
Round sinks for the kitchen: pros and cons, types and tips for choosing

Round sinks for the kitchen: pros and cons, types and tips for choosing
  1. Features, pros and cons
  3. Shapes and sizes
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Color solution
  6. How to choose?
  7. How to care?

Sinks in the kitchen are an integral part of the working area, in the light of which they are presented in a wide variety, which allows you to choose them for any furniture set. In addition to the usual square options, round kitchen sinks, which stand out for their features, are no less popular.

Features, pros and cons

All processes that relate to basic kitchen work are necessarily associated with the use of sinks, which is why this functional product plays an important role in everyday life. As for the round models, in addition to their functionality, design and attractiveness, which are important for any housewife, play an important role in them. Round kitchen sinks have been used in apartments and houses not so long ago, but even for a short period of time they managed to gain well-deserved popularity, so such products are purchased on a par with the usual rectangular or square varieties. A feature of products in the shape of a circle is their significant capacity, and hence the volume. In addition, in comparison with other forms, it is round products that are presented with the deepest options, which has a positive effect on comfort during operation.

Round sinks for the kitchen were recognized as more advanced in technical terms, and their compactness is also considered a feature of such models, in light of which these options are chosen for headsets and rooms that are limited in size.

In order to have the most complete understanding of such products, it is worth considering their positive and negative features. The advantages include the following:

  • hygiene is an important aspect of home kitchens; in this matter, due to the lack of corners, round sinks are in the first positions, which has a positive effect on consumer demand;
  • original design, as well as the possibility of manufacturing from different materials, allow the use of such sinks with any interior and furniture set, in the light of which they are considered universal;
  • due to its shape, it is not necessary to purchase large models for operation, thanks to which a lot of usable space can be saved in the working area to accommodate the remaining necessary items;
  • almost all kitchen utensils are circular, which is why it will be more convenient to immerse and wash even a large number of pots or plates in such a sink;
  • due to their "soft" shape, round shells are considered more harmonious in terms of matching the overall interior;
  • round and semicircular versions are very easy to install;
  • such products will be combined with any type and version of the kitchen countertop.

    Among the minuses, the following should be noted:

    • this form is not devoid of a certain limitation in movements inside;
    • only in deep containers will the obligatory kitchen work be comfortable.


    The classification of round products is carried out based on the options for their installation to the table top. So, today there are several models on sale.

    • Mortise options. This is a popular species, which is notable for the possibility of self-installation, without the involvement of specialists. Recessed sinks fit any type of countertop made from different raw materials.
    • Overhead variety. To operate such a sink in the kitchen, you will need to additionally have a separate cabinet for it, to which the attachment will take place. Installation, as a rule, also does not present any particular difficulties.
    • Integrated sinks. A feature of such options is the height of the side, which will be similar to the level of the table top or slightly higher. The installation of such varieties will require the involvement of specialists, but the main advantage of the model is still considered to be the harmony and compatibility of all products in the general style of the room.
    • Under-table varieties. The principle of installation of such a sink concerns its placement below the level of the work surface. In this case, the sinks stand out for their hygiene and attractiveness.

    Shapes and sizes

    In terms of appearance and shape, at first glance, standard round sinks stand out for their variety. Therefore, the following options can be found on sale:

    • options with one thicket and pallet;
    • products that repeat the shape of the heart;
    • double sinks with round bowls;
    • oval sinks with a round bowl;
    • sinks with two "wings" and so on.

    Single-bowl options are considered the most compact and practical, as they fit perfectly on the surfaces of small kitchen sets. If there are several bowls, then in this case the hostess will be able to choose the line for the arrangement of the products. There are options for horizontal installation or at a certain angle to the crane. Sinks with "wings" stand out in that the additional surfaces will serve as a full-fledged work surface, which is usually used for storing kitchen utensils after washing. From such surfaces, water from the "wing" quietly flows into the bowl or into a specially made hole, and does not accumulate on the table.

    Round sinks are available in different depths. It is believed that values ​​in the range from 16 to 20 centimeters will be the optimal comfortable indicators, in smaller sizes it will not be possible to place more dishes at the same time, in addition, it will not be possible to avoid splashes from water flying in all directions during washing. As for the diameter, the optimal indicators in this case are values ​​from 30 cm to 45 cm.

    Some manufacturers offer products with individual parameters, thanks to which it is possible to equip the room even if there are non-standard kitchen sets and the area of ​​the room.

    Materials (edit)

    Today, such products are made from various raw materials.

    • Granite. Models with increased strength and resistance to mechanical damage. Such sinks are not afraid of shocks, as well as sudden temperature fluctuations. But at the same time, granite sinks will be heavier than other varieties, which will require a special approach to the moments related to installation in the kitchen. In addition, such a material belongs to the category of natural raw materials, in light of which the stone will not be resistant to frequent contact with a humid environment. To extend the service life of such products, it is recommended to cover them with a special water-repellent compound at least once a year.
      • Stainless steel. This is an affordable variety that stands out for the versatility of its design, the ability to choose any surface color. Metal sinks are remarkable for their durability, copes well with temperature extremes, do not rust and, with proper care, retain their shine and attractiveness for a long time. Today manufacturers offer customers stainless steel sinks with PVD coating, which imitates materials such as copper, brass and bronze.
        • Ceramic sinks. Such products stand out for their luxurious appearance and elegance. Models are presented in a wide range of colors. In addition to its visual appeal, a ceramic sink in the kitchen will stand out for its high strength indicators, resistance to aggressive chemical environments, due to such features a special coating. But, despite these characteristics, in contrast to stone or metal products, ceramics still remain fragile, therefore, will require careful use.
          • Copper. Such round sinks can be found in the assortment of not all manufacturers. Most often, among the available models, there are varieties that are built into the tabletop. In addition, these sinks are distinguished by their antique design, which allows you to add extra luxury to the kitchen interior.
            • Composite sinks. In this case, stone chips act as the main material, about a third falls on a special polymer, which ensures the adhesion of the components. Such options, including products made of artificial stone, stand out for their long service life, in addition, the raw materials used perfectly absorb noise, which makes the operation of the sink practically silent.

              In addition to the above options, manufacturers of kitchen sinks have round products where marble or porcelain stoneware acts as the material for production. However, such products stand out for their high cost, so they are most often present in exclusive collections or are made to order.

              Color solution

              As for the colors of sinks, customers are offered a huge selection of products in different shades and colors. To a large extent, the color variations depend on the type of raw materials used to make the shells. So stainless steel products are most often presented in a standard gray palette, copper sinks are made in brown or gold... Elite marble sinks can be black, gray-black, black and white, and so on. In addition to the usual colors, round kitchen sinks can be made in a non-standard palette, for example, red, blue and green options are offered for some kitchen sets.

              How to choose?

                  To choose the right unusual and convenient round kitchen sink, it is worth considering the following nuances:

                  • the choice should be based on the size of the room and the kitchen set; too small rooms will require the purchase of a small corner version of the sink, which will save the working area of ​​the kitchen;
                  • you should base your choice on the general style, in general, round sinks are universal, so they can be harmoniously fit into any interior, but in each case it is worth considering the appropriateness of such an option individually;
                  • an important point in the purchase process will be the choice of products, based on the type of materials used to make the sink; each raw material has its own individual characteristics and nuances of operation, which should be taken into account;
                  • for most housewives, the question of the number of sections and their diameter will be relevant, for example, for a small working area, models with one 40 cm bowl will be quite enough, unlike spacious kitchens and large families, where more spacious options may be needed;
                  • the option of installing sinks will also be important, experts recommend considering options for overhead sinks for modular furniture, for elite kitchen sets, you can opt for built-in options.

                  How to care?

                      Each material has its own recommendations regarding care. However, common to all is considered the rejection of the use of hard metal scrapers and aggressive household chemicals. Metallic surfaces are best cleaned with a soft to medium hard sponge and a creamy cleaner. It will be possible to clean the stainless steel from fat deposits if you first fill it with warm water with the addition of a detergent composition, leave it in this state for a while, and then carefully process the side surfaces and the bottom. To make the sink shine, you can additionally grate it with vinegar.

                      Ceramic is an easy-to-clean material that is recommended to be washed with liquid or gel detergents, avoiding the use of abrasive sponges and substances. After each wash, wipe the surface of the sink dry with any rag to avoid drips and streaks on the walls. Sinks made of artificial stone can be cleaned with ordinary household chemicals. You can use lemon juice, vinegar, or bleach to remove streaks or water deposits. It is also recommended to wipe such a sink with a microfiber cloth after each dishwashing.

                      How to mount the sink in the countertop, cut out a place for it, and how to fix it correctly, see the video below.

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