How to make a piping bag with your own hands?

Stove lovers always think about how to decorate their creation in order to turn it into a masterpiece. For these purposes, as a rule, powdered sugar, grated chocolate, various dressings, fruits, dragees, etc. are used. But what if you want to decorate baked goods with roses, stars and other figures, but there are no suitable tools for this? Consider in the article how to make a bag for cream at home.

How to use the package?
Of course, it is most convenient to decorate baked goods with a special pastry syringe, but if there is none, you can take a cellophane bag or a regular stationery file and make a bag for cream with your own hands. In order to use it, you need two things:
- dense plastic bag;
- scissors.
It is best if it is a ziplock bag, but you can use the simplest one. Fill the cellophane with cream, tie it tightly and secure the neck with a money rubber band, then use scissors to cut off the edge through which the cream will be squeezed out. remember, that the more you cut off the corner of the bag, the thicker the squeezed out strip of cream will be.

And yet, do not press too hard - under pressure, the bag may break and the whole mass will splash out onto the baked goods.
For the same purposes, bags of condensed milk, mayonnaise, ketchup, baby purees are used. They already have a comfortable plastic spout, which is firmly fixed and will not fall out under pressure. Of course, they must be washed very well with water and then doused with boiling water from the inside so that no particles of the previous product remain. After washing, simply cut off the bottom, fill with mass and sculpt.

How do I replace the bag with paper?
Paper here is a good substitute for bags and is used in the same way as cellophane. You can use waxed paper or special parchment paper. It is better to use thick paper, then it becomes possible to cut a curly tip, which will beautifully decorate your pastry creation.
To make a paper bag, take parchment, cut out a triangular blank and wrap it in a conical spiral like a seed bag. Carefully inspect your workpiece so that there are no gaps and distances anywhere, otherwise the cream will begin to seep through them.

Fill a paper bag with cream, fold the corners towards the center. Now cut off the nose of the cone obliquely.
The bag is ready. remember, that the paper you use should be waterproof, and the cream for the paper bag should only be light and airy. If you are going to make cookies and you need to make them curly, then use a denser material for the bag - this will make the dough easier to squeeze out.

Manufacturing from fabric
Sewing a fabric bag is easy enough. When choosing a fabric for this, it is recommended to use teak. This material is natural, dense, and also easy to wash and is not afraid of high temperature treatments. Of course, it is best to use a white cloth, but if there is none, you can also use a colored one - just make sure that it does not fade, otherwise it can stain the cream. The advantage of the fabric bag is that it is reusable, unlike the previous options.
Instead of teak, you can use any other dense fabric. To create such a bag, cut out two triangles from the fabric with equal sides. Sew the sides so that the seams are on the outside. This will facilitate the subsequent wash, because you do not have to make an effort to remove all clogged cream from the stitched sides.

Cut the upper corner of the triangle for the attachments that you are going to use for decoration.
Or another option: cut one triangle, but a larger one, fold the fabric into a cone, sew only one seam, again from the outside, cut off the tip and sew the finished nozzle inside. To wash the bag, you do not need to use any detergents, it is better to wash in hot water, and for further disinfection, use the high temperature of the iron, ironing the bag from the outside and inside.

How to make attachments?
You can make them yourself and use them instead of purchased ones. Surely everyone has a couple, or even more, ordinary plastic bottles at home that will save you time and money. We will analyze step by step how to make spouts for a pastry bag yourself. You will need materials such as:
- plastic bottle;
- marker or felt-tip pen;
- plastic bag;
- a knife (preferably a clerical one);
- scissors.

To begin with, measure 5 centimeters down from the edge of the neck of the plastic bottle.
It is better to make several lines at once with a marker in order to cut exactly according to the marks. You can cut the bottle with a clerical knife, and then cut along the contour with scissors. Now unscrew the cap from the bottle, remove the webbing from the inside of the cap and mark the pattern you want to use on it. In the lid itself, you need to make a round hole of the same diameter as you want to get a pattern.
If it is problematic to cut a hole with a clerical knife, then the easiest way is to do this with a drill.
Select the correct diameter drill and drill a hole. Do not forget to thoroughly clean the cover from dust and plastic shavings after this.

Next, cut the drawn pattern with a clerical knife and insert the membrane back into the cover.
Now cut the corner of the bag by a couple of centimeters, thread it through the cut neck of the bottle, wrap the edges so that they turn out to be on the thread, and screw the cap on top. Thus, the bag is securely fixed together with the nozzle.Fill the bag with cream, tie it up and start creating.
You can make a lot of such attachments with different patterned membranes. Here only your imagination limits you. Keep in mind that the package can only be used once, so please reserve in advance. Alternatively, for a change, you can use a tip from a bottle with a nipple - the trickle of cream will be even thinner. Of course, such a nozzle can be used in any of the above options, in the case of a paper bag, it is recommended to fix the nozzle with tape.

For small openwork elements or inscriptions, you can also make a nozzle from a regular plastic cover.
To do this, heat the plastic in the middle of the lid above the gas or candle, holding it with tweezers so as not to burn yourself. When the plastic is softer and more viscous, take a toothpick or match and stick it in the middle of the lid. The plastic will reach for the stick, forming a kind of nose. Now you need to wait until it cools down and cut off the very top of this nose with a knife. Attach such a nozzle in the same way as in the previous case.
Another option for making nozzles is a can of any soda. For crafts you will need:
- can;
- scissors;
- Scotch.

Cut off the top and bottom of the aluminum can. Then cut the seam lengthwise with scissors. Wash the workpiece thoroughly. Then roll it up with a funnel, and to keep it well, glue the joint with tape. It is best to wrap it around, then the cone will be securely fixed. With scissors, cut off a corner with a diameter of 1.5-2 centimeters, and then cut the petals around the circumference, which are then collected in the center, which ultimately will give a certain pattern with holes through which the cream will pass.

The core can be rewound with a thread so that it does not diverge to the sides under the pressure of the cream. This attachment can be made with any pattern, if you dream up. Next, fix in any of the bags and use as directed. Such attachments can completely replace a syringe.

Helpful hints
Practice elsewhere before you start decorating a cake, eclairs, or other goodies. Even if you are an expert in using professional attachments, then with self-made ones it may not work out so well - better fill your hand and then start decorating.
In order for the inscriptions and laces on the cake to turn out beautiful and neat, you must keep the bag of cream at a minimum distance from the confectionery.

If you are using a pastry bag for the first time, then you need to hold it in your left hand, and squeeze out the cream with your right.
To decorate the product with a light cream like meringue or another, a paper bag is enough, and if you squeeze out curly dough, then you need a bag made of a denser material, as an option, from a file.
How to make a piping bag with your own hands, see below.
Excellent, admired by the simplicity and lightness, and most importantly by the benefits. Thanks, it helped.