Everything you need to know about wooden bread bins

Bakery products are products that can be found in every home. Manufacturers produce a huge assortment of these goods, which differ in taste, price, size, etc. Bread, like every other product, must have its own storage space in the house.
For many decades, in every kitchen one can find bread bins, for the placement of which housewives choose the most comfortable and honorable places. Modern manufacturers produce a huge number of containers for storing bread, which differ in size, material of manufacture and design. Experienced housewives recommend paying attention to the wooden breadbins, which were used by our ancestors.

Advantages and disadvantages
The bread box is not only a beautiful piece of furniture, but also a product that allows you to keep bread fresh and tasty for as long as possible. This item was created at a time when people appreciated and cherished every crumb, which came at the cost of hard work. The first bread bins were wooden with carved patterns and had a simple rectangular design.
Like any kitchen utensil, a wooden bread bin has a number of positive and negative features.
- environmental Safety;
- high aesthetic performance;
- the ability to combine with different styles and interiors;
- constant movement of air currents.

- exacting care;
- the appearance of fungus and mold;
- inability to use a dishwasher for cleaning;
- deformation of the structure during sudden temperature changes;
- inability to use chemical cleaning agents for cleaning;
- the need for regular ventilation and drying;
- short operational period.

Comparison with other materials
Modern manufacturers make this container from plastic, metal, ceramics, stainless steel, glass and wood. All materials are in demand and popular among buyers, although they have different parameters.
Stainless steel bread boxes have the following characteristics:
- acid resistance;
- lack of corrosive processes;
- the ability to wash using various cleaning agents;
- durability;
- wide range of;
- affordable price range;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- lack of extraneous odors;
- high thermal performance;
- rapid contamination and the need for frequent cleaning of the metal container.

When buying plastic structures, the following properties should be taken into account:
- durability;
- light weight;
- ease of care;
- the ability to choose a product of the desired shape and size;
- difficulty in purchasing a quality product.

Ceramic products have the following characteristics:
- high price range;
- rarity;
- fragility;
- high aesthetic performance;
- unique design;
- high quality;
- lack of unpleasant odor;
- oppression of dangerous microorganisms;
- preservation of taste and aroma characteristics of products;
- low resistance to mechanical damage.

Glass bread boxes are highly aesthetic products that have the following characteristics:
- environmental Safety;
- stylish design;
- harmonious combination with different stylistic directions;
- lack of unpleasant odors;
- the ability to visually evaluate content at a distance;
- low resistance to mechanical damage;
- rapid accumulation of dust and dirt.
When choosing the necessary product, it is better to give preference to combined products, which can include several materials at the same time.

What trees are bread bins made of?
When buying this kitchen utensil, you need to pay attention to the type of wood from which the structure is made.
- The most popular are the woods of such trees as ash, birch and linden, which does not convey its own aroma to products, easily takes the necessary forms and is durable. Folk craftsmen recommend paying attention to juniper and cedar bread bins, in which mold, pathogenic microorganisms and unpleasant odors do not form throughout the entire period of operation.
- Wicker products and birch bark bins are in no less demand. Birch bark and willow items not only add coziness to the room and perfectly preserve the freshness of products, but also have a long period of operation. Experienced housewives recommend purchasing wicker products only in specialized shops of folk crafts, in which you cannot find Chinese seaweed bread bins. These items have an unpleasant sea smell, which is sure to be passed on to baked goods.
- Recently, you can see products made from bamboo. Bamboo is a cheap wood, the planting of which quickly spreads and recovers. Despite the low cost of the material, products made from it are highly resistant to fungi, mold and dangerous microorganisms, which makes the bread bin practical and durable.
- It is strictly forbidden to make bread bins from coniferous trees, the aroma of which must be absorbed by all bakery products.

Design options
Due to the fact that there are no strict technical norms and rules for the manufacture of containers for storing bread, manufacturers make a huge amount of these kitchen accessories, which differ in size, shape, design, color, etc. The most popular options are white bread bins or models aged in natural shades of wood.
The classic size of a bread bin is designed for two loaves of bread, but you can find two-tier large models that look more like houses. The main feature of all structures is the presence of a lid, which ensures tightness, and also protects the bread from drying out, retains the aroma of bread and maintains the required level of moisture.
The design also prevents foreign odors from entering the product.

Manufacturers are constantly working on improving the appearance of their products, searching for new design solutions and improving the quality of bread bins. These indicators can be achieved only by combining different materials in one product. The most popular combinations are:
- wood and stainless steel;
- plastic and metal;
- glass and stainless steel;
- wood and glass.
An equally successful design solution was the combination of a bread bin with a cutting board. These structures can be of several types:
- cutting board with a special protective cover;
- deep container for products with a lid in the form of a board;
- design with a retractable cutting board.

All options are very convenient and practical, and the choice of a particular model depends only on the aesthetic preferences of the hostess. The thread on this work surface does not have much functionality and when buying, you can ignore this feature of the bread bin. Large families need to pay attention to two-tier structures, which will not only help separate large quantities of different types of bread, but also significantly save kitchen space.
The shape of the bread bin depends on the overall interior of the kitchen and its area. Oval and rectangular containers with lifting lids are suitable for compact rooms and appropriately shaped breads. Round products are chosen by owners of a large kitchen space and lovers of rolls and round bread. An innovative development in this industry is the vacuum bread bin, from which all the air must be pumped out with the help of a special pump.
For daily use, this model is inconvenient, but for people who live outside the city and do not have the opportunity to buy fresh bread every day, the invention will become priceless and irreplaceable.
Some manufacturers have provided special fasteners on their products that will allow you to fix the bread bin on the wall, which will significantly save kitchen space.

Bread storage rules
All the subtleties and features of bread storage have been passed down from generation to generation for many years. Mothers and grandmothers pass on these culinary secrets to their daughters and granddaughters that will help young housewives to properly manage their household and store food in high quality.
Long-term laboratory studies of food industry workers have led to the understanding that bread is better stored in a complete vacuum or with constant air currents. It is very difficult to create and maintain a full vacuum in a domestic environment, therefore, breathable wooden containers are best for baked goods... Combined bread bins must be provided with special ventilation or a lattice bottom.
You can store bread only in high-quality containers, which must have the following parameters:
- absence of cracks and mechanical damage;
- lack of an unpleasant and intrusive chemical aroma;
- the presence of a sealed cover;
- the presence of a uniform color.

Before using a new accessory it must first be thoroughly washed, dried and ventilated in the fresh air for several days. Bakers do not recommend storing flour products in plastic bags that do not allow air and moisture to pass through, and the products quickly become moldy. Some housewives practice freezing the product, but this procedure changes the taste and aroma characteristics, although it prolongs the shelf life of the bread.
The storage duration of flour products is also influenced by the location of the structure. Experts recommend installing this container away from the stove or sink.
The most suitable location for the bread bin is on the opposite side of the main work area.

In order for flour products to be stored for a long time and remain fresh, you need to put a small piece of an apple or potato in the bread basket, and a pinch of salt or sugar will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. A small slice of orange or lemon will fill the container with a pleasant and appetizing citrus aroma... Experts do not recommend storing different types of bread in one container. Each species should be isolated from each other due to their different moisture content and the presence of specific aromas.
Experienced housewives recommend weekly carry out general cleaning of the bread bin, in the process of which it is necessary not only to remove old bread and crumbs, but also to rinse the structure, dry it, and for disinfection, you can wipe the inner surface with an alcohol solution or vinegar.
The use of chemical compounds is not recommended.

For information on how to make a wooden bread bin with your own hands, see the next video.