Forms for Easter

Easter, along with Easter cakes, decorates the festive table on Bright Sunday. Of course, this treat can be purchased at any store. But cooking Easter yourself is much more interesting. In order to master the art of making Easter, you need a proven recipe and shape for it. Consider what the product is, what forms for Easter are made of, how to use them.

Appearance and design of the product
All forms for this treat represent a truncated 4-sided pyramid imitating Mount Golgotha, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Many refute this version and argue that Easter is performed in the form of the Holy Sepulcher. Probably, a reliable explanation is already quite difficult to find.
The form for Easter consists of 4 faces with inscriptions, which are fastened in one way or another to each other. The simplest options are simply pulled together with a tape or elastic band.
The shape is characterized by holes at the bottom and internal grooves, since the cottage cheese must give off excess liquid to obtain the product so that the Easter is as dense as possible. On the side and on top of the form, there are necessarily relief patterns and the letters "ХВ". remember, that the deeper the pattern is cut inside, the more clearly it will subsequently be imprinted on the curd mass.

To prevent the Easter mixture from sticking to the inner surface of the mold, it is covered with one layer of wet gauze. After the Easter is ready, it can be easily reached without spoiling the shape and patterns.
What forms are not made for Easter. Even an old metal grater is used by thrifty housewives. You can make the form yourself, for example, from thick cardboard covered with cling film, or from wood.Making it yourself will take time and drawings, as well as tools (for example, a jigsaw and a drill for working with wood). It is much easier to buy a pasochna in a store or a church shop right on the eve of a bright holiday. Finished products are sold from a wide variety of materials, and we will describe the main ones.

Wooden forms
The traditional form for Easter cottage cheese is made of wood. In the old days, only such material was used. It allows Easter to "breathe" and not retain excess liquid.
The wooden jar is good for everyone: durable, beautiful, easy to use. Having dropped such a "dish", you do not have to worry about chips and cracks - they will not be there. It is usually made from alder and therefore has a velvety texture. The only drawback is the high price compared to products made from other materials. But according to family tradition, such a holiday decoration can be inherited, and it will keep the memory of many bright joint holidays.
When choosing a product, pay attention to the cleanliness of processing: all parts must be carefully sanded. Painted wooden or varnished boxes are completely unacceptable.

Silicone Products
For the preparation of Easter, silicone sausages are often used. The fact is that treats can be prepared in two ways: hot and cold. And the second method involves heating the mold with the mixture in the oven. And in this case, you need a product that can be exposed to high temperatures - that is, silicone.
Easter can be easily obtained from such dishes. The silicone mold is easy to clean and store, it is virtually indestructible and very lightweight. It is not so expensive compared to its wooden counterpart.
One of the obvious disadvantages is softness: it does not hold its shape, and Easter can be easily deformed during the cooking process. Silicone can darken over time, which will ruin the appearance of the passbox.
And also it is worth considering carefully the choice of the product. Better to choose a quality branded item than a cheap silicone one. It can emit an unpleasant smell of poisonous plastic, and during operation (especially when it is heated), harmful substances can get directly into food. It's not worth saving on your health, so you don't even need to look at too cheap and suspicious forms.

Plastic container
A lot of kitchen utensils are made from safe food-grade plastic, including Easter molds. Convenience when using this product does not take: lightweight, easy to clean, keeps its shape. However, custard Easter in the oven, of course, cannot be cooked in a plastic mold.
Plastic is very cheap, but its breakage is a frequent occurrence in the kitchen. Any impact or fall can cause cracks and chips. When choosing, it is worth giving preference to the middle and higher price category of forms, since the cheapest forms may be unsafe to use. Plus, brightly colored, cheap pastry boxes can color your curd dessert, making it poisonous. It is better to choose neutral white or beige tones.

Choose a pastoral girl to your liking, because Easter made with love will delight your loved ones and friends. Try to choose only high-quality products, proven recipes and not be upset if something went wrong.
For an overview of the Easter mold, see the next video.