to time.

Important! There can be many options for finishing the window and the opening itself, the main thing is to decide what exactly should be in the room and find the most successful options for implementing the plan.
Beautiful examples
The presence of a window in the bathroom that leads to the kitchen is not always a problem. In some cases, this makes it possible to take a shower during the daytime, without turning on the light, and for those who like to steam, there is a chance to quickly ventilate the room and refresh it. In order for a window opening to fit into a modern design, you must be able to properly decorate and use it based on your own needs.

Using glass blocks instead of regular glass is a good opportunity to leave a room bright, but at the same time decorate it and give it a completely different look. The drawing should fit into the design of the room and complement it. The color scheme of glass blocks can be different, everyone has the right to choose what he likes.

Stained glass is an equally beautiful option for finishing the window opening in the bathroom. The use of original and non-standard designs can be mesmerizing and promote relaxation while taking a bath.The pattern of the stained glass window must be such that it looks equally good in the bathroom and the kitchen, otherwise one of these rooms will look ridiculous with the stained glass window.

Window shape plays an equally important role in interior design. If the apartment is made in a modern style, then the round window opening will be a real boon and complement the concept of the room. The size of a round window can be anything from small, about 30 cm in diameter, to large, 60 cm or more. The use of stained glass or other decorative elements in this case will be superfluous, as it will distract from the originality of the frame itself and the illusion of being on an underwater or ordinary ship.

If there is no possibility or desire to change the size and shape of the hole for the window, but want to make it special, then the simplest solution would be to choose platbands in a non-standard color scheme. The most common color is white, so many people are eager to put themselves a window in any other color scheme in order to stand out and make their apartment unique. The frame in the color of wood looks very beautiful, expensive and stylish, which goes well with almost any interior, which is very convenient.

For those who do not see the need for a window between the bathroom and the kitchen, there is an opportunity to transform a niche into a usable space and instead make a shelf for useful little things or decorative items.
The decoration of such a shelf can be made of various materials, the main thing is that the resulting product is beautiful and functional.

Supporters of creativity can design a window in an original style, showing all their resourcefulness and talent. Each option deserves attention, so it is worth considering all the possibilities before making any decision regarding the window in the bathroom.

For information on how to lay a window in the bathroom with plasterboard, see the next video.