Tips for choosing ice molds

In the hot season, there is always a desire to enjoy a chilled and tasty drink. Chilled drinks are loved by adults and children. It's good when there is always ready-made ice in the refrigerator. In order to prepare it, you need an ice mold. Today you can find a variety of molds for freezing water. Which mold to choose? All tips and tricks are already in our material.

In the freezer compartment of every modern refrigerator, there is already a special compartment for making ice, called an ice maker. Or there is already a plastic mold in the kit. But there are models without a special compartment. And the mold included in the kit may become unusable or one mold is not enough. In this case, it becomes necessary to purchase an additional ice-making product.
Especially if a party is planned for the coming weekend. Today, the most affordable option is plastic bags for freezing ice.

Such a product is a bag with small cells. They are made of safe material that does not have any foreign smell and does not emit any harmful substances. There are larger and more compact packages. You can choose a package with a very different number of cells, from 15 or more. To make ice, pour purified water through a special hole and distribute it evenly over the cells.
Using this form is easy and simple. The main disadvantage is that all such forms are disposable. After freezing, you can remove the cubes only by tearing the bag itself.In addition, without experience and dexterity, you are unlikely to get cubes of the same size and shape.
If you want to opt for a polyethylene product, then choose those options that are equipped with a special slider lock.

Plastic products, of course, are very popular and in demand. Such products have their many advantages. You can choose a form with cells of the most different configurations. For example, it can be a cube, star, ball, rhombuses, hearts, or even a honeycomb. The number of cells for each model is different. When choosing large molds, remember that they should fit easily into your freezer.
Another plus of such products for making ice. It lies in the fact that they are reusable. They can be reused and, with careful use, such molds will last more than one year. You can choose an ordinary product, as a rule, it is rectangular or square. And you can choose a copy with a lid, which is very convenient and practical.

If we talk about the minuses, then they also exist. Many consumers point out the fact that it is sometimes difficult to extract ready-made ice from the cells. To ensure that you do not have any problems with removing ice, remember that do not fill the cells with water to the very top.
In addition, many consumers note the fact that ice in a plastic mold takes a little longer to freeze than in a plastic bag or in a silicone mold... Nevertheless, such products have their loyal fans.
When choosing a plastic product, be sure to pay attention to its quality. The mold must be made exclusively of food grade plastic, which is absolutely safe for health. The product must contain all the necessary information, including that it can be safely frozen in it.
If the product has a foreign smell, its surface is rough, the edges are not even and not smooth, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Various silicone products are gaining momentum in popularity every day. Today, you can easily find a variety of molds for quick ice making. What is the advantage of such a product?
These products are made from a material that is completely safe for human health. A high-quality silicone product has absolutely no foreign smell, does not emit harmful substances during freezing. Such products can rightfully be called durable and safe.

A large selection of various shapes and configurations also pleases modern consumers. Silicone ice making products come in many different shapes. The shape can be square, round, rectangular or oval. The cells can be not only round or square, but also of the most unusual shape. For example, in the form of small bottles, musical instruments, fish, robots, etc. Here everyone can choose any shape to their liking. This is especially true if you are planning to throw a themed or children's party.
Another advantage that many have noted is that these molds can be used not only for making ice. For example, they can easily make homemade chocolates or even bake small muffins or cookies.
The silicone product can withstand both high and low temperatures.

In addition, it is very easy and convenient to remove ready-made ice from such a mold. Therefore, there are more and more fans of such molds every day. If we talk about the cons, then they are not. Only when buying should you choose an exceptionally high-quality product. It is best to choose the products of a well-known brand, which has already managed to establish itself on the positive side and has all the relevant quality certificates.

It would seem, what shape can be the most common ice for drinks? Previously, there were round and square shapes on sale, but today you can find the coolest, unusual and intricate options.
- If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, then you can safely choose non-standard options. For example, this is an option in the form of small glasses or glasses. This form is perfect for a party where strong drinks that require pre-cooling will be served. Their main feature is that drinks can be poured into such glasses and glasses.

- Another unusual option is molds that allow you to make ice on a stick. The kit already contains special sticks, which are made of high quality plastic. For example, icy citrus wedges on a stick will look very original.
What's more, guests can easily remove the ice from the glass if they want.

- Anyone planning to throw a Gothic themed party can easily find skull, spider or scorpion molds.

- You can also make colored ice to make your drinks look even more original.

- For a musical party, you can choose the option in the form of sheet music or musical instruments. There are forms in the form of a human brain or a false jaw.

- Purely for a women's company, you can choose molds, thanks to which the ice will resemble diamonds. For a men's company, you can choose forms in the form of a bow tie, glasses, a car or a ship.

See below for an overview of several options for unusual ice molds.