Single-lever kitchen faucets: varieties and choices

It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without a mixer. In the variety of their varieties, choosing the right crane is not easy. The best solution would be to purchase a single-lever mixer. It is he who combines ease of use, ease of management and attractive appearance.

The task of the mixer is obvious - supply and mixing of hot and cold water. Therefore, the difference between the varieties is in the features of fastening, internal content and the presence of additional functions. Single-lever kitchen faucets are represented by these options.
- Mortise. This model is installed in the hole provided for this on the sink. It is also possible to install it on the countertop near the sink. The location of the lever can be either on top or on the side of the spout.

- Wall mounted. To install this type of mixer, you will have to make an effort to hide the water pipes. The ideal option would be to sew them up in the wall. The device is mounted on the wall directly at the sink using special holders. On some models, only a spout and a diverter are available, other details are hidden.

- With flexible pull-out spout. This design is very convenient if the gander is small. The retractable hose allows you to efficiently wash large-sized dishes or draw water into a bucket without placing it in the sink. Most often, the hose has a nozzle with a shower spray.
Washing vegetables or fruits with them is much more comfortable.

- With double spout or additional filtered water outlet. The presence of such a mixer in the kitchen allows with one tap to have water for drinking, and for cooking, and for technical needs. If there is one spout, but with two nozzles for supplying water, then there may be two control levers in the complete set. With a double gander, variations are also possible, it all depends on the model and the manufacturer's idea.

Construction device
Despite the fact that all single-lever mixers, both inset and wall-mounted, have a similar look, they come in two varieties inside. In some, a device is responsible for the water supply, which is regulated by a ball - a ball valve, another type of design is controlled by a cartridge. In both mechanisms, there is nothing particularly complicated, and with a minor breakdown, you can eliminate the flaw yourself. That's why it is important to know the inside of the tap and its appearance.
A single-lever mixer consists of the following components:
- adjustment lever, on its inner side there is a fastening pin, closed with a plug;
- the cartridge casing, and under it the nut for fixing it;
- ceramic cartridge or ball valve;
- the body, if it is cast, is removed together with the spout;
- pouring out, it is always equipped with an aerator at the outlet;
- a fastener consisting of a stud, bracket or fixing nut.

The main working element of the mixer is the cartridge. It is in it that the streams of water are mixed and distributed according to their intended purpose. The body of the cartridge is plastic, less often - ceramic. In the version with a ball device - a metal ball made of stainless steel. Has holes for water and fastenings.
The valve must be equipped with O-rings and adapters. The wall model is mounted on the surface using eccentrics, they help to facilitate installation and maximally adjust the structure to the mount.

Nuances of choice
The choice of a mixer depends on what actions will be carried out in the kitchen. If the hostess loves to cook and spends a lot of time around the stove, experimenting and creating new culinary masterpieces, then the tap must be easy to open and adjust without causing delays in the process... In a bachelor apartment, where only hands are washed during the day, two plates and one apple, too, without a mixer in any way. A single-lever option for any case would be an excellent choice, you just need to decide on the specifics.
When buying, you should be guided by the following criteria:
- purpose, that is, the expected load;
- material;
- price;
- warranty period of service and availability of a service center.

Price policy
If you choose the most budgetary version of the mixer, then you shouldn't expect that it will serve you for several years without fail. Usually, after a couple of months of operation, the cartridge inside the tap becomes unusable. There are two ways out of this situation - repairing the insides of the mixer or buying a more expensive and high quality one.
Models of the middle and higher price range are distinguished by their reliability and durability. Their service life ranges from eight years or more, it all depends on the composition and hardness of the water. The only repairs that the mixer will require is replacing the o-rings or locking device.
There is one more category of cranes of the highest price group - these are designer products. Single-lever mixers of this type are developed according to a personal order and adjusted to a specific interior. They can contain exclusive inscriptions or drawings, have colored spraying to match the room.
The sky-high prices are justified by the undeniable quality.

The purpose
At the time of purchase, you need to know exactly where the single-lever kitchen faucet will be installed. If the structure is attached directly to the edge of the sink, then a cast mixer tap with a short spout will do. This option is suitable when the sink is on the countertop or is cut into it. In the event that the tap is installed behind the sink rim, you should choose a model with a high, swivel neck.
There is a flush-mounted design option. Here, the entire unit is wall-mounted, only the spout and regulator are accessible. But not all wall-mounted faucets are difficult to install. In any case, the water pipes will have to be hidden, and the device fixed in the wall near the sink.
Mixers, which are supplied with a filter and gaskets, can be of various modifications. For filtered water, there may be an additional spout, or an option is possible when two holes are located side by side on one surface. The control is carried out with the same lever.

Components and materials
The mixer will not cause problems for a long time if its body is made of metal or high-strength alloys. The most suitable alloy for water taps is brass. It is a mixture of copper and zinc. Conscientious manufacturers add a larger percentage of copper when smelting parts. It is she who makes the parts more durable, but in addition to strength, copper significantly increases the price of the product.
The most reliable design is a cast, non-reversible mixer. A high-quality brass alloy with a predominance of copper in it cannot be light. To determine this, it is enough to take the structure in hand, if it is rather weighty, then there is no doubt about its strength. If the weight of the item is small, then it is most likely made of silumin. It does not shine with quality and durability.
Plumbing manufacturers Italy and Germany practice the manufacture of mixers from bronze and ceramics. These are quite expensive models. Stainless steel single-lever taps, made by machining rather than casting, have proven themselves well.
Such designs are distinguished by a particularly long service life.

Finishing the device
In most cases, we are accustomed to seeing the outer surface of the faucet, lever and spout glossy, with a mirror finish. This effect is achieved by sputtering several layers of chromium and nickel. but at high water hardness, drops and streaks remain on the coating. They can be easily removed with special sanitary ware, but you have to do this quite often.
Faucets with a matte surface are more practical and do not need to be constantly rubbed to remove fingerprints and other minor contaminants. Dullness is achieved by scratching the finished chrome coating with the smallest diamond brush. The effect is fixed with a heavy-duty varnish.
The enamelled finish of the faucet also looks very attractive. It gives the impression that the piece is made of ceramic. In this variation, you can choose the right color to complement the overall look of the kitchen.
The enamel finish is durable and resistant to dirt and mechanical stress

You can find out how to repair a single-lever mixer with your own hands by watching the video below.