How to organize a work area in the kitchen?

The kitchen is the center of any home. This is where culinary delights for family and guests are born. Therefore, this room should be organized with maximum comfort. Today, designers offer a large number of options for arranging furniture and household appliances, using which you can make both a stylish and functional interior.

Seat selection
The work area is the part of the kitchen that contains the stove, appliances, sink, countertop, and cooking area. The correct layout of this space will provide only pleasant emotions from the cooking process. The choice of the location of the workplace - along the longest wall of the kitchen, at the end, by the window or in the center - depends on the shape and size of the room and, of course, on your imagination.

Dimensions (edit)
When planning a work area, one should first of all take into account the area of the room. In both small and large kitchens, you can ergonomically organize your workspace.
There is no universal size of the working area that suits everyone. Everyone equips it according to their needs.
The location level can be different. The following values are optimal:
- height of the base cabinet - 85 cm;
- sink height - 85-90 cm.
The height of the worktop, which depends on the thickness of the slab, the height of the cabinet and the base / plinth, is adjustable. Everyone can adapt these parameters to suit their height.

The width of the working area also depends on the overall size of the kitchen. For any area of the room, it will be convenient to work with the following dimensions:
- countertop depth - 60 cm;
- the width of the workplace - 90 cm.
But we must also remember about the width of the passage.When using a two-row kitchen layout or installing a kitchen island, be sure to take into account the distance between large pieces of furniture.

Often the modest floor space leads to a non-standard finishing solution. The same thing happens when choosing a kitchen design. Small kitchen doesn't mean defective.
To equip a cozy kitchen and a full-fledged workplace, you can use the following techniques:
- for auxiliary materials (foil, baking sleeve, cling film, napkins), use a hinged organizer on the cabinet door or a railing system;
- for serving dishes, adapt a roll-out table-island with additional shelves for storage;
- rationally use the corners by placing a hob or sink in them.

Organization of the kitchen interior
The ergonomic organization of the kitchen depends on its shape (narrow or wide, square or rectangular, with or without a bay window). To achieve maximum comfort when designing a workspace, there are a number of recommendations to keep in mind.
First of all it is necessary to separate the stove and the sink, otherwise the water will extinguish the fire... Moreover, it is recommended to install the sink at a distance of less than 3 m from the sewer riser. But at the same time, the gas stove should not be located:
- near the window - the wind can extinguish the fire;
- in the corner - the walls around will be stained with drops of grease and soot;
- at the entrance to the kitchen - it is traumatic, especially if there are small children in the family.
The refrigerator is usually located in a corner - in an area where there is no natural light.

The main thing to look for when planning a kitchen project is the choice of style. Here you should adhere to the laws of a certain design direction. Otherwise, the kitchen will not look cozy. Each style offers a wide field for creativity, the main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations.

The choice of the working area option is up to you. Here are some examples.
- Arrangement of the working area against the wall. The linear arrangement of furniture is the most common type of design. It is characterized by the fact that all the main work surfaces, cabinets and household appliances are placed along one wall. This layout is convenient for people who spend a lot of time cooking. But its main disadvantage is a small amount of open surfaces. During the cooking process, we constantly move from refrigerator to table, from stove to sink, and in a small area it is very difficult.

- Working area by the window. The dream of any housewife is a full-fledged workplace in the kitchen. This dream can be realized in both large and small kitchens. You just need to extend the worktop under the windowsill. It is a great idea to install a sink near the window and a hob next to it. The built-in oven will fit perfectly under the work area. If plumbing communications allow, a sink can also be brought to the window. In addition, in the warm season in such a kitchen, you can refuse artificial lighting and ventilation.

- Working area in the center of the kitchen. Another popular trend in modern design is centralization. The furniture, placed in the center of the kitchen, allows you to equip an additional work surface - a kitchen island. A separate piece of furniture is called a kitchen island. At the same time, the upper part of the island is used in different ways: a dining area, an additional tabletop, a place for arranging a sink or stove / hob. In the lower part, as a rule, the storage system is located.
Of course, it is impossible to put it in a small kitchen, but there is an alternative - a peninsula. This is a structure protruding into the center of the room, but at the same time with one side adjacent to the wall.

- The use of glass in the design of the working area. As a rule, the working surface is made of materials that are not afraid of mechanical damage, moisture and cleaning agents.Usually natural materials - marble, granite, stone, wood, laminated chipboard and ceramics. Glass is sometimes used.

The most favorite technique of designers is the design of a glass apron.... But recently, glass and kitchen island production has become fashionable. Glass can be transparent, frosted or tinted. This design move has several advantages:
- the quality of the material (very strong and safe glass is used for the manufacture of the island);
- weight (such an island is much lighter than a wooden one);
- appearance (glass island looks very impressive).
But when equipping such an island, it is worth remembering that glass requires careful handling and special care. It is unlikely that a glass island can be used for cooking. Most likely, it will only be used as a dining area.

- Closing work area. One of the modern tendencies is to partially or completely "hide" the working area in a niche. But of course, for such a bold step, the kitchen must have a suitable layout. Another possible option is a “kitchen in a closet”. Using this technique, you will hide behind the doors and cabinets and countertops. The working area will be truly invisible.

Choosing a kitchen design today is really a daunting task. The abundance of styles, options, materials and colors forces us to be creative in the process. But when choosing an option or material, you should take into account the general style of the house or apartment. After all, the kitchen, although it occupies a central place in our home, is still only a part of it.

For an extraordinary kitchen-in-a-cupboard solution, see below.